II II I 1 i ill III I UN II II, i i. ,ii ., . . . aCTW m . THE-CAROLINA M0UNTAIN1SER Beauty e?ry from this store is a fit adornment for the moit beautiful women, and to those not 'so blessed by, nature it adds a measure of attractive" ness that is most desirable. THOS. S. DAVIS Repairing A Specialty PHONE 194-J WAYNBSVIULr. N. C. Town of Hazel wood The Board sincerely requests and expects a prompt remittance in full of all taxes now due They are endeavoring to keep the town's water, sewer and street work up. and in addition, majce further water and sewer extensions for the con venience and health df our citizens. This "is im possible unless accounts due the town are paid. You have been officialiylnotjfied.that if your taxes are net paid y November 1st. 1925. your property will immediately be advertised for-sale to justify the tax claims. JHelp to keep your tax rate down by paying your obligations to the town. Board of Aldermen, Town of Hazelwood. mm lines f?sh" amount nf f&A Hi inn r&1iRrt.UfJt v - Jtrfr mm wwrinuiei its covering (hidinK)aMcifv.t,8 the WAV, nf lead that meanuresits length of lifeuKurfccs Paimt contains 20 toVnxntore.lSd per gallon? KURFEES ENAMEL root ; satia A quart Will Ido mr tabla icbtkXmrtkmiag. ;Yct u epphr IV r . per gallon KorfeeT Pun'roonttins more square fcttof nuhoe-ptobecdng vilue in every gallon, and grre younkwyeanf Krviceinlhe ' atherAThattt rWeoooony.' KurfeeaonoTnore than the ordimu7kIiHl,Witiinirprb. iilwwCtUek requires to rnt ' ahouwrigntXtt us ngorcf your ARCTIC REAL ESTATE f-ltc.j.1,, CffisanC Doty to Community It te a Arty of great Importance for every eituen of dtjr or town to give nia unlimited aid to Improving hi com munity. BosebeUe Houston writes. In Grit ..,, -jj - A well-appearing city not only voices the lives and characters of a mass, bnt or separate Individuals. Every dtlsen should make it his duty to not only im prove his own surroundings, but to Im prove those of his neighbor by sugges tlaa and helpful aid. , pj experience many' people have found that beauty and order draw out the best la then and make them aspire to ao nigner, more noble deeds. A mean, narrow mind cannot long exist In a location where beauty, order and peace are a law and a religion. The far-seeing, thinking- parent should see that the growing minds of the home, froni babyhood, receive the benefits derived from order and cleanliness. If sll the parents of our country would only endeavor to set an example of cleanliness and neatness before the eyes of their children, the school and social organisations would not be con fronted with the problems that they are today. We may perceive why the nntlon ate tllspatlng over who should own th Ire-bound lands near the North p;- The earth, In 10.000 years, may tip m again Qd thou regions become troj leal once more. There's nothing like being foreslghted. In saying "tip u;,' we are only speaking hyputlietl nlly. suys the St Louis- Qlobe-DtMimrmt Nobody knows exactly what Old hap pen when the polar Ice ramp down a far-as Sihenectudy and with Its congealed fingers dug out the hod of the Finger lakes In northern York, but In some general overturn It appears there must have been forest s of giant ferns In Greenland which afterward becume Coal beds. This old world wus quite a pluythlng with the forces of nature. ' Such being the ene, one never knows what may happen to a piece of real estate nationally owned. It Is Just as well to be forehanded. Don't make your lease any longer than ninety-nine years. In the former Ice age a northeaster from ilulne wus a detiperate visitation and no doubt froie all the hurdy early marrowfat, coconuts In Cuba, and they had no weather predictions. L- THUMDAY. SBPTRMBKst 17. 1K5 Always SyT i I High Class i J STATIONERY y'Yyd to Create a OJlT JjCl jjjjf 1 iImpressiori ! itiatok to Postpone Proper Cie of Point Although paint improves appear ances, aad many people paint buildings for that reason alone, the chief par- pose of painting should be to preserve buildings, fences and Implements from the effects of the weather. The cheap est way to keep buildings In good con dition is to paint them at regular periods. The farmer who does his own painting has a dedded advantage if he has a knowledge ofthe different kinds of ptlnts and their adaptability. He knows how to mix paint, prepare the surface to be painted, bow to put the paint on, and he knows the same about whitewashing. Farmers nowa days do not put as much thought on these things as they used to, especial ly In soma sections of the country. Painting should not-be put off too leng, because if the wood has begun to rot, or the Iron has begun to rust, the rot ting and rusting will continue after the paint Is applied. Besides, the longer painting la put off the harder and more Expensive It becomes. Path flnder Magasma. . Prof action Prom Firm Wood frame la Inflammable. Hence measures should be taken not to pre vent its use tat so to protest It that the or is resisted. There are impor tant points la every rstdenco where Are are likely to start, These; too, should be made able to resist the greedy tongues of flame. Unless s home becomes, safe In Itself It becomes s -menace to sil ethers around UV In cities of any size the houses and apartments are building doser to one another. Coiopactness and space con-1 serration is the thing. But compact ness Increases risk and the public must be made to realise the dangers. Great conflagrations can show them the way, but the losses are too appall ing for the example, Exposition of facta la the real road to the mind of the great mass of dtfsens. Fire pre vention societies, therefore, can do no greater service than to spread their valuable propaganda, to architects and builders the men who bold the leash to the fire risks In buildings. These men, with arguments given them by specialists, will be only too glad to make the houses they design and build safe for home owner and community. Comparatively few of the 'foreign- born in the United States make their living from the soil. In many cities foreigners predominate, but the lund Is tilled by about 3.000.000 mitive white farmers as compared with at out 600,000 foreign-born white farmers. Colored farmers outnumber foretgn- born farmers two to one, says a bulle tin of "the United States Agricultural department The largest proportion of foreign-born farmers Is In Califor nia, the figures being 76,000 to 33,000 nonnatlve. States that have the most foreign-born on fhe soil are Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota and wBsningion. new xort farms are operated by 23,000 foreign-born and ias.000 native-born farmers. Through out thet country there are 7,000 Japa nese and 600 Chinese fanners. The Very Latest Styles lt3 an old, old saying that the people you vrclto to often Judge you by your stationery. And there ts a great deal of truth in the fact that stationery can ba so chosen as to reflect the best of judgment and taste. Stationery suitable for one occasion may be entirely out of place for another. Then, too, the styles in stationery change the same as styles in clothing. To be aura that your stationery to right for all purposes, always buy it here. M, H. Re Jcffe Waynesville Pharmacy Order Prescription Druggists Agents For Southeastern Express Mone Motorcycle Delivery Phone No. 16 Waynesville, N. C. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! A college at sea Is the Annapolis, which weighed anchor at the navy yard for a our months' cruise In the Mediterranean. The 80 cadets ' will see the world nnd at the same time receive a liberal education, fitting them not merely to command ships of the merchant marine, after four terms of six months, but to be useful citi zens. The young navlsators and en- glneers will have a balanced ration of work and play. Wherever they go, they will reflect credit on the com monwealth and uphold the prestige of our flag In foreign waters. To no high er ambition can they aspire when their course Uncompleted than to have "a part m building op the commerce of our own seaport with the big ships they bring to. Economy Worth While Saving for a purpose Is particularly stimulating, and above all when the saving Is toward s home. For years we have been saying, save, save, save. Such admonition has little effect unless back of it there is a clearly defined purpose. " We do our best only when we are saving for something definite. The object must be -something worth while; It must have a strong appeal nnd It must be something possible of attainment. Owning a home has a tremendous appeal to most men and women, It is something most of them can attain, and might - be more stressed as the end of saving by a greater number of building and loan associations. Exchange. A. Hudson Maxim says thet the greatest tntendon yet to be made Is a method of government whereby the common people may be made self- governing' and at. the some time be prevented from committing political and social suicide through enfran chised ignorance and avarice. The next greatest, be says, are a method of utilizing Interatomic energy for power and heat and a method of transmitting dynamic energy by wire less, so that from a central source motors may be run hundreds and thousands of miles away. Another great Invention yet to be made Is a simple device by which deaf people -may hear. AppKma to Alt Town Making a Bigger and Better Omaha is not iae won tor committees or roup. . It Js the work of every cltl sen. If you have an idea that there la something thtf matter with Omabn, for-' get It long enough to -Investigate : your self. Ton may make the astonishing discovery mat toe matter Is with your- seir, ,aoc the irjrjomana Bee. ' Atroody Working .' Firkin Just what Is a budget, any- i Biverton Ifs a plan for spending youf money. mameai The Inventor of the rotorshlp, An ton Flettnor, has quickly proven to Germans that his device is servlcenlilr on land as well ns on sen. There Is some doubt as to whether sliliw oio- pelled by rotor power can offer effec tive competition to other trade ves sels, but Berlin believes It can save money by using wind towers to Ren crate electricity. The city has givn the Inventor a contract to erect two such towers, which It does not regard as experimental. THIS is a picture of an English bakery of the fifteenth century. That was a long time ago and thines have changed since then. Among these changes is mat of reparing food. We know how to make BreafJ and Rolls of a kind that makes eating a pleasure for the people of this community. They have the home flavor, and their use avoids the drudgery of home baking. They invariably bring our customers back for more. Ooofibi and eJeanllntu an itm hahi maMm of thl$ oakery at all ttmet. ah The Waynesville Bakery O. F. STUEBER: Main Street Waynesville, N. C. fAM Jfcsrjf. Aaeee sr'Si HYATT & CO. , The human race,, say archcoiogtsbt now . working In vAshi Minor, is con- generally np ,-- f- L - ... v II i 1 1 h swiii s r I i , prwiw fc I arrives at oi ''-!". - -.. .i' ' " .ssiaaii SL?S5e"ee,',","sTsaiaBalBBBaWsB i. -Kf j sevissBSBjssaSBBBBMBBBlBBBBBSSSslfesi j ' - . I . w.!. ;,.. l . , : , Col Phm. Relley Ton owe me ten doUars. Bpencwr-Bnt . yon - only did ' Mr. Coolidge's reported determina tion to repulse all future attempts of notoriety hunters to be photographed with him for publicity purposes will be applauded by the American people. who do not believe that the President of the United States or his high office should serve as a background for any body's passion for personal ndvortls Ing. ..The Boston Transcript chinks thai SO years from now the flappers of to day will be lamenting the habits of the rising generation. Tb '.Transcript Is optimistic If It believes the flappor of today is going to be able to stand the pace for 80 years. r rjSIr .Donald' Ross, British scientist, says tttaMiie. (pan of life can Jm ex tended to 150 years at the cost of tlx. peiice a bead. In a malortfy of cases I ' A IMs'-wotridheim ntiwarrantabis 4 travaganea. HP 4S .r' Give Us the Contract i If you are putting up a new building or if you re going to remodel your house, be sure to let usffigure on the plumbing work. , We, have had considerable experience 1 m handllne War fobs and Wfy011 rooney. You wfll find our ay neat and we do all work teflr. ojildand Wej 8maDj( cztrBme Accfara ooxenair gladly figure on well as trigones. And work, too. L, A. -vMILLEM