5 j1 . fKfaf. THURSDAY, kKTOBKR 1, 123 vr r s' ,-tftyfjT8tt .t 7'- '. . "' "(By M. L. Shipman.) ' Raleigh, September 21. Specu'n UoB over the financial condition of State Prison, the awarding of tha tate printing contract, the centering of all efforts of the Executive Depart ment on getting out the report of Salary and Wage Commission, and aeVeral minor matters were of inter est in the State Capital this pat week. The Governor was away for lhe first three days of the week at tending the meeting of the Appa lachian Highway Convention at Mur phy and addressing the Toe River Fair at Spruce Pine. The Executive made a fine impression in the West- cm section of the State and was able to relax slightly from the strain of business he hod been under steadi'v ;.ince his administration opened ex pi fur 1 i: three weeks' vacation to to the I... m.I f Lakes. Tin S.il.ny iind Wage Commission icport probably will be handed down before the first of October. Mr. Mc Lean has given it a great deal of con -si deration and is determined not tr. injure any state employe or to do any injustice in salary trimming. During the past week, at the order of the! Governor, Pardon Commissioner Sink, who also is secretary of the Wage Commission, has given time to the Wage report. The long promised financial state ment ) State Prison may not be i.--ued for another ton days. The au ditors submitted their report early in August mid at the request of the Huget. Bureau worked up some add - t ional coming "club year." Slogan: "Art should not be for the lew any more than liberty is for the few." The North Carolina trucking in dustry is showing up well this sea son, according to estimates given to lhe public by the division of markets State Department of Agriculture, which places the number of car loads of fruit and truck shipped out at 1, S55. Of Irish potatoes alone theie were 6,624 cars; of strawberries, 2,946 cars. The remaining 7,775 ca'-s were laden with watermeions. ca - bage, lettuce, sweet potatoes, dav- berries, beans, cucumbers, cantaloups, green corn, beats, carrots, pepper, tomatoes, turnisps and spinach. Twenty-nine lives were sniffed out in automobile accidents during the month of August says a report is sued by the bureau of vital statistics. State Board of Health, and nine-six from violent causes. There were 22 accidental drownings, 19 homicides, 11 died in railroad accidents and 10 persons were burned to death. The defense in the Cole murder case at Rockingham is expected to offer a plea of self-defense. Con gressman Clyde Hoey, of Shelby, has been enployed by the prosecution and the case is to be hard fought. At- Rooms or house for rent Apply to Mr. C C. Brlarars. 103 East St. If WIFE AND HUSBAND BOTH ILL WITH GAS. "For years I had gas on the stor.'.- ach. The first dose of Adlenka helped. I now sleep well and all g is gone. It also helped my ha-- band." (siirned) Mrs. B. Brinkley. ONE spoonful Adlerika remove GOS and often mrings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Brings out old. apples, green peas, string1 wsle m""re ou nev.er in your system. xnis exevuem. in testinal evacuant is wonderful for constipation. Waynesvllle Pharmancy NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. t , Si.t.ir.l I:. torneys for both sides have recently i u . 1 .1 r ai.- . : i in his ent'r cumnniccs. i lie inui win si'iii on Monday, September 28. In an automobile accident near Athens, Georgia, on Sunday morning of last week Chas. M. Upham, chi 'f engineer of the North Carolina State Highway Commission, was seriou. ly injured but is on the road to recoy- vr iL i " i ' j information. Then Baxter ulner lvurln rom"Bns mjuien -V Auditor, wanted it were Fred Schnepfe. fourth dis ... , m that the auditor :trict engineer, and W- E- Hawki.is. 1 . ..; : t c nnsi n i' inn pi tr nnir n un m urn m isneil a Ktnlpmpnt pv.i r. - - the Budget Bureau and litor, by their demands lot aooui ! information were de the report. State printing contract tl laying 1 hi- Mate printing contract was awarded Saturday afternoon when all i f the competing printers consenU .1 to a compromise which divided the printing and gave it out at a figure ."lightly below the lowest bid made. I'ndcr the terms of the contract Ed wards and Hroughton will get fifty per rent, a reduction of ten per cent from last year; Hynum Printing Com pany, Capital Printing Cnmpa; ' ravp luipn r.lnnoH frnm thf hnant.nl The Theft Bureau of the State Au tomobile License Department reccov- ered fifty-eight missing cars months, thirty-nine of them being Fords. Thirty-four Fords and five "Automobiles" were stollen during ihis period. The State's Prison has perfected plans for the construction of a new group of concrete stockades at Cale donia Farm in Halifax county to co.jt around $35,000. This is considered a "move" in the right direction. The farm at Cedoniu consists of some- By virtue of thepower of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Homy C. Love to the underpinned trustee, to secure certain indebtte-l-ness therein set forth which sai I deed of trust bears date of the 1st day of January, 1920, and is duly recorded in the office of the Register- of Deeds of Haywood County in Doj'k of Deeds of Trust No. 4, page 76, and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedesa, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday the 28th day of September, 1925, -at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for casn at the Court House door in tho town of Waynesville, N. C, the following, described lands as conveyed in ;:iid deed of trust as aforesaid, tj-vit: I BEG1NING on a stake m the south side line of East Stre?t. K", feet fr- ;n Miller Street; thence North 82 5' F. LOO feet to a small mine. 'I-cjh-c N., 0 30' V. 210W f .-et i sinke in I CHUftCH ANWOITftl-EMElH IK '''Mko4lkt laurca. BT. J. T. Mangoes, Pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 9.45 Preaching every Sunday at 1 1 s. -a. and evening 7:80. Everoedy cordially invited. Presbyterian Church. & R. Crockett, Pastor. Sunday Services: Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a- m. Christian Endeavor 7:80 p. m. 1' : - WRfP? I Baal SW SSS1 US Bl '. M I Hatelwood Presbyterian Church B. Frank Yandell, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning except 2nd Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday School, L. M. Richeson Superintendent, 9:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening services 7 p. m. The public is cordially invited. RALEIGH October 12 to 17, 1925 THE SHOW WINDOW OF Wt STATE SIXTY-fOUR YEARS OLD-'1' . BUT GROWING YOUNGER EVERY YEAR Keep it Young by Making it Your Fair and Enjoying it Educa- Servieea at Baptiat Chare. Rev. C. T. Tew, Pastor. 9:46 Sunday School. 11:00 Worship and Sermon. 8:80 P. M. B. Y. P. U. 7:30 P. M. Preaching. You are cordially invited to wor ship with us in all these services. Wednesday. 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting. The Royal Ambassadors will meet the first and third Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p. m. tional and Entertaining Features. A Most Wonderful Week's frogram. Calling for a Budget of More Than $76,000-Almost $38,000 Offered in Premiums Alone $7,200 for Racing. r $25.00 will be paid the oldest person at the Fair this year who at tended the first Fair after the reorganization in 1869; $15.00 to the second oldest;: - The State College Students' Aricnltori Fair will be Held in Conjunction With the State Fair. , . ,n I. v Society Horse Show Wednesday and Thursday Nights. Auto Races Saturday. Fireworks Every Night. The Flowers on the Grounds are Beautiful. Everybody Welcome Cornel - Rate of one and one-half fares, good for the week on all railroads. Special round-trip Excursions on Thursday from Winston.Salem, Goldsboro. Weldon and Hamlet lesa than one-way rate.. Inquire of your Agent. . , Allen's Creek Baptist Church. Allen Creek Baptist Church, Every Sunday. 210 f'-'et i strike side line of Kast Street; thence S. Methodist Church, Clyde-Lake Juna n- w. iuu teet with side of street; , k charire thence 34 30' W. f9 feet with side of JU , .," ' se.me street; thence S. 18 2' W. 100. Rev- Slier, Pastor. feet with said Kn.-t Strict to the P.E- Ijllte Jnnnlnakn i'rpnMilmir mum cntaining 05-100 of an 2nd and 4th Sund ' at n a m lst GINNING acre. This the 22nd I iv i (ncpic i V i M iru il OnI nTaa nf K i-li A RAO d io Co.nnieriial rrinting Company, Mitch- , . ... , . , . , , ,, . . ,, , ' , . , , I being cultivated. The new stockade ell Printing Company of Raleigh, nrdj ... , . ti iii avv.vniinuuai.c ii iunci a. ft Observer Printing House, Charlotto, ten per cent each. The amount in volved this year and next will 'e around $22.r,000. Governor McLean met the Sceni.? Highway Motorcade from Atlanta at the Georgia border last week and 'Went with them along the route to Murpby. The Governor delivered tvoj addresses on the importance of the highway and North Carolina's re sponse and then went to the Toe Kiver Fair at Spruce Pine where lie urged the citizens to develop their , mineral products and thus do their Of iii -N'"r,', Carolina. rl $$'fb"' During the week Mr. McLean p- "lejrM'V pointed ('. A. Mines of Greensboro .-ir.d Uf'l'l' Wnlt"r E- r5'01 f Winston-Salem ! JSiyt' vjnerKincy judges to hold courts in II 'JJ?, Haywood and Alleghany countes it itf fcpectively. Commissioner of Agrieul- i Vj" 'u, Graham announced upon his re- IsW jJL turn from Memphis that the cottm The State Highway Commission re ports the laying of eighty-four miles of paving during August, as follows: concrete, 38,22; asphaltic concrete, 17.26 miles; sand asphalt, 8,63 miles concrete base, 20.12 miles. Route ten I extending from Beaufort to Murphy, a distance or 57!) miles, has approxi mately 600 miles of "paved" roads already. The North Carolina Orphan Asr;.,. elation will hold its annual meeting with Superintendent Barnes, of the Methodist Orphange, Raleigh, on Wednesday, September "0. Hon Jo stphus Daniels, Dr. W. S. Rankin and other prominent Tar Heels will speak. Secretary Wilson, of the Tri-St-.te Tobacco Growers' Co-onerative A- i sociation, announces that more than 15,000,000 pounds of the weed haw already been delivered from the South Carolina and Eastern North Carolir-a crops this season. Markets of the central and western belt are expected If onen on October 1 and fi respeclivc- yl- Miss Mary G. Shotwell, of the Slate Board of Charities nnd Public V I Ir.re, 1ms been given a leave of i:V NOTICE OF TRl'STEE'S SALE. On . . , ... and 3rd Sundays at 7:30 p. m. il. W i)' " Epworth League niteting every Trustee. -Sunday evening. At Clyde, 1st and 3rd Sundays a 11 a. m.; 2nd and 4th Sundays at 3:00 p. ni. Sunday school al 10 a. m. at both Hazelwood Baptist Church Rev. R. P. McCracken, Pastor. Preaching every first and third Sun day at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Thursday, October 8. 1925. at 11 o clock A. M. at the court house nln-e door in the town of Waynesville, N.l .. , , C, I will sell at public outcry to the! Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. highest bidder for cash, the following m. at Long's Chapel, described lands and premises. . i We will welcome you to any or all BEGINNING at a stake in the line' - w.wii onmiiiei h lmci an mrs. M. Ellen McCracken's Liner Tract 250 feet N. 86" W. from the center of the State Highway and runs thence with the line of lot No. 1, S. 50 10' E. 227 feet to a stake in the center of the Hate Highway No. 209; thence with the center of said highwav S. 31 40' W. 125 feet to a stake; thence N. 34 ' 46' W. 369 feet to a stake in the said Smathers and Liner line: thence with said lines 86' E. 150 feet to the beginning, containing 74-100 of an acre, more or less, and being lot No. Z, of the V. u. McCracken estate, .ts per the survey of .1. R. Reagan. C. E. July, 1924. and being a portion of the w. i). Met raeken lands purchased from the Southern Assembly, known as the Smathers lands. Sale will be made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by a Deed of Trust from W. L. Morrow, recorded in book 10 Deeds of Trust, page 211, of Haywood County, which wm given to secure the indebtedness of $21 7.S0 to Mrs. M. Ellen McCracken, Admin istratrix. This the 7th dav of September, 192fi J. R. MORGAN', -it-IOct.c Trustee. Accurate Measure When you buy Gas from us you are certain that you will get accurate meas ure. Our pumps are of the most accu rate make and we doubly safeguard you by having them tested regularly. Further more we guarantee the test of our Gas. When you pay for High Test from us you get High Test. Drive in and test our service, "Give Us a Visit." EAST ND SERVICE STATION J. C. N0RRIS, Prop. Waynesville, N. C FOREST FIRE RECARD. staffs agricultural! commissionerfhad made a survey of the cotton crop and predicted it would be at least out million bales below the government .stimated of about 1.1,000.000 bait A contract was awarded to a Rei- nettsville.S. C. firm heatinp plant revenue tieparlment building, ar.1 Commissioner W. A. Graham, f contract involving $12,200. ,he state Department of Agriculture The State Fair Special will leave I attended a meeting of commissionei s here Wednesday for a two day trip I in Memphis last week. into parts of the State boosting the sense and is to spend a vear in tlv to connect the j ,.w York School of Social Work and if the State to the nrv i fnliimhin TTnive,-;tv rair which takes place next montn. The commission on county govern ment recently appointed by the Gov ernor has been called to meet on Sep- -tember 30 at the Governor's office, the cotton crops announce deliveries of 28 per cent on ginnings thus far this reason; Judge Meekins in Fed eral court held up the sales of the property of the Fisheries Product Company, which "stung" hundreds of North Carolinians pending a hearing of stockholders in the matter; and the State college extension workers met to plan their work for the ensu ing year. Australans are writirg into North Carolina to find out about the state methods of raising poultry, etc. It is stated that something like f.f teen per cent of the Freshmen en tering State College this year expect to work their way through, practi cally half of these being entirely de pendent upon this plan of paying expenses. The annual fair of lhe standents will this year be held dur ing tbe week of the State Fair. It is announced that Mrs. Cutzon Borglutn, wife of the famous sculp tor who claims to he the Arlrinatnr nf Stone Mountain Confederate Me- , v niaruu, is to. nave cnarga oi we an r225f wVine Arts Department IF YOU GET UF NIGHTS YOU'RE OLD BEFORE YOUR TIME Prostate and Bladder Trouble Many Men Feel Twenty Yean Older Than They Are. It is said that fifty per cent of men past forty and many younger ones are victims or prosteie irouDis. One of the commonest symptoms of this dangerous disease which saps vi tality and makes you old before your time Is tlie nereesity of getting up sev eral iimee a nignu Siner symptoms ere dull, dnggy, ing at tbe base of the aplne, pain In groin, burning sensation of organs, lack of vigor and frequent attacks of we Diuea. out mere la nope for you, no matter bow old your ease, from a wonderful new lormuia. it seemingly brings new health, vigor and freedom from these troubles to both old and young. Thle wonderful treatment known as Walker's Prostate Specific, and la prepared in convenient, pleasant tablet form. All you need do Is take one tab let after each meal and the symptoms eero to vanisn use mario. To prove these statements tha Watter Institute, 185 Gateway Station, Kaneee City. Mo., generously offers to send a tl treatment under plain wrap peri postpaid and free of charge to any sufferer who will write for It If It cure yen tell your frlenda and nay whatever yon think Is fair, otherwise the use is ours. Kenemoer that you are District 1. 12 Western most counties of the State. THOS. W. ALEXANDER, District Forester. Month of August. Report incomplete. No fires in cluded which were still burning Sep tember 1. Many large fires there fore not included. Area burned 4993 V4 acres. Dam age $72,828.00. No. fires 23. By Counties. No. Fires Arae burned Damage county sat yon are tha tadaa. and rou pay nothing now or at any ume unless you wisn, so SMtme today before tbe etler la wtthdra your tntrnduatory Haywood Swain Polk Buncombe Madison, 11 6 6 1 4296 623 V4 168 5 ?6G,473.00 4,585.00 1,710.00 60.00 Henderson and Transyl vania reports not included. No re cords kept for counties not co-operating with Department of Conserva tion and Development. These coun ties probably suffered heavier dam age than the counties shown in the report since no fire fighting work was undertaken in them. Largest Fires Smoky Mountains, Haywood county, Whitmen-Parsons Pulp and Lumber Co., 2,275 acres burned, $62,993 damage. Heaviest damage for month of Au gust in history of the department This was due to unprecedented drought. Rains of last two days have pnt out fires which had burned uncon trolled for weeks. Causes of Fires. Railroads 3 Campers 2 Lumbering 3 Lightning 1 Incendiary 2 Miscellaneous' . 8 Unknown, 9 Total since July l. No, Fires Area burned Damage GnxderjBcaufy s525& jt, loicer Price Mititig Jtyt one -But Jmmmmmi I Ms Beauty Grows I Upon You & ?nte1P.ad,oid,1 bey t d latest GUamobile Six. JDhw. a daaoaiatx about M'tm tofo-in twam iKSfe'? topwjjei yo iiettantly; Ive the; car-nd 1IaW?ed- TVna atlweaalybkaiadKbm "Sffy andrjiiicUjitacc those diiing W-ge jottVe anocuted ooly wirJi mem exposhra an. CerriSf xldriv this car at once. . Tasrttg $873 Go S9SO mmfWLmili.f ssfM $1025 NQLANI) MOTOR CO. 1 J If It to good for only led la every way. 10 days and gnaraateed 84 60MH 173,428.04 itkeir obligations. s4 a . - - - w.-.!'-'-.'-:'.'---

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