it?i. i'iiG.'. -1 THURSDAY, OCTOBBB U IMS THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEEH Tbe Carolina Moantalneer 979 Main Street Wm. A. BAND, Editor-Owner Policy Democratic DupUy Advertising Rater Forty Cent per co umn inch. Guaranteed Circulation SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscriptions payable in advance (f2.B0 if not so paid) 1 Year 12.00 6 Months 100 3 Months 50cta Entered at the post office, at Waynesville, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March 3, 1879, November 20, 1914. A CORRECTION. The article concerning Mr. C. W. Miller, which occurred in last weekV issue of the Mountaineer, unavoida bly left out the name of one of his popular daughters, Mrs. D. D-ayton Terry, who lives in Chester, S. ('. Mrs. Perry spends several weeks each year with her father, and she has a host of friends in Waynes vil'c. PROGRESSIVE ADMINISTR -TION. PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY r Ins F THE ANURKAN I'KFSS sr:. I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. I92o AN IMPORTANT MEETING. The eet-to-eether 1 a-ioupt and meeting to be held on next Wednes day night will probably be the mojt important gathering of the kind ever held in Waynesville. A campaign is to be mapped oat for raising between twenty-five and fifty thousand dollars for the Board of Trade budget. A president and board of directors has already been elected and theie i- a great determination upon the part of nearly every tax payer and progressive citizen of Waynesville to 'jut Waynesvine on h map" by an advertising campaign such as is be ing done by all cities. That a full time secretary-treasurer who is an advertising expert and promoter is absolutely essential ii the universal opinion and it is pointed out by those who have had much experience along this line that a man not connected in any manner oi form with the business life of this community should be selected. In other words; a stranger, one who ha.i no axe to Krind and who will he hired to work for Waynesville a:id not himself. He should not be con nected with any other business as c side line. And it would be best n t to hire a man because of relatives or friends in the community. A secretary-treasurer of the Way nesville Board of Trade will not have an easy position. If he is suc cessful in creating a spirit of co operation am .ng the civic leaders, ' he will have ;.ccomplished a grca! deal. Waynesville has one of the progressive administration of any city in North Carolina. New streets; new white way system; additional acreage added to the watershed nr.d many other things all looking to tin future growth of Waynesville. Praise where it is deserved is al ways in order and every fair minded citizen will agree with the str le nient that our Mayor and Board of Aldermen are giving this city a real piogressive public spirited and ca p able administration. Mayor J. H. Howell, Aldermen Frank W. Miller S. H. Jones and W. T. Shcitor. IF SATISFIED, STEP OUT. The pessimist who has made his money and is not interested in mak ing any more should hoard his funds, and retire to gloat over them. He would then be out of the other fa' low's way who did have ambitiext enough to help prosperity and pros terity by helping build up his com munity. I Therefore, in obedience to the proc lamation of the Governor, I ask all school officials and teachers in Hay wood county to formulate this week a program of exercises to last through the week of October 4th to 10th that will bring the matter of fire preven ,!on and hazard to the attention of school children and through their parents and friends. These exer cises may take a variety of turn according to local conditions. The period set aside for the opening ex ercises may be largely taken up,-r.f-ter a short preliminary, with talks on fire risks, forest fires, accident: prevention, reading, speeches, and the like, all looking to the education of the children in the very essential details of fire pervention and the escape of accident hazards. This is a matter of no small im portance, and as was stated in the meeting last Saturday in Vayne.- ville, the teaching of fire prevention is in our curriculaum by legislative act, and we cannot avoid the respon sibility if we desired to do so. Let every teacher in the county make next week one of vast impor tance to every child in the county in learning not only the routine of lessons that naturally come along, but in learing something about fire losses and fire prevention and acci dents that will be worth much in years to come. Very respectfully, Wm. C. ALLEN, Superintendent Haywood. County Public Schools. r-Tutt's PiBs-i Enable Dyspeptics to Mt whatever they with. Csibm food to assimilate. NoorWi the body, ghr. appetite. ENJOY FOOD jjj tbs BUSH- FIRE PREVENTION WEEK TO BE OBSERVED IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS To school officials and teachers of Haywood County: In accordance with a proclama tion of the Governor of North Car olina, next week, October 4 to 10 in- lusivo, is designated as Fire Pre- ention Week. I wish to call atten- ion to the Governor's proclamation which follows: A Proclamation by the Governor. The State of North Carolina has for years led in efforts to reduce fire waste and its attendant loss of life and property. October 4th to loth inclusive has been designated as F;re Prevention Week throughout the United Mates, and I appeal to our itizenship who are so familiar w'th destruction of fire to become vitally I interested in this great economic waste. The fire loss in the United States last year (1924) was more than fifty millions of dollars with more then 17,000 persons killed and vastly larger number crippled and maimed for life. North Carolina's share ir. MISSES DENTON AND NELL ENTERTAIN. Misses Eleanor Bushnell and Fran ces Denton were joint hostesses to six tables of bridge at the home of the latter, Thursday afternoon. The home was artistically deco -ated with a profusion of early fall flowers. The color scheme of yellow and white was effectively carried out in the score cards and the dainty salad and ice course. Those enjoying Misses Bushnell's and Denton's hospitality were: Misses Nora Ashton, Eleanor Garrison, Janie Love Mitchell, Caroline Ashton, Brax ton Kirk, Fannie Neal, Isabel'e Davis, Thomasine Howell, Tibby Hur din, Mag Francis, Elizabeth Quinlan, Dorothy Thomas, Josephine Thomas, Elizabeth Smathers, Lucy Tate, and dings to cylinder walls tor hours or days or weeks, if need be. Whether your engine is run ning or not, a good oil must stay on the job ready to lubri cate at the. first move of the motor. Here's one that does. STANDARD tOa MOTOR 0.115 'Based on over 50 years' experience NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI CATION. North Carolina, Haywood County In the superior Court. H. B. Edwards , vs. I Florence Edwards. The defendant, Florence Edwards above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been' commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, i i this loss was more than five million In connection . ith the Ronrd nfi three hundred and twentv thnnuml dollars with 343 lives and hundrcor of our people maimed. It is well known that carelessness and igno rance of fire hazard go hand in han 1 ar. the chief causes of our great NA- instend of so many different ' TIONAL BONFIRE, and societies not only anions I, therefore, urge that the week of Trade with the ( - operation of tlic tmnisteiial associati i. w t s-l-.m l n ive a good functioning ( .nimunity chest pr associated charities branch. We f!:ould have the women's in - rcau, clubs - , t- "y tie plaintiff tor the purpose ot Wilda Crawford, Mesdames Joe Liner. obuinimj. an absoiutc divorce fror.i Curtis Logan, Jr., John Swift, Jr. ar.djthe defendant on statutory grounds: and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County on the' ztth day of October, lZ5. at the Hayes Alley. Mrs. U. D. C. MEET. R. N. Barber will be host.-ss to the Haywood Chapter of U. D. C.'i court house in said county of Hay at her home Friday, Oct. 2. All mem bers of the chapter are urged to be present as chapter has importnn. business to transact. the men, but Perhaps our among the secretary ca womc.i October 4th to 10th be set aside as Week in accordance- mould Fire Prevention them all into one splendid ro-nnerat- with Section 6080 of the Consolidated JIMMY REED ENTERTAINS. Friday night Jimmy Reed enter tained several of his friends with a delightful dance and weiner roast. On the lawn was a very unique cain- j fire where the guests assembled and i roasted marshmallows and weiner? Those enjoying Mr. Reed's hospi tality were: Misses Eleanor Gar rison, Virgina Garrson, Edith Man- gum, Mary Barber, Dorothy wood, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for tht relief demanded in said complaint. C. A. HAYNES, Clerk Sunerinr Court nf Hnvwnnd County, By Nannie Persons, Deputy This the 23rd day of September, 1925. Uct zz-c-JMy hi j Grace Hipps, F.lizabeth Smathers, i TiMiv Hardin. Caroline Ashton. and 'Statutes, which provides that the Lunelle Davis, Messrs. Douglas .u should be Governor of North Carolinn shall, each , r);l(K,.tt, Noble Ferguson, Mel".n (year in October, issue a proclama- u,,vvs Roiand RtnUi Harry Rothrli and farmers tion urging the people to a proper , ii,,,,. -vi, i n.ii t v should and probably will he lirou;K observance; I :,,assiPi Jr w'illiam Garrison, Sin! in closer and more friendly contact. , During this week I also urge that ' Welch. Bob Hardin, Lee Davis, J. P. The advertising ot Waynesville tr. tin- drills he held in schools, fncton"! get tourists here is very import, in., and stores, anil that they he enn- but of far greater importune ing body. .The merchants another branch. And the mediants should tinucd at regular intervals ! rancis, Jr. and Henry Cox. I MEETING OF ALUMNAE OF also that exit facilities are sufficient in case of fire; i The local authorities examine their be that of entertaining them afi'r ' they have arrived. This will be an other duty of a full time secretary He would probably promote courts, horse shoe pitching contests, revise the baseball teams, create parks and flower beds on unsightly vacant lots: provide benches for tourists and the many other things fire ordinances and make them suf to necessary in a successful tourisi ficient if they are lacking'in any par tpmmunity nnd pivii i :i he mayU ticular. ; ble to revive the anni i county f.'iir.' To this end I urge our citizens to --Fifty thousand dollars is a small thoroughly co-operate with our In 6um of money to accomplish all the surance Department, and that every things necessary, but i rhiul l r:o iVr Mayor issue a proclamation. I cain- , to put Waynesville on the very top estly request the co-operation of ev rung of tourist prosperity. cry citizen. Chamber of Commerce, s We should realize that in su Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis and Women's scribing for memberships in the : Clubs, and all other civic bodies and Board of Trade that it is not a do-j the press. As October 4th comes on nation, but a safe investment t Sunday I especially appeal to the with sure nnd safe interest. Ea.h Clergy and Sunday School Superin membership should be at least twei- tendents to bring this to the atttn-ty-five dollars and there are many ( Urn of their people. who will take two or three hund-eJ Now, therefore, I, A. W. NORTH CAROLINE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. Tin' schools, theatres, church"', pub'ie Mid private hospitals and in stitutions, factories, store and hotels, . be inspected to see that every safe-: On Saturday, Oct. third, at 3. CO guard against fire is provided, and o'clock at Mrs. Nannie Persons in SERVICE OF PUBLICATION NO TICK. State of North Carolina, County of Haywood In the superior Court, u. . steuber vs. Inez Steuber The defendant Inez Steuber will take notice that an action entitled as Lane, above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to secure a divorce absolute; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re- oured to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Way nesville, North Carolina, on the 3rd day of November, 1925, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded l) said complaint. U. A. HAYNES, Clerk Superior Court of Haywood County, By Nannie Persons, Deputy Clerk. This the 23rd day of September, 1925. Oct 22-s-WBF memberships. Every foot of earth in Wayncs- grille that advances in price is that touch more money for the owner whether the land is sold or not. Ar.d la rye property owners are the ones who profit most. In many section "'.of the United States double taxation utes of North Caorllna. McLean, Governor of North Carolina, in ac cordance with law, do issue this my proclamation, and I do set aside and designate October 4th to 10th, 1925, as Fire Prevention Week and do urge all the people to proper' observance of this week in obedience to the tat- assessment are made on unimproved property and greatly reducted on im proved property. Another thins is that we do not lave to get behind lh. city adminis tration becanae they tr- vary pro motive; but we shoal-l back thorn v and co-operate with tlieui. We mot expect them tc Co it all with- v : encotmy ememV, "tend the meeting. Done at our City of Raliegh, this the 18th day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and tewnty-five, and in the one hundred and fiftieth year of oar American Independence. ANGUS W. McLEAN, (SEAL) Governor. By the Governor Charles H. England, Private Secretary. Waynesville there will be a meeting of the Haywood County Alumnae As sociation of the North Carolina College for Women. The meetir.g will he in charge of the chairman. Every alumna within reach is urgi'd to attend this meeting. In the history of North Carolina College October 5th has become al most sacred as the date when the college first opened its door under the leadership of the late Dr. Char'et, D. Mclver. All work is suspend d on the campus and appropriate ex urclses are held. The alumnae take an important part, many of them re turning to the college for the oc-a- sion. This year ail over the state meet ings ox me local alumnae associa tions are to be held during Foui:d er'a Day week. Literally from the mountains to the sea, and outside the state, alumnae will be meeting to gether, honoring their alma mater, and enjoying fellowship of one a.i hother. A somewhat unique program has been prepared for all the associa tions. Messages "broadcasted" by letter will be read from members of the .faculty Preident Foust, Vice President Jackson, Miss Coit, Dean Cook, Dean Wade R. Brown, Miss Mendenhall, Mies Boddie, Mr. Forny, each message telling something about the college life. 7 Every alumna it cordially invited to "ACHED ACHED" Ud Says Her Back "Hart Night and Day" Least Noise Up set Her. Better After Taking Cardm. Wlnfield, Texas. "My back hurt night and day," aaya Mrs. C L. Eason. of R. P. D. 1, this place. "I ached and ached until I could hard ly go. I felt weak and did not feel like doing anything My work waa a great burden to me. I Just hated to do up the dishes, even. I waa no-account and extremely nervous. "My mother had taken Cardul and she thought it would do me good, so she told me to take' it. My husband got me a bottle and I began on It I began to improve at once. It was such a help that I continued it until alter the baby's birth, "I took eight tottles and I can certainly say that it helped ' mo. It la a fine tonic. It built me up and seemed to strengthen me. I grew lass ' nervous and began te sleep better. s , I eaa certainly recommenl Cardul to expectant mothers, for to " me It was a wonderful help. ... In every way I felt better after taking It and t think it Is a splendid medl -cue." : ',i.--:r : Cardul Is purely rentable, ;and ' contains no harmful drugtr Tor sale everrahere. - NC-1M nriiitT"" ri' Dresses and Coats THAT SHOW THE MODES FOR Fall and Winter Await Your Inspection We anticipate a visit for we are anxious to Show You Our Many Lines Don't take chances on colds. Buy a Sweater we have a full stock for all the family. Gotham Gold Stripe SILK HOSIERY McCall Patterns Laporte Woolens In fact, everything for all the family. C. E. RAY & SONS FIREPROOF Storm-proof, too, because they interlock and overlap In such a way that tba finest driving snow or tain cannot sift nndtr them. Best roof for country buildings, because they're safe from all the elements. .They'll last as long as the building. A-a JOHN A. SMITH & CO. Plumbing, Tinning and Heating Phone 104 Church St. T.rt Used Cars For Sale 12 used cars now on hand must be sold. A car for you at your own price! COME AND SEE The . New Overland and Willys-Knight Cars at greatly " Reduced Prices. " 'V i-" SWIFT MOTOR CO. Phone 176, WaynesviUe,',. C i rsiati vrf4e. r 1 mT 0$ m&as&S come, '

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