fx V 5 .' VI $ V'. 1 v : l - 'i I ft- 1 THE POLK "COUNTY HEWS, COLUMBUS, N. 0. mtref tff the Post-office it - Colambut. , . county. N. C. . at 2d-cfass mail matter. Polk T. C. CROKEE, W. S. CROMER, j- Editors. Subscription Price. ne year. . . .. . . . riix months ....... i ...... Three months ...$1.00 ... 50c ... 25c Cash in Advance; on time, $1.25. THURSDAY,, MAY. I, 1902. Correspondents who do not con- must irive their mine, not for '.publication but for identification. , ' We are not responsible for the views of correspondents. EDITORIAL Those Boer peace delegates are moving as though they bad all sum mer to do their work. fbe "President is doubtless con vinced thai there is rough riding in plenty in the House. rioKnia hA in fifl.rth.inake ,v , . ... , , Al hWokbut rthadDO Counectwu with It. T - I lA.vir nfinn s Chmese exclusion legislation. The Civil Service Commission is trying to prove that postmaster Coyne, of Chicago, is a counterfeit "Uncle Joe" Cannon i& one of the House leaders who thinks it is bet- fhnn fn fifrht 'em. Pitz. and. Jeff, are matched. to work the press for free advertising, and they, are botu winning every day. Senator Tillman has taken the stump, in South Carolina, and the people of the Jtate are looking for a lively summer. To prove a man's wealth these days you have only 1 6 show that he eats beef steaks regularly only the wealthy can afford 'em. .rtt 1 t i 1 -1 inere is aanger mat tne neea,ornlc highways are the great ..-nidus- the "poor Cubans" will be entirely forgo tton while the politicians are using the reciprocity bill for a punching bag. The Crop Bulletin of this State contains encoiiraging reports for wheat crops. The prospects are much better than were anticipated a few weeks aeo" . China is loudly protesting and laiAiiig . ui vxuiatcu. txcaiic, uut Chinese exclusion will be con tinued all the same, and be extended to all our possessions It was hardly necessary for the Washington correspondents to an nounde that the Senate would not act hastily on Cuban reciprocity "When did the Senate act hastily on ii . ' ' ' anyiningTf Baltim ore is to have a horse show . It ought to be a success as Balti more is noted 'for pretty, women, and pretty women and their clothes seem to be all that are needed: to make a successful horse show. ' Admiral Dewey said, replylng,to the toast, "The Navy," at a banquet of the Sons of the Revolution: "To day the navy is composed of officers ' well fitted to sustain their nation's honor on the seas and o.tho finest pody oi seamen in the world. MILL SPRING. Mill Spring sent a nice delegation to the Exposition at Charleston. Zfrs. Poster, Mrs. Newman andMrs. Waldrop, were the: ladies of the party. Mesbrs. John Henry Green, Clarence Justice, James Bucker and - .: '. .'. '..j . ' Will- Jackson weut xvith theuV 3 hey were well pleased.".' ' : Columbus was '-represented; in the R. R. meeting here on Tuesday by Messrs. J. G. Hughes, J. P. Arledg, E. O.' Townseml, F. iu Siearns and AV. S. Croker. i ' Flayy Dim dale, a young man of this county, died at Clifton, S. CV, on Sunday. A sad procession brought his remains to the old home for bur ial, passing here at midnight on Monday night. Quite a number of our "Solons" are, at this-writing, holding a "cau cus" at the Mite Inn, will know more about it later. r ... y A. C. Boone's store house is near ing completion, and will add much to our to writ y If some of the old dilapidated building were removed, our : town would give a better appear ance and impression to visitors. - ; Mr. and Mrs. Boone have .made many changes about the Mite Inn since last summer. Visitors this season will find the accommodations better than ever before. Improve ment, seems to be te watch-word at the Mite Inn. ; The people in and around Mill Spring, are a thiifty people. Not only the b whites, but the colored people can be seen these spring days in the fidds, with their mer ry laugh and songs cleaning up and preparing the laud for a crop. , All the fertile spots of land, no matter how smallj e utiliztd, and iii nl- t most everv nook and "corner there most every nook is something plauted. A more in dustrious people cannot be found in Western North carrlina. " Stops the Cough and works off the Cold, ' Laxative Bromo-Qubune Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no Day. Price 25 ceiits. - Road Improvement. There is not a State, as far as we know, which has entered upon the work of road improvement which hag not kep(. it up aud fl . m , freely upon it, because experience proved that it paid. It pavs noton- iy the farmers and others who have occasion to use the roads, but it pays the State by the enhanced val ue of the. property for taxation, fre quently doubling and quadrupling the value in a few years. This is not simply a temporary, but a per manent increase. But in addition to this it stimulates increased new industries, and thus adds to the wealth of the people aud ot the State. Next to railroads crobd nub- I ' ' trial developers. Wilmington Star. SOME DON' TS. Don't make it a habit to borrow your neighbor's paper. -The paper is too cheap to do that. : Don't make it a habit to.lend vour paper. You might want it some- time wnen its away irom home. TV' oqV dont want to hurt vonr 'lL& hv reiusing. Don't be a clam, but take .your county paper like a good, industri ous citizen and keep postee on the Happenings of your section. Gaff ney Ledger, ' " ...THE HIGH-GRADE...; W0, 8 DR0P-HEAD CABINET FAMILY SEWltfG SMACHINk .. . , .,., vdWMNVd o.u me iiiuuciii . niiprovcrncnis 0 be found in any first-class machine. Sold at popular prices , Warranted ten years MANUFACTURED BY ' 1 ILLINOIS SEWING MACHINE CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS ' AGENTS WANTED. ' . .. .... .... .. ;' "'ir..--- Exclulve Territory given to responsible Dealers . , - " . NO 1 ICE OF LAND SALE FOR. TAXES. ' i ; VBy virtue of the tax hst in. my hands, for, collection for the year 1901, I: have this day made levies 'on -arid will on Monday, the 5th day of May, 1902, during 'the legal sale hours at the court 5 house- door in Columbus, sell the-following real estate to satisfy all taxes due and costs. ' " " ' - ' ' TRYON TOWNSHIP. . . , . ' AMOUNT DUE. Lou Lord Brings, 1 town lot, $ 3 97 ' 1 49 2 34 4 44 2 27 3 15 . 5 60 3 55 2 53 3 15 3 16 20 50 3 97 Richard Douglass, 2G acres, bal. J. C. Fisher, 1 town lot, 'bal. Prince Hannon, 1 acre, bal. t 11. H. Hipp, 50 acres, bal. A. H.'Lankford, 1 acre, Mrs H. II. Parirs, 2 acres, John P. Robi rson, 6 acres, bal. John Westfield, 1 town lot, ' Geo. AV. Richt 1 town lot, J. C. and L. R. Fisher, 196 acres Mrs. G. W. Fish'er, 100 acres. J. C. Fisher and J. Edwards, 1 town lot, bal. Mrs. H. C. Livingston, 2 town lots, John G. P. Livingston. 1 town lot, , G, E. Metcalf, 4 1-2 acres, SALUDA TOWNSHIP. John H. Arledge, 125 acres, bal. E. liradlev. 20 J acres, bal. .' " ," 4 04 12 12 4 88 8 47 6 35 4 98 10 05 132 9 38 2 14 4 56 4 22 5.56 4 85 0 42 2 85 ',5 67 1 52 3 81 - 2 37 5 60 E. J. Campbell, 4 1-2 acres, Rebecca Daltdn,33 acres, I. W. Foster, 25 acres, .; D. Hvder, 50 acres, - J, D. Johnson. 50 acres J. Jones, 50 acres, J. L. Lane, 1 town lot, J. Laughter, 100 acres, . ' J. B. Laughter, 50 acres, J. E. Pace, 187 acires, bal. H. H. Pace, 187 acres, Mrs. E. G. Reeves, 10 acres, I). M. Rallins. 400 acres, bal. J. B. Shipruan, 30 acres, bal. Mrs. A, B. Brand, i town lot, Mrs. E. Ingalls, 8 acivs; N. L. Pace, town lot, R. C. lVtit, 15o acres, W. J, Parker, 25 acres, Mrs. Bell Rhodesr o0 acres, Mrs, W. Welch, 1 town lot. 3 4 79 J57J r 3 (0 2 33 1 52 COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP. Frank Bridgeman, Heirs, 12 acres, 2 73 T. J. Davis, 581 acres, 32 22 V. N. Falkner, 110 acres, 4 79 W. A. Hipp, 2 1-2 acres, . 3 94 J. Jones, 144 acrea, I 5 23 L. D. Johnson; 10 acres, bal. 198 Peak, Heirs, 750 acres, .12 95 J. H. Pricf, 30 acres, 2 17 C. Pett', U acres, , 3 36 H. E, Rannell, 200 acres, 7 23 R. B. Ridings, il9 acres, bal. 3 65 J.Mills, 1 1-8 acres, 140 J. B. Nance, 100 acres, 16 25 F. Wiley, 30 acres. 'f 2 20 GREEN'S CREEK TOWNSHIP. J. Brian t. 73 acres. 1 80 V. D. Cole, 57 acres, bal. Mrs. Mary Davitlson, 50 acres, T. C. Edwards, lo acres. 3 50 130 3 49 6 21 -4 16 1 51 5 70 97 8 0 3 78 5 68 2 09 5 60 6 80 3 56 2 33' 4 37 4 13 2 8fi 10 14 2 69 v 8 53 3 56 2 15 3 76 6 01 8 15 2 56 . 6 87 2 33 . i 3 37 4 78 2 60 5 27 4 91 1 36 37 50 '4 66 4 93 5 28 5 00 1 53 3 35 474 152 4 20 10 50 5 97 liza Green way, 276 acres, bal. lizabetu Ureenway.,141 acres, . Li. Jbancaster, 32 acres, . B. Lancaster. 175 acres, bal. S. Liles, 10 acres. ' J. F. Liles, 80 acres, J. R. Prince, 2 acres, J- E. Prince, 55 acres, j Z. T Painter, "0 acres, " . '! , ; S. R. Rollers, 150 acres, G. J. Scoggins, 99 acres, R. Wilkerson, 100 acres, F. T. Warhck, 50 acres, D. D. Webb l."0 acres, Mrs, M. E. Wuilick, 140 acres, J.Blackwell, 133 acres, bal, H. Briarit, 126 acres, j B, F. Briant, 40 acres, j J. Carson Heirs, 160 acres, M. Jackson estate, fin nres W. Lil es. 40 acres. i b. P. Wilkerson, 35 acres, M. Turner, 05 acres, Oatis Sparks. GO acres, J. R. Parris, 38 acres, T. prolan, 126 acres, - J. M. Mayfield, 30 acres, s , ; WHITE OA.K TOWNSHIP. J. Arledge, 101 aores,, J. B. Arledge, 50 acres Bwings Heirs, 300 ocres, bal. J. L. Edwards, 59 acres, J. Jackson, Adm., Garrett estate, 311 acres, bal. M. Hnmby, 40 acres, W, A. Mills, Sr., 1360 acres, bal. D. M Newman, 50 acres, C Phillips; Jr., 42 acres, ' c Doctor Rowe, 120 acres, W. R. Rnssell, 160 acres, Mrs. L. Summons, 76 acres, J. S. Thompson, 130 acres, bal. O. N. Thompson, 50 acres, VV. R: Turner, 50 acres, . W. Thompson, 1 lot, ; , . I J. A. McGraw, 307 acres. E. Whiteaides, 2 lots, COOPER GAP; TOWNSHIP. W. T. Brown, 170 acres, Jbal. W. F. T. Brown, 250 acres, B. K. Biddy, 10 acres, 3 60 7 60 R65 233 7 26 3 52 2 79 5 85 X 36 3 75 5 31 1 11 3 56 2 33 3 79 2 60 12 11 2 9 4 56 1 95 548 2 33 4 72 191 . liauey, J4 acres, . U. C. Collins, 135 acres, R. V. Gilbert. 45 acres . . A. Gibbs, 225 acres, bal. - J. JL. Jackson; 55 acres, V J . Laughter, 2 acres, , . Mills, 30 acres, D. D. Patty, 54 acres, J. B. Ruff. 25 acres. W. A. Ruff, 25 acres, r " . w . x . u. Kufi, 700 acres, ' ' WV F, picer. 1 00 acres N. J. Taylor; 137 acres Turner, 41 acres, a. wnitesides, 100 acres, Mrs. E. S. Whitesides, 135acres, T. J. Alley, X50 acres, ' a. a. uase, 150 acres, I. Martin. 50 acres .. 1 . . J . A. McCraw, 8 acres, J, Skipper, 37 acres, W C. EOBERTSON, , Sheriff Columbus, N. C, March 31st, 1902. WHATJOU-MEEBIS Mimm That To this end we are endeavoring to supply a loner felt want in the hardware trade. We appreciate the liberal share of patronage extended to uk duriu the past year and, shall put forth our best eUorts to merit a continuance of the same duriug the present ypar. t If in need of hardware, buggies, wagons, saddles, harness, paints, etc., we can make it to your interest -to see ns before placing; your ordet, that is, if prices' interest you. : : : ' : : : : : : : : : : . A large shipment of plows, hoes and farming tools soon to arrive and soon to go at low prices. : : . 1 ryon TRY Try on 1 Meat Market. FRESH Beef, Pork;:Fisli, Oysters, Poult ry and Eggs, r JULES B AUMBERGEI I, Tryon, . ' . . v . 1 N; C; (Opposite freight depot). 15! Central IiMusiiM hmmmmmh !. COLUMB c. Opes September, 2nd, 1901. This school is thoroughly equipped and well prepared to do the very best of work in J ' Primary: Intermediate, College Preparatory, Music. temperance community with good 'moral and social surroundmo-c i wo well arranged dormitories underwood management. ood attention given to all classes ot students entrusted to our care. Good Literary Societies. good Libray and Reading Room open to all students without extra charge.v -;- "b'..! ;,' -t' ..'.-';b - v;-''-' b : .b Write for any information desired to Wanled-An Idea i; Who can some smtplb thin ; to i Prot( tect vour Jdst'tnoT mv hrlnc vih w W-it JOHN 'VDDEKBURN A CO., Patent Attop. tiers, Washington. D. O., for their i.80 prise offer qu new .ui oi one toousaua invention 5 ranteL 7n ENTSbWANTER LIiE OF T. DEWITT TAMIAGE by his son, Rev. -Prank Dewitt Tal mage and associate editors , of the Christian Herald." vOnly book en dorsed by Talmage family. Euor mous profit for agents who act quick ly. lOuifit' ten cents. Write im mediately CLARK & CO., 222 S. 4th pt Phila., Va. Mention this paper. . WW not Hide my Light under . a Bushel. Gentlemen: I will not hide. m' light! uner a bushel, for I want the people to know' what yourfGooch's Mexican Syrup has done for me. For four years I have been afflicted with Asthma, and could not get anything to do me any good until I got your Gooch's Mexican Syrup. I took three bottles and i cured me entirely. T give you this .hoping it majy be the means of saving some one from a horrible and premature death. Yours under obligations, Rev. Thos. Rv Warwich, " . " ' Scott Town, O. Consumptives -,rry it. )lt cures a simple cough as if by niagic, and is the best remedy for whooping cough, Price 26 . cents. ' Cruelty iqChiidren. ; b Mother's "Worm Syrup never fails to destroy and' remove , worms m children. It is cruel nototo admin ister it to - them whenever there is need. - j ; Pile-Ine Cures Piles! ; ' Money refunded, if it f aUs mil ar. Co ON JST. C. PLEASE QEMEAWEli All matterrfor advertising and changing ofz ads should v us not later than Monday noon. the remedy that enren n ri nnn President till nit atpn tf lth 99 in THE Put An I: r -V -1