! " I " I " j ;. t i .1 4 i - I I,' i 1 . s ! j I I M pi I. a; i , i ; 41 . i t HOW HE KILLS THEM Arp Tries Colonel Reddinjfs Plan, to Get Rid of Potato Bugs, p OFFERS THE CHILDREN A PRIZE dives Them a Nickel a Dozen For Dead Bujcs-yttow the Philosopher is Succeeding. I am trying Colonel' Redding plan to exterminate , the potato bugs. He says begin early and watch for the first ones that come. Make an inspection every mourning and kill the large striped ones before they lay: their eggs. My crop is about six inches high . I have six long rows in the garden and the : other morning I found the pesky things had come. I killed about thirty and 'then told the children the grand children I meanthat I . would pay them a nickle for every dozen bugs they found; That evening they killed sixty and next morning forty, and this Imorning fifteen, and this evening ten. So. the three little girls brought me in debt sixty cents and feel rich. The bargain is that they are to pay me back for all I find and I have not found but five yet, though I don't look very care fully. Children like to work for money just like grown folks. I remember well " the first half dollar I ever earned. ?u'y father was clearing land and told me I might have the saplings if I would trim them up and pile the brush and I . might have the wagon and team to haul them to town and sell them. I had the evenings after school and Sat urdays to work and soon had a load ready; and sold it to our school teacher for a silver half dollar. I was rich, and as I .drove home I felt of it in my pocket every little while to be sure it was theie. T like to reward these little chaps, for it. does them so much good and makes them love me. The love of an innocent child is the purest on earth 1 except the love of a mother. I have no greater comfort now than the glad smile of a little one that jumps into my arms whenever I come. It flatters my Vanity, for though I am old and ugly the little one will hug me and pat - my wrinkled cheeks and turn riway from those who are young and hand some. The greatest inducement for a parent to be a Christian is to secure the salvation of their children and meet them in heaven, for it is said in the scriptures in three places "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved thou and thine house." It was said by Paul and by Peter and the Spirit, ."thou and thine house." So let the good mother not despair of her . wicked son who went unrepentant to his death and may these words always comfort her, "thou and vhine house." For the sakeof ten-good people the Lord would have saved Sodom, and for the sake of good parents He will save the children. Last jyear my potato crop was serl p ously damaged by those bugs, and by the pans green, .too, for I used too much of it, and so I am taking Colonel Reading's advice and killing off the big striped beetles before they lay their patches of yellow eggs on the under side of the leaves, i instructed the chil dren, to look for eggs and they found only two leaves with eggs on them. With a little sharpened stick they dug around . the base of every plant, and there found most of the beetles, but I am already satisfied with the experi ment, and hope that I will not have to use paris green at all. I shall continue my bargain with the children, even if it Is expensive. I overheard "them plot ting this evening about going to the drug store tomorrow and buying 3ome ice cream, and they agreed to take two saucers apiece. These little girls are great inventions, and I love to watch them and then ruminate and ponder why it was that . children, ' especially boys,' get more" selfish" and deceitful jis they grow older The devil - seems , . to let them alone until they, get .weaned from their mother. ; f i P ? The 'good and .the bad are 'strangely mixed in this world. New plagues and pestilences keep on coming, both ' on animal and .vegetable life, but a kind Providence .has provided remedies and given Us minds . to find, them: - But I have found no way to keep the pigeons from preying upon my young peas as . they peep out of tlje ground. They ut terly destroyed my first planting and; have begun ion the ; second. We have had a flock for many years, and I never knew them to trouble - the garden be fore. I say; Colonel Redding, what .. must ldo about it? My wife says cover them with brush, and I will if I can find the brush. The English spar rows do leave us most of the crop, but the pigeons don't leave us anything. Reckon I will have to turn the boys loose on them. The beans; onions and . nearly corn are alright yet, and the strawberries seemto have no enemies. They, make a beautiful show, and give us great comfort. In a veek or two we will have ripe fruit in abundance and shall send' some to the preachers. Brother Yarborough says he does not think It any harm to send good things to a preacher even on - fiundav. Stxawharrv culture is soread- iV raniiiiv in rvur town and some of the neighbors are trying it as a busi ness for profit. Dr. Felton, J r., an put out thirty thousand plants the last season. It was Isaac Walton, the great fisherman, who wrote In his " book on angling, "Dr. Butler said that 'doubt less God could have made a better ber ry than the strawberry, but doubtless God never did,' arid so I say that God never triad a more calm- quiet, Inno cent recreation -than angling." My good friends, Dr. Benham and Colonel Murphy heartily indorse Walton on fishing and will sit in a boat half a day in a summer's sun and watch the corks and ruminate and not catch enough fish for supper. If I was as fond of it as they are I think I would move to Florida and stay there. I have caught more fish there in one day than in all my life up here in , Georgia, p , I did not go to Dallas, the long spell of grippe left me too dilapidated to tra vel that far and give up my home hab its and comforts, but I read all about the great reunion with keen satisfac tion. Thee is life in the old land yet and love for the "Lost Cause" in the hearts of our people, -the confederates and their children and children's chil dren. May it never be extinguished. Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. NEMESIS ILLUSTRATED, t! How a Thief Was Discovered In a French Dame School. . Professor Richard G. Moulton, of Chicago, editor of literary editions of books of the Old Testament, has a fund of interesting; material concern ing conceptions, ancient and modern, of the word "nemesis." The English meaning of the term he illustrates by an experience of his mother when a1 child attending a "dame school" in France. Dr. Moulton defining a "dame school" as a place "where chil dren were sent to an elderly woman who had nothing else, to do to keep them from doing anything else." p Repeated thefts of small articles be longing to the school resulted in in quiries as to the offender, but the in quiries were unsuccessful and resulted In nothing whatever. At length the dame announced that as she had been unable to discover the thief in any other way the "duck" would have to find out for her. Now the children knew the little lame duck that wad dled about the school yard, but how that duck was to find cut who it was that had done the stealing the oldest of jthem could not guess. One of the smaller rooms was dark ened, and ) through this the pupils to walk in turn and, as they did so. pass their left hands along the back of the duck. By its quacking, she said she wa$ able to know the thief. The children were more in the dark than iej, for the ill tempered little fowl kept up a querelous complaint at the strange procedure an 1 small differ ence could they tell in Its quacking at one or another of thorn. But the dame did, or at least, 3he appeared to, and when they were gathered in the class room again she puzzled them all the more by telling chem to lift up their left hands. - Up went the hands and what was the hildren's"surprise o: find that the podgy palm of every one of them blackened. But no, not quite every one. One miserable little chap lifted up a ' clean hand as clean hands go among school children. Him the good dame straightway declared the thief. She had covered the back of that duck with a "layer of lamp-black, and fear of. the tell-tale quacking had led the guilty . youngster to merely pretend to touch the duck's back as the others did. It was simply hia dread of detection that had convicted him. 'That," says Dr. Moulton, "was Ideal retribution neme bis." p Fun xrlttx the Bank of England J. Eierpont Morgan is the hero of an . anecdote repeated at a recent meeting in the headquarters of the steel trust, and If not apocryphal, illustrates a bent of humor hitherto unsuspected in the banker : p r;:- -p ppj?;"'P:.: V While In London he visited th TtnnV of England with a large currency note, for which he wished to obtain; gold. The teller examined the note and hand ed it back. ' - - ' , : "You! have' not indorsed ithesaid, glad of j an oppor tunity to occupy an. at titude. : ? pp" ;pVp P;p :yr ;;pf.p,- p "Is this not payable on ':: demand ?" asked Mr. 'Morgan, simulating surprise. "Yes,wIf indorsed" haughtily. i The magnate frowned. "I am very udreiui jwuuse Tioies i maorse," ne said,, with1 mock' severity. ' "Do yoiiTchallenge the Bank oj Eng land?" gasped; the clerk, gazing at the visitor as upon a blasphemer. . ; ; "If you asp solvent, why do you want my name on your paper?" p' , v v : , The; glare of suspicion which accom-1 panied the. words was too much for the clerk; he stared speechlessly. "Very well, continued the magnate, with vigor,, "we will let it go to pro test." , . The petrified clerk looked alarmed about it, but could offer nothing in re ply except a : mumbled and ridiculous assurance that the bank was not in distress. Then Mr. Morgan smiled and indorsed the note. : I oZLX oJ "StUo quickly it Uealp Mm You can burn yourself with Fire, witli 1 Powder, etc. , oryou can soald yourself ; with Steam or Kot Water, but there is j only one proper way to cure a burn orj i scald and that is by using ' j " Mexican Mustang Liniment.1 j It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old : linen cloth, saturato it with this liniment and bind loosely upon the wound: You can liavo no adequate idea what an excellent remedy this is for a bum until , yon have tried it : ACnilfl TIP -If yAi-havoo bird afflicted'-with Roup or any rUVvL I II. other poultry disease use Mexican Mustang Liniment. It is called a standard remedy by poultry breeders. f bft-rt used Rlp&n Tatmlei wltti to moon mOs faction thAt I can cbeerfoUy recommend them. Eayo been troubled (or about three yean with what I called bllloue attacks coming on regularly once a week. Waa told by different physician that It was caused by bad teeth, of Ohlch I bad ereraL I had the teeth extracted, but the at tacks continued. I had seen adrertlsements of Elpans Tabules in all the papers but had no faith In them, but about six weeks since a friend In duced me to try them. Bare taken but two of the maU 5-cent boxes of the Tabules and hare had no recurrence of the attacks. Bare nerer glren a testimonial for anything before, but the great amount of good which I bellere has been done me by Blpans Tabules Induces me to add mine to the , many testimonials you aounues nars in your on now. .T.DaWm. want to Inform you, la words of highest praise, of the benefit I bare derlred from Clpans Tabules. I am a professional nvtrse and In this profession a clear head is always needed. Blpans Tabules does It. Alter one of my cases X found myself completely rundown. Acting on the advice of sir. Geo. Bow-, er. Ph. O., 538 Newark Are., Jersey City, I took .Blpans Tabules with grand results. ! tliSS BKJ8IX WttDfiLtX R-IP-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common e very-day ill of humanity. 1 Bother was troubled with heartburn and sleeplessness, caused by Indigestion, for a good many years. One day she saw a testimonial In the paper Indorsing Blpans Tabules. She determined to give them a trial, was greatly jreUered ty their use and now takes the Tfuce Tabules regularly. She keeps a few cartons Blpans Tabules In the house and says she will not be with , out them. The, heartburn and sleeplessness bars disappeared, with, the Indigestion which was formerly so great a burden for. her. Our whole family take the Tabules regularly, especially after " a hearty meal. My mother is fifty years of age and Is enjoying the best of health and spirits also eats hearty meals, sn impossibility before she took Blpans Tabules. Arros H. Blauxxx. ' A new style packet containing rxv mraxs xjjroxxs packed In a paper carton (wfthevt glass) Is now for sale as some drug stores rom btts csarrs. This low-priced sort Is Intended for the poor and the economical. 1 One dosen of the fire-cent cartons (ISO tabules) can be had by mall by sextdlng' forty-eight cents to the RlTtffS CExxioii. Oovr abt, No. 10 Spruce Street, New York or a single carton (Txn tabtjlxs) will be sent tor fire cents. BffAirs TlBUlxs may also be had of some groeers, general and barber ibop. bmnin.tnAxxo Bleep xd mtktht Cornish Pafntllnsl- Cll AttAehrflnnt. vlti.. vu uL Lu u InJ s U vu; ujiaucrs OF IIIGII CRADC mm nmm mm rnwiM TlTlfE WILL SHIP A COmilSH PIAHO on COBHISH ORGAN ANYWHERE upnu thf niRTiniTJnti.n - r - TJSTj HOHTHS USE. WE " W ; 'Ml i a .V i, jjT s I TTi J rSl I : 1 ; X hare beep a great gafferer from const lpatlca for orer five fears. Nothing gaT me any belief. My feet and legs and abdomen were bloated so X could not wear shoes on my feet and only a loose dress. X saw Blpans Tabules adrertlsed In oui. dally paper, bought some and took them as direct ed. Bars taken them about three weeks and there 1 Is such a change I X am not constipated any more and I owe it all to Blpans Tabules. lam thirty seren years old, hare no occupation, only my household duties and nursing my sick husband. Be has had the dropsy and X am trying Blpans Tabules for him. He feels some better but It will take some time, be has been sick so long. Ton may use my letter and name as you llku Mrs. Maxt Gowda Ctixxa, I hare been suffering from headaches erst slnoe X was a little glrL I could nerer ride In a car or go Into a crowded place without getting a .; headache and sick at my. stomach. I heard about Blpans Tabules from an aunt of mine who was taking them for catarrh of the stomach. She had found such relief from their use she adriaed me to tako them too, and I hare been doing so slnoe last Ootober, and will' say they hare complete- . ly cured my headaches. . X am twenty-nine years old. Tou are welcome' to use thts testimonial Mrs. J. Baooximti, My ssren-y ear-old boy suffered with pains In his head, constipation and complained of his stomach. Be could not eat like children of his age do and what he did eat did not agree with him. Be was thin and of a saffron color, testimonials In far or of Beading some of the Blpans Tabules, X tried them. Blpans Tabules not only relieved but actually cured my youngster, the headaches hare disappeared, bowels are In good condition and ho never complains of his stomach. Be Is now a red, chubby-faced boy. Thnv wonderful change X attribute to Blpans Tabules. I am satisfied that they wlU benefit any one (from the cradle to old ass) If taken according to dlreo tiona. XL W.Puca. storekeepers, news agents and at some liquor I prohma Ut. On&TtreUe. . ErpR FULL PARTICULARS. OF' THE' Hi WORLD PAMOUfirnRNieuDi am - ike mt 3b aBMterl drJsWd and 2ULW?Jrr "P?3?!! U tu-lmll of .mm lmterMtlB CECILIA .ISO FREE H"f. TM HXABT OF JH PEOPLE. BOQg ASP pra LATEST OFfIeS rf tor mm dt mm ndt irfM. h.mJi..ViI A prompt response to thfg advertisa. ment will secure a DISCOUNT of jno.oo on the list "Drices ns nnntwi in Catalogne on any CORNISH ORGAN or 20.00 ol? the list prices if yon bny a CORNiq "piano. RPFPRPfJHPC P1 ! yow braolt. atrr bwilt. nr an n9 V.?T T4,,.u"y tltnae of p.tron -wha lata ndiud oour ixtttrnmrota fton urn daring the part fifty l EstaiUslea f'HOrit'fiTftn fiTrt-t 7E1C I WRITE FOR CIRCOL&RS fisatf,, Sewing Machines we manufactura 5wl . ' prices before yon purchase any SX The new Home Sewinq fcUeuu!! I tSrnlon 8qtiare, N. T. Chicago. DL t , .. 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