i Influence 01 xtainia.ii. -- Mr. Clayton of the. Blue - Hill Ob Lytory, has a suggestive paper in Popular Science Monthly on the in- !ence of rainfall on commercial and litical affairs. Every severe finan al panic in the United States has W closely associated with a protract- season of deficient - ralnian. . 1 e tbreak of the boxer war in China is at least partially-, due to the im verlshment of thejpeople by drought. severe winter precipuaiea , ino nrh revolution. The Russians say- g that January and February are o invincible generals was exempn a hv the disastrous Moscow cam- ;u j .. . -t en ft TV 1. a raa hi T Cesar's legions in Gaul were defeat i on account of their scattered sta ons, and the stations were placed ide apart because a scanty harvest ad made this disposition a necessity, hese are only a few of many ex aiples that might be cited. Broke Ironclad Rule. It was no one's business, of coui se,' . . i a. t- : J .4. t . A his own, uui i-.reaiueut xvooscveij ieS ride a norse wun a aocKea, tail en he feels like it. The last daty Wood was in Washington ho je wun uie rresiueui, out massacnu- JtA - 1 1 AW ittS avenue caicuucu away ueuuu me ige culvert over Rock creek. The Ment strode a dock-tailed horse at time for sure. Ten rods behind a an orderly, and about -the . same stance farther back rodejltwo pl&n ithes policemen on Dicycies. ww . u .nrrrttf ttrl rhtt . rAncrti ti n A tty roads farther out is of Interest them alone, hut the President is a fad the more certain he is to take It. M it was a dock-tailed horse, a hlgb- Lfl Ions: - stepping thoroughbred Jfcich can do 20 miles an hour. If called i For 25 years I have, never t - i missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good in every way." John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to. be active. You become strong, steady courageous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. v Sl.Ma bottle. Alldrtntsts. Art your doctor what he thinks of AVer's Sanaparilla. He knows all about this grand old family medicine. Follow his adrlce and we will be Satisfied. . J. C. atkh Co., Lowell, Mass. fet JL $ -r Vt.. removes from the soil , large quantities of The fertilizer ap plied, must furnish enough Potash, or the land will lose its pro ducing power. Read carefully our books V: on" crops sent yrtt, , GERMAN KALI WORKS, .93 Nassau t.. New York. 3Hoiioitooos?onot?onononp6 Cureo Headache, LafiPlPPFL COLDS: ETC. 6 noe Not Affect til Heart. 5 ' Sold br DrinrfflRta. IS And 25a bottle.. St f0 5l 0 o t O et O Vl O t Olt OH Oet Ott OH oft stamped C CC.-; Cever soM' fa ta. -are w tfie dealer trfeo' tries to sen r "something: jttst 4 good.w.' . so 18 r parson in, me puipn .b . "pounaing of Ris views, never any; creaking : soles .A "ce toiks wear Red Seal Shoes. oavk of- our Guaranty of Poaitlonii. H 0pEX ALL THE YEAR. H. ' by Baers, Officials, Business Men. ti . iJoara at cost. Write Quick to AIjA- BUS. COIjIjEGE, Macoa, Ga. Health H Potash IP i LQU Household AFFAIRS PASSfNG OR THE PARLOR. Tlie Apartment of btate Giving Way to : the Living Room. And ; is It true? Is the parlor doomed? Must it give way to the' living room? That apartment can not make good the loss of the other. Who does not remember the darkened glories of the old-fashioned parlor; which was seen at its best ifn the middle-sized town, village and coun try ? Shut up the week v through, sometimes nearly the year through, with blinds closed tight and lace cur tains tied primly back;; with its haircloth-seated chairs set in a line against the wall; a "rocker" ready to gallop in one corner, and a what-not in the other, ornamented with rice baskets, praying Samuels and family daguer reotypes and photographs ;, a centre table, set exactly in the middle of the room, with a few handsome books and the large family Bible, the mantel piece with vases filled with crystal lized grasses at either end, and odds of strange things fitting ; up the rest of the space; who among the elder gen eration does not know it well? It was a room to be venerated. And now one sadly recognizes it to be, indeed, a thing of the past. In stead, there Is the living room, that actually is a living room, where the baby's perambulator stands near the piano, where the work basket is on a convenient table (no one ever saw a work basket in a parlor) f where there are plants, a writing desk; where 'the sun pours in as much as it may. It Is indeed a living room. If one has space there is a reception room, to be snre; but every one understands that amounts to little the caller and the friend are shown Into the living room. To a person used to a parlor, no mat ter how long ago, a call in a living room hardly seems like the solemn function it used to be. Springfield Republican. Alt Sorts of Sofa Pillows. . The sofa -pillow has a wider lati tude, perhaps, in the household than almost any other furnishing." It con tributes to the general comfort, fills up all sojrts of hollows in chairs, sofas and seats, gives just the right touches of color to corners otherwise sombre, and brings into harmony warlike sur roundings. The revival of ribbon work is making possible especially ex quisite effects on satins. A pillow just finished is made cf white satin, embroidered with ribbon In a Dres den design. It is finished with a broad white satin ruffle, on which the deli cate colors of the floral pattern are re peated in frilled rows of the tiny rib bon. Only on drawing-room pillows now are ruffles often seen. Others are left plain on the edges, have their corners drawn in, are finished with cord br have pompoms at the corners. Pompons are also used in more orna mental kinds. There are fabrics of every sort and to fit every kind of a need and purse in pillow coverings. Cottons and lin ens always find fayor for bedrooms and other places where it is desiraMe to wash7 them occasionally.' and for these nothing- can be better suited than the printed chintz, with its dainty,, and quaint patterns. New York Tribune. . Breast' of Veal Select a; four or five pound piece (sufficient for two days) and have the market ' man neat ly bone it, and fill with a rich bread stuffing. -I Roll and tie the meat before roasting,, and cook for an hour and three-quarters. Veal should always be well 'cooked. Serve with very tart apples sliced and steamed until tender. Core; but do not pare using four medium-sized apples. ;;jVjV;v:--.f;'' ? v ' . TTintph Annie Puddlnsr Beat . two p erg's: add to "them one cud ; of milk and two cupfuls of sifted flour; add one teaspoonful of baking pow der; turn the mixture into a shallow baking pan;', have ready two apples pared and quartered;, lay them In the batter round" side up ; dust the top thickly with ; granulated sugar ' and sprinkle over" a little cinnamon,' and put" iff a moderately quick oven twen ty minutes; serve hot with cream. ? Lafayette 7 Rolls One pint of milk, one cup homemade yeast; flour enough to make a stiff, batter; let rise over night; in the morning add one egg, one tablespoonful of butter and flour enough to makeMt stiff to roll. Mix it Well and let it.rise, then knead again (to make it fine and white), roll it out, butter--It, cut with a round 'cut ter and fold- over; put ina , buttered pan and cover closely. Set in a.warm place until they are very 'light; 'bake quickly and you will I have delicious t-oiis. - . ' 1 ' - , Have Good and Bad Seasons. "One would naturally think that our business at this time of year would be at its best, but it isn't," said a tobac conist yesterday. "Our cigar, trade al ways falls off in bad weather, especial ly, when the bad weather is accompan ied by high winds Even habitual smokers don't enjoy a cigar in the open air when the wind is blowing. Just take note of the number of men you see smoking on the street some calm, clear day, and then note the difference a day like this. You will see that it has quite - an effect upon our business.' Our receipts are much higher in sum mer than in winter, just because of this. It's all well enough to picture a man smoking before a cosy fireside, but there are lots of men who have cranky wives, and who seldom smoke In the house. During the summer they can do their smoking out of doors with a full measure of enjoyment. ,Yes;v summer is the best time for us." ; -"The pen, said the famous war rior to the great editor, "is mightier than the sword." "But thprro la thia 'to say in favor of the sword," replied me great eauor. "it never gets us Into libel suits." . - The one cronjthat never fails Is the dead beat crop. More than sixteen per cent, of the popu-' lation of Germany live in cities of over 100,000. Tetterine Cures Quickly. "Only two applications of Tetterine cured a bad case of Ring Worm from which I had suffered." Julian M.3olQmon,Savannah,Ga. 60c. a box by mall from J.T. ahuptrine, Savan nah, Ga., It your druggist dont. keep it. ' The goats in Naples sometimes go up six ot even stories into the houses to be milked. Aek Tour Sealer For Allen Toot-Eaae, A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, 8ore Hot Callous Aching. g treating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. , Alleys oot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At ' all Druggists and Shoestores, 25 cents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Fbke. Address Allen S, Olmsted. LeBoy, N. Y. ' The girl who talks about her swan like neck is apt to make a goose -of her self. ' v . . :; ,.,-- . Dyeing is as simple as washing when you use Ptttmak FlsxLEss Dtss. Sold by all druggists. . Most men want to do better, but they ere seldom able to decide where to begin. ' f - Mrs.Wlnslow'8 Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces ioflammu tlon.allays paln.oures wind colic. 25c. a bottle , Japan has acquired the American din ing car system., FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use ot Dr Kline's Great NerveBestorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise fre Dr. B. H. Knyg,Ltd., 931 Arch8t.,?hlla., Pa. In New Yook City alone there are about 400,000 Germans. , ' - Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for . coughs and colds, N. "VT. Sahusl, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb: 17, 1600. Chinatown,- San Francisco, has four dailies printed in its own language. lit Doctr "One Layer of pper U bad enooeh , yen bars thre tiers. Baby ma recover, put eaoaot thrire." ; ALABASTERS IT WON'T RUB OFF. Wall Paper Is- unsanitary. Kalsomines are tem porary, rot, nib off and acale. ALABASTINE ia a pare, permanent and artistic wall coatinfr. ready for tne brush by mixing in cold water. Ker cale by paint dealf re erory where. Boy in packagee and beware of worthless Imitation. ALABASTINE CO., Grand Rapids. Mich. CALLER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, fe22:: SaeoeMfnl School. Xo malaria. Catalogua free. all Seasons, The Straight Front Tlpyal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets are just as comfortable in the warmest weather as In the coldest.' We have been making these corsets for nearly half a -century, and we know just why every stitch is put into them!; ; . Ask your dealer to how them to yea. '. Royal' Worcester Corset Co., Worcester, Hass V DO YOU SHOOT? If you do you S&dtild send your name and address on a postal card for a GU N CATALOGUE. IT'S FR E E. It illustrates and describes all the different .Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and . Ammunition, and contains much valuable information Send at once to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., SURGICAL OPERATIONS How Mrs. Bruce, a Noted Opera Singer, Escaped an Operation. Proof That llany Operations for Ovarian Troubles are Un .-.necessary. K-yiri'H:y'J . Deab Mes. PijaiHAM : TraVellino; for years on .the road, - with irregular meals and sleep and damp beds, broke down' my health bo completely two . years ago that the physician advised a complete rest, and when I had gained - MltS. G. BRUCBU nfficient vitality, an operation for ovarian troubles. Not a very cheerful prospect, to be sure. I, however, was advised:to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and San ative Wash; I did so, fortunately for me. Before a month had passed I felt that my general health had im proved; in three months more I was cured, and I have been in perfect health since. I did not lose an engage ment or miss a meal? " Your Vegetable Compound is cer tainly wonderful, and well worthy the praise your admiring friends who have been cured, are ready to give you. I always j speak highly of it, and you will admit I have good reason to do bo. n Mbs. G. Bruce, Lansin g, Mich. f 5000 forfeit If abov testimonial 1$ not ginuln The fullest counsel on; tfiis subject can be secured Tvithout cost by writing: to Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Tour letter t111 be entirely confidential. I had a general run-down feeling, lacked ambition, and had no appetite whatever, with a Very languid feeling at all times. On going to supper one even'nj my board ing mistress recommended my taking Bi pans Tabules. She told me her experience with them, as well as that of others to whom she had spoken about the Tabules. I decided to make a. trial, and since I have .been taking them I feel like a new-made man, and have none of my former com plaints, taking a triors decided interest in my work and In life in general. - - At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The : family bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. FREE SCHOLARSHIPS; Apply at once to THE LANIER SOUTHERN BUSINESS t OLLKQK, Macon. Ga. Ba kkeep. lnr, Bafclng. Penmanship, ."-nortband. Type, vrl tine. Telegraphy. MatheoatUs, Grammar and Business Correspondence thoroughly taught; Board $S to (10 per month. THE URIHE IS MY GUIDE ' If you will send me a sample of your morn ing urine for chemical snalyiis, I will tell IJSJ'' th JAh tWATICM nd fXTCNT of your DISEASE nd whether CURAELE, or INCUBA3U. free of charge. Distance Is do barrier to success' when science takes the place of guessing. Send ..five cents for mailing case for-urine. My JlectureenTHE WATER DOCKS sent free. j. F?. SHAPED. IVI. O.. itMl 522 Penn Ave.. Pittsbunr. Pc Enclose t-cent stamp for particulars. , Address SC0H REMEDY CO., LoulsvUle, Ky. WHN WRITING MENTION THIS PAPER. v. -New Haven, Conn. J ! '( r RtfltE Hor FAT RO)UC "RRDUCTO" . ; Jsa perfectly harmless vegetable compound. It pes I. tlveiy and permanently cllmlnntes corpulency and superfluous flesh. ItisaCt'HC A bKOLUTK and as harmless as fresh alr.Thousandn of patients hare used this treatment. Physicians endorse It Write to ue for FRfcETREATMKAT. Send Ten Crnte to coyer postBRe. etc. : Correfpondehce atrlctly confldenUal. Ever j thing In plain sealed package. We send you the formula,lf you take our treaimeBt, and you can make "lieducto at home If youdeslr e; kMmlnfr the Ingred. lents need have no fear cf eril effedta. A rid re, tiinaengChem.Co.7Ul fe Jeff Ave tit Lonla,Mo 1WIE CUTICURA RESOLV-1 ENT PILLS (C3iocoIatei Coated, 60 doses, 25tS)t are a new, tasteless, odourless, economicarsubstitute for the . celebrated liquid G U T I -CURA RESOLVENT, as well as for all other blood ourifiers and humour cures Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonful of liquid RE SOLVENTe Pui up in screw-cap pofcfcet vials con- --feuning: 60 doses, price, 25c CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS are alterative antiseptic, tonic, and digest ive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most suc cessful and economical blood arid srdn purifiers, humour---cures, and tonic-digestives yet compounded, Compieic TMHieni $1 Complete external and internal treatment for e very humour, consisting of CirricrRA S04.P, 25c. 1 to cleanse the skin of crnsta - -an(j scales, and soften the thickened cut icle; Cuticora , Ointment, 60c., to in- v, stantly allay itching, inflammation, and ' irritation, and soothe and heal; and Ccti cuiU. Bssoi.vbnt Pills, 25c., to cool and cleanse the blood. A 8nfGLfc SsTis often sufiScientto cure the mat torturinsr, dis figuring, itching, burning, and scaly kin, . sclJp.andblocdhoraours.eczemas.rashes, and ; irritations with loss of hair, from -infancy to age, when all else fails. CvTvcvmx RaMBDtEaor cold throachoot the voxTJ. British Depott 27.28, Charterhouse London. Fnua Depoti 5 Bae de la PaJx. Paris. Poma DXV9 A3a , CBCoar,8otaPrope-,Bostoa.U.aA. - ftraliyiiii! All Havana Filler- 6' FLORODORA'BANHS are. of same value as tags from 'STAR.' 'DRUMMOHD' Natural Leaf. ' 'GOOD LUCK' VLD PEACH (SiHONET 'RAZOR and Z RICE GREENVILLE" . Tobacco. ;v ;:; . : &o. 18. Kjj Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. ri'Ii'"TTT rtT''-Li-Viuim- ' "" "" '" teWym- 71 ... ) Resolvent Biol l ' lU- 1 N , tUHS WriLHt ALL L5i FAILS. : ti ' A .