""'" - r - y- .-JjM-:''a",,a MBa,mrWaaaaaaa ' " ' " t ' t 03 WMPVVAS ftEFDienr m. : ...... T.; i-whubu Importance of Education. There are some subjects. about Vhich one can neveij.- write or talk loonuch. Their importance and value to the pub lic are so great that it becomes the duty of the press to keep eternally pub lishing something about them until their real importance and value are fully realized. ; No subject is of greater importance to the people than that of education. We "may have.splendid railroad facili ties but whilfe every, man; appreciates conveniences! of this kind and fully rec ognizes the worth of a good railroad system no one . will deny that a good public school 'system Is far more im portant hd of a greater value to any community, j j - Intelligence lis the life of any neigh borhood. Fill state with a Rev. H. Stubenvall, of Elkhorn, Wis., is pastor of the Evanl John's Church, of that place. Rev. Stubenvoll is the possessor of two Bibles pre Uted to him by MiDeror William of Germanv -llnon vo w it e c lu Jibles the Kmperor has written m his own handwriting a text. . This honored pastor, in a recent letter to the Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, )hio, says concerning their amous catarrh remedy, Peruna: 5 Peruna Medicine Oa, Columbia, Ohio, Gentlemen: "I had hemorrhage oftht lungs for a long time, and all hpaired of. me. I took Peruna and uraa Cured. It gave me streng h and hrage, and made healthy, pure blood. It inoveassd m weiaht. aave me Xealthy color, and I feel well. It U the best medicine in the world. If Vrjon? iccpt I'eruna tn tne house it w uld save m my from death every k r. t ts ism U ILL,. housands of people have catarrh who mid be surprised to 'know it, because it been called some other name than ca- frh. The fact is catarrh la catarrh, wher- :r located, and another fact which is of tally great importance m that Peruna es catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman-, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. We pay students railroad fare. 12,0jU graduates In buslaess. Write for Special Terms. MAfefc,Y UL;M.K!8 CULLEGEis. Kichraou J,Va.-llirminghaiu,Ala, 9 FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS if New Rival" Repeaier,J Leader F you are looking for reliable shotgun am munition, the kind that shoots where you point your I gun, buy Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival," loaded with Black powder; "leader" and' "Repeater," loaded with Smokeless. Factory Loaded Insist upon having Winchester Shells, and accept no - others. f rr Al rOO C CT O TPUCfcfl i . . iiiiuMiii i. irr up your section of the lot of ignoramuses and you couldn't he hired to stay there, for you would be' dissatisfied and unhappy. Let a state "neglect the education of her young people and she discounts her standing in the civilised wgrld. The days of "blissful ijgnorance'" are fa3t passing away.; Today, America is of such great importance to the civilized world that it lis absolutely necessary for her people to be - endowed with knowledge. Ang!o-5axcn Ornaments. , Some interesting Anglo-Saxon orna ment found on the skeleton of a Wo man dug upllin a garden have just been presented to the Saffron Walden Museum, says the London . Express. They include richly ornamented ank lets and wristlets and a necklet. The latter is composed of one pair of spherical rock crystal beads consid ered in the early Saxon times by the wearer as geat charms- a pair of 'glass beads, a pair of elongated beads in red carmeljon stoife, a pair of chas ed ancient silver beads, a pair of ibronae pendants ornamented with Saxon chasing, and filgree work, and a plain bronze pendant with four open. ings, as though .it had contained choice stones. -;1 - ; I . : ' A David Harum Trade. There is a (jitizen in New York who decided to U!eat himself to a horse and runabout In every case he in sisted upon knowing the attitude of the , prospective purchase in relation to automobUejs. "I don't want my neck broken clail y,'' he would say. There was a horse that suited him. "I can warrant him on the automobile question," said the Jersey farmer who owned him. I "I will guarantee that he will pass a dozen an hour all day long and nevr look at one of them." "Will you l give me a written state ment to that effect?" s "I will." t "The sale ! was made. For once a Jersey man had told the truth in a horse trade, i j The horse was blind. ' If M' WANTED Toxms Men nCQ to nnjvHfTr frti. frrxrxA vaUtnr.a Which wa guarantee in wrjtine under a S5.000 ps.t to promptly procure them. N Qa.-AIa. Bus. College, MACON, GEORGIA. J HEADACHE JCUR.ED WHILE YOU WAIT. BY CAFUDIME EFFECT ON THE HEART. NO Sold e.t Drugstores I 9ur money winning books, ' written by men who know, I tell .you all about Ot They, wu a a neld and -a plow, and o desires to get the roost out TWarer. Send postal card. ' Acv York Educational progress means religious good; it inculcates a love of truth that is not to be limited. The hope of the state is not 'in the cities or the big towns. The hope of the greatest future is dawning in the rural districts. J. B. Carlyle. Deafness Cannot Be Cured , by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect-hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can 'be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of tea are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surface. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. Cir culars sent free. F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Eamily Pill3 are the best. Silk is considered unclean by the Moham medans,: because it is the product of a worm. . ' " '- ' n FITS pern -mently oured.No fits or nervous ness after fiat day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NerveBestorer.f 2trial bottle and treatisefrea Dr.R. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phila. Pa. Fame is merely an entree; fortune is a feast. . - y' ' ' ' . "' . i Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teetliing.soften the gums, reduces inflamma-. tion.allays paln,oures wind eoUc. 2oc. abottle The dull season is when the scissors grinder does his best business. Putnam Fadeless " Dyes cost but 10 cents per package. - - ; It's funny how even cold cash can burn a hole in a man's pocket. - Piso's Cure for Consumption is an mfalUbla xnedicine . r coughs ad colds.-. bImuei., Ocean Srove, l. J., Feb. 17, im . 1 Life would be very monotonous if there wa nothins t kick about. -. - . Origin of Ham andyEggs. When .Noah had all the birds cor ralled in the ark, Shem, Ham and Japhet, his three sons, made some famous collections of birds' eggs till N -ah found out what they were doing by catching jHam robbing the great auk's nest., (I.t was shortly after this incident thatlNcah made his famous bon mot about Ham and Eggs, the exact wording of which escapes us, .but which was often recounted at the" old settlors' dinners in the vicin ity of Mount Ararat. Minneapolis Journal. The smartest dummy in .the woman. isn is often a wax hands of a clever A nervous; . irritable mother, often on the . verge of hvtf erics, is unfit to care for children; it ijuin a; child's dipomion. and reacts upon herself. The trouble between children and . their mothers too often is due to the fact that the mother has sctre female weakness, and she is entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her nerves that governing a child involves ;j ii is impossible for her to do anything: calmly. She cannot help it, as her condition is due to Buffering and shattered nerves caused by some derangement of the uterine syste in with backache, headache, and all kinds of pain, and die is on the vergo.' of nervous prostration. I j- When a mother finds that she cannot be calm and quiet with her , children, she may be sure that her condition needs attention, anil she can not do better than to take Lydia E. Piiikliam's Vegetable Co mpound. This medicine will build up -her system, strengthen her nerves, and enable her to calmly handle a disobedient child without a scene. Tho children will soon realize the difference, and seeing their mother quiet will themselves become quiet. Mrs. May Brown of Chicago, 111., says : "lDeab Mns. PiNKn am : Honor to wbom honor, is due,' and you-deserve; both the thanks and honor of the mothers of Arnei-ica whom yoa have so blersedly helped and benefited. I Irave used .Lydia E. Pmkham's ycgretable Com . pound Vv hen I v onld. feel run-down, nervous and irritable, or have any of the aches and pains- which but few women escape, and I hare founcil that it relieved me at once and gave me new , strength. Several ladies, members of our Lit erary Union, speak in the highest praise of your Vegetable Compound, 'as they have been eurecj Irom serious female troubles. One lady who thought she mast submit t9 an cxera tion, '-was cured without msin.' a nothing in the world but Lydi;i E.Pmliham's Vcjro tiible Compouiid and Saniitivc Wash. Tou have hos'ts of friends in Chicago, :ml you came to visit our city we wo did delight to do- you honor. Grate full v yours, Mits. May Browx, 57 Grant Plr.ee, Chicago, IlL How Mrs. Pinkhaiii Helped Mrs. McKinny x 1 41 Dkap. Mrs. PmKHAM : I feci it my duty to write and let you know the good you and your Vegetable Compound are doing. I had been sick ever sine my first baby was born, and at the ' birth of my second, my doctor, as well a& mvself thonetit 1 should never live through it. After that menstruation never- - j came regular, and when it came 1 ovarian trouble. A friend of my susered terriDiy. 1 also had womb antl husband's advised him to fret Tydia R Pinkbam's Tejrctuble Coinponiitl for me. At first I had. no faith in it, but now nothing could induce me to bo without it. Menstruation has become regular, and JT feel like a ne'w woman. . "i our' medicine is a God-rrnd to suffer- lcad others to try Jjydi'.l E. S truly, Mrs. Mildred. McIvisky.. 28 Pearl I hoTe this letter will! Vesretablc ConiDOUiid. Yours lnsr womn St., San Froiicisco, Cal." (March lp, 1001). ' FREE MBDICAL;'A1-Vici3 TO WOIEX. ' . If there-is anj'thinfjr in your case" about which y?u Tvouhl lilcb special advice, Avrite freely to Mrs. Pinkham. Address is tyiiri Mass. Her advice is free, and her advice is always helpful. Iflfl FORFEIT if "wo cannot forthwith proiuco the original letters-and signatures of I I abovo testimonials, widch will prove their absolute genuineness , lydia 33. Pliikliam Mediciaa Co,, Xynn, Mas. I M M Is the Standard Rheumatic Remedy. The ONLY compound on the market that cures this terrible r disease without doing irreparab UNE.QUALLED as a e harm to the digestive organs. BLOOD PURIFIE.R. CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDS IT. - Freestate, 8. C, Auff. 18. 1902. Gntlkmen:I had rheumatism for about twelve years. Great deal of the time I had to u$e crutches or cane. Was confined to bed, nearly helpless, three months at a time, several times? Last sprinpr I began to take " Rheumacide." I used two bottles before I noticed any benefit. Altogether I used seven bottles and the cure seems to be complete, as I have bad no symptoms of rheumatism since I can cheerfully recommend your, medicine. B. F. FEN I G AN. For sale by Druggists, or sent expressage prepaid on receipt of $i.oo. Bobbitt Chemical Co., PS Baltimore, ild. mm . n?K r ' - ' L ivii I. in .i hi... i . i .. r. ;. m Healthy Exercise 7s amdaceve to 'Good Health and Long Life. No womaii , can take proper exercise unless she wears a cor rect corset. The Straight Front , Royal Worcester ; 8nd . Bon Ton Corsets conform to every movement of the body. Ask your dealer to order for you. Royal Worcester Corset Co., . . . , Worcester, Mass. t ! 0k&Mii- --' '4m ' $3 & $322 SHOESS j W. L. Douglas shoes are the standard of the iv-rtdL W. L. Doaarlas mado and sold more nen'x Oood year Welt (Hand Sewed Process) shces in tho Grrt six months of 1902 than an? other manufacturer 10 finn KEWACDnillbepaidtoanTOBev O I UiUUU can dinproTe this statements W. L. DOUGLAS 84- SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. If 1 8 months, $1,103,820 1 Best fm ported ani American leathers, tint ! Patent Calf. Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kid, Coma uot, not. Kangaroo, jfast Color, Eyelets The rarulne have "W. Jj. DOTTGULST C.muilnn f ' " najpe and price stamped on bottm a noes oy man, Zbc. extra. Itlus. Catalog frr. ' W. U DOUGLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. . Wear Red Seal Shoes : Catalog for Postal Wm'. U ttP- TaetesGood. Bold ny dru'ttatt. Pest Couch, 8779 in tune. Uae I