- - v. yv . . - ' ' ' .-.,.f-- ywEiw i 1 t it - -,m:ItK COUNTY MEWS. WflCIAL JOURNAL OF POLOUNTf. rW.'C.'tJOKCORAN, Editors and Publishers. JOHN U&BHEUUS, Ouevyar..... ...i.uu Bi months -J" Three months PSOITB 35T. 2. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1903. v COLERANK COXE DEAD. Rutherford ton, N. C., June 2nd. Col. Frank Coxe, of Asheville and one of the state's wealthiest and best known citizens, was found . drad -in his room on Green River, eightiles from here, at nine o'clock this morning He was in excellent health yes terday and last night He was here Saturday and was complimented by his friends on his good health and talked to the writer freely regarding the adop tion of good roads in this county and his intention to help them .financially. ; ' Lastiiight he was very cheerful ; and talkative, more so than usual, and was in the best of humor. He spent a pleasant evening with his family and a number of friends and for an hour or more he enter tained them to some of the sweetest .music that they have ever heard ' him play on his violin. At eleven o'clock he retired and at fcur o'clock this morning he was .awakened by his colored 'servant who asked him if he should ; make a fire. V He replied he would sleep a while longer. Later the old servant called and made the fire. This was at seven o'clock. The Colonel told the servant he was feeling fine and told the old negro jokes before he left the room. When he returned to the room at nine o'clock Colonel Coxe was dead. Dr. R. T. Thurston, Col. Coxe's brother-in-law, was called from another room but all medical services were useless. Dr. Thurston said death was caused from heart trouble and that the Colonel was seized with the attack and died about eight o'clock. Hi death has cast a gloom over the entire country near the home of his birth. No death could have surprised the people more nor could any death have been more regretted than his. . Col. Coxe was a man of fine sense of honor and he was on several occasions offered the nom ination for congress in this district but in each instance refused. With his money he was always liberal and has in many instances helped the poor to a great extent. Col. Coxe was born and raised in Rutherfordton. A wife and five children, Tench C, Frank, Otis, Miss Maud and Mrs. W. T. Wright, survive. Mrs. Coxe, Tench, .Frank and Miss Maud are at Green River. Col. Coxe s estate is estimated at seven millions. Ihe funeral will be held here tomorrow afternoon at the Epis copal church of which GbL Coxe . was a member and the interment v will take place in ihe city cemetery. Bishop Horner of Asheville will conduct the services. The pall-bearers will be six Con federate veterans: Judge M. H Justice, Capt. J. Y. McEntyre, Capt Bell, Dr. Twitty, Capt Camp and CP. Tanner. LYN& E. C. Wilcox 48 wav on an ex tended business trip, to the horth v ana west. MlSS Shilletto returned in W hone near Pittsburg, Tuesday to spena xne nouaayg. A aocial was eriven.at the chane 'last Saturday . afternoon for the xnill children by Mrs. i?and and ' Miss Shilletto. The little folks enjoyed it hugely, . . C. M, Carmpbell. manasrer of the . Company store, was sick for a few days ncUy.'HiB'Boxi Fred., who .la aooiDicuiii, tiuujv vuuge uuxing The kindergarten closed a "very successful session last' Fridfcy. Miss Clara Shilletto, the teacher, will have charge again next fall. She is very popular with the children. LAND RUM. 0. P. Smalley has moved his saw mill -to his plantation. .- - 1 S. B. Weaver and family returned a few days ago from a visit to, Spartanburg. The Morgan mill pond was drained a few days ago and a number of fish were caught. The rural carrier, W. I. Ran dolph, lost his keys on May 21st and will reward liberally anyone returning them. The recent rains have put the roads in bad condition and the R. F. D. boy finds it " pretty tough," especially on rainy days. Mrs. Grayson Lovelace went to Gastonia last Sunday to visit her sister who has been quite sick. She returned home Wednesday. : Jim A brum, a negro boy who was bound to L. L. Davis, left a few days ago. Mr. Davis lorbids anyone hiring or. harboring him. NQTICE OF LAND SALE . FOR TAXES. By virtue of the Tax List for the year 1902 in my hands for collec tion I have this day made levies on aud will, on Monday, the Gtli day of July 1903, at the court house door in Columbus, Polk County, N. C, during the legal sale hours, sell to satisfy the state aud county taxes and costs due, the following real estate. TRYON TOWNSHIP. Amt. due. F J Baumgartner Jack C Foster Mrs H G Livingston Mrs Horace Pitkin V G Rhodes 10 acres $ 33 2 town lots 3 1-3 acres 110 acres bal 60 bal 122 bal 1 town lot "2 40 3 GO 8 87 1 87 3 73 3 11 8 44 2 00 J B Turner M M Weaver estate Mrs H M Parris bal on COLUMBUS. M E Britlgeman 123 acres 100 " $3 34 2 83 1 54 2 00 6 03 2 l0 1 76 4 20 1 87 G Biggarstan John M Jones 142 10 200 55 49 3 bal D Johnson W H McFarland E Page I F Turner lenme Mills etty heirs GREENS it 28 CREEK, 117 aDres bal $ 1 70 1-8 acre 3 81 159 acres bal 1 79 Margaret Blackwell B l hristner G A Davidson Mrs E M Donhue 20 1 24 371 15 6 6 82 W Greeuway 1 276 25 235 248 22 40 4 la Mrs Eliia Greenwav W G Greenwuy JH Hines " road taxi 77 " bal I 81 1 31 1 98 " 2 40 Mrs. Ann Liles Martin heirs Mrs JD Wilkerson Guy Feagans 50 WHITEOAK. H E Gray l town lot KBJcMillin 50 acres $ 1 77 177 JL Smith 50 hnl 2 59 3 46 4 04 3 08 5 87 3 55 WD Thompson h6 COOPER GAP. WC Bailey CC Collins MO Hill , J A Laughter J W Laughter E T McGwinn 26 acres 132 100 45 bal bal 27 17 66 132 2 07 5 59 10 88 4 48 10 61 3 25 4 71 3 32 James Miller D D Patty W A Ruff WK Turner D H Thompson 54 25 26 " bal 46 50 150 " Grant WaUxer TV Alley SALUDA 200 acres bal $ 3 55 4 1-2 acres bal 7 02 75 acres " 6 23 300 " 4 35 Eli Bradley Ed JCampbell B V Newman D M Rollins W. C. ROBERTSON, Shekiff and Tax Collector. NOTICE. List of Insolvent Taxes f nr the year 1902. COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP. WW Foster 3 20 3 33 3 46 3 23 3 20 3 20 3 58 3 20 3 20 3 20 J L Roddy JFShehan J R Splnwn King Brown . ' John Gage EliagGray col , U C Petty Charles Patterson col Dan Williams TRYON. Lewis Rowell $3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 Wm McClure B T Pace Jim Crawford SILUDX Emery Pettit S M Stepp $ 3 50 3 50 $ 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 75 $ 2 82 2 98 3 07 2 82 2 75 2 75 GJ2EENS CJ2EEK. R M Harris SV Wilkerson E A Page A L Hines . col Dave Jackson WHITE OAK. Thomas Blackwell Abb Free .Romas Gossnell James Horton Thomas Jackson John Sentell J W Mills col Wash ifobinson COOPEJJ GAP. PD Helton ' NB Taylot - : John Whitesides J W Tucker ; 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 Columbus, N. C, , Shkmff. Jane lfct; 1903. 5 'v.... I'here has Wen'no work done on the road from O. P. Smalley's place to the State line. We think this important matter should have attention. R. F. 1). No. 1. LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY The Ballenger Company. Corn, per bushel White beans, per bushel', Colored " " fountain Irish Potatoes .75 2.50 2.00 .75 .75 2.00 .80 .11 .15 .20 .15 ,30 Sweet Baldwin apples Corn meal -Com pond lard, per lb. Kettle rendered, " " f Country butter ".' ! E:gs doz. ' . Hens each Broilers " 15 to Clear side meat, per lb. 20 12 1-2 Central Industrial ins ti t ute. A well equipped School for both sexes. Primary, Intermediate, College Preparatory. A temperance community with good moral and social surroundings. Special attention given to students who have been deprived of early ediica- j tional ad- ; vantages. Good; Literary Societies. A good library and readiug room open to all students without ertra charge. : : : : . AVrite for information to F M. Stearns, COLUMBUS, N. C. Capital S10.000. Surplus $3,000- ESTABLISHED 1892. The Bank of Rutherfordton J NORTH CAROLINA. Invites all your business. Loans on good security. Pays interest on time deposits. Is the depository for state funds by order of the state tit usurer. Bring or send us all your business'. D. F. MORROW, 1. W. DORSE Y, Peesident. Acting Cashier. hot ice to Contractors. FOR SALE CHEAP. One good Derrick. H. E. Gray. PLYMOUTH ROCKS. A good winter laying strain. Eggs for hatch ing and stock for sale. SCOTCH COLLIE SHEPHERD puppies. ;( Thoroughbred stock at moderate terms. Address GEORGE E. WHITESEL, HARRISONBURG, Rural Route 6. VIRGINIA. FOR SALE! One 110-120 egg Incuba tor and one 100 chick outdoor Brooder. These machines are in fine con dition and the latest make of the Prairie State In cubator Co. They are recognized as the best -machines in existence to- day. For other informa tion apply to :: :: ;: JOHN CARNEGIE, COLUMBUS, N. C.: Notice to Farmers! Now that you are all late with your planting because of the weather you should buy a Supe- -riorOne Horse Corn Planter which will do the work of four hands and two horses. Fur nished with or without fertilizer ' attachment. ., t Sold By H. E. GRAY. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ,Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drucrsnata rnfrinrl thk ( to xmre. E. W. Grove's signature i on Now, Open For Summer Guests. The Inn is three thousand feet above sea level, nest ling among the mountains, surrounded by a level serpentine drive two miles jn length, with mountain peaks five hundred feet above, which, in turn, have winding paths to summits. The many springs which, flow from these peaks form the head waters of the famous Shunkawakari Falls. : : A fine place to spend the Summer. lit al thy climate, plenty of fruit and good spring water. For other information call or address Mrs. M. E. JAS. P. MORRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Located in Office Formerly Occu pied by Geo. G. Justice, t Opposite Court House. : COLUMBUS, N. C TELEPHONES : Office : No. 7. Residence : No. 14. Refreshing Drink In the way of bottled Ginger Ale and Soda "Water, can - be had at The' News office. The quality is excellent. Try it once and you will try it again. :; :: :: M0TJ BE T CUSTOmfiS 1111 ' I Our Mill, known as the old Weaver Mill, has just been repaired and we are now ready for all milling business. . . ... . W. J. Screven Jr. A Better Investment than an Ad in The News cannot be made by any merchant. 4 ; It goes into all parts of Polk County. The rates are low and the returns are good. Try it :: :: :: :: :: Picture Framing, Have just received a large assort inent of picture monlding and j am prepared to frame y our v "pictures at reasonable rates. . L, ti. CLOLD, columbus, Nm C. . CLUBBING RATES We have made arrangements whereby we can offer the following clubbing rates: The Atlanta Constitution,'' (The great Southern weekly) and The News . . . $1.50 The Sunny South and The News. . . ..$1.50 The Polk County News, Columbus, N. C. - Envelopes and writing paper for sale at The News office '. mmm Wl- ARE ON THE WAY TO LOG CABIN InN . - 4 j IN SPPINQ MOUNTAIN PARK. STEVENSON,' Proprietress, Columbus, N. C. 1 ; ""-- t - YES, WE HAVE IT. . . . i Screen AViie, Fly Traps, Jais, Hammocks, Summer GOOD FOR Our eautiful pearl handle Buggies and "Wagons ware, TTt- jy in uci;uo paiuuuy, ue pau SUpply your bedain this line at as low prices as the market will afford. Ve are local agents for the Deering farm machinerJ which has no superior. In fact for anything in Hardware let us quote you prices whether we sell you anything or not Pnone InV 9. Tryon TRYON JT. C. First National Bank of Spartanburg I Gross Assets, lv .... I Individual Deposits, j 13ank Deposits, - Total Deposits, - - WWW) I v Cash on Hand and Reserve Agents, - 118 06 The FIRST NATIONAL BANK and its savings depart dCfJ Sf ment. the Fidelity Loan and Trust company, have - SaV-I fill today assets iamountlng to . .1 . . V vJJS tJ KJ J J J AS STRONG AS THE GRANITE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE ARE BUILT. W. E. BURNKTT. President. J. SV. SIMPSON, Cashier. JEWELRY- For the next 30 days I will sell all my Jewelry at twenty five per cent less than it is marked. Now is your time to get any piece of Jewelry you want at wholesale price. Come early and get first choice. Remember the date May 1st to June 1st. CHAS U-oods AT THE Shoes, s Hats, Clothing, Notions,! Etc., Etc. T. W. Wood's Seeds. Northern Seed Potatoes. . . . - A. SMITH & THYON, N. C. Bargain Store COMPANY 1 ' ...... j We have just received a large shipment of STRAW. HATS. Let us fit you out in r i - oeacj gear. All styles MlLii SPUING!- SXJPPLY GO Ice Cream Freezers, Mason's Fruit Lap Itobes. : ALL SEASONS: Knives, complete line! of Agate for' cash or installments. Don't Co,, $648,127 - $336,198 - 33t52 369,740 JOHN B. CLEVELAND. Vick-Puksidknt. A. M. CHREITZUEIIG, Ass't Cashikb. Mountain Cottages A few cozy cottages for rent, situated inj Spring Mountain Park on the top of the mountain. A de- lighttul place to spend the Summer. The 'cottages are located 'in picturesque spots and are near "Log Cabin Inn" and "Ben Cragen." For other in- M -. , formation apply to the POLK COUNTY NEWS HATS. ' :' "... -,: , .. : and prices. Supply- BMGMIftlS A. C. BOONE Manager. 0 4 - V . , 4