A $2U,0J0,00J COTTON-HANDLINg CO. Compressing and Warehousing Cotton and Other Improvements by a Strong Com- , pany, With Sully as President. ' , St. Loujs, It will be remembered that w.ijie six weeks (t, Daniel J. Sully;ihr temporarily dethroned cotton king, announci d that he had quit the 4pit" forever and would henceforth devote himself to the work of introducing improve ments in cotton raising and handling. In accordance with this detei initiation, all the j jipers were signed here today in the organiza tion of a gigantic company, whose object is to develop cotton-handling on a vast scale. The S uthern Cotton Corporation will be the name of the company, with a capitalization of jo,ooo,coo $5,000,000 preferred stock and 15,000,000 common. Sully will be presi de nt!4 The company is being financed by men of undoubted strength and prominence in the financial world, who will be actively identified with its management The funda mental feature will be baling at the ginhouse, Sully having some time since secured control of the Whitman square bale cotton press, which it is proposed to manufacture and sell. Other operations of the company include further radical improvements in cotron handl ing all the way from the field to the factor. Improved methods of culture, better ginning, a process of final balitlg at the gin which obviates the necessity for further coupressing, and a great wear-housing system- extending over the whole country's territory, which will store cotton and issue receipts on which local as well as outside banks can loan with abso lute safety are among the innovations which the company will introduce. ' After an examination of the Whitman square, cotton-bale press and its products Mr. John E. Searles, the one-time sugar king and later the promoter, if nor tne father, of the round cotton bale made admissions to his friends to day regarding the superiority of the Whitman baler that were of utmost importance to the entire cotton world. Mr. Searles, still one of tiie largest stockholders in the American Cot lou Co., which owns the patent for producing the roundlap bale, has recently been invited by many leading stockholders of the American Cotton Co. to return to the management of thai company, and he has had under consider ation the acceptance of the offer and the pro- table reorganization of the company. Announcement in the Manufactures Record sme weeks ago concerning the organization by Daniel J. Sully of a cotton-handling com pany, together with Mr. Sully's declaration mat in getting hold of the Whitman square bale press he had secured the machine for making the ouly" perfect bale, induced Mr. Searles to personally examine the Whitman press and bale before going any further with plans for again taking an active part in the artairs of the round bale company. Accordingly, Mr. Searles came to St Louis, where the Whitman cotton press is made, and where it is exhibited in the Agri cultural Palace of the Worlds's Fair. In co.npaiiy wiih a mechanical engineer of inter national reputation Mr. Searles today made a most exhaustive examination of the press and tuc bale, and it has leaked out through a close personal friend and business associate of Mr. Srarles that at the conclusion of the inspection he wired to William N. Cromwell, attorney lor tae American Cotton Co., New York, to t.ic e.ie:t that the .Whitman process is entirely practicable; that it is thoroughly protected, and in a.rong hands would be so dangerous a competitor tuat the American Cotton Co.u.ust control the Whitman press if that company is to continue in business. " N, To his triend Mr. Searles unhesitatingly a lmitted that the Whitman bale docs all he had hoped to do with the round bale, antag onizes nobody metis every objection which he bad to tight with the rouud bale in changing the form of the package. He practically ad mitted that it would Ur folly to try to push the round bale agaiust this newer and better inven tion. Another point recognized by him as of irreat value in the proposition as outlined by th Sullv eomiianv is the determination j r j .. attempt 110 monopolistic control of the Whit nu press, but to put than on sale to every body, liy the way, as showing the popular favoi it is receiving. Mr. Edward Alkinson, t..c coitou insurance expert of Boston, has suggested as a fitting name for the Whitman: iiutiy bale the "Underwriters" bale. uudeitood that the suggestion will be adopted. - Albert Phenjs. an absolutely safe warel.rue, whoe cotton rocipts would bvV Rilt-ede collat-ral' in local wnksasjWell as rinaiicxl centers, as giain elevator receipts are today. Howtwr great was tin- ood which Milly's fiht for hiUh-r-prlced cotton brought to the barer oi ihe South, we believe that in this orgarizat:on there rro pos ibilitics of sti 1 greater good through the hupiovcruem of cottonseed, which will be a part .f the company's business, the development cf better ginning and compressing systems, as wep as in the establishment of t broad warehouse system. Ed. Manufacturers' Record. , COLUMBUS ITEMS. . F Ly Weaver was one of the busy men about town Monday and Tuesday. County Commissioners, T. M. Ruppe and W. Y. Miller, spent Monday night at the home of F. L. Weaver. j H. G. Cannon, of Lynn, was in town! Monday, and judging from the way he was ! hustling about, he had plenty of business that required his attention. J. T. Waldrop was among the out of town visitors here Monday. Mr. Waldrop spoke encouragingly of the conditions of crops generally in his section and seemed to be especially elated over his own prospects for a big harvest in the fall. County Superintendent of Education, W. M. Justice, spent Monday in town. T. C. Mills, of Tryon, was a visitor to Columbus Monday. . ' M. A. Cornwell,. of Green's Creek town ship, was a business visitor here Monday. J. A, Hines, of Collinsville, spent Monday with the people of Columbus. - A Mrs. Klincks, of Charleston, S. C, is stopping at the Columbus hotel. Mrs. Westlake and daughter, Helen, went on Thursday to Log Cabin Inn to spend a few weeks on top of the mountain. J. G. Hughes and his assistants, Messrs. L. H. Cloud, W. E, Hill and T. E. Walter, have begun to erect the addition to the young ladies dormitory of the Central Industrial Institute. The work is getting well under way and will be pushed along as rapidly as possible. Register of Deeds F. M. Burgess, is now busy working on the tax list. Rev. W. M. Whiteside and his mother, are visiting friends and relatives in Gaston county. Mr. Whiteside is also traveling in the interests of the Central Industrial Institute. He will piobably return about Monday, 1 8th. N. T; Mills, of Poplar Grove, stopped on his journey through town Wednesday long enough to subscribe to the Asheville Semi Weekly Citizen and The Poik County News. Follow his example and do likewise, ye who are not subscribers. You will never regret it Mrs. W. M. Whiteside and children are visiting Mrs, Whiteside's father, Mr. "Benny" Wilson on Green River. to "The above dispatch of the organization of .... j a company with Mr. bully as presiaem ana with some of the leading financial people of the country as active manager is one of the most important announcements which has been made for a long time connected with the development ol the South. It is important tn that after the most thorough investigations of the Whitman press it has been found that it meets every requirement for puttings up a square bale of cotton at the gin, and thus avoiding the expense of rehandling and recom pressing, doing in this respect.wbat the round a good deal ?a!e'y to make his appointment. He walked from Lynn to Bethlehero last Suu lay.: .He came up through the woods and old ;wlds with his Sunday sdioes ripped, muddy and jxttora of one nearly off,"' having come through field?, and along by-paths to rua'ce time. But after alt, he was cheerful apof ogizinj for his plight and preached with his tisUil viror nd earnestness. ', ; ;r . NOTICE. - ;' North Carolina, 1 c ." Polk County, ' Superior Court. Mary E. D. Blanton, J. W. Gardner and wife Maggie A. Gardner. The defendants above named, J. W. Gardner and wife Maggie Gardner, will take notice : That an action entitled as above has been brought against them in the Superior court of Polk county, North Carolina, by the plaintiff above named, for the purpose of compelling said defendants to execute to said plaintiff a deed for certain land lying in Polk county, N.C, under contract for conditions broken.. Arid said defendants will further take notice that they required to appear before the Judge of-the Superior court,at a court to be held for the county of Polk, at the court bouse in Columbus, N. C, on the 4th Mon day after the first Monday in September 1904, and answer or demur to the complaint of the; plaintiff which will be deposited with , the Clefk of the Superior court of said county within the first three days of the Term, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. J. P. Arlrdge, Clerk Superior Court, Polk County. This July 1 2th, 1904. 8-4 Business BUSLSS 7 w- BRINCBRS lOCALS V ' ' . ' , - Ads Under This Head Five Cents Per V- ) Une Each insertion. LEGAL BLANKS.-Chattel Mortgage blanks - for skie tt T.e News office. . IF.IT is plows, hoes, forks, rakes, yon need, calton us Tkyon Supply Co. J UST a few heaters left and going at less than cost: Tryon Supply Co. - COOKSTOVES and vesselsat low prices. Tryon Supply Co. ANYTHING in hardware. Tryon Supply Co. - WE ARE headquarters for Icz Cream Freezers and Mason's Fruit Jars. Tryon Supply Co. ... oooedoooeeoeooooooooeooocdoeccppccdoeobocsoccpdoeoeo o e. BID YOU EVER Tfllt FIT? . Old It euer occur to y&tx tHot poorly printed otatlon : cry J hao Hoot many el dollar for the Tbu&i nesa man P, . :Hav& your orintinrr done" Here and you will make not r lose money. 1 . PGLK GCUUTY J E17S PHiniKiG HOUSE I THE BEST OF PRINTINQ; S Subscribe for Thk News. CHURCH DIRECTORY. PRESBYTERIAN. T. C. Crokkb. Pastor. Frcacbing every first and third Sunday, 11 a. m. and at nisnt. Sabbath School 10 a, m. BAPTIST. W. "M. Whitksidk. Pastor. Preach inc every aeeond and fourth Sunday at 11 a. 111., aucf the fcaturday previous. . Suaday School at 10 a. m. SUMMER PANTS.-A nice line of summer I pants at McMurray & Cloud. Call and" see I "them. -r . a uuucle, dakkcl biiuiUUiN at a bargaiu- II interested address 'U," Ntws Office. ' SALT,WHITB FISH. A shipment of them has just been received at McMurray & Cloud,' s. Try them. WRITING-PAPER and Envelopes of good r quality are always kept in stock at The i News office. The price will pleast you. ; t " - s CORN, FODDER or other marketable produce will be received at any time in pay ment of subscriptions to .The News. (5)flo)fi))If! Mire SEEDS ETSTll ARE THE B THAT CAN DE GROWN If you want the choicest veretablea or anoatxauitfiil flower you should read BURPEE'S FARM ANNUAL FOR 1 904,-o wet! know as thM Leading American Seed Catalogue." It ia mailed FREE to alt. Better send 'year address TO-DAY. W. ATLES OVRFEC Ok. CO PKll ADSLFItlA. ' Central Industrial ! nsiilute, will open August 29 tb, 1904, with a corps of fiv teachers. One hundred and fifty students expected. " . Tuition from 50 cents to . $2.(Kr" per month. Board in the Dormitory at actual cost which areraged - $4.00 per month last year. ' - - ' ' GREEX RTVER CIRCUIT METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH. W. H. Pkebt. Pastor, Mill Spring:. N. C. - YOUNtl PEOPLES' SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN" ENDEAVOR, E. B. Clocd. Prerideut. It meets every Sunday e veiling at 7 p. m. at the Institute buildiuf. ' UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLiNA. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, FRESH GROCERIES. A nice line of fresh groceries just received. McMurray & Cloud, Columbus, N. C, JUbl KbCblvliD a nice line of paints. Paint that old house, or new house. Don't put it off. Delays are dangerous. Tryon i Supply Co. . SEWING MACHINES. If you contem plate the purchase of a sewing machine, t apply at 1 its News office and learn of a '- bargahi. . $55.00 Will pay your Board and Tuition For One Yean . - . You can not find a school of equal grade in the state with such cheap rates. Two' new additions are now being built to the Dormitory. We are going to make room for all who come. . Our catalogues areu6w ready for mailing. Send us your name and secure one. For further information write AI. m. UUHITESIDE, principal Pharmacy STRAW HATS A good lot of straw hau eoine at a dargam. IS cent hats at 10 cents. 2$ cent hats at 15 cents. 50 cent hats at 35 cents. Come quick. They won't be here long. McMukray & cloud. THE NORTH r CAROLINA . Skate n 0 5 m a 1 a D d I d d u si r i a l ' (Solli a V, : COURSES ;: COMMERCIAL - - DOMESTIC SCIENCE . MANUAL TRAINING' MUSIC " Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' sens. Scholarships and loans', for the needy. 620 ST D DENTS. 07 I1ST8QCT0RS. PROTRACTED MEETING AT TRYON. The protracted meeting for the Methodist church in Tryon is announced to begin Thurs day night of this week at the school house. The Quarterly Conference is to be held in the new church by Rev. J. II. West, P. E., Saturday and Sunday. Rev. G. VV. Chrutch field, pa.'tor of West End Methodist Church, Asheville, is. to be present Monday night to assist the pastor. Rev. W. 11. Perry, in the meeting. Rev. Chrutchfield is rep rted by his pre siding elder as being a most excellent man and a good preacher. New DormitoriesGyrnnasiunv Water Works, Central Heating System. Tlie Fall term begins Sept. 5, 1904. Address - B-NCI8 VNABLE, X RESIDENT, Chapel Hill, N. C. Advertise in The News. MILL- SPRING NEWS, . Martin Walker's baby has been sick for a week. It is reported critically ill at present. Miss Carrie Fleming, of Rowan county, near Salisbury is up on a visit to. her sister Mrs. H. K. Finger and is expecting to remain dur ing the summer. Mrs. Canady is here from New York City to rest during the summer. She is formerly from England and has been in this country about two years. Mrs. Delia Mitchel, Mill Spring's invalid has noved to the home of Mrs. Hague, her sister. She seems very cheerful and contented to have been bed-ridden so long 20 years or more. One hundred teachers from Rutherford county and twenty-five from Polk .will make, quite a little company of boarders for our little city if they all attend as they should. Our bale was expected to do in the saving of re-J people are pleased that the institute is to be cotupressiug charges without the radical rfr. nc nere for the two counties and that it begins volution in the shape of the bale. The world next week. But why has Polk so few teachers? has been accustomed for a century to . e I ; " pd meeti;g 'begfarfor BeAle square bale, and tne wnuman F.., ' h Method"ist' Church next 2nd Sunday. . t. . i.iiaiM aai t mg to these reports, meets n -...--. w understand that Rev. W. H. Perry, the a 500-pound bale ol tne same ..?- t . . . ... R w M. Whiteside of as the present square bale of commeace. It . tj and hold a ... .1 r..ll..' -t U men r is equally important mai ouw7 m9d$ti together for both denomination?. uo have joined wUh him in this undertaking , r . H Pe edently liberal hvc determined not to unoenaite 10 muw ig worklng for toe salvation of souls lize the bJing of cotton, but to sell the press, , fo deominalionai agrandizement V as well as all other machinery which they thcreibre- williriif to' cooperate .with may devolop, m the open mantei i forhe acC0mplishmentoMhe greatest gini.er who may desire to buy. Connected iir r. with the movement, however, is tne equaiiy , . arranffe to :0jn ijim important uuderUkiiig of the estaDiwnmcm : cover a laree scale of a warehouse system, tni the - whole cotton reeion. where the farmer, the factor or the millman can store cotton in or not , ... i -' - : "-: ' The horse' of Mr. Perry has oeen lame .for seven weeks or more and he has been walking Subscribe for The News today. DAS A CODE riEPUTATIO:) me. 1 For th Cure of Endorted by hundreds of peopl it has cured in it home city. i . m . m iiiiiiii Has won; aEI!UTAT10N: v ; 4o be proud .oi.1 x f A trial will convince you of its cierit, for you will be benefitted., ? from the first dose. Write to us for Free Sample and Book let of Testimonials. Price $1. a bottle, six bottles (9. Sold br your druggist, or address, SAN O HEME D Y CO. Clovoland, Ofito.f SANO FILE CURE Works Wendars. Pries 60c WHEN YOU ARE "ALL OUT" of Envel- ,need wmc at once, send your order to The News office and get it filled quicker V than you could elsewhere. Well LITERARY V , CLASSICAL . -SCIENTIFIC- . ' . PEDAGOGICAL - r. . - . - . Five courses leading to Diplomas.. Advanced,, Courses. leading.. JoPegrees. pesBilI Heads,' Letter Heads, etc., and lHM .Vw-,.w ;;...ry 9 r fr? ma ices iot use ui icxi uuuu, civ., iyu. v uwinwrau wt u c fwt, Thirteenth annual session begins September 29, 1 904. To secure board in therdormitories all free-tuition applications should be made before 'July 15th. Correspondence invited 60m those desiring competent teachers and. stenographers.' For' catalogue and otherqfprthation address : : " '-'A' .. '.- -7 5":. O. TVIcIlER, JProiclont; OZ&ZJBSTSBOStO. ' 3ST. ' C. - ' -" ' OOR CLDBDIUG RATES. ,..Ve have made arrangements- whereby we can offer the t following . , clubbing rates to I those, who. want any . of tne Papers in the, list j below. These rates are very low and we must have, cash in advance. Look the - lis over and then send us your order. ;- The "Atlanta Constitution, (the great Southern weekly) and The News, The Sunny South and The News, The Semi-Weekly Observer and The News ............. The Progressive Farmer and The -t&WS w ' -, The Farm Journal all of 1904 and The News one year . . ... . The Farm journal five years and The SKEW'S one year . . . ... - Send all orders to Subscribe mm mm. $1 50 1 50 1 50 50 roe x So X. R. Painter, THE POLK ; COUNTY NEWS, : Columbus," N. C. A. LEONARD, Paper Hanger and House Decorator. Samnlea of oaint and wall paper upon application. I can ssll paint cheaper than any person iu the county, ttodf and barn paint 60 cents per gallon. ; House pamt irom f 1. vv up. now is uiv uuie w have your house painted and papered. isumaiea on axi junaa 01 house work free., ' - v 8? The Semi -Weekly Citizeir PUBIJSHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS I ty .forthe : crin of mansughter .nd Furnishe8 al, tue Iatest news-local'and general. Each issue, up to the hour of going to picas, contains the latest telegraphic news from all parts; of the world, crop conditions and prices of farm products, girta. jf ;';';il?PLieAiio roa pasdon. . Notice is hereby given -to the public. that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of John Bruce and Shed Sheban, convicted vat September terni 1 1 002 of the Superior court of Polk iii?ntid t9;ten years m state prison. This July lst,'X904.' 7-14 A. BUY THE Three Months, Six Months, Twelve Months, - 50 c Ckmii in advance. Send inypurubscription to-day. ; -, Notice is hereby given to the public that the Governor of North Carolina has ordered a Special Term of the Superior Court for I oik County, for the trial oi civil cases rniy, v convene on Monday, July Ith, 1904 ana continue until the business of the court is dispose 1 of. All litigants having causes standing for trial on the civil docket of ahe Superior court of said county and -all wit nesses under subpoena to attend the regular crm ofsaid Superior court, to tesUfy in civil causes, af notified to be present at 'said Spedal ftrm. - J- Bi Livingston, : ; y c Chni. Brd. County Com. This 23rd day of June, 1904. SEWING HACHIHE Do not be deceived by those who ad? . .11 n - ? . r t t m . venise a ?ou.w oewmg nxacaiue ior ; : U.UU TI113 kind or a macnine can be bought from us or any of our , dealers frpmfl5.00to 118.00. ; ! V WC MAKC A VARICTY THE KEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feejl determines the strength or j weakness of Sewing Machines. The 1 Double Feed combined with other, strong points makes the IVew Horn thebest Sewing Machine to buy. - ViiteferCIRCOURS'S' wciuanuCaeture and prtces before purcnaaing Address, THE CITIZEN, ASHXVUXE,! NOBTH CAB0UJ(a. TEE f REV E0U5 IKTIKJ QiSlIHE CI. -' onAiiac ataaa. I 28 Unjon Sq. MV Y4 ..Chicago, IU-, Atlanta, Ga- St. Loula,Jio Jtoiiaavrex-, Ban jrraneisoo, uai -J for S3A tear llorvo Trczo c? C: it is Carlo la aada from GllYLO V71BJL CZZZ VC WW not a rtW reUef but a peimjwentei?! ,tt to fcOl52f7: 'HwL tor 11 thiian di nan mi ukuou. m mm mmmm mamm i 1 . r taas wiu prepK- w KZZTZZTXZX oviBTtaoas Usaw NMwm ninm mnA raaUtdlMaaa. A airoms ci-ss- meaas m atronc. well amiahd body, capaUa af t-tinWdiZi! Chvlo m-iei imr, trh, wd blood, atmtbM.toa diaordera ariatog from non-aaaimllatioa of tha rood. . Chyto SoS tb7tatrttaea to wtaia many tniUttet AnmAtal Bt-ldr. Ho auch aaaOat cam I When ChTlo ia uad. Therefor Cbylo la a lowpwr-wurt wppamiiPia. - ' ChyloeanUlulatjvrdrut3rJa -LmX Made only cy the CIITaVO aw vsiumo - . v.