E FOLK COURTY HEWS. JOHN CARNEGIE, PcJjifURR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - One Year, ..... ....... Six Months, ' '5 Threes Months, . .25 One Month, .IO Always in Advance. Subscribers to The Polk County News ' notified when their sub Jt scription expires by the appearance of a BLUE CROSS MARK on tneir paper. THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1905. . 'A NEWSY LETTER FROM LYNN. Death of Mrs. R. T. FowlerRural Library OpenMore telephones Wanted in Vynn People Coming and Going Other Notes. J. A. McCall has been quite in disposed for the past week with LaGrippe. familv. also T. V. Smith and family, have shaken the dust or rather the mud, off their feet and departed this city and gone to Woodruff, S. C. We hope that their experience may be profitable to them. W. A. Cannon, Jr. P. C, of the Lynn Council, Jr. O. u. a. M., will represent the Lynn Council in State Council at Golds boro, N. C, Feb. 21st. J. L. Scoggins and family who have located in Lynn are now domiciled in Leonard Johnson's cottage, R. A. Leonard and James M. Buttler are now giving the inside of the new mill a going over with the paint brush. E. C. Wilcox returned last Sat urday from a business trip up north. North Carolina day at school building next Saturday night . The new rural library is now opened at school building, Mrs Rand librarian. Miss Clara ShiUetoV mother returned to her home in Pa., last week after an extended visit in Lynn. A sick sister prompted her going at this time. Much timber is lying in a con- glomarating condition over the county as a result of that terrible storm a few days ago. Lookout now for much talk about bad roads. The trustees, supervisors and county Commis sioners will get a great many nice compliments. Snow, sleet, rain, snow, hail, wind, mud then more snow. Wood is in demand these days. &lmost any kind will do but dry wood is preferred. More telephones are wanted in Lynn. We hope the company can arrange to install a few more in our town soon. There came very near being a corJIaorration at Hosiery Mill a few days ago. An electric light bulb exploded and set some goods on fire. The heat soon caused the melting of the plug of auto matic sprinkler and at short notice it was extinguished by the same. Married on last Tuesday even ing at the residence of the bride- room's father Mr. L. F. Thomp son, Miss Lizzie Marshall, the daughter of Rev. J. A. Marshall, of this Dlace. to F. A. Thompson, Esq., the bride's father officiat ing. Owing to the inclemency of the weather for two sabbaths past there were no services in chapel. Our new rural library is not f complete yet but balance of books ..... will be in soon. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o The Br eat Toombs leorgiap, Bob Once Said s t ' - . , ...... . 5 i ""Who saves bis country, saves all things, And all things saved will bless him; . iWho lets his country die, lets all things di, . A vtA oll fliin ira 1vinor n.nrafl him .-? t, o . o I o o o o o o o o If COLUMBUS NEWS. Save your country and save yourself money by buying your hardware supplies at home, for department stores in Chicago have no interests in" common with ours, and by the time you pay freight from Chicago on stoveSj, rauges, buggies, guns, and most anything else, they will have cost you as much, and in many instances more than we can sell you the same goods for. Supply yourself with any of these things from our Store. TRYON SU PPLY COMPANY, Inclement Weather Prevents Services Being Held in Churches Sunday B. F. Hampton Going to Texas. Old Sol has not had much suc cess in melting the snow to date. Columbus is still white. T, W. Merrit, a student of the Central Industrial Institute, sprained his foot while coasting; Saturday. He is also suffering with a cold. B. R. Hampton has the Texas fever and we learn that he ex pects to leave for that state about the first of March. He expects to be employed by his brothers. who are engaged in the lumber business. Miss Geva Fry entertained a number of young people at her home Wednesday night. A good time was reported. Herman and Ada Walker, son and daughter of T. E. Walker, have been ill this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lawter left Wednesday to visit relatives in Cooper Gap section. A few, weeks ago Tryon organ ized a board of trade and wo learn that this new organization has already done much toward the up-building of the town. It is now up to the citizens of Col umbus to perfect suchtan onran ization and make things move along here at a more, rapid rate than at present. Come, get to gether and do something. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morris re turned from Rutherfordton Sun day where they had been on a visit e -o TRYON, N. C. o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o BUY n tvi in - 1 1 ii irJKriK if n it SEWING MAGhZ HBP Do not be vertise a $60.00 Sewhfr ho.j " $20.00. Thlsklnd o SS! ' te vght .from ullS dealers from $15.00 WE MAKE A VARitJi THE HEW HOME is Tup The Feed determines thn i BESt Treaknes of Sewing liSgthoj Rouble Feed combines; $ WritsforCIRCUUfiS. w manufactijre and prices SffijJJ 2SUnlonSq.N.y.,ChiI81 A.. FOR 8ALC BY CUC0 O90ooooooeooooooeooeooeoooeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo LOG" CABIN IMS Now Open For Winter Guests. Mrs. M. Bt STEVENSON, Proprietress, Columbus, A. 6. I A GOOD EYE, A STEADY HAKD AM l """i wi r OuOlffna mean successful shot every time. "Stvin. reliable und. ll rnnMn.J ateve.ns TO A Or r.nrHU I X?. to Stai fa - fuaui on our goods. If you can not obtain them, will ship express prepaid, upon re ceipt of price. J. STEVENS ARMS 6 TOOL CO. r. O. Bos 4092 CHICOFEE FALLS, MASS, U.S. A. nd appeals to all IovhJ mierested In ft, sport of shooting. ui 4 cents IB SUmps to pay ruzue fuel Our sympathies are extended to our fellow teachers and pupils during these days of extremely severe weather. We look to Him who is able to preserve our health, to keep us and use us one and all to His glory. " Eutopian Society. , N. T. Mills, who has been sick several days, is improving. There were no services held at the churches here Sunday on account of the bad weather. O. J. Hawkins, of Cambridge, Ohio, is visiting his dauerhter. Miss Mamie Hawkins, who has been here a few months for her health. A young Mr. Calahan of Ruth erford, was a visitor in Lynn one day last week. Airs. R. T. Fowler died at her home in this place last Tuesday, the 7th after a long protracted attack of lung trouble. A hus band, three sons and four daughters survive her. She was a consistent member of the Methodest church, a faithful wife, a loving mother, a kind and respected neighbor. Her remains were interred in the Tryon cemetery, Thos, Fowler; of Johnson City, Tenn., came home in response to a telegram notifying him of the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. R. T. Fowler. Miss Minnie Arledge w e n t home last Tuesday in response to a notice or report of her mother being sick. Gray R, Hampton Jr, of Col umbus, called on his way home last week from the mountains of Virginia and said there were more charms for him in Polk than in those cold, blue, bleak, snow cov ered mountains of Virginia. ...... CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE NOTES Some Interesting Matters Discussed by the Eutopian Society. Teachers will do well to notice the new ad of the Central Indus. trial Institute this week. 3 We consider ourselves fortun ate in securing the services of J. E. Shipman during the teachers course. " Already a number of teach have said "we are coming." Coasting has been the order of the day this week. For some days God has been teaching us how this sin cursed earth can be made the symbol of purity. She has been wrapped in a mantle of pure white snow. We sometimes feel that the realities of life have lost their places in our lives. The old time family altars have been, thrown down and the boy is no longer being taught to pray bv the v. i ampies of his father. How long, on now jong shall the evidences of these things be seen in the school teachers life ? Advertise in The News. The March Smart Set. 1 . i The SmartSet has fsirly out done itself in the March number, whii&ksthe.beginnin" of the sixth year of its existence. The complete novel is "The Prin cess Elopes," by Harold Mac Grath, an author whose immense popularity is due to the fact that he is a bom story-teller. -(Mr. MacGrath is at his very best in this charming tale of a European pnncess and a young American medical student. It is . a delicrht- ful blending of romance :and delicate humor, touched every where with the deft hand of an author who has mastered his craft Nothing better of its kind has appeared in a magazine in many a month. Among the dozen short stories in this number about half are bv authors who have been " either entirely unknown hitherto,- to magazine readers or are just cominsr into Drommence. Tf. ha always been the avowed policy oi I he Smart Set to encourage young authors'. and this issue proves the wisdom of Vne nolicv. une ot the best stones in the magazine is "A Venial Offense' by Norvell Harrison. In marked contrast to its humor is the powerful and dramatic motive of Beatrix Demarest Llovd'a 44 A Man Unlearned. ' William Ham ilton Osborne's "The Transfer nf Thorheycroft" is a strikingly ciever ana satirical storv of , phase of smart society, and "The Aimisa oi a OQUi," by Frances Aymar Matthews, is so strange ana unusual that it defies classi fication. Other stories, eonallv clever, are by Kate Jordan, Van iassel Sutphen, Clinton Danger field, Julia B. Foster and Alger non xassm. Maurice Francis Egan has an entertaimnc: and ...tirhelv . r " j on questions of Precedence. " in which he discusses the laws that "govern social usages in washmgtona The verse in the March Smart Set is of remarkably fine quality and includes characteristic work by Madison Cawein, Zone Gale, Arthur Stringer, Florence Wil kinson, Gouverneur Morris, Edith M. Thomas, R. K. Munkittrick and John Vance Cheney. If The Smart Set maintains the standard of this number even approximately for the coming twelve months, the future success of the magazine will be as sure as its past 1 . New Ads in This Issue. The following new ads will be found in this issue : Central In dustrial Institute, Burpee's Seed House, Polk County News Print ing House, Papoose Popcorn. J AS. P. MORRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW.- Located in. Grand Jury Room in Court House over Clerk's Office. COLUMBUS, - Nr c; ; TELEPHONES j Office: No. 7. Residence: No. 14. OUR CLUBBING RATES. Wc have made arraneements wherthv wk can otit'er the following clubbin? those who want any of the pajwrs in the list below. These rates are very low and u- must hAve casli in advance 1 XlfL t Ii lie - . a over ana men send us your order. The Atlanta Constitution, (the great bouthern weekly) and The Nkws, $i co TTI-. C 1 . t rm-S m. . uc ounny soutn ana HIE JNEWS I Co ine bemi-Weekly Observer andvjHE mfcWS . . . . . . NOTICE OP SUMMONS. State of North Carolina, I la Superior Court County of Folk. Spring Term, 190 Claud Corner 1 Notice of Publication of Summons. The Progressive Farmer and The iMBWS , i . , . , . : The Farm Journal all of 1 904 and The News one year . . . The Farm Journal five years and The tws one year . . . , , Send all orders to THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, Columbus, N. 1 50 x 50 x 00 1 50 THE SnMT SET A Magazine of Cleverness Magazines should have a w1I.rlfi. purpose. - . Genuine entertainment .m..-w..- ,.i , -f wvmjcui ana S5,theUOn FC thC mMi- of 7. ;M08T SUCCESSFUL OF UABATiur Its: Novels fa COmnlf nn. m ...1 are bv the mn iSmllZ-?") hemispheres." - .UlU 01 Iu Short Stories are matchlessclean and full of human interest. - . Its Poetry coverincr lf:,l : "v vuuic iiciu oi verse -pathos, love, humor, tenderness-is by the most nnniila. - . . luc --r- wen ana women, of the Its Jokes, Wiuicisms. SkeVrh - ..... , bis,,, arc admittedly the most mirth-provoking. ' 160 PACES DELIGHTFUL READING No pages are wasted on'chean iiie.-i:-L . eduorial vaponngf or wearvin idle discussions. Every page will interest, charm .nd rrf.u you.. . ... - Subscribe now 2. :o nr t i' ?. cheque, P. O. or ExDres L vs. SanJy Corner The defeimant, Mrs. Sandy Corner, the above named defendant will take notice that an action as above entitled has been com- menceu in the bupenor court ot Polk county, to obtain a dissolution of the bonds nf matri mony between plaintiff and defendant ou the grounds of fornication and adult &nA defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the Superior court of Polk the 27th day of March, 1905, atHhe court UWIM am tuuniv. 10 answer r Hm. the comnlaint in said acdon or the plaintiff: Will A -v. I . n . 1. . f . . - . iv uic court iortne rtiif . - - - . : vwuAuubU iu uu comuiamt. I I Avtrnrf . r . Morris, - - Clerk Suuerior Court. Att'y for Plaintiff. - This 111k J.... f w. ujr u jau. 1905. 2-23 Subscribe for The News. Three Times the Value of Any OTHeR, One Third Easier. One Ihird Faster. The only Se win g M achine that does not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearingi make it the lightest running ma chine m the world. Age n ts wan te d in un occupiecL territory. Whaler & Wilson Mfg. Co., , A I LAB 1 4" UA- ADMINISTSATOB'S NOTICE - Having qualifiedas administrator of Tames . : w 01 ram county, N. C. thins to notify all MrSnnC h-J' against the estate of said deceased to exhibit 1 r r uuuersignea on or before the nth day of January. 1006. or r.;c -1 ..." . i uuuw will n? . . " UlatkC 1 m . r S I; J r1; . mcFarland, I. r. Unm Att a , ' - tu: r,J""';. Aammistrator. "' "ay oi Jan. I905. 2-2 ELT IAYERS AS SOFT AS THE BEST OF JOB PRINTING AT THE -NEWS OFFICE. com one v- Ooyal Elastia Felt tlattrcss. gSf: Inthecenf tration there is no hardness. years of constant Th pntetfer fre bookleV Iff,01 to Comfort." TRICE We prepay PRICP OIO.OO the ficight. CMr haw..,.. vlUiWV w. mwm nn TRIAL FRKS. HERB IS THB AUTOMATIC LIFT DROP HEAD SEWING Machine years ahead of all others in points sterlinir worth. If we were paid twice what we astc for this machine, we cou.u ; not build a better one. And our price is right if iyX NARK Maonftc tttTMl mA lllbds Scwbs llachinc Co.. Chlctj

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