OSTEOPATHIC AIMS ihe-lieads of bis fellow members when he rose to make an occasioual speech or mo tion. That so magnificent a physical sped- v i - - t it i it!nnlii men bqouki nave ueeu w """ Sec. Meacham Talks Interestingly I . . . Uaucv to me pity of n I ittlo Knnum'PrnffiSSiori; Thisdeatb. . :. . . Dr. Phinm had long been a deyoted Dr. W. Banks Meacnam, or Asnvme. - the member8 of the Wil secretary of the North Carolina Osteopathic 1 1am Q HU1 jdgc, Gf Raleigh, attended Association talked interestingly last night tbe 8ending away of the remains in a body. on the aims and progress of his peculiar science which during the past few years has had a frequent exploitation at the hands ; of both the Legislature and the courts. As will be remembered the bill passed at the last session of the General Assembly requiring osteopaths to undergo an examination at the hands of j the State Medical Board was declared unconstitu tional by. the Supreme Court and the mem bers of the profession are now., permitted to practice, within, the State withoutlet or EAST APPEALS TO WEST AGAIN. Representative: Winborne' Would - Have, School Fund Apply Largely To White Schools . " Merchant's Tax Re-, pealed. - Pointed Paragraphs In Raleigh, Jan. 25 an Interview with Representative the introducer of the Dill to after each a rmiripn fcv ntil.v.kft manv orison doors. Winborne, is! hard on amend the constitution so that I UC WOJF vr I - - . , . nMtrlAaA race, white ana diack, rntu with four-month schools, there may be dis crimination, he aid that while everybody amuses of drawing- Russia Into a terri-1 ble war by complete ignorance of tbe j true state of affairs in tbe far east. ; Mr Soverln declares the reason for the fall of Port Arthur before the complete ex: haustlon of itsmeons of reslstence was j the death of Major General Kondraten- ko. "wbo was the real -hero of tbe defense of the' fortress and who filled both tbe civil and military men with courage while Lieutenant General Stoessel only manifested civil courage (" rziTtrCr. I . - , ', iMnli ra runr ! f cr.v- li "... e: ' ITraiiZtlin Typewriter ' it is the simnl easiest, fastest running ,n most durable Typewr the market. n .The work of the FRamt, Ways: in Full View 0f 1' Operator. Alignment is pere ccu XI1C oeSt yp( maae. his friends ' ; ' ' ' man to bluff his credi tors than his wife. . Rnnnrls of nleasure are - I . . . J .1 nnASA.t' t nf snoial rirclea. - . afraid to cnange vuc WUI1'U'"' - .... . -i ! .As mon tnltKSnrra thinkin? It 111 DOllllCU; ine WUlgS Ol XIUUCB CUuia buiuc iuv.. ; luiufi " , ' . I .Uen Paris Feb. 9. A dispatch to the Mat- '.. . i. sopposbd: . rea..y favored U.e ameodu.eaV.er. - that his interview, said German nrms naa oeen writer fly from their poor relations adt who is so good that all her women ac Russian military contracts in whose bids Senator Bailey on Dr. Alderman hindrance -uY: ''r.'--'': - The DUTDose of the bill urged yesterday quaintances like her. bv Dr. Meacham and others is, they ;Eay,f I'mbrellas keep some men dry and to establish within the bounds of their own others remain dry because they are not in- association a similar standard of efficiency vited to take something. rhicago News. to that required by physicians in the practice of medicine. The law having in tervened to give them the right of practice independndently of the medical cult, they desire to be endowed with the same rights of discrimination accorded to the board which has the power of acceptirg or re jecting applicants for license to practice medicinetiu the practice of osteopathy. The bill, according to the members of the association, is aimed only at unworthy parties who "without experience or practical knowledge trade upon a little known and vague term as 'osteopateM in the practitf 'of the merest quackery. 4,The public seem tohaveja wrong inter- nreation. "said Dr. Meacham. "of the .... purpose of our bill now before the Senate. Fromthe action of a supposed osteopath - in the State the reputable men now located here have to bear the stigma of being au , unscrupulous, ignorant body. s "Our bill is to exclude disreputable in competent men, who would use the pro fessional titles ot our body and toguar- antee to North Carolina that whoever practices our ' profession shall beihonest and capable. vThe men in the State now, so far as my knowledge goes, will average in edu cation and intelligence up to the standards held by the medical profession. "I cannot speak in detail of the academic education of the other men of our society, but I do know as secretary that each one his a diploma froman osteopathic.college recognized by the: American Osteopathic Association. ; " L ' "1 am a member of the committee on iuiucation and am tnereiore 10 a position to speak with authority on that point. Yes, personally, I believe I can show through training in academic and professional lines I got an A. B. from Mississippi Collegeji, 1895; an A. B. from Harvard in 18G8; and D. O. from the Massachusetts College of Osteopathy in 1900. My studies in psy chology under Prof. Wm. James and the special attention 1 gave to mental diseases in my osteopathic course prompt ed.my osteopathic alma mater in psychol ogy and phychiatry, which position I held until I returned South. "Certainly there are specialists in our profession.; A Doctor Bony , of Buffalo, N. Y., now treats ear diseases almost ex cjusiveiy. At present my work is more or less general. The majority of my work is on nervous wrecks, and 1 hope in a year or two to do an exclusive; practice in men- tar and nervous ' diseases. More than one D. O., today makes diseases of woman a specialty. "News & Observers .' r iriv nor white prewreuw w . w. No man particularly admires aiwoman one piopnu v, considerably lower. xThe minister r"M:"i eald that it was absolutely false that the negro ku.-u.. r .r. nn. h: when nea'otta.tln the He declared mat uniesa buiuciuuS - ... m a. 1 T AAMta Will IT BO I lOBh lUuU AftM ntAM rrvn r.nn l wiiiih.i a us . nm alUU ncio u"uv vw - eastern North Carolina. Out of the white vot-rs in that seotion of the State in Ue last election, the Democrats got only three in five, while the Republicans got the ot ner two, and 4 he votes fell off a third, as com hared with what it was four years go, r C Price, ST.'i.nn . Cutter. Tower Co., Jenifer Building, 7th & D. Stsl N; W Washington D r - WrT. WOOD, Local Agent. German firms should military contracts. "condition that derive Russian (News & Observer) It has become a port of fashion for - . I . .t!n V ivKItpa eJmnlv BtiiV- Southern men,"wheu speaking in the Norm & P""- v r " to give expression to the opinion that the . Reduced Rates. Presidential Innguration- ceremonies, Washington, D. C. March 4, 1905. TickeU no raIa March 2nd and 3rd. at rate of one EVEHY S00HIEIM FAilLlER SHOULD READ SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST PUBLISHED AT NASHVILLE, TENN. Because it is edited by Southern men to suit Southern condition Iu every issue such men as Maj. Thos. J. Key, former Aoa;. 8; Commissioner of Agriculture -of Alabama, and Andrew M gon Director of the Virginia Experiment Station, answer questions which South Is no longer producing great men, as formerly, and. to add that the South does not give recognition in public life to its best luen. Some very good men have unwisely eiven expression to su h views soeakii-ffin New York or elsewhere, and It is time that this unjast criticism section to strangers should stop. Seutor Bailey, of Texas, who as constitutional lawyer and able debater upon fundamental questions, Is head and shoulders above any other man of eithar party H the Senate, has given expression Fo a feeling of resent ment to such criticism that is common among thoughtful men. In a recent let ter, which explains itself. Senator Bailey, a distingushed alumuusof tbe University of Virginia, said: "Mr. Thomas Nelson Page, Washing ton, D. C. "Dear Sir: Some time ago you and others were good enough to designate(me as a member of a committee whose duty it is to raise by subscription a suitable fund for the University of Virginia. I did not at that time accept the appointment, be cause I doubt the propriety of any man while eiigaged in the public service solicit- and worth throueh the eastern partof the btate in . ; - . f L iliverv issue is lite a oig tarmers experience meeting - i rnvi 'I'lAifAia tj nu iiitiiimi in I'linunuuus i v . . - . a white voters are waiting to jBee wnai we z- : twice the cost oi a wnoie year s SU08Criptlon. Wsktaro would do on .he pb..c M J- ' 12 Twhe a month th Southern Agrieultnr.rt goes to 60,000 South v,.avvw, v O : I r ; llnn'f irnn WAn- inm n.m U t -i " Antat Washlnirton. D. C. not later than ' "umcB j"" vy Uu. uppy lamilyr If B, says tnat some oi me peop.e, - fi . . . miint nf fPA nP nn AnU sena ou eenn ior a year s suuscripwou. iou win never regret it. want to nerer to xnormern Beuumcm. uu, Y.' m, mv of tneir - " r wtutoa it. Mia iminn nave in meir cuiuuiu- lOiu. ! be obtained to leave Washington March Agricultu lions such a provison regarding education as North Carolina has now. ITIcrckato ParckaM Tax Afcllh4. The Senate and the House committees on finance this evening unanimously decided to fttrike out from the revenue act what is known as the merchants' purchase tax, Jin accordance with a special recommendation of the 8tate Auditor. Five hundred mer chants petitioned for such a course. i Norman U. Johnson, attorney for the Merchants' Association, says that 5,W0 names were feigned to the petitions, ' and that telegrams poured in all day to mem bers of the Assembly. The measure! he savs. will brinsr ereat contentment to the i merchants throughout North Carolina, i EASTER THIS YEAR. Southern Nashville, Tenn. ristj Pensa- Madn Qras, New Orleans, La cola, Fla. and Mobile, Ala. March 2 7 1905 mps to active For this occasion tickets will , be on sale or Cash Commissions. March round trip; flual limit March 11th etc, for boys. By depositing ticket and payment of fee of OU CCli U, Ulllll ItlUlb UIJ W CAlOllUtu I mmm fk March 23th. 1906. Stop-oyers will be per l UJ milled on these tickets at the regular wir- C Cfk I u u u Agents Wanted. We give handsome premiums and liberal cash com. agenw. n you want to woric ior us, asic for our Premium Tkt uisnes and other useful presents for lady workers. Guns ter tourist stop-over points. TO READERS OF POEK COUNTY NEWS National Asrociatlon of Manufacturers, Atlanta. Ga.. May 16-18, 1905. TickeU for this occasion will be sold May 14-15. 1905; final limit MAy 20, 1905. Final lim it of these tickets may be extended by pay ment of fee of 50 cents to June 15, 1905. General Assembly bounthern Presbyter ian Churah , Frot Worth, Texas, May 18- 20.1905. Account of the ab ve occasion ing large contributions even for the!most worthy purposes, but I did not feel it Date Ma V Be Uncertain if Prayer tickets will be cold May 15, 16 and 17th. . . . . i . . - . . . . . ... . . For a short time we will give to every new or renewiner subscriber tn nn. paper a year's subscription to the Southern Agriculturist, absolutely frPfl f charge. Subscribe now and take advantage of this remarkable offer. If you are already a subscriber, pay a full year In advance and tret thi ble present " Your leading county paper and the lead in cr Southern farm Daner. hnth fn tl price of one. . . " -: - .. .. .. This proposition will not be held open indefinitely, so hurry up. . ADDRESS POLK COUNTY NEWS, - Columbus, N. C. Sample copies of the Southern Agricuturist can be had at thisofflce. DEATH OF DR. PHIPPS Representative .From VVataugn Succumbs to Attack of Pneu- rnonia -. Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 10,1905. 4- necessary to protest against the use of any name as a member of the committee. Re cently, however, a circumstance has arisen which compels me to insist upon the with- irawal of . my name from all connection with tne work which your committee was intended to promote. Tne circumstance to which I refer is the speech which Dr. Al derman, "the present head of the university delivered before the Southern 8 ciety of New York, and in which he makes a mean 1 , 1 11 sm . aouwuouy unwarraniea .reflection upon the Intellect and standing of Southern Sen ators and representatives in Congress. ltltnougnt tne estimates expressed were Dr. Alderman's condid and unbiased opinion of the Southern men who are en gaged in tne service or their respective Estates 1 would feel less resentment, bnt as I am constrained to believe that he was seeking the favor of those millionaires who are supposed to abhor certain principles asd policies advocated by Southern Sena tors aud representatives, I find it Impossible to be patient, with his criticism. It would seem mat .mose oi our own ; sec tion wholcomplain that the South no longer supplies the republic with, such men as John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, and Jeffer son Davis, would also remember that other sections no longer contribute such meu as Daniel Webster, Rufus Choate' aud Abra ham Lincoln. 'Without entering into an explanation of the fact that changes in the habits and and occupations of our people have estab hsned a different, aid perhaps a lower. Book Rule is Followed. The present year is one in which uncer tainty might arise as to the date of Easter, jf the Prayer Book rule were atrictly -followed. Dr. Downing, F. R. S., of the National Almanac office, suted that in autries have been addressed to him ou the subject. According To the : Prayer Book, Easier Day (on which all other movable feasts and holy days depend) is always the first Suuday after tbe full moon, which happens upon the next after the 2 1st day of March.' In 1905 the moon is full on the morning of Tuesday, March 21st, at 4h. 56 min. Greenwich time, and therefore, Easter Day would seem to be the Suuday following. March 26th. rate of one first '.lass fare, plus $2.00 for the round trip; tickets to be limited to con tinuous passage in each direction. Final V limit May 31st. 1905, 1905. North Carolina Bankers - Association, Winston Salem. N. C, May 17-19, 1905. Account of ibis occasion tickets will be sold on the certificate-plan. Certificates to be honored on or before May 22nd, Kilfyre! Kilfyre!! KilfyreH! That is exactly what It is, a Filler. -Demonstration eyery day at the Sutc Eair showing its fire fighting bualities. " .' v ' Every Farmer. Oil Mill, Ginnery and any one owning property should have ForSaJeBy Columbia Supply Co., Columbia, S.C, Tlie machinery supply bouse of the state. them. Meeting of Shriners, at Charlotte. N. C. February 28, March 1st, 1905. Account o, this occasion tickets will be 'sold on the certificate-plan. Certificates to be honored on or before March 4th. Tri-State Medical Association ot The ! Caroliuas And Virginia, Greensboro, N. P., Februarv 19f J. Arjvtnnt nf tMa n uur, expiams wr. urowmng, casion tickets will be s Id on the certificate Three Times Ialoe of any The death yesterday : morning of Dr. C. I test of excellence in our public servants. ', county, was , oiie of the saddest events need only to remined thoughtful and candid characterizing any recent session of the men that Southern representatives and Sen legislature. He Lai been suffering with a ators of this time compare . favorably, with Saturday was con- cold laBt week and on . . - . ... find to? his bed. ' Pneumonia and he died "the moon referred to In the ecclesiastical calendar is not the actual moon in the isky, which is full at a definite instant of time; but a fictitious moon, the time of tbe phases of which are so arranged as not to differ much from those of tbe actual moon. These phases are held to occur vaguely on certain days and hold good for all lon- gitudesJn the instances before is the act ual moon is full at 4h. 66 min. , a. hi., Greenwich time, while the same moon is full at llh. 48 min., p. m., (on the preced ing day) Washington mean time. Thus people adopting Greenwich .time - would keep Easter on' March 26th, while those adopting Washington time would keep it on April 23rd the next full mooo.'S Dr Downing gives as the simplest expression for the date of preceding full moon, -and tbe Paschal full moon is found by adding Z9 to this date. In 1905 tbe epact is 24 and tne calendar moon Is full on March 20 and April 19th. The latter : is, therefore the Paschal full moon, and Easter Day is plan. Certificates to be honored on or be (ore Feb. 28th, 1905. Junior Order United cha.ucs, Goldaboro, N. 1905.' Account of this will be sold on the . Certificates to be Feb. 28th, 1905. Amt-rican Me- C, Feb, 21-24, occasion tickets certificate-plan. honored on or before nasfime. THE rjHEWHOOK ' SIMPLEST 8, BEST EVER JNVEN 1 Olliei ONE-THIRD EASIER, ONE-THIRD FASTER Agents wanted in all uncc"pied Territory. their apsociatos in intellect, character and conduct as did their predecessors: aud if it aeveiopea be true that the : quality of Southern leari. yesurday morning at six ership is not so high as it was in othnr the SaMdy following April 23rd-as stated o'clock despite every effort onhe part of the same can be asserted with earial truth in ,he al?aQftCS, " w.:u8 yujoivnua vu wvc uis ie. as to all other sections. With this fQ "VhtepS' who canoe (o the city a day obvious to every thiukiog man, I have 80 !r.0V.w M er nu8Dana the end. scant respect for Southern educators who Ane FrP1118 were iaKen yesterday on unduly dispraisg their own neighbors. mcwuwy- i"c;"fccrreu ail j."JttUCn as I WOUia relolce in tho nrnc. QtPjKy?1' nar h0m6 ac- perity of the University of Virginia I "v-p1;",. -6'v; vyuujM,i,ce wouia ramer see us ancient haiia nf loom. en. named T)y the SenaH and House, with the fing deserted than to see them marf th i' - L3 . T -Btttt'. I . - . . . jjxcepuuu m ocuavur ojwuk, oi ireaeij, wno place where false and unjust opinions of remains m rvweigu, '?.,..;v,:; Southern men and To Relieve Luropatkin. Concluded from 1st page. V- try into a slushy - bog and render the Very Low Round Trip Rates TO WASHHIGTOH. - D. C. ACCOUNT PRESIDENTIAL INAUGATION, MARCH 4th, 4905, SOUTHERN, RAILWAY. will sell tickets on Marchnd and 3rd, at extremely low rates to Washington, D. C, and return, with final return lim it March 8th, 1905; however, an exten- .uuviuuaiictmu i i m lit may oe pro- Qured to March 18th, 1905, bjr deposit of VYheeler & Wiisofl. f f ? Co Atlanta Ga McCall & Conley, Marion, N. (.!. POSITIONS $5,000 Qnarantced - Tby a BANK - DEPOSIT Railroad Pair Paid. FREE courses Of fered. Board at Cost. write Quick, ; Georgla-Alaliaia. Business Collet Macoa 6a movement oi guns, ammunition ard ticket with Joint . viwHrT a uuui wo roaus nara-i Washington nHnn AirrKf t. r 1 o r- .w. w viguv u XT . 11 . 1 n . . . m., xriarcn bid, and payment of ONE DOLLAR. rokio, Feb. 9. Vice-President Ta- Southern principles are kahasi, of . the Bank of Japan, will a 1 A Special Inducements to MillitaryCom i Dr. Fhipts was in his own and several instilled into the minds of Southern vouths. leave for, America andnTunVX T. "?f9f andn Uniform' - I UeCaUSe are .bett in the land gurrounaing counues wiaeiy loved land Regretting beyond expression the circum- Vancouver, February 17th to hdd!W "T 7" swivare8' 1W ine mone ' Ask your dealer for the Dracticm stance whlnh has renriereri it. !.iv,;ki. . 11mnrr nnamn.AO i,. a.:.: ' . " - r" "HK v-nr Awiommoaa- 3 I " - ujiFvooiutc 1KJM i m.j wutsiGuws miiu UUuiCIBni (IT -esteemed t as 'a conscientious pnystcian. t, ue .was torty-tour years old ;iiQd had practiced - medici ne for - twenty years. " He .was : married .m 1882 to Miss Clri'erqf Ashe com ty, but had no children. Hii representation of his county in the present legislature was Dr. Phipps, first puhlhv service. "Although inexperienced, he had already acquire I the reputation of being an able, , careJul .and conscientious I legislator, serving ably on. the committees on Health, Education, Roads and 'Tnrn- me to co-operate with you iu your under taking, I have the honor tojbe. . .. Very truly yours, "J. YV. BAILEY." Prisoners Pick a lock. Asheville, H. C, Feb. 9. Special. Seven prisoners confined m the detention ceii in me couoiy court nouse Kwaitinir trial, came near effecting their escape this ""'uu wuum its cjjttiuiug terms oi a fourth domestic loan. Minister of Fi- nance Yoshiro is arranging to -meet J apanese bankers and capitalists on February. 13 to discuss the matter of in terest and time for which this loan will run. plM ? V -be Wa6 f YCry ' P"1" ftft?raoon by PkinS lock to the hea7y of the war id 4 6f w v WQW.M k T uu n m saalyi' miss him doors. The men, who were charged with attributes the &t. Petersburg, Feb. 9. Minister Souverin, editor of the Novoe Vremy in a pesimistic review of thn fiit. s jva paper responsibility for. the larcency, were seen bv a denutv shprfflF I r?i,Jcitan - . .JSt1? 'Dr-:"UW l"Jlobe just m they were leaving -the cell. Tuey ter Lamsdorff, former VIcerov'AUx ff StSS TJTlT- ' Baroa Rosen, thy and iutellecU He towered high above difiiculty. ; -v---iv.ilj.-.-.' . ' -- I minister to Russian minlster.to Japao, whom he tion, etc, ASK THE AGENT, or. K. U VERNOM, T. P. A. . Chorlotte, N. C- . 1 . J. H. WOOD, D. P. A : Asheville. W. n. - S. H. HARD WICK, . , .W. H. TAT.nw Prsa. Trafflo Manager, Qea'l Pass Agent Washington, D. C. CHARLES C; LESLIE . . "WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fishjand Oysters 8 & 20 MARKET ST., CHARLESTON. S. C Consignments of CountrTProd uce RespectfuUy Solicited, Poultry,Eff Fish packed in barrels and boxes W country trade a specialty. r "Sunny Jim" shoe, and ? INSIST 6n GETTING IT. HUB SHOES 'V. . ' - . thwf Dd on a 8h6e means "linjr!. If you want tbe BEST for your money, call for "THE HJJB." Wachovia Loan and Trust Company . Asheville, N. C , Branch. CAPITAL, . - - S6OO.OOO.00 T. S. MORRISON, Chairman, VV. a . WILLIAMSON, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING SAVINGS AND TRUST DEPARTMENTS- : Board of flanacrs. .T. S. Morrison, Aeheville Carriage and Wagon Bepository. i W.'B. Northup, Brown, Nortbup yo., Hardware. ' D. M. Hodges, Hodpes & Mitchell Gen'l Agts. Prudential Life Ins. Co. ' T. F. Davidson, Dayidson, Bourne & Parker, Attys. D. G. Devenish, Supt. Elk Mt. Cotton Mills. Thos. W. Raoul, Pres. Albetnarie Hark Co. J. M ; Westall.Con tractor and Builder- VV: T.1 Weaver. Prest. W. Ti Weaver Power Co. R. Bingham, BiDgham School- R. S. Howland. Pres. Howland Ii?P- Co.. Lessees Atlantic &-N. Q. K-1- J. (V Prichard,"U. S. Circuit Judge.

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