THE HOME CIRCLE. Column Devoted to ' tired mothers as. lL-u inin the Home Circle at - incj a- Evening tide. ' jWWjODY'S CHILP. ii ne in the dreary pitiless street, u'l my trn old dress and bare cold fact ii day Wc -ndered to ndfro ' ncry and shivering and nowhere to go; X night's coming 00 5n d:irlpessand Trcad a the chill sket beating upon rny bare head, qIi why does the wind blow upon me so wild? is is because lam nobody's child? V. st over the way there's a flood of light, v And warmth and beauty and all things bright, dutiful children, in robes so fair, . And caroling songs in rapture there, 1 i wonder if they, in their hJissful glee, IvouW pitv a poor little beggar like me, Wandering alone in the merciless straet, . aked and shivering and nothing tQ cat. Oh! what sjjU I 4.Q when tha r!ght Cornea down v In its terrible blackness all oyer the town) r , Shall I lay me down 'peath the angry sky, - ' On the cold hard pavements alone to die?. hen the beautiful children their prayers hae said, V,""-- : 4la' i .ummas have lucked them up snugly In bed, i.-.r mother upon me smiled ..vis it I wonder that I'm nabob's chjldr We live in a superficial age and v;e barry along in a happy-go-r- way, ignorant or heedless cf . . capacities pf our mindg and Uy. The precocious youth, t!k oy or girl of average intelli gence, or the dunce, should Wike stu lv his own strength, his weak ness, his likes, his dislikes, nig t. Know tnyseu," was spoken of old at Delphi? and, tho ir:i the orace has long been nvte. the words are of eternal v iileance. No better advice was ever given to man, Philos ophy finds its highest province in the study of our own natures. Knowledge thus gained and that lone, will teach the round boy to avoid the square holes as he would shun falsehood ' and dis. honor. It has been well said that no man ever made an-ill figure who understood his own ta'onts, nor a good one who mis. took them, Most werk is uncongenial and the grea.t majority of men and women think they would be happier in some other place. To almost everyone the day of choice comes, , what career? , W ha. t shall my life's work be? If in etmctand heart ask for carpen try, be a carpenter if for mdieipe, bo, a physician. With & fe choice and earnest work; young man or woman cannot help but sueee,f d. But if there b n itistmet? or if it bo weak oy faint, gn shoulei choose cautious ly along the, line of his best adapt ibllity er opportunity. No one nee doubt that the world has use f of him, but great honor-. and fortune are not for all. True Success lies in acting well your part and this everyone can do, petter be a firgt rate hod-carrier than a second rate anything, One hour a day withdrawn from frivolous nursuits and rro "wwy employee, WQUia enaqie man of ordinary capacity to master a complete science One hour a da would mako an igner nt -nan a well informed man in t3 j years, One hour a day would earn enough to pay for two daily and two weekly papers, two leadi ng ma?ines and a, ' de ? i books. In an hour a day a 1 00' .' ' ,1 ' r girl (JOW .W Weii""-U7 "'" " " thoughtfully OVet1 Seven nnd pages or eighteen large ies in a year, A n hour a U'i night make all the difference !) 1 'V-en bare existence !'J1- nappy living. An hour a mio-ht make nay, has made -! 1 1 no wn man a tamous one usciless one a 4Y rr benefactor tQ hlS rac U- Consider then the mighty vun5iur uie.ii, Vft$u4&uvj( Possibilities Of tWO-fQUr year hours a day that are, on the a-e, thrownaWay by yoking rf,-. Ii. lrte,0 desire for fun ad diversion, ttUU wuiuew m ww iTOMVoo What a ridiculous exhibition a great truckhorse: would make on the race trrtlr?vAt-. this is no more i - incongruous tha.n the popular idea that law, medicine and theology are the desirable professions, How rediculous, too, forfifty.two per cent of our American college graduates to study law! Uow many young men become poor Clergymen by trying to imitate their fathers, who were good ones? or poor doctors and lawyers for c the ..: same reason. - The country is full of men who are out of pi ace V "disappointed', soured, ruined, out of office, out of money, out of courage," out at elbows, out in the cold, M The fact is, nearly every college grad uate who succeeds in the true sense of the word, prepares him. self in school, but makes himself after he Is graduated. The best thing his teachers have taught himl is how to Study. The mo ment: he is beyond the college walls he ceases to use books and helps which do not feed him and S3izes upon those that do. The world has been very kind to many who were once known as dunces or blockheads, after they have become very successful; but it was very cross to them while they were struggling through dis. Cpuragement and misinterpreta tion. : Such lives do not show, however that a numskull is sure to climb to the top. Because tho last boy in his class became .the great Henry Ward Beecher, there is no reason to conclude that the tast Doy m tne next elm or the next, m list -b ecome anything great at all, There must be some HfQ in the boy, or he will not rise under any circumstances until the day appointed -for the resurrection of the dead, If he starts out in life as a failure, he will end as one -unless he-'gets thoroughly wakened up in some way, Give every bby o r girl a fair chance and reasonable en couragement and do not condemn them even because of a large de gree of downright stupidity; for many so-called good fornothing bpy sy blockheads, numskulls; dullards, or dunces, were only boys out of their places round boys forced, into square holes. TWO CLASSES. In a spirit of contentment the human race can be divided into two classes, those who scold and those who get scolded. - None of us are contented with our lot. The carpenter wants to be any.- thing but a carpenter and the mason anything but a mason and the banker anything but- a banker and everybody would-be happy if he were only something else. The violet wants to b e a sun-flower and the apple orchards throw down their blossoms be cause they are-not tall cedars and parents have the worse children that ever were and everybody has the greatest misfortune and everything is upside down, or I going to be. Now, gentle reader, you will never make any advance through such a spirit, You can not fret yourself up you cannot v T 1.1 , . . noining mio tne wunu auu 11, is eertain We Can Carry nothing OUt. Hvm , . . . ynat ever our circumstiictss mny tv hflVP a ".r I glOriOUS vacaviuiu m in ouniinci we put off our garments and go nnnl cpo hnthe sn tx Hi - - We PUt Oil OUT garments Oi neSl ! Qfpn intn thfi rool p-nrden of f eterxuty Mrs, GeO, A. Gash, Of Tryom . rm, eAfl,Aim UA Ac " Agriculturist and THE N ews,. i aa i. ,r - DQin ?e W lU aUVa-"C - . t GEOTSIflSiltY iA .ft.KTKJUiui , TnOBnssTSQOKpF-mfiflAiFN 8 Vp ytv&m n5 Av. vaAafMil In trcAeoea. Va. Sold 14 In 12 Hours." ju r. oanuera. ffexas ''Worked one day, sot 12 orders." APPLY AT OHMTB - ' ., THE IWXtlW Q nOTT CO., Atlanta, Ca APPLY AT ONCC TO 1 " . ' . I. AnriK wd. loot, at nub ic has been seriously ill since Sun- """C&n V bow. Miles Medical go., U3eNdav night, being threatened with n;g, the following described lands, vh - . - Ar " T. . , A tract of land lying ana peing in me couiujr i v?,jr aDrjend'.ClUS. I rvanA State of North Carolina, adioining -, kKAA ail - . Undof S.A. Smith, enry ureeji.. nomayi :v- A NEWSY LtfTtB fROM LYNN, I. 0, 0. F's 'Are BusyMiss Shiileto De- parted for Home Tuesday Overstocked With DogsItems of Interest, Our people are . beginning to garden in earnest this week. : y Miss Katie Campbell, who' has been quite sick, is up and about again. , - Rev. Mr. Gibson preached in Chapel last Sundaynt being his regular appointment. Q. P: Hall arid S. Blythe are with W, J. Gaines contracting force at Tryon. y R. A. Leonard has purchased a talking" machine, . He gave a concert at chapel last Saturday night. . - Listen now for the cooing of the dove, the song of the blue bird, They will remind you of sprmg, : : The carpenter work in Lynn at his time is a little dull. It is to be hoped that some. one will see their way clear to build. B.' F. Capps services were called for -at the" Balfour rock quarry thi week to erect more houses for their help; : It is hoped the trustees will be able to get the right teacher to take charge of "our school work at this place. Now that our new rural library is installed, any persons' wanting books from the library ' can get them on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. ' , ' ; "Oh ye! "Come in to court as you are bonnd to do this day. &c," will be heard in Columbus next week. Several of our citi zens are summoned to court as witnesses and some as jurors. : It is to befhopd that , the trus tees will be able to get some one to take up the school work here. Out of 175 children of school age there should be enough to make up a good average attendance. .The L O. 0.P. had four candi- dates at their meeting last Mon- dav nicrht and we susneet that their Mr. Wrn. G, was quite tired V . - ' or will bef by the time he has trotted all lour of the new candi-i dates throtrgh r the ring three times each, - , i . ' Our little village is overstocked with d.ogs. ye think that people who insist upon keeping a dog should keep it on their own premises, especially at .. night. Sometimes as niahy as seven and eight can be seen in a group keeping up a hideous bow wow and prowling about the neighbors premises in quest of eggs etc. C07CMA ;JMd 5oPe5 itoWnfl PUes, LULUhlMf Skin DIscwes, V AQSOLUTLY CURD. HERM IT SALrVE, 85 AND 60 CENTS A BQX. Sold by all Drufirirfsts. - Taka 33 other. . Old Family Remedy 25 years. Advertise in The News, COMIGSSIONEB'S SALE, NortU CuouMt Poiu County, n Superior Court, before cleik. T. M. Cudd and wife M. M. Cudd, J. E Wyatt and wife. M. J. Wyatt, lhomas Strath and wife, M. e. Smith, b. a. smiia, v. l. Steadman and Et E. Steadman, the said B. and SeadmanpetUioning through eicnext friend, F, M. .liurgess, v - vs . - L ' B. Lancaster, Claud Lancaster, Floy Lan c - e TaQie Lancaster, -Mable Lancaster, othillex Lancaster, Carl Lancaster; Justin Lancaster, Thomas Lancaster and W.-E. HUl Guardian Sidlitoni. I By virtuaof a decree of the superior court of Pollccouniv in a speciaL proceeding entitl ei as above, rendered as March 3rd, I0O5, I will offer for sale, within the legal hours of bribed as .follows Being fands devised" by 1 A. B. Lancaster, deceased, to C. c. Lan c as- ter l- r: Lancaster and J. .T. Lane will nd testament of the an caster, by said de. ZxS which is of record in book t at page f r2 (of the records of wills for Polk county and . U.A.Ffhruarv lAth. iSgi and of record m conveyed by tbe said Cr B. and L.'.; ian- - t 'jn hook ii. at Dace 45 of the flcorda of deeds for said county; , aaid tract containing one hundred; "acres m.ore or less and i-r,rtm as the T: T. . Lancaster honiestead. The terms of said sale, will be one-half cash tho balance on twelve months time, or of the tmrchaser. This 3rd, day of March, 1905 - - .- . 1 3.3o Qconmissioner. M6 Clara Shiileto gave her many friends the parting hand last Tuesday evening. Gray Hampton accompanied her, Gray contemplates spendiriing the sum mer in Pennsylvania if climate and occupation should suit' him. We predict that the many charms of old Polk will exceed those about that sainted city, Beaver, Pa, ' i ' - . .. - v The Southern Agriculturist and THE News; both one year $1.00, . ' , ArimilSTEATOE'S NOTICE, Having qualified as administrator of R. S. Abrams deceased, late of l'olk. county; N. C, this is to notify, all persons having claims agninsl the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned on or befbre March 21st looff or this notice will be plead ip bar of their recovery. A11 persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement or notes and paper will be placed into the hands of my attorney for collection. " " e i - . W. A. Caknon, J. P. "Morris, Alt'y. ' Administrator. This 2istday of March, 1905. 4-27 TOm WATSON'S - ''The Magazine that Has an Idea Back of it" You have heard that Hon. Thos. K.- Watson of Georgia has begun the publication of vATJ:Zl vTr Watcnri ;c man who wrote "The Stcrv of France '.' ' Life 6i Napoleon,' and -The Life and 'ira .of rhomas jeflerson." tie was iu?;ieouic xuriy tauuiuaic lor iresi- defit last vear. v - Fust number of Tom Watson's maq vzine lw!''wouCwUi?Sss ufestvt . intiffogtingliS page magazine in Ameffealthe OOSt that money Can buy. U you iai to f et tms number. Ask your newsdealer for Tom Watson's Maga-?INP- or, better still, send a dollar for a year's subscription to . " TOM WATSON'S MAGAZIN.K, "I2i West 42nd Street, Nkw York City, n. Y. OUR CLUBBING RATES, '- We have made arrangements whereby we j can, .olfer the following clubbing rates to those tvlio want any of he papers in the list below. These rates are very low and we must have cash'in advance. Look the lis j over and then send us your order. ' ... The Atlanta Constitution, (the great Southern weekly) and Thk News, The Sfkny South and The News, TheSfcimAVeekly Observer and TP I 5 1 5? 1 50 e ljfogressive Farmer and The news . jThe Farm Journal all of 1904 and The News one year , , , , The Farm Journal five years ad The Nays one year . . . . ,' . . 1 00 I 50 " Send all orders to y "yillE'YQLK COUNTY NEWS, Ti f :: " ColumhusN. TJ Sidk When your head aches, there Js a storm in the nerrdus sys tem, centering in the brain. This irritation produces pain , In the head, and the turbulent nerve current sent tQ the stom- ach -causes nausea: vomiting. This is sick headache, and is dangerous, as frequent' and-, nrolonered attacks weaken the brain, : resulting In loss of memory, , inflammation, epi .lepsy, .fits, dizziness, etc. Allay this stormy, irritated, aching condition by -taking Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. ' They stop the pain by sooth ing, strengthening and reliev ing the tension upon the nerves not by paralyzing them, ! aa domost headache remedies, Dr, Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do not contain - opium, morphine, chloraI,cocaine or similar-drugs. ; "Sick headache la heredltajry in ray family. . My fathey suffered ft great deal, and tor many years I have haa. ipeUs that were so .severe that. I "was J triable to attend ta my business affalm or a day or so at. a time. During1 a vrv severe attaclr of headache. I took Dr. 'Miles Anti-Pain Pills and they.. relieved me almost immediately, bince then I taKe.tnem wnen 1 ree tne speu JOHN . McERLAJN. Pres. S. B. Ens. Co., South Bend. Ino, Dr. MUfeV Antl-Paln PIHt are sold by rour druggist, who will guarantee that he first package' wilt benefit If U fails .he wiH return your money 25 doseS. 23 cents. Never sold in bulk Elkhart, ma BO YEARO rVv CopYRioHTa Ac uon nuj ether an ommnnlca tloua strictly confidential. iA38U on rwxma gent free, oiaew aeiicy iui ikb -Patenta taken through Maim 2j, reoelTe rpetial nptlcti without charge, la thQ ' , sajtumciamericaii. Atvrtod lending a sMteii ana ctescnp iniiMvtlon 8 probably Peritable. .O A handsomely Illustrated jreeklr- Tarwat rir. eolation of any eoientlflo journaK TermfJa uUfin & Co.6tBTOdway- riev York - - . ...... COhUMB US R E P AIR I . REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS V ; such as Harness, , Shoes, . Rubber Goods, Tinware, : Glassware Furniture, etc. Garpenter Work and Painting, - Saws Filed., All work guaranteed, ' . Plating' in Gold, Silver, nickel, Copper, or. Royal '!, silver metal. AVatchei, Charms, Chairs, Badges, Fingei RiDgs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons aud -all kinds of jewelry can b T plated with gold or silver. Knives. Forks,. Spoons and . all table ware with silver or the Royal" silver metal. . : . The "Hoy si" silver metal is preferred by a great many, peopb for- tableware; because it looks almost as well and is cheaper than pure-uilver. - " " A liberal commission paid agents in each locality to solicit goods to be plated. Mail or Express orders given prompt attention. Address , L. H. CLOUD, Express Office : Tryon, N. C. BIG CUT PRICE SALE! We have .iust comnleteoTtakinfir stock and find that we have too many goods on our shelves which we have decided to close out at greatly reduced prices in order to make room for our new line . of goods, . 1 : - ' - t . For the next sixty days we yard, Calicos at 4, 5, and 6cts per yardr good Jeans at 20 and 25cta per yard; Flannelettes at XOcts per yard, and all other dry; goods !" - PrOPOITJOU, Shoes, both ladies' and ffents $1.75, $2.00, $2,50 and $2.75. mpi OC PO AA p.w w v, w jci Be sure to inspect these goods before you7 buy or. you will Don't forget that our line When in Columbus we invite you t& make our store head quarters whether you vant to to show goods, ,s Thanking you for your trade I continuance of the same, we remain. Yours to please. McMURRAY Phone r. No, 13. entral Industrial Institute. " A COURSE FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS WILL OPEN MARCH 13, - Course of Studies:' . U. S, History, Prof, John M. Walker Civil Government, Mb. J. E. Shipman, . . . Music, - - Miss Lillie Mokgan ...Arithmetic, . PROF, W..M. WHITESIDE English Grammar, Physiology, ; Manual Geog, Expenses : - . Tuition, - . : $1.75 per Month - "Board, - $4ot to $6,00 . 4 . This promises- to be the best: course we have ever offered. A We hope to have, a large class of teachers, - 1A. M. iahiteside, - Principal; , .... - I I I.I I II I I! Ill I P09oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo9ooobpooo A GOOD INVKSTMttJNX i . Do you not think that a neat little FoWer or Leaflet, printed on "good paper, in the latest style type " and typographical design, sent to prospective customers, would be likely to in crease your business and thus prove to be a money making investment ? Think about . it. Success would be easier if it .was printed here. m O POLK COUNTY UEUS PRinTlUG HOUSE, Phone No. 2, oooooooooooaoooooeoooocooooooooooooooooooooooo 0) 0) Jilli E Hum th. pnrfoctl tS any other hrwdt - only Qnma rtze for vegeuwea at u i-uuis pvaiww, w ' w trv Burpee's Seeds, we wiU mU fre our Complete Catslcsta cf 173 pszes. with beautiful colored plate and histfUons fromi photographs Uken at ow l FOJlDHOOK FARMS, the iargesl iruU oippnas in vmenca, t vr lwai : 17. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. jHSgESPIIItflDELPIIIA VJE UAYE All ATTRACTIVE PCOFOSITIOri TO UAICE YOU If 2u Intend to purchase a piano' at any time in tha tear : future. It will cost you nothing to learn what have to effer. THE HAQYAaH PIAMO CO.. Manutacturcrs, . GENERAL N Q S HOP -COLUMBUS, C. will offer good Outings at 8cts per . at. 90cts; $1.00, $1.25. $1.50; These shoes formerly sold for of groceries are always' freshf and buy anything -or not. : , No trouble " the past year and .hoping for a & LAWTER, COLUMBUS, N, Q ( 11 Ii o o o o 2 8 o IT" Good Prin ting Q.OLUMBU5, N, C, 8 SEEPS GROW AMP WIN MORE PRICES Beside. Krenl OtoM Modlls. ther oo li. are prc!trrcd by teach- aim rvn erful tone quality, and remarkable durabaUty. lamons

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