II ij if rfYVY' -1 i yS-: j ',.1 1 V Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINCjS Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year in Advanerf . i.T VOL XI. ; ; COLUMBUS, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1905. NO. 31. 7 ii ii f III A. V .v.l I y "v. " ! : " t t V ; tt -.. n Li-'.' . 1JL : i FIVE DIE IN FLAMES Scenes in a Tenement Pre capitalist Looking For ' site house Fire ..... ROASTED LIKE j RATS? IN HOLES Sleeping Tenants on rive Upper' Floors of New. York Italian House . , .if . . .i . Were Cut Off While the Ground Floor Became a Roaring Furnace Beneath Them. - N'cw York, Special. At least five persons were burned to death in an Italian tenement house fire at 221 E Seventy-third street. The house was ,t 1 1 1 At A fix noors nign ana me steeping ten ants on the five upper floors were made prisoners by flames, with the ground floor a roaring furnace be neath them. Three of those who lost their lives were kneeling in prayer hen the fire reached them..... - The police believe that the fire was started by an incendiary. It began in a teap of rubbish at the bottom of an air shaft and spread through the in terior of a grocery store on the ground flooiv A policeman was, the first person to see the lire, just as it had begun to creep up the air shaft. He ran into the building pounding on the hall doors all the way up. to the sixth floor to waken the tenants. The fire followed him so swiftly that when lie reached the top floor he was oblig ed to send the tenants there out to the fire escapes to save them from suffocation. ". '. -v-' When the fire department arrived with its ladders, nearly every one on the fire escapes was kneeling in pray er. Adding to the pathos of .the scene w as the action of the men, who 'stood with their arms full of personal pos sessions while their wives fought un aided to protect the children from be- "w tramnled bv the crowd or suffo cated by smoke. Every one -7 on the fira eseapes was saved by the fire men. : ..: . The lessee of the house told the po-. lice that the Black. Hand Society had recently sent him letters demandmg . ... . .. . t i $2,000. ' Althouerh the demanas did not state what the penalty was to be fnr rpfiisinj? to uaV the money, the i' a- ; - a a a 9 m a rwnnvr i u police have begun an investigation, on the belief .that the fire was started bv the writer of the letters. !' Odell Hotly Denies All. New York. S Dedal.-" Former Gov- ernor Beniamin B. Odell, Jr., and United States Senator Chauncey M. Depew, as witnesses before the Arm- Governor Glenn appoints Gen. Jos strong .JegislaUvaiiisrjuicm-estw pK -rSSSiSrh sation committeej denied pans oiine testimony :bf? James? Ixzen 3yd which their names were used. Odell in the course of his testimony called Mr. , Hyde 's statement ' 1 i base calumny" and when he was. asked whether he directly r; indirectly had made threats to have the, charter, of the Mercantile. Trust Company re voked, his face flushed,,; and. striking the arm. of the witness ? chair with his fist,: be exclaimed.', ,f There is no truth in that statement, s , help, me God."- . ... ...Tir w, . . . H School pomjtof0Bnrneaf? i Moultrie.- Ga.r Special. Fire-wept away the boys' dormitory or jworman r - .. n : . I T , . . XT t)..1r It- TT-O O Q I msmuie oii woooen structure -"7 msningsas trustees decided to replace ithe build ins ith" a' brick dormitory to cosx $12,000. The boarding students have been received into the homes of Nor man Park until the new buildings can becbmpleted." AO News in Brief. The old Richmond , and' Tidewater, Kailroad is to be completed oy a new company and called the Richmond, Rappahannock and Eastern. 4 The Virginia Conference of the Hethcdist Episcopal Church decided to meet next year in Portsmouth. tvia Wnnm 'c TTninn nnnual meet ing at Frederricksburg adjourned at'tcr electing officers. Petersburg is raising a fund for. the, Russian massacree victims. The Russian Government finds the Polish situation growing hourily ' worse. '.. . . King Alfonso of ; Spain arrived in v lenna. Republicans made some gains in the Spanish municipal ejections. The German Foreign Office; states there is no present purpose of vacat ing Germany's lease of Kiaochau, Qiina. Japan is to issue a $250,000,000 4 Per cent, loan to convert outstanding debts. - ' : - FOR BIG LACE FACTORY ior ?3,000,000 Plant. Winston.-Salem, Special. - Cajxt Alex. Thompson, of England, repres enting Mr. Fletcher, the largest lace manufacturer in tho wold, was here this week. Mr. Fltclver, who now ; has lace factories in the largest Euro pean -: countries, is thinking seriously of establishing a two and a half mil lion dollar concern of this kind in the South, and Mr. Thompson is looking" over the field with a view of find W a suitable location on: their lines. The things especially necessary in the city where this enterprise is to be estab lished are good " supply of water, cheap freight rates, high' icass of oper atives, good school l and ; church ad vantages. A plant such as, the one proposed would employ all together, in the mill, dyeing and finishing plants,Ybetween five and six hundred operatives. A large number of-these would be. secured 'from-ther best, class cf working girls. Goldsboro Dry. GoldiboK', Special-The election to determine whether . Goldsboro should have open bar rooms or pro hibition for the "next" two gears' Jwas held here Tuesday. ' About'. 550 vptes were cast) and the result was 146 ma jority for prohibition. The election passed off quietly without' and distur bance whatever.' In fact it was one of the quietest, most orderly, elections ever held here. The " good ladies of the city held an , all-day prayer meet ing in the, First Baptist Ghurch and the .solumn tones of the - bell of that edifice pealed forth every hour "dur ing the. day and put a sacretf solumn ity to the memorable occasion. Warehouse For Wadeshorb. T. Wadesboro, Special. At a'meeting of cotton growers of this county, held here, it was unanimously decided to build a warehouse here and one t at Morvenr-to be ready for the next sea son. The influential fanners of the county are behind the movement and the warehouses will be built. Tar Heel Items. Va. the most noted sculptor in the , South, has received a commission for a statute of : Washington Duke,1 to be placed on the campus in front "of Trinity College at Durham. The sta tute will be of - heroic size ; and 'of bronze. It is to be erected by the friends and admirers of ' Mr. Duke, who was so generous a, patron rof Trin- ity College. n Rdnnann . 'CrtftWiJi!it.er Macon, Colonels I T XT r;.- U Uvirr I I.I .llrf. low and J- T. Gardner, a board to lex amine" and select a permanent en campment site for the 2yorth Carolina Nationa.1 Guard. Morehead Xtity Wrights ville -and Ahevill6 have filed bids. . Charters" are granted the Farmers Trust Company, of Lexington; capi tal stock, $25,000 ; Kobert JiurKuead, J.'W. Newell and others stocknotders, to do a commercial and . savings ;busi- 1T5torcamtantbck'. $25,000: Jno. ' ' ' - - w gnijer and, others stockholders. A charter is granted the Eastern .Carolina Timber Company, of James ville Martiii county, iapitall stock pn-4r?fi New York y r v jk- city, to be organized at Norfolk next Monday, stockholders, Robert , White, f Tnlon ' Ohio, and several New 'YorkersrincludiflgJohrf-TrLynehr" Dowie Going , Home Victoria ? "MexicoV 1 SpecialJohn Alexander Dowie, or tire self styled "Elijah II" stared for Zion City go ing by way of New 'York. "That he israpidly failing is admitted by his rlosest associates and frequent re quests-have been, forwarded to Ziou City V. recently for prayei-s in his be- Tifllf hv the coneresation of Shiloh Tabernacle." The doctors say that if the Zion City leader suffers another stroke of paralysis it will; prove fatal as his advanced "age is much against him. - ':;: :'- ':'"s. . The report on rural public sch&ol libraries shows 1203 with one hundred thousand books, valued at forty "thous and dollars. Durham leads with 33 libraries, Wayne having6. . . f? -Afcpnrplain or" mn rommissibri bF.SAisWod- ard in behalf of the business men of Wilson against the Carolina -tele phone. Company for bad local service 1 an long distance connections with the Southern Bell Company. f OR SEA LEVEL ROUTE Decision Reached By Canal r. - t ' ,; , ! t . i 'X. i j Commission BORAH OF ENGINEERS AGREE After Nearly Three J Months'. , Hard . i . j Work, Advisory Body, Composed of Engineers Trom .All Parte of the World, Gees on Eecord , Against Locks by a Vote of 8 to 5. , r Washington, Special.-r-By a vote of 8 to 5, the board of consulting engi neers of the Isthmian Canal commis sion placed itself on record as favor? ing the construction of the , Panama Canal on the sea level. This decision represents the outcome of nearly three monhs hard work. Early in September the engineers gathered' from all parts of the world to assist the American engineers in the direc tion of the momentous question of constructing the Panama Carial at' sea evel or at a greater, altitude involv ing a system " of locks. The foreigners came to Washington absolutely without instructions from their own governments and without bias, determined to be guided to their direction solely , by the . facts to be presented to them. , It was riot. until' last Tuesday mat anything in the na ture of a decisive vote was taken ; and that; after all, was. an indirect test. Just what that proposition was can- not be stated with absolute -certainty, but it is conjectured that the issue was whether or not 'a lc-k canal of a cer- tain type snouia oe constructed At any rate, the vote disclosed the fact that a majority of the eight Ameri- can members, under the lead of Gener- ai addou, was sirongiy in iavor 01 a lock canal. The foreigners were . against the particular type mentioned in the pro position, but it was not clear that at that moment they were opposed to the. roVinlo nmnAiifinn nf ...... InoK Pftllill.- The real test come, and the time be tween Tuesday and tho meeting; Sat urday was consumed in some very Strong presentations, on the part of the majority of the American dele gates to influence their foreign col leagues to accept ; one , of the other lock propositions. . The Americans, there is reason to believe that three of their number, probably General Davis and Mr. Pearson; and Mr. Burr, joined the foreign delegates in this first vote, which recorded the board as favoring the sea-level canal. The decision was Teached about noon and thereby the board practical ly concluded its labors. There will be a few inore meetings next wees sunpiy to deal 1 with - small ; details and to put into permanent form the results of the board s protracted meetings. The for-. eign delegates desire to leave for their Hiuropean nomes .oy ine 2 tin instanu 1 tor tne reuempwon 01 me lnieriiatiyu To accomodate them in this, the full jal loans. It is uliderstood that France board has agreed that they may, con- elude' some purely formal work at a . special meeting to be held in Paris ic December or January. It is expected that the American members of the board will go to Paris to wind up this business, all of which must be done before the final report of .the board can be regarded as complete and ready for submission to the :Isthmian Canal commission . The commission in:turh; . must , record . its . own judgment upon i it. l. lJ ' .1 -i ' -t. - 1 t it.- t "j me conclusions, reacnea oyane ooaru of engineers, and there is even how a belief curent .;; that- that5 judgment will (be adverse to the board's plan; However, there arc-two more imnortt- 11 . .ii' '' !'. t't it ani -stens at eirner or wnifn tnere , t!Miiis WM)s(!a.i:ife ,the commissiori must pass the plans T u s., vuu tr r and its own recommendations, to thd President,1 who in- turn, must stamp them wth his own approval ordisaj: proval and forward them to Congress, which, : after all will be ,the court of last resort as 5 between 4 the sea-level and lock canal project, simply through will be. necessary, if ' a sea-level canal the fact ; that : additional lesrisiaiion is to be budt : for..the.board finds- that - xt." St .-.Li mure man m .af uaiu l nj ,i i AAncnma: TinmvTiro in seven: years more in the construction.; ' Ships Sink. With 100. London, -By ; Cable. The Southwest ern Railwav's cross-channel steamer Hildalwas , wreckedoffSt.;Malo, on 'W;-.0?;?.011 xt believed tnat one hundred or more ol her passengers and crew were orown- y -j r"". crushing i hef skull : and instantly Fill more than, one hundred souls on board. cruMiiug Her ;passage -was greatly, delayed 'by a fog.ih; t& channel, ah evvhen Hear ing. St.) Malo she :ran into : a.jsevere stomapparentlv missed ihercsnrse and foundered-on the' rocks off Jar din lighthouse, three miles from St. mm Effort to Set Up! Independent Governments WASHINGTON FIGHTS SHY OF I" Territorial Governnent is Said to " Have 'Been Erectsd and ' omcials Selected to f -Admifiister Its Affairs by American Residents, Who Own !Fr?e-Sixths of the Soil. Washington, j SpegalIt has been knowniJfot 'several nontbs that Am erican residents . in fthe Isle of Pines were becoming resive under Cuban control, but; surprise : was created! at the reported erectifn Of a territorial government on th island vand the selection of important officials to ad minister the affair of that govern ment. No advices ndicating such ac tion have been received officially. It can be'i said -hat the would-be seceders , will receit e no encourage- ment from the adlninistration. Sec- retary of . State Rxot, when he was secretary of yar, twas very clear and emphatic " that th Isle of Pines be longed to Cuba asfa matter of right, as a matter of 3usice;" furthermore, tJLat . in prdcuring' naval ! stations in Clba for the United States there was a general understanding that the Isle of ' Pines was to be receded to Cuba, I although its title Shad been in doubt. 1 The. reported, secession of the resK I dents from Cuba Ibontrol is deprecat- Jd, but 1 action 'rfgardihg it, if any snouid oe contemplated, would be t&k en only after ; tfie government ; had been advised offlcMly and fully as to Ahe situation. " " 1 - 4' - . . ' senator yuesaga, the Uubn in in- iste'r here. , callee at the State De partment and, seeded .to be consider abler atritated ovrtr the news of the movement in 1 the! Isle of Pines. He had an interview? on the subject with fcretaryf .Root, rat declined to : make any statement concerning it. The Cu ban legation hasfno. advices concern ing the reported secession. The con- tentibn of the A&erican residents of the : isle . is that. as they , own in fee simple five;sixth of the ground and as me remainmsr one-siiiu is iu iuc hands of one of two j Spanish fam ilies, the 1,200 Jnative residents be ing . non-propertf ... owners, they have i a ngnt 10 oe iaiu uy guvciu- ment. , . , , , . . . . New $250,(8)0,000 Jap Loan. London' By (lible. The Associated Press is informed that the Japanese government has decided to immedi ately 'issue a Mew' foreign loan . of $250,000,000 at If our - per cent,; which will be used paitly for converting the external 6 per ftcent.; loan and partly will participate ' to a considerable amount, the Rqjthschild's Paris house; beinr the issuing house there. The ex- act date of thef issue has ot yet been decided upon. New Move or Mrs. Chadwick. ; Cleveland, Cf;, Special. Ex-Judge F J, Wing, ciunsel for Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick, announced that an ap plication for ?f writ of cortiorari is now being prepared and will be sub mitted to; the Supreme Court of the United States Mth. a view ,of obtain- ing a review, oe fmi u..ui o before ; that Mbunal. The Supreme I y- 1. 111 ' . ir.1.V.l 4r nnnc 1 rl n-r iVT rc 1 ijourx wm ue b.cu. h viww i Chadwick's lase on , the general 1 ; t z:,. . ground that efrors were made m ner trial here before the TJ. S: District , Court and als in the U. S. Circuit Court ' of Appeals in her case. By ire and Cable. Wiliia H. J&drews denied that any of his transactions with- the . Enter- prise .Natiohaj.' Bank in Allegheny l rifv. Pa.. weSe .otherwise than regu- ' Call moneygreachod -25 per cent, in - fl firetarv Shkw said i 7 1 - while speculation , exists. Killed -W Water Fixture. Bethlehem " Pa., SpecialAVhila . Master Foeng, 0f the Bethlehem Prer,aritorv School, was. in the kitch- ilirS XX. ..Ami X.OCXAllg, ; HUC VIJ. -LV,.v h0W the water back' of the! i a ..i.,, j' a laro-e niece of jno- her. Bessie Miller, a servant, was thrown : the length of the room and injured by coming', in 'contact with the fnrniture.- The room was- badly rrrtred and set- on fire, but the flames were"; extinguished by painters who were employed on tne -premise. 1SLE0FPINE NORTH STATE NEWS Items of Interest Gleaned From Venous Sections ' M ' ' , , FROM MOUNTAIN TO SEASHORE ..ki Minor ; Occurrences; of: the. Week oi Interest to Tar Heels Told in Para graph. .?. .-:v;r.,,vJ..- ':U,::iJ. .; ';' v'- ; ; " , . ChaxlottA Cotton Market; mi, ,. , . . . ,.'..- j The cotton market, offerings limited Low middling Strict ; middling. ; . . . ... .J-vyj ........ ion Middling., is. Strict middling,. Good middling ,.. . . .10 1034 u , General Cotton Market. , Galveston, easy . . . . . . . . .11 3-1C New Orleans," quiet i . . . . . ' . .11 1-16 Mobile, quiet.... . . . . J-uyj Savannah . . v . , ; ;. . . . Norfolk, steady . . . Baltimore, nominal . . . New York, quiet . . . . Boston, quiet . . . . . Houston, easy ...... ... ..10 .....10 .....11 .illia . . . .11 I U. 1 1 1 kJ--J-U I Augusta, steady . . , . Memphis, quiet . . . . . . , 10 St, Louis, quiet, . .. ...,1138 Louisville, firm, . ... .. ....11 Shop Train Wrecked. Spencer, ; Special.-J-The 1 Spencei shop train which left this city at . 1 o'clock Thursday night with several ' cars ! loaded with employees of , the Southern Railway at : Spencer -wa$ I wrecked oncn mile north of Salisbury It is learned that the wreck was caus ed by a passenger engine running intc ,the train, 'doing considerable- damage to both - engines. Several workmen were severely injured in the . crash, among them being J. J. Jvans, night engineer ac me snops, anu Aiacninisi Buford; of the round ' house force. Ben McCubbins, a call boy, had' one1 arm and several ribs broken and it if feared is, injured internally, Operatoi Duke' sustained severe bruises as did a number of others. It is feared one or more may die. This was. the sec ond, wreck the same train; has met twith this week. Favors the Staff. Raleigh, 1 Special. U The ' Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and Industrial at its meeting Tuesday, night author ized the sending to the State Depart-1 ment at Washington a resolution en- dorsing the suggestion of President Roosevelt that America have a staff of commercial attaches' to the count ry 's embassies and 1 legations. 1 ' The secretary of the Chamber some time i ago received from the, State Depart ment a communication Which .was sent by the direction of the then 'act ing secretary, inviting the Chamber's expression of views on the proposed creation 01 a stall 01 commercial at taches to American ambassies and le gations as? a means of - promoting Americans trade interests abroad. A Big Deal. New Berne, Special. A report was circulated on' the streets! 1 that the bed On . .-,ishrdlushrdl shrdlu hrdlhrd Blades Lumber Company had been obsorbed by the ' Standard Oil Com pany, at : aconsideration of $2,500,000 which . would cover the several plants m our city ana eisewnere, aiso au(vni timber interests owned by this com-' . . . ; ,1 I pany. ; lour correspdentsougnt an interview with 4Mr. W. F. Blades, the neaa oi , mis mamuuiu i-uuwiu, , ne stater mat nis cuuiuaur w consummated any deal at present,' but negotations were under way. and- a svSdir.at,, had an ontion of thirtv days an the company's 'interests. . ; f ; . , - Fight Ends In Death, v Elizabeth City, Special. The body bf Hawkins Patterson, who escaped. Wwvw tVia nhairt-trantf' ftf t.hlR rnnnt.V UU1U . uuuiu-&uxj.& w. two weeks: ago, was .ftmndjy TTo-'c Pr,4nt ttAnr Hattaras. VU A.aau 0 . wuavj .v t , - where it had been' washed ashore ' in the? storm. Further downwas found the wreck of the skiff v. in ..which he,: attempted to cross the, sound. After escaping from' the gang he came here,' stole the boat, and without provisions and useing ,the. oar,, for a mast, to which he attached a small piece of canvass,1 attempted a voyage of over one hundred miles. .The .body was found by, the Pea Island life saving crew and was given to the authorities. it .-- Suit Against Southern.. ', Greensboro, Special. Mr. I. C. Warren, of Huntsville, Yadkin county has brought suit against the South-: era Railway for $15,000 as damages on account of a "; train running over and cutting off one of his legs a$ the Southern Railway Depot a little more than three weeks ago. The young man is still undergoing treatment at the Greensboro Hospital. COSTUME OF POSTAGE STAMPS. Remarkable Garment .Worn by Ameri , , can Lady at , a Ball. t Over 30,000 postage stamps "were aged In the making of a dress" for an American lady, which she wore at a ball at Bermuda a short time" ago. Years had been spent in collecting the stamps, and-three weeks' in making the dress, which was of the finest mus lin. The lady appealed to her friends to help hert and the. , dress was comt pletely covered with stamps of all na tions. Suspended from, the tabons; was a globe , made of very old blue revenue -stamps. ' On' either5 side of the globe was an, American flag the 'stripes of blue and red stamps. A collection of foreign - stamps waa pasted . , ion the back of the bodice m the form of a shield; 1 the center of rhich wasmade up of a portrait of the brave Sir . George Summers, cut r'i rom old rev enue stamps. A large picture hat cov ered with red and blue stamps was worn with the costume ; a . maskand very pretty; fan ,werefv covered; Entire ly with pink. London Tit-Bits. Cures beammtlain nd Catarrh Medlelne . Sent Free. , ; These two diseases are the result hi am awful poisoned condition of the blood. If tou hare achlnar ' lolnts and baok. hnu'Idar Wadesj bone pains, crippled hands, legs or ieec, awouBs f musoies, ; snining,' ; snarp, Kitten, n.ln.' '..4 ' 4..-., feeling: - of rheuaatism. or 'the :aawkinr. spitting, blurred, eyesight, deafness sieli Btomaoh, headaohe, noises in th he&d,J mu cous throat discharges, r decaying teeth, ha.rf Virian.t.h hAlAini mint AatawA toL- Botanic Blood ; Balm (B. B. B.) It klftl the poison in ine piooa wxuen causes these awiui symptoms, giving a pure,, healthy; blood supply t to the joints and mucous mem branes, and .makes a perfect cure of the. worst u rheumatism 1 or f f foulest . catarrh. Cures where all else - fails. Blood Balm (B. B. B.) 4s composed of 'pure Botanic in gredients, good, for tweak kidneys., tIm- perfect tonio for old folks by giving!; them new, ncn, pure piooa. . 'xnorougniy testea ror thirty years.- Druggists, f 1 per large bottle, with complete .directions . lor home cure. Sample 1 free and i prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga.' . Describe trouble and special free medical advice sent in sealed letter. -i)i ' ! f( 1 - Never judge a! woman's .beauty by ner make-up. , . -w bHSo.;7. Meat Is Unpopular.:; I never knew meat to be, so linpop- a prosperous butcher. "Of course I al ways expect the meat sales to fall oft In the; warm weather, but mis year 1 have sold only one-half as much ' as I did last summer. One customef a landlady, who has twenty-five board ers tells me' that she; canThardly get ; her boarders to touch the meat dishes, j and she Is rejoicing. Even ham, ' the old standby, which is generally In good demand even in ..the most, scorching weather, Is frowned upon, and the, beef trust would soon1 go : to pieces Mf its : produce- were no more , popular -th rear, round , than it has oeen this sum mer. nospif Ms cnovjDED MAJORITY OF PAT1EUTS WDIIEU lira.' Pinkhams Advice Saves Many From this Sad and Costly Experience It is a sad but true fact' that e y e r .y year brings an in crease in i the nuinber of opera tions performed upon womenin our hospitals. More tAnthree fourths of 'the patients, lyg on mosB snow white beds are women and girls who J are awaiting orxecpyjering from opera. viuna uiuc uD,j ;1:iJ.tttj;!!52 nlAnfvnfwurninff in that bearinsr down len or rignt of 'the womb" Nervous exhaustion; paiti in tha i gmall of the back, leucorraoea, , airza- i ness. naiuiencv.. uismaccuicuia, uj. womb or irregTuamiesv ..aii'oi mese yP.iP"t healthy, condition of towW womb,' and it not neeaea ine iruuwo will make headway, until the penalty haS to be paid hy a dangerous opera tion, and a lifetime of impaired, useful ness, at best, .while in many pses th results are fatal. ' ' V" '- 4' The following letter snouid .bxins; I , " -mgj T-H JPJ'LZSJi auius,uivuCW Wash. . -writes tl -J 1 1;: t Dar Mrs. Pinkham": r. . , iKnnt. .t.wo-T(aW aero I was a great sur- ferer froma severe female trouble, pains and hadiiches. j The docfor prescribed forme and nnaUy told me that I had a tumor on ij womb and must undergo an operation if I wanted to get welL? I. felt tiia this was my death warrant, but I spent hundreds of dol lars, for medical hehv but the tumor .kept crowing. Fortunately J corresponded "with an aunt In the New England States, indole advised me to take Jl.ydia E. PinkhanTs Veg etable Compound as it was said it cure, tu moral I md so and immediately began, to improve in" healtfc, and I was entirely cured, , the tumor disappearing entirely without an operation,' I imh veiy suffering' woman : Would try this great pwparation.'I j ;j fi. v, jnst as surely,. as -Miss, Adams, waa CXrreu orine uuuuies cuumci.tcu m her letter, jnst so axirely wilLLydla S. r Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cure every woman'in the land 'who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles,, nervous excitability and1 nervous 3 prostration. Mrs. Pinkham invites all young" women who are ill to write her tor free advice. Address, Lynn, Mass.

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