' . ......... "" -1- . ... . - - - : I ' NEWSY GLEANINGS. " The crtter of Vesuvius is falling In. The CoOn Trust has raised price twenty-five per cent. Greek remains a compulsory study at Cambridge University by a vote of 74T to 241 V Among 42,390 students at Germany universities tbis spring there are 3555 foreign. . A seaside hospital to cost $100,000 ia to be trailt at Santa Monica, Southern California The pay of the Vice-rresident of the Cuban republic has been-fixed at $15, 00 per .year. Mavor McCIellan says the city of New'York has yet a borrowing capac ity of $132.01)0,000. s; Pavid Ranken. Jr.. has given $2,000. to found a great industrial training fchool at St. Louis. Mo. '-It is proposed to construct subways n,iPi-TiAAth crowded streets in Paris for the tip? of pedestrians. The United States Government Is about to take a hand in the investiga tion of the Lumber Trust In Missis sippi. H. E. Huntington gave $30,000 for the relief of the professional classes Im--poYerisUed by the San Francisco dis aster. v'' i It has been discovered that 125.000 tomM of the Sutro Library, in San Francisco, supposed to have been de stroyed, have been saved. The demands of the colored inhabit unts of the Transvaal and Orange Rrver colonies for full political rights are becoming more insistent. it was announced at the laying of the corner-stone of the new Red Cross Hos pital. New York Qity, that alcohol would not be used in it except in baths. By a decision of the Supreme Court . rv: A 4 Via CllffAfi tne wniSKy arusi uiui yoj mc oubiu Trust $141,000 for stopping the manu facture of whisky from moir.sses by the latter. . Drowned in Mill Pond. Spartanburg S. C, Special. Palm er Lester, a young white man 20 years of are, was drowned in the Appalach ian Mill pond Saturday afternoon. Letter and his companions were bathing and he fell from the spring -hoard into seven feet of water. Be ing unable to swim he sank to rise no more, after frantic efforts to save himself. No inquest was held. Eleven Killed , by Explosion. Lancaster,. Pa., Special. Eleven men were blown to pieces and live Ciliers were seriously injured by the explosion of a dynamite plant near Pequea, along the Susquehana river. The accident was one of the most horrible in the history of Lancaster. The victims - were literally torn to pieces, not enough remaining of a single body to make identification possible. The cause of the explosion is not known. Historic Names and Occupations. M. Emile Faguet of the French Academy has been studying direc tories to see what are the occupations ow" followed by the bear eTs of the most notable historic French names. The terrible name of Robespierre, ha finds. Is borne by a peaceful firm of hrickmakers. The Racine whom he lias discovered i-s a furrier. At Paris t'here is a tailor named Mollere. a dyer named Mxisset, a dentist narcerl Hugo.-' - At Lyons he has lighted upon a Voltaire who is a bookbinder, a Barras who is a butcher, a Coligny who keeps a cafe, a Marat who is a draper, and a Richelieu who is a news agent; while at Nancy an Al phonse Kaxr keeps baker's shop. The saddest case of all. however, is .that of a Mozart, the last surviving member of the musician's family. His work in life is to draw lager beer in the railway station restaurant at Augsburg. Westminster Gazette. Are a Necessity i in the Country Home. The farther vou are 'removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh.-No mart has a right to compel one of the family to he in agony for hours while he anves to town lor the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the,su5ering. Our Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems.' Instruments sold on thirty days trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO.; 201 CCC Duilding, Cadix, Chic. -... . - . . THE NEW MY dlrfiCtlv to t.hn meat, tbrpagh the salt, it i insects through the Wright's fa ft. Hfinlrl amAlfA nn1 THE E. H. WRIGHT CO.. Ltd O ;'- ' , ; ISOLD AND U ma Items of Interest From Many Parts of the Mate . MINOR MATTERS OF STATE NEWS Happenings of More or Less Import ance Told in Paragraphs The Cot ton juarKeis. Charlotte Cotton Market. These prices represent the prices paid to wagons: , Good middling. . .... .... ....11 Strict middling. . . . . . . . . . . .11 Middling.. .. .. .. .... .. ..11 Good middling, tinged.. .. ..11 1-8 Stains.. .'. .. "... .. .... ..9 to 10 General Cotton Market. v Galveston, quiet,. New Orleans, quiet Mobile, steady Savauuah, quiet. : ..11 1-8 10 13-16 ..10 5-8 ..10 7-8 . .10 5-8 . .10 3-4 ......11 ..11 1-4 ....11.20 . . . .11.20 . ..11.45 XX ......11 .. ..11 ......11 - Charleston, quiet . . . . Wilmington, steady.. Norfolk, steady. . Baltimore, nominal.. New York, quiet.. Boston, quiet. ... Philadelphia, steady. Houston easy. ... . Augusta, steady. . . . Memphis, quiet. . St. Louis, steady . . Cincinnati. ...... . Louisville, firm. . . . ..11 3-8 Suicide Attempted. Durham, Special. Benjamin H. Crider, a young white man made a desparate attempt to commit suicide After making a trip to a number of druj stores at nnght purchasing a one ounce bottle of laudanum, from five of them and one box of morphine he crawled under a house in the wes tern part of the city near his board ing place. At an early hour in the morning when found he had drained three oi them and taken the box of morphine tablets. He left a note ad dressed to his brother, Rev. Crider of Kentucky, saying: "I had no cause for the act except that there is nothiug for me to live for." The note and his pocketbook were found on the door knob of his boarding house. Af ter pumping much of the drug from his stomach there is some chance for his recovery. "A House Exhibit." Raleigh., 'Special. The State board of agriculture at the urgent request of Governor Glenn who sent a spcial communication on the subject, made a special appropriation of $5,000 for the equipment of a "house exhibit" of North Carolina products to be con structed and equipped ou cars so as to be sent on the circuit of New England fairs especially next fall for the attraction of immigration and capital to this State. The proposi tion received a bare majority vote of the board membership, several includ ing Chairman Patterson, believincr that the investment .would not yield returns in proportion to the cost. Board , Completes Work. Raleigh, Special. The State Board of Agriculture completed its work and adjourned. Later they voted : to renew the special appropriation of $750 for special agricultural pre miums on farm products at the State Fair October 15 to 20, to be awarded on 14 field crops on the same condi tion as last year. The Board adopt ed food standards for the United States Government for North Caro lina in operation with the State Pure Food Law. New Enterprises. The Montgomery Lumber Company, of Spring Hope, Nash county, was chartered at a $250,000 capital, authorized, the incorporators being: G.'.B. Montgomery and others. A charter was issued for the Smith Electric Manufacturing Co. of Char lotte with $25,000 capital by S. J. Smith, E. F. Creswell and others. Part of Train Goes in River. - Ashcville, Special. A train on the Kuoiville division of the Southern Hail way was derailed about a half mile west of Alexander, on a curve and the engine, mail, express and bag gage cars left the track, and the en gine and express , car falling into the river. The mail car was destroyed, but osily one ' person was injured Harley Goode,"j the mail agent, who subtiuiied a laceration of the scalp. -artM, a Hmat. .,. u J T will be thoroughly smoked, will have a "i.. duin euu snnoii'tum tree irom entire summer, Condensed Smoke s,4- : . v. . 103 W.; FowtJ;t Kfln City. Mo run i ns-r-riia TOiMjgtjy GUAItAiTEF XIV ' of swing rati KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Two YeirsUelieeed in Thret Month. MR. C. B. FIZER, Mt. Sterling, Ky., writes: "J have suffered with "kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past. ''Last March I commenced using Peruna and continued for three months. I have not used it since, nor have 1 felt a pain. "I believe that 1 am well and I there fore give ;my highest commendation to the curative powers of Peruna.'" Pe-ru-na For Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Geo. H. Simeer, Grant, Ontario, Can., writes: "I had not Seen well for about four years. J had kidney (rouble, and, in Jact, elt badly nearly all the time. "This summer 1 got so very bad 1 thought 1 would try Peruna, so l wrote to vou and began at once to take Peruna and Manalin. "1 took only two bottles of Peruna and one of Manalin, and now I feel better than 1 have for some time. "I-feel that Peruna and Manalin cured me and made a different woman of me al together. I bless the day I picked up the little book and read of your Peruna. It is the business of the Kidneys to remove from the blood all poisonous materials. They must be active all the time, else the system suffers. There are times when tbey need a little assistance. Peruna is exactly this sort of a remedy. It has saved many people from disaster by rendering the kidneys service at a time when they were not able to bear their own burdens. ' So. 24.-'06. 'FRISCp DOG MADE GOOD. Swam Bay After Ferryboat That Car ried Betoved Little Mistress. After "being fed and warmly clothed here, five refugees from San Fran cisco were placed on a train and sent on to their former home in a little town on Long Island, writes the Chi cago correspondent of the New York Press. Along with the poor little party, which consisted of Mrs. Amelia Berg and children and a son-in-law, was a nondescript degy looking the reverse of his name, which was Sport. But It was noticed that the police of Har rison street did not neglect the dog In handing out good things to eat, a.nd a blg bluecoat tenderly carried Sport In bis arms to the train. . The story of Sport Is a trifling one, but , interesting, maybe. When tha Berg home, at No. -27 Minna street, went by quake and fire with all goods It contained, the family fled to the ferry, followed by the dog. But poor Sport was promptly kicked off the boat and inowled dismally from the pier as the craft pulled out, leaving him to bis fate. Knowing the dog would die any way, Anna Berf gave a" shrill whistle, and hearing the dear, familiar sound, brave Sport sprang Into the water. It's two and one-half miles to Oak land, 'but arrived there Anna 'obsti nately sat on tbe pierhead . and watched not the great . conflagration but the tossing waters of the bay for she knew Sport would make good if he could. First a tiny spot in thB waves, then a round head and then a pair of ehiny eyes fixed on Anna, and a boat hook did the rest. Sport had made good. The trials of Chesapeake bay and Potomac river to their crews, began in .Norfolk. ' Current Events." Lieutenant Colonel Duff, of the Sal vation Army, is a sister of" the Duke of Fife and sister-in-law of the prin cess royal. Her position at the Sal vation Army headquarters in London is that of editor of the Young Soldier and - the Young People. She wrote some of the Salvation .Army's ; most popular publications. A modest and unassuming young woman in Oklahoma for three yean has had the distinction of being the youngest woman ranch owner in the United States. Miss Georgia A. Burns is owner and manager of 11, 000 acres, comprising the Arrow Heart cattle ranch, and recently leas ed for, a term of ninetjMiine years 100,000 acres of oil and mineral land in the Choctaw and Chicasaw na tions. Miss Burns not only manages her ranch, with ability, but spends much of her time in the saddle, and can shoot and rope cattle, with as great dexterity and skill as any of the thirty cow-boys regularly in her employ. . 1 Beflections of a Bachelor. Being in love seems to be either all joy or all pain, according to no rule whatever. ' : It costs $20,000 to educate some boys, and they never earn the interest on it. A woman is pretty sure that if she understood mathematics hotter tb I bouse bills would add up less, x Pointed Paragraphs. There's, no promise of a robe - of righteousness to the man who gives away his old overcoat in July. People who say they go out to look for God in nature are npt to leave their guide books at home. The man whom God can only use to kindle fires cannot understand why those who are strong enough for joists are not whittled up as he is. New Yorker Owns Famous Banner. Mr. Eben Appleton of New York city has in nis possession the famous "Star Spangled Banner" that in spired Key to the writing of the much admired national song. An effort will shortly , be made to purchase the house, in Baltimore in which this , flag, was made and. use it as a museum or nairiotic shrine. ' :'--'' ' , ;'' ; - TrrS,St.Vtta8 xmne:Nervoiis Diseases per maoieiitly cured by, Dr.. Kane's Great Nerve Restorer. 3 trial bottle and treatise free. D. H. H. Klikk, Ld., SSlAreh St.,Phila.,Pa. - - - - i Grtat quantities of textile machinery are being exported. : Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children" tet Aing.softens the gnms.reduces inflamma tion, allays patn.enres wind colio,25c a bottle The Russian Czar is fully a head shorter than the Czarina. ; FACE ALL BROKEN OUT. Troubled Almoit a Year Complexion ow Perfect and Skin Soft, TThlU and Velvety. "I had bten troubled with - a break ing out on my face and arms for almost a year and had the eervices of several physicians, but they didn't seem to do any good. Some time ago one of my friends recommended Cuticura to me. I secured some, and after using it several months 1 was completely cured. I can highly recommend Cuticura Soap as be ing the very best complexion soap made. It creates a perfect complexion, leaving the skin soft, white, and velvety. I now use Cuticura Soap all the time and rec ommend its use to my friends. Maud Log gins, R. F. D. No. 1, Sylvia, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1905." Dr. Big-gers Huckleberry Cordial Cares All Stomach Troubles, Teething Children, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc. At Druggists 25c and 50c per bottle. DITSON MADE AN IMPRESSION. Irishman Admitted Explanation as He Understood It. Years ago members of my family laughed over this incident as related by an eye-witness, says a writer in the Boston Herald: - On approaching his store one morn ing, Oliver Ditson, the music pub lisher, saw -a crowd gathering just outside his door, where a very much intoxicated Irishman was trying in vainto step up from the street. Mr. Ditson. seeing the Inability of the man to gain the sidewalk, took him by the arm and assisted him up. The intoxicated man was effusive in his thanks, and insisted upon knowing to whom he was indebted for so much kindness. . In vain Mr. Ditson tried to disen gage his arm, and at last he said: "Well, I am Mr. Ditson." "Is that so?" said the other. "I never heard of him. Whose son did you say you were?" A shout from the bystanders evi dently nettled .Mr. Ditson, and he said, very decidedly and impressively: "1 am Oliver Ditson." The manner was not lost upon the Irishman, who cast an admiring eye upon Mr. Ditson 's immaculate apparel, and said, in the most humble and con ciliatory tone: "So you are, so you are, while I am nothing but all-over-mud." It is strange "that those who, talk most of faith in Providence often have least in people. So. 24-'06. BUILDING FOOD ,. To lirinjr the Babies Around. When a little human machine (or a large one) goes wrong, nothing is so important as the selection of food to bring it around again. "My little baby boy fifteen months old had pneumonia, then came brain fever, and no sooner had lie got .over these than he began to cut teeth and, being so weak, he was frequently thrown into convulsions," says a Colo rado mother. "I decided a change might help, so took' him to Kansas City for a visit When we got there he was so very weak when he would cry he -would sink away anoV, seemed like he would die . ', - '. ",When 1 reached my sister's home she said Immediately that we must feed him Grape-Nuts and, although I naa never used the food we got some and for a few days gave him just the juice of Grape-Nuts and milk.' He got stronger so quickly we were soon feed ing him the Grape-Nuts itself and In a wonderfully short time he fattened right up and became strong and well. "That showed me something worth knowing and, when later on my girt came, I raised her on Grape-Nuts, and she i a strong, healthy baby and has been. Yon will see from the little pho tograph I send you what a strong, chubby youngster the boy 1; now, btit; he didn't look anything like that be fore we found this nourishing food. Grape-Nuts nourished iirv back to strength when he was so weak he couldn't keep any other food on his stomach.". Name given by Postum Co. Battle veek. Mich. Air children can be built to a more sturdy and healthy condition upon Grape-Nuts and cream. The food con tains the elements nature demands, from which to make the soft gray fill ing in the nerve centres and brain. A well fed brain and strong, sturdy nerves absolutely . insure a health body. . - , Look in pkgs. for the famous Httli hook, ' The Bond to Wellville. STOPS BELCHING. Caves Tlftil Breath FoUir mnA Instut Cr Free Xo Drngi-Core t7 Absorption. A sweet breath is priceless. Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will cure bad brenth and bd taste insUntly Belching and bad taste indicate offensive breath, which is due to stomach trouble. Mull's Anti-Beleh Wafers purify the stomach and stop belching, by absorbing foui GcaBes that arise from undigested food, and by supplying the diceative organs with nabiral solvents for food. T1pv relieve ea or car sickness and nau sea of any kind. Thfy quickly cure headache, correct the ill effect of excessive eating or drinking. They will destroy a tobacco, whisky or ono"n breath instantly. They ptop fermentation in 1he stomach, acute indiffeftioo. cramps, coie Ras in the stomach and, intestines, distended abdo men.: heartburn, bad complexion, dizzy spp'U or any other affliction arising fronr a icsed stah. JV know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will do th??. and we want you to know it. This offer may not appear agairi. : i ': ; 1 :' 1 16166 GOOD FOR 25c. 143 Send this coupon with your name and address and your druggist's name and 10c. in stamps or silver., and we will supply you . sample free if yon have 5 never used Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers, and will also send vou a cer tificate ?ood for 25c. toward the pur chase of more Belch Wafers. You will find them invaluable for stomach trou Tle: cures, by ahsorotion. Address . Mull's Crapf, Tonic Co.. 328 3d Ave., Rock Island. 111. Give FuU Address and Write Plainly. All druargista. 50c. per box, or by mail upon receipt of price. Stamps accepted. Old bachelors all were Newton. Des cartes. Spinoza. Michael Angelo. Kant, Voltaire. Gibbon, Beethoven, Sir Fran cis Drake, Watts, Cooper, Hume, Washington Irving, Whittier and Walt Whitman. 4 ' Deafness Cannot Be Cored by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is in flamed yon have a rambling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it ts entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh ,whlch is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deaf ness(cansed by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F.J.Chxkbt & Co., Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists, 76c. ' Take Hall's Family P1113 for constipation! Trade of the United States with Spain and Portugal amounted in the fiscal year 3905 Ao ever thirty-four mil lion dollars, against less than twenty millions in 1S93. a decade earlier. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion; never fails, feold by Drug gista. Mail orders promptly filled by Dr. K. Detchon, Crawfordsville, Ind. $1. , Germany has 29,200 physicians, averaging one to every 1700 inhabitants. - SEVEN YEARS AGO. A Rochester Chemist Found a Singularly Effective Medicine. William A. Franklin, of the Franklin & Palmer Chemical Co., Rochester, N. Y., writes: j.x., "Seven years ago I was suffering very much through the failure of the kid neys to eliminate the uric acid from my system. My back was very lame and ached if I over exerted myself in the least degree. At times I was weighed down with a feel ing of languor and depression andsuf f ered continually from annoying irreg ularities of the kidney secretions. I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and began using them. I found prompt relief from the aching and lameness in my back, and by the time I had taken three boxes I was cured of all irregularities." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. Peacock feathers are said to brine ill luck. HICKS' CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CUKXS HEADACHES Breaks up COLDS IN 6 TO 12 MOUR.S Trial Boob 10c At Drai Food Products uUe yo to enjov your meals w&oot tkesa ever a het eek-stov. ..ADthe ceokinc don ia Ubby. uohesr-a btebesi as dcaa and awt as yew own, aad 4iera's nothiag for Tw Ubby's Produck at telaeted meats, oked by coots wK. knew now, and ouW the good parti pacl-d. s Foc acmck and delicious lunch any i me, ia ebon or out, try lobby's MJU rose Pate with Libbys Camp Saoee. BooUst free. "Hw u M&U .iwul WON Libky,McNftlllSiLibby,Chlcat t FlFlTSFI Wheat. CO Bushel. per cre. ktf IlU I kil Cata. anrt samples free. 61 zer waflB Seed CaBoxC A ,La Crosse, Wis, So. 24.-'06. ff f aCUcted rithweak eyes jmu9 I Hat" I I , Mil I - "" in i.i J 11 f "jjj TbDiiipson's Eyo Vatei AMf and Hei. kH tUkm Hm Onlded Tkeusanda B now B.PialAam..TUbu It u fW&a" IOf wr me xaort J ateandcons ai detail s kopw that l er ter will K. , awomaaoniv 1 diseases come v: fore Mrs. Pinkham erry var So personally, others by mail. 'Mri pi.1? ham is the daf hter-in-law of Lvdis ,' Pinkham aad for tweaty-firt Tl, under her dirtion and sincehiri'1 cease six ha been adriaing; sick wom, firee o ohara. Mrs: Piakbwsi nerer rioUtes the C0B fidenSe f women, and srVery tegtij; lal lattar pwSlUaad ia done ,0 S the written ea&sent r request of tx writer, i& orto tlrat th.r sik woa! may ba benefiled a sae has been. Mrs. AUca BarrjhUi, af 113 b0T(i Street, Oaitanooga, Teaa. , writi Dear Mrs. Pinkhaia: aier uoa, ana jasannBation of maa I wauld die witkin six monti tSX I would hare no operation Ct ComDoand. He tried to influence it bat I sent for tha mediciae that m, and besan to use it faithfully. "Within fiS days I felt relief but was net entirely uirM until I used it for some time. 'Your medicine is certainly fine. UST induced sereral friends and neighbors to tali It and I know more than a dozen who lu4 female troubles and who to-day are as well and strong as I am from using' your Ven table Compound." Just as surely as Mrs. Berryhillwa cured, will Lydia E. PinkhaauVegt table Compound cure every womaj suffering- from any form of female illi . If you are sick write Mrs. Pinkhaa for advice. It ia free and always hel fuL GUAMI TEES BY! $5,000 BANK DEPOSIT R.R. Fare Paid. Notes Tats S OO FREE contra ... : BoardatCost.WriteO'ii GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Mum, 9 I At a certain age, all girls need the help of a pure, reliable, tonic medicine, to establish a i regular , habit, that ii may remain with; t Tie m through life. ; Much ter 1 rible suffering, in after years, is prevented, and sturdy health assured, by taking : v x nag imm sra in sna m n m sam.. hta was eamfutely Broken and at arated E f 1 S 0 ! WOMAN'S RELIEF at this critical time of life. "I gave Cardui to my young daughter," writes Geo. Maston, of Greenwood, Neb., "and now she Is a rosy cheeked girl, happy, light-hearted , and gay." Strongly recommended for all female troubles, j Try it. At aU Drug Stores CM You Cannot all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such nasal catarrh, uterinecatarrh causes by feminine Ills, sore throat, sor mouth or Inflamed eyes by simpJ dosing the stomach. . But you surely can cure these stubborn ; affftPtinn hv Wal tratmpnt with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptjc which destroys the disease germs.cliecks discharges, stops paid, and heals u inflammation and soreness. fj Paxtint represents the most success ; local treatment for feminine ills eu produced. Thousands of women tesi"Jf to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial ox THE R. PAXTON CO.. BostonM, THE DAISY FLY KILLER On MKf.-bo ( Ml i one D 'Jut 1 I AH UW-- u and more per or. withproiwr ; ins several poppl-r artfclea. Wntf t o ' oBi ,p THE AMERICAN SUPPLY CO, 1'ilCJM 1. . '