' ' ' s ' - ' . COLOSSAL LUIIO STEALS CXITED ' STATES SENATOR FROM cnifTII HARM IMA PRAISES y, " - ..- PE-RU-HA." Government Defrauded Put of Millions of Acres by Railroads; 'fs arv' . mm r .. - . w -r Ex-Senator M. C. Butler. ni.uin't ? nftn. Cnvxed Ru Catarrh f .:yiY-A nmntn Itclieree Ca tarrh of the Stomach and Is Therefore a .a..... j, - i x j ' Hon. M. C. Butler. Ex-U. S. Sena tor ; from South Carolina for two terms, in a letter from AVashington, D. C, writes to the Peruna Medicine Co., as follows: "lean recommend Pevnna for dyspepsia and stomach t rouble. I have been'it'sinp your medicine for a short period and J feel very much relieved. It is indeed a wonderful medicine, besides a good tonic." C ATArJRH of the stomach is the cor rect name for most cases 01 uyapepsia. In order to cure catarrh of the stom ach th6 catarrh must be eradicated. Only-an internal catarrh remedy, such s Peruna, jis available. Peruna exactly meets the indications. Peruna is sold by your loeal drug gists. Buy a bottle today. v , So. 43-'06. " Close Questioning. In recalling incidents connected with Virginia politics some years ago a prominent' Virginian recently relat ed to a Washington man an account of an investigation of election frauds in the lower section of the State. In Ihe course: of the proceedings "it 'developed that the ballots in an im portant precinct had not been sealed "after "the final count, thereby being exposed to fraudulent practices. The ,cbariman of the investigating commit ted elosely questioned the election neglected. "Could yon not. obtain any muci lage in the town Vy - "No, sir.-' "Could you not procure some seal ing wax some-shoemaker's wax, if nothing" else 1 '.V . - ; No,'"sir., ' "Well, tbon, mv, why didn't you go out into th3 woods and get some ros in? Dou you mean to tell me that there were no pine trees around there "shedding tears at your, infamous ras cality ,!" Washington Star. The cities bf Glasgow and Notting ham supply, gas to the -consumers, ;and it is sold at fifty cents a thousand cubic feet r about one-half what it costs in American cities. Last yea Nottingham made a profit of $120, 0 00 on its gas plant. A cruel heart ill suits mind. Homer. manly THlNEIT& DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Wholesale Prices Quoted in New York . f MILK. . ..;' The . Milk Exchange price for standard quality is 3cvper quart. BUTTER. , Creamery Western, extra.? Firsts -.. ... State dairy, fancy . Firsts ........ Factory, thirds "to" firsts... CHEESE. - State, full cream, fancy.... Small. .................. Part skims, good to prime Full skims.... . EGGS. J ersey Fancy ............ State Good to choice ..... Western Firsts .......... BEANS AND TEAS. Beans Marrow, choice.... 2 30 Medium, choice . Pea. choice....'. . ....... i Red kidney, choice. . ..... 2 40 1 oo 2 40 2 75 26$ 27 F 24 25 25 j 23 Gil 24 16 19 '. . 13 (3l '13 12 13 9 (3 ' 10 3 4 32 33 28 . 31 25 25 Yellow eye. Black turtle soup. .Lima, Cal. 35 60 65 45 70 2 50 V 2 85 FKU1TS AND BERIUES-lT.ESlt. f0 75 75 50 00 00 75 65 40 50 11 16 ( 11 -15 15 (dt 50 3 Apples Greening, per bbl. King, per bbl . . . Ben Davis, perbld Pears. Bartlett. Ter bbl... Sheldon, per hlM .... Seek el, per bbl. Grapes, Delaware, per case Niagara, per case. Plums, per basket .. Peaches, per bnsket ,, Quinces, per bbU.-. . ;. 3 50 Cranberries, C.Cod., per bbl 5 50 r LIVE TOCLTiY. Spring chickens, per lb.... Fowls, per lb ............. . Roosters, per lb,... Turkeys, per lb . . ........ Ducks, per lb 13 Geese, par pair. . 90 Pigeons, per pair..... . .... 20 DRESSED POULTI.V.. Turkeys, per lb... Chickens, Phila., per Jb Fowls, per lb. Geese, spring, per lb... Ducks, spring, per. lb... Squabs, per dozen HOPS. Stale, 1906. choice. 23 Prime. 1905 13 Pacific Coast, 1908.. choice.. 16 Prime to choice, 1905;... 14 HAY AND STRAW. , ITar, prime, per VK) lb.... 1 05 No. 1, per TOO li. .. 97 No. 2, per 100 lb... 90 .Clover mixed, per TOO lb. 85 Straw, Jong rye 60 VEGKTAI5LES. Potatoes, L. T.. per bbl.... 1 Jersey, per bbl 1 Sweets, per bbl 1 Tomatoes, per box......... Egg plant, per bbl ......... 1 Squash, per bbl Peas, per basket Peppers, per bbl Jjettuce, per bbl Cabbages, per 100 String beans, pcitbag Onions, Ct., white, per bbl. Jersey, per basket Carrots, per bbl.... Beets, per bbl Turnips, per bbl Cucumbers, per bbl Cucumber pickies, per b'sk't. Celery, per doz. bunches... Lima beans, per bag. ...... Okra, per 1000.. Cauliflower, per bbl.. ' Brussels sprouts, per qt.... Parsley, per 100 bunches.. Pumpkins, per bbl.., Spinach, per bbl. ........ .. Watercress, per 100 bunches Kale, per bbl 25 2 00 2 75 2 75 5 50 3 00 (a) 4 50 (a) 1 00 1 12 60 Cal l 00 4 50 7 50 11 13 8 13 14 50 14 22 14 20 16 3 75 24 14 18 15 1 10 1 00 95 87 65 50 25 50 1 50 50 1 00 75 1 00 2 50. 50 1 2 50 j 751 1 IX) -1 00 75 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 6 75 50 75 1 00 (a) - 00 65 75 50 2 00 1 25 3 00 75 00 50 00 3 50 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 r oo 5 00 50 1 25 1 00 5 50 12 1 00 75 1 00 1 50 50 GRA15. ETC. Flour Winter patents ...... Spring patents Wheat. No. I N. Duluth..i No. 2 red.. Corn, No. 2 white. ......... No. 2 yellow. Oats, mixed i Clipped -white.. Lard, city ' GAME. .' Woodcock, per pair Grouse, per pair. ... Partridge, per pair. Snipe, per dozen. 4 25 78(3) (a) 39 9 1 00 2 50 2 25 2 00 Wild duck. Mallard, per pair 1 50 - j'iul uuv au , Ji i c.li ...... I j Canvasback, per pair.... 3 00 UVE STOCK. Beeves, city dressed Calves, city dressed Country ; dres-sed. Sheep, per 100 lb. . JLambs. per 100 lb Hogs, live, per 100 lb..... Country dressed, per lb. up 10 95 87 80 55 55 38 43 9 50 00 75 50 75 00 50 6 8 8- 3 50 7 25 ft fii 9 9 13 12 5 50 8 50 7 10 10 FAMINE IN SKILLED LABOR. A Guaranteed Cure Many Have Dyspepsia' and Don't Know It.' , " If you suffer from Dyspepsia or Indigestion in any form, such as gas, 1elching,: bitter taste, offensive bad breath, dizzy spells, sour stom ach, heart . flutter, l)a ins. or swellings in the stomach, back or si .;, deep-, seated kidney or liver trouble, then nausea, gastritis, loathing of food. they, will disappear in a short time jafter taking Tyner's Dj'spepsia Rem edy, made especially to cure Dyspep sia, Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles; even of the worst cases. , Tyner's, Dyspepsia Remedy expels the gases and sweetens the breath. It cures 5Sick! Headache, Colic and Con ,; Etipation , at once. . Druggists or by express 50 c.ents a bottle. "Money re funded if it.' fails to cure. Medical . advice and circular free by writing to Tyner Remedy Co.,' AugustaJ Ga. r- ' "-' ? t Sentence Sermons. . v Let a man keep the law any law . --iftrid . liis way will be strewn vrith ; ' atisf action. Emerson. y?e know :Him not, Him shall we r , never know TiilvWe behold Him in the least of .these -' H. - ;;;.';.! . Who suffer or who'sin. ' ;U ' F: ; ' Lucy Lai-eom. : - -To. give way to heavenly forces is to nrr cr.rci of er.rihty faults. Factories Are Offering Higher Wages and Bidding For Workmen. New York City. If there has been one lesson more than another Im pressed upon the industrial world in these prosperous years, it has been the remarkable increase in the recent demand for skilled labor. One hard ly appreciates, unless he goes much, or watches conditions, over the length and breadth of the land, how unequal to the real demand are the present supply and the means Intend ed to increase it, The mills in Rhode Island are suffering from a labor famine that has been intensifying for the past six months. It is not only the increase of production in old mills but the building of new ones at and about Pawtucket that has caused the trouble in Rhode Island of which complaint is made. The putting in of mills in a single season calling for 1800 more operatives nat urally uses up the labor supply of places of the size of Pawtucket and draws upon the available surplus that may exist in near-by manufacturing centres. Now that waiting lists of skilled laborers have become a mem ory, it becomes a question of who shall bid highest for the available la . bor. ... liig Sensation Promised. in Conimis sioner Prouty's Report on -Union Pacific Deals. Tomato Experiment a Fine ' Success. Farmers of New Jerseyrhave netted thousands of dollars, from tomatoes this year. This is the first season they have attempted to grow them for city markets. Washington, D. C. Something dis tinctly fout of the ordinary is expect ed when Interstate Commerce Com missioner Prouty produces his report on the great land frauds along the Union Pacific road, which he has re cently investigated. ' It is strongly intimated that he will prepare a re port which will have to be written on asbestos, and that he will give a com plete outline of the whole scheme of land frauds that has been for many years inextricably tangled with the processes of milling and transporting coal in Wyoming, Colorado and Utah. Sensational as they have been, the revelations about affairs in Union Pa cific territory are said to have only scratched the surface. Other; big railroad and industrial companies are said to present opportunities for just as remarkable developments, involv ing the looting of the most valuable parts of the .public domain. . The' Denver and Rio Grande in particular, according to report, Is likely to comt in for some searching inquiry that will prove disappointing if it falls to uncover a situation as bad, or worse, than that in the Union Pacific's sphere of influence. The Santa Fe and the Colorado Fuel and Iron Com pany are also named as, concerns whose relations to Uncle Sams lands will not bear thorough Investigation. All these, it is said, are about as deep in the muck as Union Pacific is in the mire. These phases of the situation are understood to be slated for attention' later in connection with the Inter state Commerce Commission's series of investigations under the Tillman Gillespie resolution. Largely as a result of these revelations the Presi dent has issued an order withdraw ing coal lands of the public domain frdm entry. But it is pointed out that much more, drastic measures than this are necessary. To set aside the patents, fraudulently obtained, for millions of acres of mineral tim ber lands Is one of the duties requir ing attention. Every alternate section for, twenty miles on either side of the Union Pa cific belongs to that system's land grant. This is as if the black square on a checkerboard belonged to the road and the red to the Government subject to entry. There are almost no country roads through this region, and the railroad company, bein? ex tremely unfriendly to private devel opment of mineral resources, easily finds ways to prevent anybody else setting access to the lands it does not own. To get to them it is necessary to trespass on the railroad lands, and that sort of thing is promptly visited with the heavy displeasure of the cor poration. A deal of criticism has been aimed in this connection against the De partment of the Interior for its fail ure to protect the public domain. The department has various agents through the public land county, but they accomplish little, and the suc cess of Commissioner Prouty on his recent Investigation was a revelation to some of them. They are largely amenable to local political influences for their appointment, and these po litical influences are declared to trace fairly up to the management of the railroad. D. O. Clark, president of the Union Pacific Coal Company, is a brother of Senator C. D. Clark, Sena tor from Wyoming since ,1895, and elected to serre until 1911. Commis sioner Richards, of the General Land Office, Is a former Governor of Wyom ing. . ,. : : Cyrus Beard, a Judge of the Su preme Court of Wyoming, on the stand testified to using $3000 , of money provided for him by the rail road company in entering Elands which he afterward relinquished to the railroad interests, getting $200 for his trouble. Others didn't get so much; bartenders and gamblers "got as low as $3 and $5 for the use of their names in entering property which they afterward turned over to. these coal companies. . By these methods the law's provision that a company or association may not se cure more than four quarter-sections has been nullified. jfgfgffQfJI mm :( 4m-Kv k There are two classes of remedies : thospt nf t itj and which are permanently beneficial in effeet gently,' in; liarmony with nature, when, nature needs as ance ; an(L Another class,: composed of preparatio nnhnowh, uncertain and inferior character, acting t3 f rarilyy but injuriously, as a result of forcing the nat"110" functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional the remedies, of known quality and excellence is the p f nleasant Svrun 'of Ffp's. mannfap.trirprl r .. "j mo aillomin Fig: Syrup Co., which represents the active principles f in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to V tributa their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remed of all remedies to sweeten and refresh' and cleanse th . gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming -V ' ': t'y.' " ' r. " i vuimuj COIiSti x: pation and the many ills resulting: therefrom. Its active prhici 1 PS'-and .quality., arft" known to physicians generally, and th remedv has therefore met with their annroval. na wnn . .e ji i:s z : -- "vn ajj yVUh the favor of many millions, of well i informed persons who"irt,A their ' own personal knowledge : and t from actual experience $JrM$W that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim tw j n niu curv an wanner ui xus, uuv i tcuiuuienu n ior waat it reallv ;. represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellent v containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. I There are tvro, classes ,of purchasers ; those who are informed as to the quality of whit they buy and the reasons for the excellent of articles of exceptional ' merit,- and who 1 do not lack courage to go elsewhere 1 when a dCaleri offers an? imitation oUt any well kn01m . article ;? hut, unfortunately, there are . some people who do not kno and who allow themselves to. he imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of. 'the ."druggists of the United : States be it said that nearly ail .of them value their, reputation ti for professional integrity and the good "will of their customers too highly to offer lmiittuons vi ine v manufactured by the (California Tig Syrup Co., and in order to buy the genuine article' and to get its beneficial effects, one has ' only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company i California Fig Syrup Co.--plainly printed on , the front of every - Vi . 1 Color more goods brighter nd faster colors than wy other dye." One 10c. package colors atl fiber. iThey dye In cold water better than any other dra Tan. djr any Kanncnt Without ripping apart. .Write for free booklet-How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors.. fliON KOK 1)BUU CO., L'nionyiUe, iliuwij For ' preserving the ' strength and increasing the life of harness i Eureka .. Baraess Oil has no equal. Su- -perior to other brands v because free from acid and willnot become ran s i cid. Penetrates the leather. and makes it w.eather-proof, sweat-proof, soft, strong' and durable.; Makes old - harness ; look like new. Prevents . rot. Gives a glossy black finish. if: f Boston Coach Axle Oil ; - makes easy running wheels."5 Re duces friction to an absolute mini mum. j Better and more economical than castor oil. Will not gum or corrode. For use on 'carriages,!; ''cabs, buggies....;.; , i - $a.a cverywiiere. ! STANDARD OIL CO ? ; Owe no man, anything. I ORPHANS STARVED TO DEATH. ,'; Horse Market Active. Draught horses, exnressera ' and truckers are selling at -a greater ad vance in the Chicago market, where Eastern dealers get much of their stock. : . . Accusations Brought Against Colora do's 'Brotherhood of Light.'! Denver, Col. -That "a dozen chil dren entrusted to the "Brotherhood of Light" by the Denver authorities have starved to death is thedirect charge of the State Humane Society. ' The Brotherhood of Light colony is located on a ranch 400 miles southwest of Denver, and is in charge of C. C. Rose and others, who send solicitors over the State to ; gather funds to support the orphans, which it makes a specialty of boarding. Of twenty children in the custody of the brotherhood only " seven are alive. The older of the furvivors are in the fields with the adults. It is charged by Secretary E. K. Whitehead, of the State Bureau of Child and Animal Protection; H. B. Kerr: agent of the bureau, and rr M. H. Sears, of the State Bureau of Health, that all the children who have died at the colonv have starved to death as a result of the peculiar met, on the vegetarian order, that the religion of the brotherhood nr fl eer ibes for all who would be "holy." Hanged For Double Murder. Daniel Francis, a negro, was hanged in the jail at Chicago for the murder of his wife and Mrs. Mary Scroggs in a curtain cleaning shop conducted by two women. Francis accused Mrs. Scroggs of causing trouble between himself and wife. Crime Rampant In San Francisco. The reign of petty crime In San Francisco caused the summoning of a mass meeting to organize a com mittee oi safety. i , ' We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward (or any oaee ol Catarrh that cannot be cured b v HaU's CatatTh Cdre. ' - i ; F. J Chxitxt Co., Toledo, O. We, the underaigned, hav known P. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and beUevehim perfectly Honorable In all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. :l . N Wx8T A Tuax, Wholesale Drugisto, To ledo, O. ; - . ! . ,. -: Waldiko, Kins an h 1 Habtut, Wholesale : i Druggists, Toledo, O. ; N 1 Hall's Catarra CareU takonlaternally.aat-, iBRdirectlyapon the blood and maanoossar-'-' laces of theaysteccu. Testimonials sent tree. Price, 75c. per bott te. Bold by all Druggists. Take -Hall's Family Pills for constipation. It is a dangerous thing to dig pits for other folks. From the German. y HICKS CAPUDINE IMMtOIATCLY CVRCS HEADACHES Breaks up COLDS . IN 6 TO 12 HOURS Trial Bottle 10c At Dntigau WATCHXS Writ for our local Agencfy propost tlom.Wtch f res for introduction of sooas.Voars . for sqnar dealing and mutual profit. , WATCH C0 Orleans. Keb. ' llll f ITI n AddrcMi of O) pwsoasof pan f"f fill rll Indisn blood who srs not Ut I IHII I LU, in witb nr trlb. (i) of mi If If who ssTTsd. in ths FsdsrsJ srmy, or (S)ths - nsMrsst kin of rncb soidJsrs or aailors, now tsctaaed. NATHAN BICKFORD, Wapnlngtoa, D. a 17. L. DOUGLAS 3.5O&s3.00 Shoes t , BEST IN THE WORLD . WJ-Doug!as $4 Gilt Edga linex cannotto equalleaatanj price. To Shoe DrcUert: . W. L. Douglas' Job bing House Is ths most completein this country Send for OataloQ 1 8TTOFS TOR. T5VT?HVTlOnY AT ALL PS1Q mn s enoes. so to si.ou. iye to $1.38. .Women's Shoes. 1 14.00 to IL bu'i snoes, s.o 'i-vj Try , W. I. Oooglas Voinen's, W ClUiaren's sboes ; for style, di ana . ; vthey excel other makes. If I could take you Into my W factories At Brockton. Mass..and5bo , you how carefully W.L. DouglaaslKj nro marl xrtu waiiM then underStUs arHv thov hnlH thole shsne. fit betttf) I wear longer, and are of greater iW than any otner make. Wherever you Hve, you can obtain wu nuirlM hvc Hl nmm and Drice UlUSfa on tie bottom, which protects yoagin5tfl - - - - Jl MMt . mft tttD tatm. I Ak. your dealer for W. L. DouglaWi . .So. 43-'06. c a i r1 i -a i . ..in nnt wear Cof fs m fn .,.li nl Pall StVltfc tt nw nr uiaiuucv wwi 77 Man. W. L. DOUOLAS, Dept. IS, Brocktoo, m CURED 6!vii Qile RBlIlt days : effects a pennntlltJS Siim jTigwnlBllstt BOX B Atlantis I iron IS MAKE EVEEY DAf COUNT- rnattGr haw" ou cannot 1 afford to be i TOWER'S VZATERPROOE OILED SUIT ,OR SLICKER SIGN OF THE HSU ' 1j ajwra ea iMma . k . s tJaH to txmowto cwt doUttake :Cardui"? writes Mrs. Uelemrria Mulliris of Odessa, W. : i Va. "Because,- after suffering ' ; ' for several - years with female . . trouble, and trying different doc- tors and medicines without" obtaining reliefN' at last - found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others for female I,;compla Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pairs, -irregular, painful or unhealthy cata- Z menial flow, : and alf ailments from which sick women suffer. .' A.' perfect tonic for delicate women. A Pre vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited , over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles. WINE WRITE US A LETTER describing fu!!y all your symptoms' and we will send you Free Advice In plain sealed envelope. Ladles' Advisory Dept., Ths Chattatioog-a Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. . OF 1 ' f

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