the Is or ttonm Soulier iu tTrs. "Tho$. Dtm, asc VI n su c'CoI-uxabixs. Ohio. sy&: "For more than ten years I was iin 'misery with back ache. The simplest housework completely stlmBsted me: it hat no strength or arc W- tkrit, was nervous an . suffered headache and diz2T7 spells. Afit-er these rctrs of psum I was despairing of err feeing cured when Doan Kid ney Fills; came to my notice and their aose feacMaslal qaicfc relief and a jterma taient care. I am very g-aea.'" Sa2d by all dealers. cents a box. JPcstcr-Jdilhurn Co,, Buffalo, N. Y. (1 (INFUSION y S. C. Supreme Court Takes a Hand in Dispensary Muddle WILL JUDGE PRITCHARD RECEDE Fa" sa "bread is aem' forgotten. Irish. So. i2-'0S. ! Twr Feet Ach MmI Barn? S&aJae into yonr shoes Aliens Foot-Ease, a pon-tkc for the feet. It makes ight or mwmtai feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, SwolbK, Hot, Smarting and Sweating Feet mad (arrowing Nails, best by all dru . gists sad. shoe stares, 25 c t v Sample sent Free. Address AlhmS. Olmsted, Lf-Boy, L SL South Carolina Supreme Court Hands Down Unanimous Opinion Uphold in? Attorney General Lyon in Dis pensary Matter Next Move Up To Judgo Pritchard. KETUB2SCDfG SANITY? Kroaa the Richmond Times-Dispatch. At a. nceting of the executive of ficers of tbe Seaboasvl Air Line a I Hamlet on Saturday it was decided not to redtiee salaries, but 2fi0 men were dropped from the mils, their assures ranging from 599 to $200. To any that this wholesale catting of mwges is due solely to the new pas senger rate laws in the South weuld be dirergkig far jfnm tbe truth, hut empjees ami officials agree that the crisis was hastened and accentu ated by the attitude of Governors and Legtslaiurei and the Federal Govern ncn. "A few nights ago,"" said a busi ness man of Alabama at tbe Jeffer son yesterday, "I attended a meeting of tbe railroad employees, represent ing a number of lines, at whieh i'uc -wage situation was discussed. It was not a political gathering. Contrac tors, engineers and others talked clearly of tbe matters whieh affected 'them so vitally, and they asfced, Who Iras been benefited by the passenger rate reduction t They challenged the Governors and the leaders in the rate right to show how the new Haws had feelped anybody, even the shippers. As a conductor expressed it, a rate one cent would not help anybody when there was nobody to ride. The em ployees realized that they had to ac cept the ultimatum; for it they 'walk ed cot there would be ten men to nil one place, so they accepted the doc -trine that half a loaf was better than no loaf at alL They declared thai while the advocates' of drastic legis lation bad helped to bring about an alarming state of affairs, not one -could say that it had helped the pub lic, the one result being less pay tar the thousands of railroad est iploJees., TOLLING UMBRELLA. ""Why is it," asked an inquisitive customer in an umbrella -shop, ""that one can never roll up an umbrella as compactly and neatly as it is rolled when he buys it?"" ' If jxm have noticed, nearly every- Oody who rolls up an uaribreria takes -hold of it by The 'handle and "keeps twistinr f" stick with one hand. while he Tolas and rolls wath the other. I ""New, that's Just -Where the mistake .cranes In. Instead of twisting witb - th? handle he should take hold of it jnht above the points of the cover ribs. These points naturally Tie even yMf round the Stick. Keep, hold ot ''these, pressing them tightly against -"d&e--stHfc and then roll up the cover. MMdxaz the ribs prevents them from rJgetiiBat "txrhsfced and. of place or bend hag 'oat if aaape. Then the silk will fold evenly and roll smoothly aae" .tightly." Srvw fifes Begister. Columbia, S. C, Special. On Sat urday, the South Carolina Supreme Court handed down an opinion, con curred in by the entire court, uphold ing attorney general Lyon's conten tion and declaring that the action o Judge Pritchard 's court was contrary to the constitution of the United States. Monday's dispatches from Colum- r bis sav: There is no mistaking the fact that the members of tho State administra tion ale feeling good over the decis ion of tho State Supreme Court pen dcred Saturday afternoon on tho mandamus petition of Attorney Gen eral Lyon wherein tho court sided in vigorous language with every princi ple of law contended for by tho At toine General in the contest between the State and Judge Pritchard ovci the dispensary funds in litigation. Attorney General Lyon and Attorney V. y. Stevenson, as.s .iated with him, rpressed themselves as much pleas ed with and gratnied at the decision, lr was everything hat they could hope for. And Governor Ansel has given e. pression to lil. sntimentf. Opportunity For Fritciard to Reccda. But whether there will be an extra sOSi.or of the Legisiatuie following Hi: iUvJMi is stii M. Hi .jbt A r IhOt Houndtree and Anderson, oi Atlant;. wili be here soon for coiioul i.i'Niv nith Attornov' ;..eral Lvo.. .! other counsel associated witn him .m ti e subject. Tho opinion seeuis ttit Judge Pritchard should be given an opportunity to recede Lem hi? i sit ion, in the vay opened for him to y f in Mo decisio.. uf the S mli Oir lina Su ).;jn.e Coui. 1C Ire does not give way, oi if he maA.:- estile move, it is likely MUSIC STUDENTfe Have Steady The nervous system of the mu si fts often very sensitive, aad any habit like coffee d ricking may so up- to make regular and dally .practice next to ln. .i r ?xi rn sCo. such leg.i .on will bo called to en i t tion as Aviil put tae Stale's attornejs and the ditnsary coni'ids mission in full charge of affairs. Now that the receivers have quali fied, the intimation is that tho next move on the part of the opposition Mil) be to attempt to get possession of the funds by a call upon the com mission. Members of the administra tion have all along expressed perfect confidence in being able to score a complete victory in the Federal courts when the case is finally got before the United States Supremo court, but at the same time Govenor Ansel, as peace-loving as he has al ways shown himself to be has mani fested a disposition not to allow tho funds to go into the hands of the Federal Court. Just Debts Will Be Paid. New York, Special. In a state ment issued by Eugene P. Carve;, counsel for Charles W. Morse, decla ration is made that the indicted bank er believes he is able and with tho co-operation of his creditors proposes to pay all his just debts. Morse V. counsel further states that all legal rights and remedies will be invoked to accomplish the settlement of obli gations and that all pending criminal matters before the State and Federal courts will be urged for a quick de termination as to matters of law and facts. practice from seven to eight day and study Harmony two writes a Mich, music student. September t was so nervous I only practice a few minutes at mv tiaae and mother said I would have "(i drop my music for a year. This was terribly discouraging, as cBx1da"t hear the thought of losing av whole year ot study. Becoming that my nervousness was largely by coffee, and seeing nighty spoken of. I decided iM wowM test it Tot a while. "tatter followed tbe direction carefully and I thought I had never Offird such a delicious drink. We dfcanSc Post em every morning instead mM coffee, and by November I felt ASfee myself than for years, and ready to resume rav music BOW jwactice as usnat. do my tn5feg and when my day's work is maixbed I am not anv mmv nna t began. too highly Ftasturo to musicians who oractire a day. My father is a physician recoonnends Postum to his pa wns cannot express my ap- fOT this WlOSt valnnhla .ft. : mm its superiority over all oth- k awfesa vteason. givea by Postam Co., Battle Mrn- Read "The ftaaa rt Richmond as Dry as the Desert of Sahara. Richmond, Va., Special. For tho first time in the histoi7 of Virginia ho liquor can be had at the various social clubs. The Byrd bill closing all bars on Sunday went into effect Sunday and even at the oldest and most influential clubs, no intoxicating drinks were served. For Tho Army and the Navy. Washington, Special. Navy De partment officials appeared before the congressional naval affairs com mittee and urged the purchase of the Jamestown Exposition grounds by the government, to be used as a naval training station. Secretary Taft and a delegation apeared before the con gressional committee on military af fairs and recommended the purchase of ten thousand acres adjoining Chicamauga National Park for man oeuvreing grounds for troops. Judge C. D. Clark Dead. Knoxville, Teni , Special. Judge C D. Clark, who was appointed to the Federal bench by President Cleve land in 18t)5 as judge for the east ern and middle districts of Tennessee, is dead at Chattanooga, aged 61. He had been at Asheville, N. C, for some time for his health, aucl only recent ly was removed -to Chattanooga. Ha was a native of Tennessee. PERUNA EDITORIAL NO. 2. Our Peruna Tablet Is Peruna With Fluid Removed. Br. Hartman has claimed for many yean that Peruna is aa EXCELLENT CATARRH REMEDY. Some of the doctor's critic have disputed the doctor1! claim as to the efficacy of Peruna. Since the ingredients of Peruna Are no longer a secret, what do tbe medi sal authorities say concerning the remedies of which Peruna is composed? Take, for instance, the ingredient HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS, OB BOLDER SEAL. The United States Dispensatory says of this herbal remedy , Chat it is largely employed in the treatment of depraved mucous membranes, chronic rhinitis (nasal catarrh), atonic dyspepsia (catarrh of the stomach), chronic intestinal catarrh, catarrhal jaundice (catarrh of. the liver and in diseased mucous membranes of the pelvic organs. It is also recommended for the treatment of various forms of diseases peculiar to women. Another ingredient of Peruna, CORYD ALIS FORMOSA, is classed in tho United States Dispensatory as a tonic j CEDRON SEEDS is another ingredient of Peruna, an excellent drug that has been very largely overlooked by the medical profession for the past fifty years. THE SEEDS ARE TO BE FOUND IN VERY FEW DRUG STORES. Tho United States Dispensatory says of the action of cedron that it is used as a bitter tonic and in the treatment of dysentery, and in intermittent diseases as a SUBSTITUTE FOE QUININE. OIL OP COPAIBA, another ingredient of Peruna, is classed by the United States Dispensatory as a mild stimulant and diuretic. It acts on the stomach and intestinal tract It acts as a stimulant on the genito-urinary membranes. Useful in chronic cystitis, chronic dys entery and diarrhea, and some chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. These opinions as to the ingredients of Peruna are held by all writers on the subject, including Baxtholow and Scudder. 07 HYDRASTIS, BARTHOLO W SAYS it is applicable to stomatitis (catarrh of the mucous surfaces of tho mouth), follicular pharyngitis (catarrh of the pharynx), chrome coryza (catarrh of the head). This writer classes hy drastis as a stomachic tonic, useful in atonic dyspepsia . (chronic gastric catarrh), catarrh of the duodenum, catarrh of the gall duct, catarrh of the intestines, catarrh of the kidneys (chronic Bright' s disease), cnterrii of the bladder, and catarrh of other pelvic organs. BARTHOLOW REGARDS COPAIBA as ax excellent remedy for chronic catarrh of the bladder, chronic bronchitis (catarrh of the bronchial tubes). BARTHOLOW STATES THAT CUBEB, an ingredient of Peruna, pro motes the appetite and digestion, increases the circulation of the based. Use ful in chronic nasal catarrh, follicular pharyngitis (catarrh of the pharynx), increasing the tonicity of the mucous membranes of the throat. It also re lieves hoarseness. Useful in atonic dyspepsia (catarrh of the stomach), and in chronic catarrh of the colon and rectum, catarrh of the bladder, prostatierrhea, and chronic bronchial affections. MUXSPAUGH, MEDICINAL PLANTS, one of the moat asOnrBativ works on medicinal herbs in the English language, in commenting upon COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS, says that it acts on the puennwsatiie and vaso motor nerves. It increases the secretions of the mucous Tnemhrenoa is general In the mountains of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Caxalina, coHinsonia canadensis is considered a panacea for many disorders, Ifrsfrstftsg headache, colic, cramp, dropsy and indigestion. . DR. SCUDDER regards it highly as a remedy in chronic diseases of the lungs, heart ftesaSQ and asthma These citations ought to be sufficient to show to any candid mind that Pe runa is a catarrh remedy. Surely, such herbal remedies, that oosemssad the enthusiastic confidence of the highest authorities obtainable, brought togethet in proper combination, ought to make a catarrh remedy of the highest efficacy. This is our claim, and we are able to substantiate this claim by ample Quotations from the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES IN THE WORLD, Peruna is sold by your local druggist. Buy a bottle today. Thanks, Nothing Helped Lame Back As Minard's Liniment I received your sample bottle of Minard's Liniment and used it, and think it the best there fa, as it has helped me. Last Mav, when moving, I hur my back, and have doctored for it ever since. I also think your Liniment is fine for headaches. I waited until I was sure I could purchase it here before I wrote, so if I could not, would send for it. Yours with thanks, A. L. Giles. Powerful, penetrating and soothing, free from oil or grease, and beneficial alike for child or adult, containing nothing injurious to even the most sensitive system, Minard's Liniment is at once the most effective, economical, agreeable and clean to use external applica tion for rheumatism, neuralgia, stiffness of limbs, joints or muscles, sore feet or hands, chest pains or hoarseness, proof of which is found in the grateful letters of those who have used it, like the one above signed by A. L. GILES 7.r3 Pawling Ave., Troy, N. Y. A special buttle trnt fre-on request. Minard's Liniment Mfg. Co., South Krnnilnjrham, Mass. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO the sa&mnc ahd modern sxtbrnal ceuwTER.iRRrrANT- 1 AM1LM.UI II K' com: Capsicum-Vaseline EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE ijaMUftaawaitrn iiiOTiiiiiiiin-iii TILL THE PAIN A TUBE HANDY A QUICK, SURE, SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PA!N -ppirp , .J, ', iDciDi n -riirtxta M inP OP PURE TIN AT Al l r.rjr.V.i.'CE X- DEALERS. OR BY MAIL 01 RECEIPT. OP t5c IN POSTXci AND HI IQTv '-aaj i r u ll .1 a i. mil 11 i -iKi ' ui STAMP A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will blister the most delicate skin article are wondei ache and Sciatica. The pain-allayinf and curative qualiti not vrixlfl ar watwIaHuI. It will stoo the toothache at onr: onri . . . Ml-e " - - w - - - m - 1 icij-'. We recommend it as the best and safest external coiT, imuuii wiuwh, auv m ... vfuw. - j r i-iicji ana stoma u and all Rhaumatte, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A tria 1 will r. ",h w .UIm tr It anil it will K fntMiri to he invahiah? in tH kA....u.i . na' - . ... . "'u ann . children. Once used no tamliy will be witnout it. Many peoDle sav uV I ..... l rr A . . r a7 It t the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. ClAnl u. ariilMM mw4 ui a wilt BMakll nti . Uaulln. 41... wi-v. .na a. MWcriB ur TwimniHwn wnivn win wnrai you. 17 state st. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. unless New York City Ton s i litis is sweilrna end inflamnaHonof Hie glands at the side of the throat. OlOMV'S Unimeivt used as a gargle and applied to the outside of the throat reduce the swelling and gives instant relief. for Croup, Quincy Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Asthma. Pain ki Chest or Lungs this Bmmtnt is unstari Sloan's Liniment is indispensable when travelling because it- is penerra ring , warming, soornmg, healing and antiseptic . Price 2550 CI.OO Dr.Eorl S. Sloott, Boston. Moss. US A Members of the House protested against Russia's ignoring passports presented by American citizens. ,If afflicted with weak lyes uae Thompsons Eye Water So. 12-'08. U A. LnanestOB LARGE TYPE WAKEFRU Second Eartwwt Varieh EarijJersey WAKEFIELD The Earliest Cabbao Grown CABBAGE PLANTS For Sak I AM OH MY ANNUAL. TOUR around the world1 witb any of tbe best-known vari eties of Open-Air Grown Cabbage Plants at the following priees. vis: 1,000 to , wv. a: ipi.zo per zmmumm o,UOU to y.OW, at l.OO; 10,000 or more, at 90c., F. 0. B. Maicgett, R. C. All orders promptly filled and satisfaction sruRraa teed. Aak for prices oa SO, OOO or 100,000. Cash aeeompanying aU orders. Address B. 1 COX, Ethel, S. Box i fetklktwirrlaluBBaMCfU aaiaLI .adaLKw UJB l.ijJMa mm ii rl la - a BHis aMUl For Abundant Crops feed the crop with a generous supply of Potash in the fertilizer at the 1 I Crops cannot thrive in the most care fully prepared soil, even with the most skilful planting, unless supplied with the necessary plant-food. POTASH is absolutely necessary to plant growth. "Plant Food is the title of a book which we publish and mail free to farmers. It is not an advertising pamphlet, but a book which every farmer should have. GERMAN KALI WORKS New York 93 Nassau Street Chicago Monadnock Building Atlanta, Qa 1224 Candler Building Are You IfVmi fiavpk f Arnold rtvMiM of which Cardui is composed, have a strong influence over the womanly organs and build up the womanly strength. They are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and act in a scientific manner on woman's vital energies. If sick, you are urged to try Wine of Cardui i? nnie Hamilton, of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: "As a result of womanly troubles, I could not sleep, eat, or stand on my feet, without suffering terrible dis tress. At last, I took Cardui. Now I feel better than I ever did before' Try it. H AfLiJ&JU JL tlln B 9 IB I B nVlin rl vu uiu cauwibcs. cit. OCT . m an ' w. w ft! V OT UifUllli)f WA U f VO, WAAA. , Taiuaoie mnts on diet, exercises, etc. Sent free on request ia plain wrapper, by ouui xtoict Aavisory urn x ne cnattanooca Medicine Co. Cbattanooga, lenn Time will tell but gossipers man age to tell it first. Piles Cured in O to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure an' case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding lile in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c! No man will criticize your singing as long as you sing his praise. Stop That Cdngh before it becomes chronic. Get Brown's Bronchial Troches, the best preparation known for coughs. Most liquor would improve with age if men would let it. Goes-Straight-as-an-Arrow ! La Grippe Bad CoJds f av E R JOHNSON'S TONIO goes stralgat a an arrow to the trouble. It is worth $100.00 S bottle and sails for 50 cents. It ia 100 times better than the next best thine made for Grippe. . Write aeJoliHM'sM&FeTerte Co., SAVANNAH, GA. AGENTS (without money) WANTED Qssiffsin WW There is &niy Qne Thet ie LBxmtlve Bromo Quinlno USED THE WORLD OYER TO CURE A GOLD Ut ORE RAT, Always remember the lull name. Look for this signature on every box. 26o. mm;. If so, you no doubt received free, one of these buttons from the S. C. exhibit, civen you by the N. H. Blitch Co.. the largest Vegetable and riant farm combined in the world. We will be glad to have your orders for cabbage and garden plants of all kinds, raised in the open air. Special express rates. Prices as follows. 1,000 to 5,000 at $1.50 per 1,000; 5,000 to 10,000 at $1.25 per 1,000; over 10 000 at $1.00 per l.COO, f. o. b. express office Mejgett, S. C. We rusrantee count, make food all hons-flde shorter, and tive prompt shipments. All seeds purchased from the most reliable Seedsmen, guaranteed true to type. We hare extra early or lar;e type Wakefield, the Henderson succession and flat Dutch varieties of cab lee Plants. Send all orders to M. H. BUTCH CO., MeflOCtt, S.C. Ml ,1 SMOtS AT ALLj MEMBER OFTHEFAMILV- 8 lWvW t MEN,OY8. WOMEN. MI83ES AND CHILDRCN. JM0 L S mhmmm, fit bettmr. lnmm. nd WMffi?' sawn v33y "5r L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Prtoe Fait Color EveleU Jlxeluiivelv- : free to any address. TW. Snkil llt mailed fro&a fartorr to am nsart sf the world. lUna- I 23 1 WT JU. jrwvwsaBJSi strscavvu,