t The Polk County News Published every Thursday. TeWione Office,2. Residence, ,12. must be paid In ad- rtice. for -' ,or.nis will kindly send -I'd com ,ns as parly in the week' as pos- er opjaionaxanJ crituisra. must' Ti c nam f the witter must' aeconr; ...,r.v !I coniinuaieatioas.riQt. niccssarily pr.U.ication but na a guarantee of good .th. . . :-v W'vite on one aide f the paper only. Nv, The. Polk County News ifiHN II. IJOGAN, Publisher. CviI.UMRUS,: N. C.v MAY 2b, igio. : S O & 3 $ S -J- O & '2 C C 9 A WORD TO YOU. e o o 9 O i o o o I? ft o We need money to carry on this business. . . .Delinquent; subscribers must pay up, or names 'will, be stricken from "the bboks. on June 1. ,: . The puisher of. this pa per cannot livejon air alone, however bracing it may be. ' If you do not want the pa per, send stamps,' money order or pheck for amount due, with a notice to discon tinue, v.---- t? If YOU see a cross your mnrk opposite name on the paper or on the wrapper it indi cates that ydur subscription -nas expired. Please' be prompt in sending in renewals.. We must have money to carry on 'the busi ness. And don't forget it. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. The Justice House is a good place to rest and get a square ' meal' when in Tryon. J. R. Splawn enters 50 acres ofland in Columbus and White Oak townships. See adv. A good dinner at Log Cabin Inn is a great reviver after a tramp among the enchanting scenery of Spring Mountain Park. There will be prayer meeting in the Baptist cinarch on the Sun day evenings when there are no regular church services- J. Biss Ray, Esq., a prominent attorney of. Burnsville, Yancey county, was in Columbus this week, and gave us a pleasant call. The annual meeting of the North Carolina Good Roads Asso ciation will be held atWrights ville Beach on June 8 and.9, at. the same time, of the meeting of the State Press Association. G. E. Gardner, Esq. , of Burns ville, Yancey ; county ,N a well known attorney, and candidate for solicitor i n th is the Fourteenth j udicial district, was . a visitor in Columbus this week,' and bright ened The News office with a call. - v.-' - t THE NEWS JOB Printing Depart ment is , now pre pared to turn out good work at low .prices. Let us do your printing. Sat isfaction assured. Mr. P. G. Morris of Landrum No. . 1 has a considerate spot in his heart for the wants and needs of the paper man. The thanks of the editor's family, including the parrots and the canaries, are tendered to Mr. Morris fora bas ket fullof new cabbage, lettuce and potatoes. : Mr. Lee W. Lynch of Forest City has been in Columbus for the past week running the . sur vey for the new graded road be tween the township line and Co lumbus. Mr. Lynch called on The News Thursday. He is , an en thusiastic believer in the future -of- this section, when the people awaken to the value and import ance of good roads. . S 'TRYON PERSONALS. OorresiMivivJe-nce Ci -The News. . , " H. J, Lamont' spent Sunday in Ashevfllel ; . ..TC. Mills : is. .spending a few days in Tryon. " ;.Dr Sallev of Saluda was in Tryon Monday. - , AV; B. Hellen spent Tuesday in Rutherford ton. ' - John Monroe - visited Hender son ville. Sunday." . Mr.-Still well spent Sunday and Monday at home. ' , XT ' . ' , Hamp Davidson has been quite ill for several days. J. S. Hersey has been in Tiwon for several, days' past. rMrs. Pete Engel of Asheville was in Tryon Sunday. Miss Maggie Gaines is visiting in Campobello .this week. Miss -Emily Weaver visited in! Landrum several. days last week.! F. S. Wilcox spent the Ijftter part of last week in. Henderson- ville. . 1: ; - r : Mrs. Jones of Spartanburg is visiting Mrs.; J'. B: Hester this week. Miss Mary Joyner has beeb visiting Miss Smart for the past week. . ' " ' v Miss "Lock wood jqf Spartanburg is Visiting jMiss !Beatson this week. W. M, Durham of Landrum moved into,-the ChijGers House last week. '' LYNN NEWS NOTES. Correspondence of The News. 'Westell of Ash eville vis ited relatives here Sunday. Baseball last Saturday. Lvnn 23. Columbus 22. Close, but Rev. Dr. Daniel of Trypn con ducted service in Chanel at 8.30 p: m. Sunday 7 Mrs. Wilhnrr of Cross Keys. S.-C, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Rippy. Mrs. B. J. Bennett of Hender sonviUe i visiting her daughter. Mrs: D. H. SwTann. Miss Lela Lambrlght of Lan drum. spent Sunday in Lynn with the Misses Cannon. IVlissec Helen and Bertha Hcod visited the frmilv of their broth er, P. N. Hood, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Edith Yandle, one of the teachers in the school here, left for her home at Rogersville, Mo., yesterday. ' i Now asryon is to have the automobile road, Lynn will'be in the swim also, as the tourist can- hot help driving out over the fin-; est piece of road; in the State. If Columbus will wake un she may have a finger in the pie. Mrs. Jane Rhodes, nee Lank ford, .wife of the late George Rhodes of Howard Gap, died last Monday evening at the home of her son, John Rhodes, aged 80.: She was buried Tuesday after noon. Rev. Mr. Newell conduct ing the funeral service at grave. .- LANDRUM, S. C R. 1. Correspondence of The News. x . Ralph Prince was in this vi cinity last week. Little Edgar Green is on the sick list this week. R. Hicks of Henrietta visited C. C. Hensdale Saturday night. Mrs. J. T. Greenway made a business trip to Rutherf ordton last week, r .'. There will' be an old time sing ing at Green's Creek the third Sunday in June. Mrs. Mary Watson and chil dren visited at Fingerville Satur day and Sunday." -Miss Ada Ezell of Landrum is visiting .at the home of V. S. Rode's this, week- N r t Guess Who. New, K of P., Lodge Instituted.. A new Knights of Pythias Lodge was intituted at Flat Rock last Tuesday; night. ' Asheville, Hendersonvilje, Tryon, and Col umbus lodges were represented. The .lodge starts, .out with 16 charter members, r - An -elegant banquet was:' spread after the ceremonies, many ladies being present. Columbus lodge was represented by. Messrs., B. F. Williams J. -E.l Shipman,A. L. McMurray, C. C. WestrrL. H. CloudT C. H. -Williams, :e;'L: Hutcherson, T. H; Posey, F. M. Burgess, arid F. L.v Weaver. .. , COLUMBUS' CHURCH DIRECTORY; B APTIST. Rev. T. II. Posky, Pastor. Preaci every seooud and f ourt h. Sundays at tt a.m. , and on the tarLty before the second at 3p.m. baobab school eery f-unday; toormng at 10. J. iL, bhipman, superintendent. N ; . . PKE.?BTl?:E,iaAN Noregnlcrpr nt-hh. Sab J; th BCheol every Sunday morning at 10 "C.C Hampton, sapennteLdent. - ' . j FRATERNAL SOCIETYaMEETINGS. Colnmbus Lodge No. 114 Knirht : of Pythias meets every Tiiosdaj nigkt a8:30. Visiting brothem eordially-invited to attend.-; V-',',; 'Mimota Lodgo No. i56 T. 0. 0. F. meets Friday t7,e?.ln?rt86'c,oc,l ,n ve' posi-oflice, Lynn, ismng Drotners weicome. Lynn -Rebekak Lodge No- 41 eveaing8, same hall. , ' i " Meets Mond8y Tryon Council 143 Jr 0 U A M meets in Knights of Pythia hall, --Tryon, .Tday ewnings at 8 ,o cloclc. Visiting members welcome. V When writing': to or ordering goodi from our adixrtisers pleose mention this paper. r Reading notices under (7tis head, 25 words or less, 25 cents each insertion Over 25 words, T cent a word eachi insertion. Chattel morttjaes, warranty deeds, morU gage deeds, and posted land notice cards for sale at this fhce. 1 , V - STEAM BOILERS FOR SALE--Qne 15-horse power and one '30 horse power second band st-arii boiler for sale, at low price. Call on or address GILBERT & BROS., Firgerville, C. R.F. D. 1. - First-class NURSERY STOCK from T. Van L ndley Nursery! Co. Pomona. the N. C.,,may be secured through VE. J. BRADLEY, Agent, ' " - ' ; Saluda, N. C. 1 FOR SALE-Ginning Outfit,? Tlanjng MillSaw Mill, and xtures,'and three acres of land, on the Mills Gap road. Price rea sonable; terms to suit. Call on or address GILBERT & BROS , Fingervillr, S. C, R.F.D. I.- JOB PRINTING The JSEWS OFFICE is now prepared to accept orders for any and all kinds of JOB PRINTING. First class work aud prices to suit. For Rent". Theo-room house .on "the northeast corner of the street opposite the southwest corner of Court House Square. Splendid water, good garden spot, and nec essary outbuildings. For particulars call on or Address Rev. T H.. Posey, Golumbus, N. C: :- 4V;.'-;: ';.. j FINEST SINGER EVER HEARD SO Canaries for sale. Fine songsters and females. Now is the time formating. What is said of my birds: - -4 -' "Suite i, The Dunham, '.'Cleveland, Ohio. t "My dear Mrs.. Hogan; . Wef are simply deliglited with thej Irird; xve lxught frcm you. He is tho finest singer I ever heard. He sang as soon as I put him in n cage, which was the morning after I; reached home, and seems very contented and hap p)'. We are very grateful to you for such a fine bird. . Very tru!y,iMrs. A. E. C." Mrs. LOUISE HOGAN, Columbus, N. C. s LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALE Sent postpaid on receipt of price: Chattel mortgages,' with note, a for 5c; dozen, 25 cents. j J Warranty or mortgage deeds, with insur ance clause, 5 cents each. j - j Posted land notice cards, 2 for 5c; dozen, 25 cents - ' ; ' LAND ENTRY NOTICE. J. R. Splawn enters 50 acres xjf landy more or less, in Columbus land White Oak townships, in Polk county", N.C., on waters of White Oak Creek, adjoining the lands of J. J. Ruppe, J.,D. Carpenter, R. G. Ham ilton ar.d others. , Entered May 20, 1910. " . F. M. BURGESS, S-26-4t .. Entry Talcer Notice of STATE OF NORTH C AROLINA County of Polk Iu Superior Court Before the Clerk. I : i JAME8 LILES et al . vs. LOUISE LILES and MAGGIE LILES. - ; NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of an order of re-sale made by the Cleric of the Superior Ceurt in. the above entitled . proceeding on the algt day of April, 1910, the undersigned commissioner will, on Mqnday, June 6, 1910, within the legal hours, of sale,! -offer for sale at public outcry, to the highest bidder at the Court House of Polk county ;a one-half undivided interest in and to the following described lands: . , - i -,-r i-V That tract of lard situate in the township of-Green's Creek. Hcounty of Folk, an State of North . Carolina,! known as the "Phillip Henderson Place,'1 and consisting of three several lots,. which are bounded as follows: Lot No-. 1. Beginning on a stone, G. T. Feagans line, and runs' north 54 degrees east, 40 poles to a walnut; thence north 30 east, 106 Vz poles to a stake at the creek; Lthence with the old run of creek to a hick- 1-- a, .1- j f ' 1 ory; inence souin 37 egrce vrcbt, yu puics to. the beginning, and containing 22 acres. Lot No. .2." Beginning on a walnut ,and running thence south 77- degrees east, A& poles to apoplar; thence noriu 20 degrees east, 100 poles to a stake on the creek; thence with said creek to .a, stake, corner of Lot No. 1 ; thence with lind'of said left south 30 degrees west, 106 j poles to the begin ning, containing 22 acres. TV j Lot No. 3. Beginning at a poplar and runs south 77 degrees" eastgo- poles to a white cdc;, thence north 8 east, 106 poles to a black-onk. at niouth of branch; thence witti the creek to a stake, corner: of Lot NTrt -j. Vinr with the line of Said lot south 126 degrees west, 100 poles: to he begin- acres sold to Robert Henderson. - . j The purpose of said sale is to realize the balance due the petitioners on sale hereto forei made, the terms of which have not been complied with by pnelof the bidders. I The terms of said sale vre: One-third cash arid the balance ori six months' time, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. Title retained, nntilpurclbase money is paid in full. ' K'' :: - - - ' ' This the 6th day of May, iglQ . . J. E. SHIPhTAN, i c 12 ' Commissioner. . - - -.. -, 1 ; Mni-i'&-- ' v - - I-;:: :.v- -:!. v: -:' 1 '' . . ' ..'."i-.v ' j . . "--t - ' r- -V -; - : . ' V : "- YlOUl ME fiVE JijE GEO. A. GASH, Manager. Oiir Agents' Me $50.00" a Week new process water color portrait and gold frame. Costs 90 cents complete with glass; sells for $1.98. Samples and in structions free. Young man in Obio made $22 in one day We are the largest pic ture and frame house in the world. : One general 'agent j wanted in each county. Give us reference and we .will extend you thirty days' credit with steady, honorable employment at a -big income. Our business is established twenty-five years. We are not in the picture and frame trust. We waiit honorableL trustworthy representa tives only. You need no capital to work for us. We teach you how to make a suc cess. Address at once WILLIAMS 'ART COMPANY, 2515 W. Taylor st, Chicago, III. In answering state, "Saw-advertisement in Polk County iv'ews.'' . ; JEWELER j;ijl-1-:v:-i Everything in this, line to -suit your taste and purse, j Watch, and Clock Repairing. I Honest ! work and honest charges We y i solicit your patronage. ' -!"!-' ' , .!; SPARTANBURG, S. C. Southern viay SCHEDULE Schedules published as Information. only , Not guaranteed. EAST-BOUND TRAINS - ... No. 14. Leave Asheville 7.00 am; leave Trvon 9. 15 a arrive Spartanburg 10. 25 am. j.' : v;,k " 1 h No. xo. Leave Asheville 4.10 ptn; leave Tryon 0.30 p m; arrive bpartanburg 8,00 p in WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 9, Leave Spartanburg io. 30 am; leave , Tryon 11.50 a in; arrive .Asheville 2.10 pm: ' - No.-13.1 Leave Spartanburg 5.25 p m; leave Tryon y.oo.p 111; arrive Asheville 9.15 p m. 1 r-' . -v !- Subject to change without notice. :f J. H. WOOD, District Pass. Agt.; J Asheville, N. Cf' J. H. RION, Local Agent, -'. ' iryoa, xv. v-. " ':''' 4 " ' nan Screen Doors, Screen; Wire,- T- ;, , Screen Windows, Hammock. Hooks, Lawn Mowers, or ah ' ' i ' i -' j f 1 IN SUMMER HARD- WARE QOODS Jtf JffEj FORGET US When in need of Fertilizers, i ' y. - " ! Lawn Sprinklers, Hose, Hose Reels, Etc. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT T R YiO The Place to Get Mr. Are you a man of family? ; j : Are you laying aside , sonie .of your earnings for that day when; sickness and death cross the j threshold of the home, ditions cost you your job? In justice to yourself answer the questions and, REMEMBER r :-:'y:Ar, ! -"A Safe Place For .Your Dollar" THE :B11 ; ; We Pay Four PefCent loier at uoorrs onua STORE BARLEY SEEP BYE SEED ' : CLOVER SlEED BLUE GRASS SEED LAWN GRASS SEED AMBER and ORANGE ONION SETS AND al kinds of GARDEN and FLOWER, SEED Phone-69 and-30 : t Corner Cnurch andMam Sts .; ; Mail Orders Given Please mention this paper when writing to ,.t,y . -Jf. v ffiitfti;fttlCE TRYON, N. C. ATTENTION.'"', ifJC allenger Company N j N. C. or when panicky con - 4 ! v.. A CANE' SEED 'A Spartanburg, S: Cv;r Prompt Attention.. , advertisers w t. . fiSHf-1 4 . I' if r - u 4 if' 3 j f 1 i in si '4 tr . 1 . v

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