& LYON S For Handu Bous and ve AH Gone Since Taking lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. tt.mI Pa Kindly permit me Girls to Make PFvmws testimonial in favor of I Have a PordH Vegetable Com pound. When I first began taking it I was suffering from female troubles for some time and had almost all kinds of aches pains in low er part of back and in sides, and press ing down pains. I could not sleep and T 1 A- 1 . . j n0 appetite, bince i nave lateen I . ., u00 onil nains are all conn Kind IDc ai r : . 7 Tr feel like a new woman. I cannot Qyourmedicine toohighly. Mrs. GCSTUS LYON, lerre uiu, It is true that nature and a woman's "Un's ills that the world has From the roots and 1 v Ionian s W known. 0f the field, Lydia E. Pinkham, years ago, gave to womankind .iedy for their peculiar ills which proved more efficacious than any JeJ combination of drugs ever com jcdei and today Lydia E. Pinkhams stable Compound is recognized coast to coast as the standard nedy for womans ills, jathe Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, W, are files containing hundreds of Csands of letters from women seek V health many of them openly state fcrtheirown signatures that they have Wned their health by taking Lydia j Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; U in some cases that it has saved them m surgical operations. , ' - vk v 1 7 ZP X 1 1 IVFR f- in : " I jonstipation (anishes Forever Jompt Relief Permanent Cure IRTER'S LITTLE Irrn Tilt I C m iILLj never t Purely vegeta I act surely gently on I liver. Tvv per dis-ps-cure tiestion. prove the complexion, brighten the eyes. MI PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. .. . o? a Vienuine must bear signature I AIR STAIRS "Watnutta" Gray, Streaked. Bleached and Red Hair or mtiiit. Matches Shade Uaht Brown to U. Doa not wash nor rub off. Sold by rDruggiit Regular size, 60 cents. Send to Howard Nichols, M 2206 Ckrk .v.. St. tads. Mo. U tad gets FREE Trial Bottle. Free u-mor M.VI Mlmiuediate rellpf fnrll klnrfanf VTTWS nnl -uDQenni emely forKtZEMA,CHArrKD NDS.SORLS and any form of SKIN 1IS K. TWPntr.flva ara a nil 4 .n;o TJC4A PKEE SAMPLES. liept.Lt-l. COURTNEY DRUG COMPANY Baltimore. Aid. ENTS AND AWNINGS STS, iLtfanS- Wrlte for new illustrated catalog. ..... nutun IKA l AW .M.U CO., AasaTiiM.reaa. Natural Consenuenci. Tie wind is rising." That's because it is from t." the No. SIX-sixty-siy I "IS IS a nrncnrlnCn. 1 ;i for Malaria or Chills and p- Five or six doses will break case, and if taken then as a tonic Ieyer win not return. 25c Adv. n r I f"Why does a hen. cackle when o) is an egg ? . Because the e?e can't. I euass. Sadies r m , - "Him tufi rWiwrt sinK A'ien'8 Foot-Ease, the lctiihtn. " snaKen into tnesboes. It 4ml. rJ?B.w shoes 'eel easy. Jnst the tblnir f.Wri AUne "b',tifut'- JfRKH trial pMQfttiAUen a.Qlmsted, Lcltoy, N. T. AdT. r.e hlgh priop nf etro-Q 1, t0 reduce stage fright. ailed XN Wain of Myrrh encss, 5 nCC 1846 Anybody (Copyright by A. Kecly HaH) HOME-MADE BIRD HOUSES. I THINGS TO By A. NEELY HALL. . . A bird house need not be elaborate ly constructed. The cube-shaped house in Fig. 1 may be hung upon a wall. That is why a pair of screw-eVes are screwed Into the top (see illustration). A box measuring veight inches , in width. depth and length is plenty large enough. Cut a hole one inch in di ameter in one side of the box near the top for a doorway. If you haven't a bit-and-bitstock with which to bore the hole, you can make a small hole with a nail or screw-eye, and then en large it to the right size with a sharp knife or small compass sawv Make the perch below the opening triangu lar in shape, and fasten it to the box with short nails. For the roof cut a piece of board of the right measure ments to make a projection of about an inch over the front and sides. The two-compartment house in Fig. 2 is made of a box about 12 inches long, S inches wide and 6 inches deep. The )box is divided in the center of its length by a.partition, and a door way is cuf through one side of the box into each of the two compart ments thus fcrmed (Fig. 3). Fasten a stick parallel with both long sides of the box, for perches, supporting the ends upon a pair of sticks nailed to the ends of the box, in the manner shown in Fig. 3. - Figure 2 shows how the box may be fastened to the top of a post support. MAKE WITH ROPE. PAPER Nail a pair of cross pieces to the bot tom of the box at a distance apart equal to the width of the post and drive nails through the sides of the cross pieces into the post Then as a brace to these cross pieces nail an other pair of cross pieces to the op posite sides of the post so their ends will come directly under the ends of the first pair. . . - The bird ark in Fig. 4 is made of, a box divided through the center in the same way, as the house Just described was divided, but instead of cutting the doorways through the side, make one through eah end near the corner (Fig. 5). When the box is. turned on edge in the position shown in Fig.' 4, the openings will com directly be low the peak of the roof. Fasten a jihort peg into a hole belowv each door way for perches. By DOROTHY PERKINS. , There is a brand new idea for mak ing pretty baskets, trays and boxes, and I am goin.g to tell you all about it because the work is very easy to do and you will find it a great deal of fun. AH that you need are some card board boxes for the foundations of the articles, crepe paper out of which to twist rope strands for covering ma terial, glue and some light wire for handles. Open the roll of crepe paper and cut the entire length into eight strips of equal width. That will make strips about two and a half inches wide: To prepare the rope strands, first take a single strip, pinch one end in a door jamb and make a loop in the opposite end through which to slip a pencil. Then twist the pencil from right to left as indicated in Fig. 1, . pulling firmly as you twist to make the twists eveny and tight. When the strip has been tightly twisted from end to end, remove it from the door, and twist a second strip in a like manner. Then placing an end of each of the two twisted strips together, pinch them In the door jamb, slip a pencil in loops made in the opposite ends, and twist the two strands together, twist- ing from left to right as indicated in Fig. 2. The cover to ' a large sized card board box one having a narrow rim is needed for the serving tray shown in Fig. 4. It requires a pair of handles, and these are made of pieces of light wire bent into loops, with the ends pierced through the ends of the rim of the box cover, bent over and twisted as shown in Fig. 5. With the handles in place, wrap them with a piece of crepe paper and then with the paper rope. Lap and paste a strip of crepe pa per over the edge of -the box to con ceal it Then coat the outside sur face of the rim with glue, and start ing at the bottom wrap a strand of the paper rope around and around the box, pushing each row of the -rope close against the preceding row (Fig. 3). When the top of the rim has been reacned, coat the inside surface of the rim with glue, run the rope over the rim and wind it around the' in side; then coat the inside of the bot tom with glue and wind the strand of rope around and around, working in ' ' 7 from the outside rim until the center is reached. Cover the outside of the bottom in the same way, and the tray will be finished. Select & small square cardboard box for the little basket shown' in Fig. 7. Then, first of all, make Its long, handle out of a piece of wire, stick the ends of the wire ' loop through the bottom of the -boxr in . ppposite corners, , bend up over the outside of the box and twist as shown In Fig. 8. rv EVERY PACKAGE TIGHTLY SEALED! It's the ideal offering to guests or family, especially after dinner. It's the hos pitality gum so perfectly packed that it stays perfectly fresh and clean. It costs al most noth ing but people like it better than much more cost ly things. It relieves all "over eaten" feelings re freshes the mouth cleanses the teeth beautifully. xx w3k.-m.vx -xs. . x r Mr. r "V v x X.-XK"X JT 1 j-l m m iii -v , N XIWX XJ" r XX x Chew it after every meaL Remember the new seal is air tight and dust-proof It's the best gum in the best package. Be SURE it's WRIGLEY'S. Look for the spear. The reason a woman is afraid of a mouse is that she knows it can't hurt her. A TREATMENT THAT HEALS ITCHING; BURNING SKINS Don't stand that itctfing skin humor one day longer. Go to the nearest druggist and get a Jar of resinol oint ment (50c) and a cake of resinol soap (25c). Bathe the eczema patches with resinol soap and hot water, dry and apply a little resinol ointment It's almost too good to be true. The torturing Itching and burning stop in stantly, you no longer have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes possible and healing begins. Soon- the" ugly, tor menting eruptions disappear complete ly and for good. Adv; ... v English society women plan to open tea shops at several of the continental resorts. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism and all kinds of aches and pains Neuralgia. Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores, Burns, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne. Price 25c. Adv. Mrs. A. O. Rice of Morgan town, W. Y& i is to have 250 square inches of skin grafted on her. for all purposes. Wall and Street cases. San itary Ventilated Street cases to protect fruits, berries, etc., from the deadly fly and street dust. Wall Mirrors, Tables, Chairs, etc. for Cafes and Candy Stores. Soda Fountain, Back Bars, Drug Store Outfits, etc. Catalogs free. For Wall and Street cases ask for catalog S. For Cafes and Candy Store fixture SSSSi5fSRS5'S23' HIGH P01I1T SHOW CASE WORKS line of show cases ask for catalog K. yqr, I Gr 3E3C 3P O X ZxT 1 N 0 noon suifiE cnEUina tobacco Juicy and "sweeter than chicken." That mellow flavor N you want. If your dealer does not sell MOON SHINE ask him to get it for you. Manufactured by BAILEY BROTHERS. Inc. Not Intho Trust ) VflNSTOMSALEKI, it. C. 5hmq!cs, bpanish lilC (VCKVTHING IN SHEET MITt BUILOING MATERIAL MANUf ACTUOCRI ' "v BEST THAT MONEY CAN &OV WANTED petent pradnates. ber 3 11 ; PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Belpa to eradicate dandruff. Far Rmatariam Color and Baauty to Gray or Faded Hair. McandSLMi I at DraCTrita TlDflDQV TREATED, usually glyes quick UuUru 1 relief,8oonremoTei swelling; short breath, often gives entire relief In lSto2S days. Trial treatmen t sent Fret Dr. THOMAS E. GREEN. Sncoenor to Dr. H. H. Greens Sons, Box 0, Atlanta, Ga Whenever You Heed a General Tonic TOo Old Standard Is Equally Valuable as a General Strengthening Tonic, Becaasa it Acts cn 2 Liisr, DriTEs Oat Malaria, Enriches tbs Bleed and Builds Up the Whole Systea. Ton know what yon are taking when you take Grove's Tasteless, chill Tonic, as '. the formula is printed on, every label, showing that It containi the well-known V tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, WeakneM,' General Debility and Loss of Appetite. GiTes life and vigor to Nnninjrllothers and Pale, Sickly Children. A True Tonio sad 8ure Appetiser, fcr grown people and children. Gcsr&nteed by josrDnsgsUt V7t aeaa it. tCa Men to learn barber tradev Few weeks required Steady position for com Wonderful demand for bar ;rs. Wapes while learning: free catalog; writ RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE. Richmond. Va. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Cli OyticJ C... EicWJ. Vt SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and , germicidal- of all antiseptics is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. ; . As a medicinal antiseptic for douches in treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine ills it has no equal. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtiaa In their private correspondence with, women, which proves its superiority. "Women - who 1 have been cured say it Is "worth Its weight in gold." At druggists. 50a large box, or by roaiU The Paxton Toilet Co Boston, Mass. DAISY FLY KILLER X ftla. Heat, eteaa, o- . Damental, ooovenloo : eneap. Lasts alt seaaea. Made. of metal, eaatsptllortlo orer; will not toll or injure aaythlag-. Gaaranteed effective. Alldoalorsoraeeot exprees paid for fl.oa. HaAOL I0MX&S. 19 Seaal are.. BreeUra. V. T. W. NV CHARLOTTE, NO. 23-1914 ; k ,rt t

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