i THE POLK COUNTY HEWS, SALUDA, N. 0. UNO SEGR TION BILL VOTED DOWN AMENDED ANTI-JUG BILL - HAS EASY SAILING THROUGH SEN ATE. MANY BILLS PASS. DISPATCHES FROM RALEIGH Doings and Happenings That Mark the Progress of North Carolina Peo ple Gathered Around' the State Caoitol. Raleigh. The senate listened for half an hour to arguments by Senator Majette and others on the Majette bill for a consti tutional amendment to allow a system of rural land segregation between the racee, as endorsed by the State Far mers' Union, and then voted 17 to 15 against the bill on second reading, killing the bill for the session. The vote was first postponed and then Mr. Majette urged reconsidera tion of this with the fatal result for his bill. The senate passed without opposi tion the bill agreed upon by the joint conference committee as a substitute for the anti-jug bill that the senate had amended to require a referendum and the measure went to the house, where its passage is assured. This means that prohibition legislation is terminating in a bill that will limit deliveries of "spirituous liqours" to one quart within 15 days to one per son and not over five gallons of malt liquors with not oyer 5 per cent alco hol within a 15-day period when the bill had been passed without amend ment. Can a 4rti TXT V if a wVa no1 rtfaycA much the same bill earlj in the con test over the original1 bill in the 'sen ate, took occasion to especially thank Senator Gilliam and Senator Nashj for their support of the substitute bill in the conference committee and on the floor of the senate. .Jk)th had oppos ed the original bill and worked for the referendum amendment that finally worked its defeat through the senate amendment. House and Senate Very Busy. There was favorable report from committee for the Darden bill to al low commissioners of counties to pay $10 ( reward for information to convict blind tigers and blockaders. Doctor Carr pleaded for a bill for inspection of hospitals, convents, re - formatories and the like, and it was passed with an amendment fixing it on his county of Duplin- only on motion of Representative Vann; Rep resentative Hutchison's bill to amend the law as to bills-of-lading as evi dence; require telephone companies to render statements. The House concurred in the Sen ate substitute for the bill amending the pharmacy law and the amend ment to th4 bill to give peanut pick ers a lien on peanuts picked. j , The Senate passed the bill i$ in crease the fees of solicitors on a .i scale of running to $25 instead of $20, j it being estimated that the bill will give an increase of about 30 per cent in the revenue of these officers. There were numbers of amendments offered -and voted down, notably one by Mc Leod to strike out his senatorial dis trict and, failing in this, to exempt Robeson county. An amendment by Senator Muse requiring reports of ex penses of solicitors, was adopted and this immediately concurred in by the House. The Senate passed with only one dissenting vote the Gilliam bill to amend the Constitution so as to re strict local and special legislation. It is a duplicate of that amendment lost at the last election and will now be submitted if the House concurs. " The Senate passed the bill to re quire railroad employes in shops to be paid off semi-monthly. Senator Gardner got up his bill to amend the law as to hours of labor in mills and' remedying defects in the present law, fixing 60 hours and re quiring better machinery as to child labor regulations as approved by the Committee on Manufacturers and this passed is second reading after an ex planation by Senator Gardner. Senate Considers Machinery Bill. The senate spent some time con sidering the machinery bill and voted down a substitute embodying the 1913 machinery act offered by Sena tor Muse because he opposed the tax assessment feature of the new bill with its county assessor feature with, as he charged, tax assessments as to sheriff settlements, and listing town property in May, and all were ao , cepted and the bill passed in final reading to, go back to the house for concurrence. , Education Bill in House. The house took up the omnibus edu cation bill prepared by the committee to generally amendthe public school laws and more particularly empower i Ing the board of education of any county to raise the age limit for com- pulsory school attendance to 14 years. The provisions of the bill were ex plained by Chairman Mintz of the committee on education. There was considerable discussion and then the v bin was referred to the committee on appropriations. Senate Bills Become Law. Bills passed included: Omnibus jus tice of the peace bill; amend the law as to mortgages and torts; amend the library commission act; amend the re vis al as to the oyster industry; au thorize the governor and commission er of Agriculture to regulate com merce so as to prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease among cattle ; amend the law as to regulating se curity selling companies; .protect and regulate agricultural fairs; authorize depositions in recorder's courts for de fendants; amend the' form of marri age licenses so as to show divorce when obtained and grounds, in mar riage of divorced persons. Pass Bachelor Tax Bill. In spite of the terribly congested calendar and great flood of work, the house took time for a bit of horse play in passing a facetious bill cred ited to Benton of Columbus imposing a tax of $2 on bachelors for support of the home for fallen women, with an amendment' by Mickle of Forsyth providing a fine of $1 to 2 on all mar ried men who istay out after 10 o'clock at night, thisjto benefit the fund for woman suffrage.' It passed applicable to Columbus county only. Change Name of State School. A bill passed to change the name of state School for Feebleminded to "Caswell Training School," as did bills to prevent trial of prisoners in prison uniforms and shaven heads ; perfect details for electing United States senators by the people; 'pro vide rural police in Columbus county Carter-Abernethy Investigation. The joint resolution from the House enlarging the powers from the special committee of the Home to investigate the Carter-Abernethy contempt case and charges of immorality against Judge Carter was laid befoTe the Sen ate and passed without a dissenting vote. This is the resolution that pro rides for the expenses of the inves tigation through providing stenogra phers counsel, witness fees and mile age and any and all other expenses that may be incurred in the investi gation. The resolution was ordered enrolled for ratification. Seek Federal Cooperation. The House passed a resolution on motion of Senator Gardner looking to the acceptance of the co-operation terms of the Federal Government in the farm demonstration work under the Smith-Weaver bill for which the Senate has just passed the bill appro priating $11,000 to be expended by the State in this woTk. ML Mitchell Appropriation Passed. The House passed the bill from the Senate to appropriate $20,000 for the purchase jof the top of Mount Mitchell and preserve this original forest and most valuable watershed as public park for the people of the UState. It is the Weaver bill that has already passed the Senate. No Appropriation For Home. The House Committee on Appro priations reported unfavorably the McRae bill for $25,000 to establish a home for fallen women, a measure that had already passed the Senate., The joint committee on appropriations! reported favorably by one vote major ity a bill to increase the pensions of the several classes of Confederate pensioners. Regulate Importation of Cattle. , The Senate took up the bill of Sen ator Miller to authorize the Governor and Commissioner of" Agriculture to stop or regulate the Importation of feedstuffs and cattle into the state at their discretion and passed it with little discussion, the purpose being to be in position to take prompt and ef fective steps to prevent or stay in vasion of the foot-and-mouth disease which has recently appeared in Vir ginia. Fish Commission Bill Passed. The statewide fish commission bill completed its running of the gauntlet being passed by the House by a vote of 53 to 51 after an especially spidited final argument .then had its amend ments concurred in by the Senate and order made for its enrollment for rati fication. Woman Reformatory Bill Passes. The McRae bill to establish a re formatory for fallen womeA was pass ed by the senate. f Bynum Divorce Bill Killed. The House reopened the matter of the passage of the Bynum bill for allowing absolute divorce after five years separation where some one of the statutory cases is involved and killed the bill by a vote of 50 to 42, The calendars In both houses are terribly congested and committees are reporting great numbers of additional tills at the opening hour of every session in preparation for the fianl deluge that can but characterize the last hours of the session. Senate Bills Pass Final Reading. Amend the charter of Bostic; pro vide bonds for Woodland school dis trict, Northampton county; improve roads of Wake county and employ road engineers; establish boundaries of Waio Graded School district, Cleve land county; encourage reclamation of swamp lands; authorize New Hanover county to issue bonds for free ferry and, 'build causeway across Eagle Is land; authorize special hospital tax in Henderson county; amend the Smith-, field township road law; amend the charter of Lenoir. HAlAAinFVAII Afl I I III 'I m II I I II II I" I Mil II I II CHS" FOR SLUGGISH BOWELS No sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation i by morning. Get a 10-cent box now. Turn the rascals out the headache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out to-night and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom ach. I Don't put In another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour, fermenting food; take the excess bile from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret to-night straightens you out .by morning. They work .while you " sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomkch and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. 'Chil dren ( love Cascarets because they never gripe or sicken. Adr. Life is never monotonous to the woman who can afford a cook. SAGE TEA DARKENS GRAY HAIR TO ANY SHADE. TRY IT! Keep Your Locks Youthful, Dark, Glossy and Thick With Garden Sage and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble some. For 50 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use tonlo called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morn ing all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. You will also dis cover dandruff is gone and hair has stopped falling. Gray, faded hair, though- no dis grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive ap pearance, get ''busy at once with Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur and look years younger. Adv. Unchivalrous, Two farmers, attired in corduroys and gaiters, were strolling through a picture gallery, where they looked, and apparently felt, decidedly out of place. But at last they brought up before a picture which really seemed to please them a portrait of a lovely girl with a particularly ugly bulldog. "This is something nice, Dick," said one. "What is it called?" T)ick referred to the catalogue. "'Beauty and the Beast,'" he said. The other man looked closer at the bulldog. "Ah!" he sighed, appreciatively, "he is a beauty, too!" London Tit-Bits. A True Bourbon. In the unregenerate past, when our fair land lay in drunken stupor under the heel of the demon rum, a teacher of chemistry in one of the southern colleges was quizzing his class on the subject of the preceding lecture, which was "water," and happened to call up on a student from Kentucky, one John son. "Johnson," he said, "name the prin cipal properties of water." ."Well, sir," said Johnson, briskly, aijid confidently, "it's poisonous." New York Evening Post. Many a man who knows his own mind Is not overburdened with knowl edge. STRENGTH. Without Overloading The Stomach. The business man, especially, needs food in the morning that will not over load the stomach, but give mental vig or for the day. Much depends on the start a man gets each day as to how he may ex pect to accomplish the work on hand. He can't be alert with a heavy, fried-meat-and-potatoes breakfast, requiring a lot of vital energy in digesting it. 'A Calif, business man found a food combination for producing energy. He writes: "For years I was unable io find a breakfast food that had nutrition enough to sustain a business man without overloading his stomach, caus ing indigestion and kindred ailments. "Being a very busy and also a very nervous man, I had about decided to give up breakfast altogether. But luck ily I was induced to try Grape-Nuts. "Since that morning I have been a new man; can; work without tiring, my head is clear and my nerves strong and quiet. i "I find that Grape-Nuts, with a little sugar and a small quantity- of cold milk, makes a delicious morning meal, which invigorates me for the day's business." ! Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read, "The Road to Well ville,'? in pkgs. 'There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new ne appears from time to time. The interest ' nd ,nl1 of bumnr riouHnruncoinuHu NOV OPEN TO PUBLIC FIRST OFFICIAL ORDER OF FOR E8TER REGARDING NEW NA TIONAL PARK. SCENERY IS MAGNIFICENT Wonderfui Road Was Built by George W. Vanderbilt Without 'Regard t - of Time or Money. Asheville. The first official order of the forestry services affecting the recently purchased tract of 87,600 acres of the Vanderbilt timber lande at Pisgah Forest was made a few days ago by the forester in charge when it was ordered that the road tjO the top of Pisgah be thrown open ip the public, and that vehicles be allowed to ascend the mountains from 9 to 1 o'clock, making the descent from 3 to 6. Heretofore passes have been neces sary to obtain a trip over the excel lent mountain highway of unusual beauty ; but in the future all persons who desire to make the trip will be allowed to do so with the understand ing that they drive at a moderate rate of speed. t The road was constructed by the late George W. Vanderbilt at great expense, the creator of Biltmore or dering that a highway be built from his mansion to the lodge at the sum mit of the mountains without regard for time or money. The road was in the course of construction for severs! years and has been pronounced by ex perts as one of the best mountain highways In the world J The highway, opened to the public, promises to prove one of western North Carolina's biggest attractions, going through the very heart of the finest stand of timber in the United States the property on which Gifford Tinchot inaugurated scientific meth ods vof forestry. Wooten' Will Was Brief. Klnston. Exactly three years be fore the date of his funeral, on Feb ruary 28, 1912, to be exact, jthe late Emmett R. Wooten, speaker of the house of representatives, made his will. The document is one of the briefest on record, .contains only about 85 words in holograph and was writ ten on a memoranda sheet bearing the 'business heading of an insurance company. The will Was found among his pa pers, and names his widow, Mrs. Nannie C. Wooten, as the executrix. She is the sole beneficiary- Mr. Wooten was the owner of consider able personal property and real 'es tate, although he was not excessively wealthy. Clerk of the Court Heath turned over the letters to Mrs. Woot en as executrix. Wiping Out Hog Cholera. Scotland Neck. It is now pretty certain that the heretofore dreadful disease, hog cholera, that has killed thousands of pounds of meat in this section, win be almost, if not quite eliminated. The local live stock agent, N. B. Stevens, says he has in oculated 2,022 hogs since coming here a little more than a month ago, and from the reports received the percent age of deaths from the disease has been very materially decreased there being less than a dozen deaths among the hogs treated and in many herds, there were well-developed cases of cholera. Cleveland Drainage Costs Less. Shelby One of th few instances in which public work is carried on at a less expense than was anticipat ed is in the draining of Buffalo Creek and its tributaries. The district was formed about two years ago and a bond issue of $108,000 voted. The drainage commissioners have been faithfully working on the reclamation of the land with two big dredge boats for a little over a year. Chairman A. H. Cline says the work will be com pleted in two months and there will be left something like $25,000 in the treasury which will go to paying the interest on the bonds. f Buncombe Has Big Corn, Club. Asheville. That a call will soon be Issued for the first meeting of the youthful corn growers of Buncombe county who have joined the Boys' Corn Club was announced by the agri cultural committee. The meeting will be held sometime during the latter part of the present month or early in April and at this gathering the boys will meet with Demonstrator E. D. Weaver and make plans for the cam paign of the coming year looking to the production of the maximum yield per acre at a minimum cost. , j Will Have Suffrage League. Wilmington. Preliminary arrange ments for the formation of a .Wo man's Suffrage League in Wilmington were made at a meeting of a number of prominent women, both "married and single, at the home of -Miss Elsie Kidder, on South Third street. The meeting was well attended and the greatest interest was shown In the movement. Those who have signified their purpose of uniting with the movement are among tfaemost prom inent women of the city, leaders In the social life xf the community. "Steal -or' Kill r Traffic in the downtown district of St. Louis was blocked for half an hour the other day when Frank: Witt, a ma chinist out of work, paraded the streets wearing the following sandwich sign: "Chief Young wants 300 more po licemen to stop the increasing crimes. "What shall I do? "No work, no money, four mother-, less children to feed. "Shall I steal, commit highway rob bery or i kill myself and children? "One thousand are in the same po sition in this city today. "Enormous luxury; enormous pov erty. "What shall I do?" "The sign," said Witt in jail, "was my only way of attracting attention in the hope of getting a job. I've tried everything else. My wife died re cently. DRINK LOTS OF WATER TO FLUSH THE KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for Backache or Bladder Trouble Neutralize Acids. TJriCj acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kid neys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, j so it no longer is a source of irrita tion, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the , kidneys clean and active. Druggists j here say they sell lots of JacL Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kid- ; ney trouble while It ia only trouble. Adv. Delivery. Church I see the letter carriers in Portugal save themselves much walk ing on Sunday by delivering letters at church. Gotham But I should think the de livery of the letter carrier would in terfere with that of the preacher. NEGLECT YOUR SCALP And Lose Your Hair. Cuticura Pre vents It Trial Free. Cuticura Soap shampoos cleanse and purify the scalp of dandruff while the Ointment soothes and heals the irritated scalp skin. Dandruff and itching are hair destroyers. Get ac quainted with these supercreamy emol lients for the skin and scalp. Sample each free by mail with Book. Addresspostcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. The devil doesn't care how often a man goes to church on Sunday, if he can use him the rest of the week. A man with horse sense is the hard est to drive. ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegetable Preparation for As -similating the Food and Reg ula tmg fhe Stomachs and Bowels of 1 1 CTaTOIiRiCmnMTiIiair 11 Promotes DigestioaCheerful ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC Ftipt of Old DrSAMUEUmffEB Pump&in Sfii J?xhtlUSIt3 Anist SJ frppermimt - horm Setd - Winkrytwt. Flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK, Exact Copy of Wrapper, LOSING HOPE minnnnM m-nvii. vvummw vr.ni ILL mmim ' mm - finally Restored To HeaJti By Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound, ttate before I took Lydia E. VuSfc acheduntilltJiourfl it wouM break jfiS pains all over m7 nervous feelings and periodic troubles. T was very weak aij run down and waa losing hope of ever being well and strong. After tak. : ug iiuaa f ink rapidly and today am a well woman. T cannot tell you how happy I feel andl cannot say too much for your Compound Would not be without it in the house if it cost three times the amount " Mrs. Chas. Chapman, R. F. D. No. 7, Eelfe. vue, Ohio. , Woman's Precious Gift. The one which she should most zeal, ously guard, is her health, but it is the one most often neglected, until some ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened itself upon her. When so af f ected such women may rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, i remedy that has been wonderfully suc cessful in restoring health to suffering women. If you hare the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co, (confidential) Lynn,Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the !iVs Is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmly com pel a lazy liver to A do its duty. Cures Con-' tipatioty In digestion, Sick Headache,' and D'utre After Eating. r SMALL IILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature RHEUMACIDE The Old Reliable Remedy for acute, chronic or muscular RHEUMATISM Rheumatic Gout or Lumbago. RHEUMACIDE Is not a preparation that gives only temDorarr rnllef. but it ia de signed to remove the cause and drives the poisuu trom uieeTBiem, j At AU Druggists WINTERSMITH'S CHILL TONIC not only the old reliable remedy FOR MALARIA!:: general strengthening tonic and appetizer. For children as well as adults. Sold for 50 years. 50c and $ 1 bottles at drug stores. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 11-1915. IP m s J " ' (JirIDTCDC rvlrJlTTLE 0 jr I 11.. I - I I 1 f I LLh I TP! II fill For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years TMC eKNTAUR COMPANY, MEW YORK CITY. w Use w f'"v"','.' 3