THR POLK COUNTY-NEWS, TRYON, ,N. C. V cure your Carbon and Lubri. eating: troubles use VISCO-LUB f oil that lubrica- made from pure rennsyiva crude in the most improved ia thoii that insures lUDricauon lie of the highest quality. trial will convince you Made by The National Oil Co., rTolK, Va. & oaiuiiiuic, xuu. No: :o " For Sale by ' aluda Pharmacy, Saluda. ash Hardware Co. Try on. Cash Be tier than Traat f I Hill pay h . .lurtens. gliest marketipiice in cash turkeys, guineas, ducks, nkhall kinds of produce in any entity. J. Starr Sternberger, uisite Memoaisi v-nurcu, Saluda, N. C. " 30-tf fryon Lumber Jough and finished lumber of all kinds TRYON, N. C. FOR SALE f. 1 1-3 acres, with 5 room cottage !n good repair, small barn;, bome fruit trees. Ten minutes walk irOIU 11)21 WlllVC, Vli i'AUllI KJVm Will be sold at a sacrifice. - J. Leonard & Co., Tryon, N. C. .. . ... . Fine Milliner SsLudj, J. C. . Pattern Hats, J tlso models of my own make Walter Jones Attorney at law . j '. Office up stairs in S;vink-Hudson Building? . Office Telephone Tryon, N. C. Residence PI lone, Call Saluda. Important Notice. Your fV,o Qate aftpr vonr riamo nn tliia J V 1JMI11 W W . V W Paper. Look at that date and Please remit if you are in ar rears. MAN TWO DIFFERENT STYLES OF TYPE ALWAYS IN THE MACHINE y THE MULTIPLEX HAMMOND IS THE MOST PORTABLE STANDARD TYPEWRITER Aakes any width of nnnpr The Hammnnd Tvnewriter th. Street & East River, SALE li y virtue ot the power contained in certain mortgage and given to me by .John Gibbs and wife dated 31st July. A. Iqm to secure a note of Two Hundred Dollars interest and cost and default having been made in the payment of samel will sell the following described land at Columbus court uouse on June 8th 1915 at I o'clock p m to satisfy said debt interest and cost record in Mortgage Record No. 8 Page 17 of Pott, County. .Beginning at a bunch of Sourwood bushes in old line aftid rum N11U poles to a bunch of Maples on bank of branch thence up the branch as follows N 37 if'W 28 poles N 56 W 16 poles N 32 VV 7 poles N 82 W 7 'A poles to a popfar on bank' of branch thence S 7K W 76 poles to a stone thence I E 26 poles to a maple in old line thence with it E 116 poles to the beginning. Con taining 25 acres be the same more or less. Terms of sale cash. 1 . This May yrfagis. A. C. Boone, Mortgagee. TAX LISTER'S NOTICE. I will be at the Town Hall in Tryon on NOTICE OF MORTGAGE hMay 15, 17 and 18th for the purpose of list ing taxes of Tryon Township. List your taxes and save double taxation. J. G. Monroe, Tax Lister. 1-1 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that application Will Via m rila t- f L C V . will be made to the Governor of North Car olina for the pardon of Robert Hannon con victed at the Spring TermJQi4, of Polk Su perior Court, of abandonment and sentenced to six months pn the chain-gang. All per sons opposing the granting of said pardon, will file their objections with the Governor within the next two wees. John Hannon. April, 14th, 1915 ELMO McLEAh Contractor, Painting and Paver Hanging Estimates Cheerfully furnished. Call Saluda Plumbing Co.; or J. L. Hart, SALUDA, N. C. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear- There is only one way to care deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness ia caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining- -of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube, is inflamed you have a rumbling; sound or imperfect hearing-, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine caaes out of ten are caused by Catarrh, jrhlch is nothing but an Inflamed -condition of the mucous surfaces. - We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh Cur Send for circulars, free. F. Jl CHENET & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 7 Be. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. University ol llorth CaroliQi SUMMER 1915 The Summer School for Te achersJune 1 J UlV oO I Able. Faculty Complete Curriculum Moderate Rates Credit Courses Delightful Environment Rural life couference: July 5-12 High school conference July 12-17 The summer lay school June 17-August-27 Regular session opens Sep tember 14 Students who expect to enter for the first time should complete their arrangements as early , as possible. ' TYPEWRITERS MULTIPLEX HAMMONB VISIBLE : carries TWO STYLES OF TYPE AT ONCE "JUST TURN THE KNOB" and change instantly from Pica type to Italics, or from English to Does the most beautiful work x UDK STATEMENT Report of the Condition of - 'i The CAROLINA STATE BANK, 1 '. , . ' ' . - . . . - " ... r -v. t Saluda, t 'v; in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, May ist, 1915 ' . - RESOURCES ! v Loans and discounts,... .$22,987.38 Overdrafts secured, 74.55 un. securea, 44-57 ...... All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages..............,.,. Banking Houses, $1,250; Furni ture and Fixtures, $1,204.80 All other real estate owned.. Demand loans Due from Banks and Bankers. . . Cash items Gold coin..1... . . , Silver coin, Including all minor coin currency . . .... J National bank notes and other U. S. notes 1 19. 12 3,800.00 2,454.80 301.57 835.0? II2399 24 97 13500 325.15 759.00 25.0b Collections Total........ . ....$32,890.98 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in , Surplus fund...... . $ 5,000.00 500.00 Undivided profits, less current ex penees and taxes paid, ....... . 1,190.26 Bills payable 3.500.00 pTime Certificates of Deposit.... . . . 10,031.88 Deposits subject to check 1 2,619 j 2 Cashier's Checks outstanding . . . . y ; 49.72 Total $32,890.98 ae of North Carolina, County of Polk, ss: J I, H.f B. Lane, Cashier of the above-1 named bank, do solemnly swear that the I above statement is true to the best of my 1 knowledge and belief. ' H. B. LANE, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: W. C. Robertson, M. A. Pace, Q. C Sonner, Directors. i Subscribed and sworn to before me, this I 7th day of May, 1915. H. L. CAPPS, (Seal) Notary Public. My Commission Expires Oct. 4th, 1915, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power contained in a mort gage deed executed by W. D." Helton and wife and Jane Helton to nie for the sum of j Sik Hundred Eighty and 76-100 Dollars dated 23 and 28th day ot reby. A. D. iqi i and recomea in mangage record xno. 7 at page 93 and 96 respective and default having been made in the payment of said notes and mortgage, I will sell on June 8th, 1015 at one o'clock p.' m. at the court house door in Columbus the land described in the above described mortgage deeds to satisfy said debt interest and cost. Terms of sale cash. This May 3rd 1915. P. D. Williams, Mortgagee. 52-4-P. NOTICE By order of the board of County Commis sion at their meeting of May trd 1915 1 nere will De an election neld at the couit ' housa in Columbus on June 8th 1915, accord ing to the laws of general election ot N. C, submiting to the qualified votes of Colum bus Special School district the question as to whether or not said school district shall issm bonds not exceeding ii 0,000.00 (Ten Thou sand Dollars) the proceeds of which shall be used lor the purpose of constructing and equiping a Graded High School building 01 l . Xt t . 1 . mc present nign ic 11001 site in me town Columbus. W. B. Arledge was appointed as Regi ol trarand W. E. Hill and F. L. Weaver as judges of said Election. F. M. Burgess, Clerk to B. C. C. 5-5t. SALUDA Ul LISTER I will be at rhos. E. Pace's May 14th: I Iahnon Pace's Store May 15th; Saluda May 20th, 21st and 22nd, for the purpose of listing taxes in Saluda Township. List youi taxes and save double taxation. J. C. Metcalf, Jr. -Tax Lister. 52-St- IN ONE The Sew German, Greek. Russian, etc. Company, - Aeiv York, A. Y.. ; HEUNIQir RICHMOND The Southern Railway Company are ad- vertiswg special rates to Richmond account of the Twenty fifth Annual Reunion of the United Confederate Veterans Which will be held there June 1-3, 1915. . v . Ricbm6nd and the surrounding couutrv are of special interest o those who Were en gaged in the conflict of 1861-65. Coufedcr ate headquarters were in RichmoTd,: and all of the country composed the battlefield Seven Pines, Malvern Hill, Drewrys' Bluff. Me- chanicsville and Petersburg. Fur the comfort and convenience of those going,to Richmond, a special train will be Peratcdfrom Ashevilleon the afternoon of May 31st, arriving Richmond the following morning' about seven o'clock. Side' trip tickets will be sold out of . Rich mond to Petersburg, Fredricksburg and many other historic points near Richmond. Stopovers will be allowed on going and ire turn journey. , NOTICE TO W. 0. W. ' Mountain Laurel Camp No. 509, Wood men of the World request your presence at the unveiling of the monument erected for our deceased soverign L. C. Gibbs, at Mill Springs, May 16th at I p. m. Ralph Jackson, Clerk of Camp. lit. NOTICE J. F. Henderson enters Co acres of and more or less in Columbus TownshiD. Polk County, on waters of White Oak joining Hamilton, Carpenter land at Creek and the Kea anther Uold mine tract. Entered April 12th, 1915. F. M. Burgess, - Entry Taker. W. L. Tucker Watch Maker & 'Jeweler Ldndrum, S, C. :0: WiUbeai Browns Barber Shop, Tryon, Wednesdays. Hart's Store, Saluda, Thursdays. :o : Repair work a specialty. ' J. C. Bushnell Y of Mechano- fherap) Dr. and Medical Psychology :0: This system of treatment embraces all that is best in all manpiulative methods, of ten giving relief at once, tfhere all other efforts have failed. ? :o: Office at Wren wood Cottage, Henderson St., Saluda, N. c. Consultation solicited, and free. e The News wants a correspon- - lent in every locality in Polk Co. PENHY COL U N Advertisements will tie iuserted in this ,-olumn and under this head at one cent a word each insertion. FOR SALE Bed and Table linen, good ...... 1 1 At' . J L 1 as new. Will sen at one-mira 01 rcguiai nric. Apply Mrs. William Staton. Saluda, N. C 52-3t WANTED Overcoats , dyed and pressed and made to look like new. Qur methods are modern, up to-date and peifect. Woolen suits for ladies, also silks of all kinds clean ed and pressed - A postal card will call us to your door, Ira M. Arnold. 23-4t FOR SALE Small printing outfit con sisting of 2 5x8 presses, stapling machine, type, cases, and lull equipment. Will prim auvfhing within capacity of press. Bargaii if "taken at once. Address, press, Care of News, Saluda, N. C. FOR SALE New late model typewriter at a verv low mice, with small month! payments. Address Drawer A, Saluda, N c. - ' : For timbererl or farm lands in Eastern Carolina apply Box 58, Council, N. C. , . l-8t. POR SALT? Butcher Refrigerator and ools at a bargain. L. Pace, Saluda, N C 52-tf. FOR SALE: Combination and saddle Vrries for hire-nr sale. See M. P. Andrews jryon, N.C. - ?-2tr FOR SALE: I am now ready to take or ders for nursery stock for fall delivery. Will give a special discount on several varieties- nf nnnlc trees. Your DUSiness soiicuca. E. G. Bradley, Saluda, N. C. ' I will open o rooms in my new building for rent June loth or 15th, in Saluda Monu tains, N. C. Rooms are furnished for lighi house keeping by the week or. for the season nf 1 on months. Address me Demark, S. w - - m r until Tune 1st. after tnat at Saluda, Polk Co., N. C. Write for particulars. Mrs. A M. Corrall. , S.2;. . FT 7 0 : 1 1 11 I . .- IVJS 0 ? m M lterSuf--fe'K-'. One of tb e beauty spots of Tryon, Ml MfTl TRYON G. E. Metcalf visited friends in Saluda Wednesday. Mother's Day was aDDroDriate- ly observed at the Congregation al Church last Sunday morhiner. Rev. S. M: Johnson, pastor of. the Congregational Church will preach at Lynn next Sunday eve ning, May 16th, at 7:30 o'clock. ' Married at the residence of the bride's father, Forest Hilton, Mr. Vivian Russell of Hendersonville, and Miss Nellie Hilton, of Tryon, on Sunday, May 9th. Mrs. W. T. Lindsey and daugh ter Miss Mary, returned Friday from a tripkto Atlanta to hear the Metropolitan Grand Opera Co. Mr. and Mrs. Kirchner, Messrs Clayton an1 Eugene Brownlee, were up to Skyuka Inn for lunch Saturday May 8th. Ray Arledge of Columbus was a pleasant caller iri tewn last Sat urday. , , Mrs. J. L. Case and two child ren left last Sunday ,for Ashe vi lie to spend the summer with rela. tives. - r ' There will be a j$f$t meeting of the Country Club and fBoard of Trade at of Pi Hall, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. It is de sired that, there be a large atten dance. Miss Ria H. Palmer, who has been spending the winter with Mrs. 0. S. Missildihe, left Tues day for her home in Wellington, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. John Landrum, Jm lryon. i Mrs. 'latt spoke on of Greenville, S. C. , spent last j China aUhe afternoon session, week end with Mrs. Chas. God- Mr. Edwin S. Lindsey of Try shaw and daughter, Miss Adyleen 0ri, went to Spartanburg on last at their home on Godshaw Hill. Dr. and Mrs. Gray arid family, who have been spending the win ter in Tryon. left for their home in Detroit, on Monday morning. Mrs. Jos. Hellen of Old Orchard Maine, arrived in Tryon Wednes day morning, to spend trie sum mer with her son, Frank E. Hel ten at his delightful home, "Ro rama." Miss Mabel Smith, Mrs. Ar thur L. Smith and two children, of Washington, D. C, arrived in Tryon last Saturday evening, to nend the summer with Gantain and Mrs. Geo. A. Smith on Mel rose Ave. Rev. W. H. Hopkins, Superin tendent of the South, is expected co be in Tryon during the coming week and will be at the Congre- ational Church on Tuesday eve ning. . - V Mrs. Ellen Woodrow and Miss Horner, who have been stopping j I MILL SPRINGS, j Listen L this is Locust year. Miss Sue Gibbs was the . guest of Miss Clara Edwards, Sunday. Mr. Bbney Arledge of Round Hill Aca lemy came home Friday, where he will spend his vacation. Messrs Frank and Walter Edwards, were ihe guests of Messrs Ernest and Hubert Gibbs, Sunday. . , Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Walker, on Thursday morning, a girl Misses Addie and Alda Arledge1 spent the week-end in Rutherfordton, as did also Clarence Gibbs. , Miss Maud Cocheran was the guest of Miss Delia Cocheran on Sunday, r Rev. J. M. Walker, will preach the me morial services at White Oak Church Sunday morning at U o'clock. Also an unveiling of Mr. L. C. Gibbs; W. O. W, monument in the afternoon."" Dinner on the ground, everybody invited, come and bring your-bas- ketsfull. ; V ' A. A. Edwards and little daughter, Dor cus, vfsited the home of J. B. Dalton, Sun. day.'-: :". -; Mrs. Wm. Ledbetter is visiting her brother,- W. G. Edgerstcn, this week. Misses Bessie Hamilton, Jennie Gafbrth, Pearl, Clara, Essie and Annie Edwards, were the guests of Misses Esther and. Sutf Gibbs, last Sunday evening. " - I vz 1 I itn n infill --1- .f i f- xjmm '''" 1 with the climbing roses in bloom. with Mrs. Grady on Melrose Ave,, have removed to Landrum. They had thought to make Tryon their home but no satisfactory houses could be found in Tryon. Spalding and Co., of Grennel, Iowa, makers of Carriages andf Buggies, have opened a large, warehouse at the old Tryon Paper Box Factory site, and' have un loaded a carload of their vehicles this week and their agents will distribute them to buyers all over the county. The newly elected Mayor and Commissioners, elected at their first meeting on Monday night, the following: W. fl. MacFarlad,; Treasurer; T. H. Coggey, Clerk; rank Wood, Sup't. of Water De partment and City Tax Collecter; J. U Case, uhiei of Fire Depart ment; Vet Ross, Chief of Police. Among those who went up to Saluda, Tuesday morning to at tend the Pageant ot the Saluda Seminary, from Tryon, are as follows; Mr. and Mrs. John Orr, Miss Palmer, Mss. Geo. B. Cobb, Mrs. M. L. Taf t and two children, Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Daniels, Mrs. G. Le Count, Mrs. J. B. Hester, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Buckius, Miss Mrry" Large; Miss Converse, Mrs. S.M. Johnson, Mrs. Porter, Rev. W. C. Jones, Mrs. Fisher,, Miss Gibson and Miss. Shock. The pageant showed the evolu tion of American citizenship in the Carolina Mountains, and was I much enjoyed by those who went aaturaay to piay in tne bpartan- burg Concert Orchestra which furnished the music for the mat inee and ;night performance of the Converse Dramatic Club in their presentation of Shakes pear's comedy, 'As you like it" at Converse College Chapel on last Saturday aiternoon and night under the direction of Miss Mar sraret Nelson Little and the or chestra was conducted by Miss Julia Klumpke. , The acting was of a very high order and the young ladies of the Dramatic Club did their different parts in a splendid way. - Mr. Lindsey haSj been studying the violin for the past five years and is a genius in his line. His technique is splendid,' He is also a leading membel of the Tryon Concert Orchestra, and gets many calls to play with out of town orchestras. His many friends wish him continued suc cess. - I I LYNN. l-l x Rev. H. Norwood Bowse will conduct services in Lynn bunday aiternoon at 3:30 o'clock. j W. F. Swann suffered a bad loss by fire ot his home and contents on last Sunday evening about 7 o'clock. Very little of his furniture and belongings were saved. The loss of house and furniture will amount to over $2, 500.00, partially covered by insur. ance. The cause of the fire was unknown.. I His many friends in Lynn and Tryon will regret to hear of his great loss and extend their deepest sympathy and services in this, his time of need.; Mr Swann in trying to save his effects, cut his right leg very sever ly on the glass windows, he will be able to be around again soon. - Mr. W. F. Swann and taraily desire to thank the friends and neighbors who ren dered such timely services in their recent loss.from fir, also they appreciate the many kind expressions of sympathy. f me in ewswiii receive auusciip- tions Jar any newspaper or maga zine published at the publishers price. We make no charge for sending your subscription away. Let us know what paper or magazine you want w t&e. J

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