- :.( v THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, N.:C CYCLE CORPS OF THE ITALIAfJ ARMY' w raw W . m " 1 K 1 mi .if i1 :: . .Bicycle detachment oj. the Italian army maneuvering near 'the northern border of the country. RUINS : A n f More than half of the city of Colon, Panama, was destroyed by the recent great conflagration. The photograph gives a view of the ruins from Bolivar street, looking toward Cristobal. The ruins of the market are seen In the background. ! . . GERMAN DESTROYER AT ANTWERP i : 11 ' v.- : . Jur - .j; This photograph of a German destroyer passing through the docks of Antwerp was taken secretly by a resident of that city, despite the German threat of , fine and imprisonment for anyone taking photographs. It would seem to indicate that Holland's neutrality has been violated. HTlERT? LONG ISLAND ' IP! a KiQft. f ' 2 1 flS i fly j IQS i xXxXx'xV W - I This is the residence at Forest Hills, Ung Island, wnlch Gen. Victoriano Huerta has leased and in which he has Installed his wife and their household of 30 children, grandchildren, tutors and servants. , k Safety Matches Running Short. , According to a Melbourne dispatch to the Sydney (Australia) Herald, reproduced- in a commercial reporjt, , strict economy in the use of safety matches is being advocated, by mer chants who. know how limited the stocks in Australia are at present, and how difficult it is procure further supplies while the war lasts.. Al ready prices have risen I?? per cent in the wholesale market, and. only a most careful use of these "j matches can prevent an actual shortage. The cMef reason for , this fctate of affairs OF COLON AFTER GREAT FIRE 'viiiiv'''inninn-nnnfiijMMuOLiinrrfniTOniTTTOnii - i2ftesrf - T is -said, to be the regulation in force In England that compels the factory wnich supplies nearly all the Aus tralian matches to show no lights at night, it being situated close to the Thames estuary. Conseauehtly. the output Is reduced to one-third of the normal quantity. Select Circle. ' "Don't any of your friends come to see you on visiting days?" asked the kindly old lady. , "No'nv"-bonded No. 777,444; "they're1 w111 mVwit me.' a , . tjioinonnoiiiiijju CAMILLE SA1NT-SAENS W : ; s UNCjcpwooo; Camille Saint-Saens, the famous French composer and the first , dele gate of the Franco-American commis sion for the Development of Political Economic, Literary and Artistic Rela tions, photographed as he landed in New Yorkv The composer, who is eighty years old; look3 forward with" uncommon pleasure to revisiting the United States. He will beentertllned extensively ' by the French societies in the mariy cities, he expects to visit during the three months of his stay here,, : j .. . Why Men " Eat . More Than Women. That, men eat five or"six ner rent more than women not because they are gluttons, but because they actually require that much more, nourishment appears -as a result cf an investiga tion made in the nutrition laboratory of the Carnegie Institute at Washing ton by Francis G. enedict and.L. E. Eames; says the Literary Digest, The reason for the , discrepancy seems to be that women have a smaller, propor tion of active i. tissues than men; of the same weight' and more inactive material, such as fat The investiga tion disclosed that the average wom an generates only, 1,355 heat units In the .24 hours, as against ; 1,638 pro duced by the man, or about two per cent more for the latter "per pound of body weigtjC When groups were com pared, after 'careful selection of indi viduals of nearly the same height and weight, the ,men were found to pro duce about 12 per cent more heat than women. ' ' WAR ON PUBLIC NUISANCES American CIvie Association Condemns . " Smoke, Poles and Wires, and BilU . oards as Among Them. -y, -s:, From Its very institution, the Amer ican Civic association has devoted it self to the protection of the K public against three great nuisances smoke, poles and wires and billboards. At the annual convention of the association in Washington one of the important subjects .discussed was billboards, with a principal address, entitled "The Passing of the Signboarrt," by esse Leepennett of Baltimore, In which, he recounted the . steps that had been taken for the legal control of the bill board In all parts of the United States. , x - Concerning the bentimetit against the billboard, Mr. Bennett said "The feelingi against the signboard has be come nation-wide, and in the last' few years the agitation of civic organiza tion has been so successful as to awaken resentment against .. it so widespread that from coast to coast, and in almost every state and city, there are now, or have been, vigorous movements seeking the abolition or regulation of these unnecessary and disfiguring objects. "There has been much agitation, and from it" there- has been distilled one thing the ' recognition of the fact that what is called the signboard problem is a question more complex than the mere removal - of the signs. The signboard has been found to be in extricably intertwined with two ques tions of even greater Importance the awakening of civic. sentiment and the recognition by, legislators and judges of the validity of arguments based upon esthetic considerations." Commenting on what ought to be the attitude of the law and the courts toward the billboard he added: "It would take our psychologist but a few minutes to show that it is not a question of ear or nose or eye, but a question of the brain and of the very Consciousness that is life Itself. No law should permit any man to intrude or force himself or his business into another man's , consciousness to the extent that outdoor advertising has come to permit, an intrusion immedi ately increased by the fact that it is Impossible to avoid seeing sign boards." NEW WAY TO WATER TREES German City Official Seems to Have Hit Upon Method That Should Be Effective. A very ingenious and practical de Vice for assuring the trees on city sidewalks a sufficient supply of wa ter, no matter how dry the season and how hard baked the earth, has . been put in operation in Strassburg by .Mr. Sauer, the city tree Inspector. It con sists ofa tube of Iron or lead Jbent into the form of a ring large enough to encircle the stem of the tree, r The earth Is removed so that this ring may be placed just above the roots, and is then filled in again, leav ing the end of a pipe connecting with the ring projecting above . the surface of the ground. The top of the ring Is pierced with ,a large number of small holes, and a tin cover or shield prevents theses from becoming Btopped up with earth. By meansot a funnel in the pro truding end 61 the pipe any desired amount of water may be supplied to the roots without -waste " or loss of time. "A further advantage, according to Prometheus, is the ventilation thus secured of the earth in the vicinity of .the roots. - Flower City of Germany. The marked industrial developments in Erfurt are of comparatively recent date, and In spite of the increasing Importance of its manufacturing - es tablishments ; the city is still best known for the immense hosticultural establishments found there. Erfurt is appropriately called the ' "Blumeri stadt" or Flower City of Germany. Al most 3 per cent of the population' Is engaged in commercial i horticulture. While vegetables and flowers for sale are grown on a large scale, of much vaster proportions is the business in flower and vegetable seed. The larger Erfurt seed firms ship to almost all parts of . the. world, the United States importing larger quantities of Erfurt horticultural products than from any other city in "Europe." v Baltimore Sets Good Example, v About a year ago certain owners of real estate In Baltimore decided , to create small parks la the rear of their houses by tearing down ; division fences, and laying out the lots on each side of the midway alley on a definite ly arranged and uniform scheme of landscape gardening. - In many blocks the fences were replaced by a contlnu-r oua flower garden. Hundreds of house owners have co-operated in this inter esting effort to beautify what were for merly bare and forbidding wastes, and the city forester has given them ev ery assistance. Many other cities might, well emulate this example. - Youth's Companion, . v JAMES LEONARD & COMPAQ Real Estate Brokers TRYON, N. C .Property of all Descriptions Bought and Sold for Cash oVon Commission. j : Renting, Loans and Insurance, - -, - r Permanent advertise Finger Lumber Co. Bnflding Material Jfrrarythi&s necessary to build a horn ,". ". . PtioQ 1. . Laadrua. S. GL , . -. - Swann's Livery At Fisher's Barn. TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA v addle and Drtvlno Horses. Backs meet all trains. Baggage and iScpress looked after with Special Can PhnM-SUbU, 106; RMldnee, MB Dr. C. B. Simmons DENTIST Office Over Drug Store Wednesday and Thursday of each week. TYRON. North Carolina Associated with Dr. J. T. Montgom ery, Spartanburg, 8X1 ' i t 1 Pace & Ward OLD ORIGINAL EAT MARKET SucoMor to A THOMPSON A PACB Freeh Meats, .Ham, Baeon, Mat and Freah Pish. Phons No. 7 for Quick Free Deliver Give Us a TrUL SALUDA, North Carolina, Money Works Deposited In the THE BANK OF TRYON ' - y Tryoni N. C. 4 per cent per annum on certificates Better Begin a Savings Account This Month We v . STYLEPLUS STORE All nsw patterns. Stjles that are correct Ton pick th that best suits ron the price is the sameeiwsTS 117.00. 8 rou $3.00 to $.00 and yon are well dressed. ' h ! Notice the' bUt two page d In the fiatmtUy ' Bvenlnf Post There Is no better ciothlna proposition then this to b b anj town, large or small, and we guarantee every suit. THE BALLENGER CO. For Eveiything Tryon SALUDA O. R LITTLE, President Exclusive Distributors: Eastman Kodak and Supplies, Mf . riams Bull Dog. Segars,- Victor-Vic trolla and Records, Crouch's Kno' r v ville Cut Flowers, Racy's Creameff , . ;lce Cream, Temptation Chocolates. Pmcrlptica Dcasrtasst la Chrira ef Hidittrad WariaJO Patsnt csd Prcprhtiry UedJclasj by Parcel Pott.PrP:J V, E. W. BARBER SALUDA, N. c. t Arnt for R hmi , , - uuivnog . lUi and SDrarlns fruit tru u. line undeveloped orcticrf l&ni very- low prices. 3 bearing aou HflTVa far mIa yy Write lor list and priew. Phone 50 L, Henderson CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, JOB WORK AND REPAIRS. 8Iuda, North Carolina H. L. CAPPS . NOTARY PUBLIC LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALEL Offices with Q. C. Sonner &Co, Saluda, N. C. W. L. Thompson General Contractor and Build AH Work Guaranteed. Office In E. B. Ooelet Bldg. 8ALUDA. N. C. Are You in Arrears WE NEED THE MONEY ' o o for You fevery Day Savings Department of are the t 1 North Caroliq PHARMACY 5)