Won by a t Neck! We're winners every time when it comei to collars and a hundred other things men wear. We not only carry the best grade of collars, but we have in stock all desir able sizes and latest styles. We advertise honestly. Our business is growing. Let us serve you, JAMES JACKSON & SON MENS OUTFITTERS, . Tryon, North Carolina ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooco o 0 o o o o 0 o o 0 0 o o o o o 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MI1MS V V GASH HARDWARE CO. Try on, ' North Carolina "country W EGGS , For JOHN ORR & COMPANY GENERAL MERCHANDISE on, North Carolina Try COUNT V DIRECTORY COURT MEETS: 6th Monday after the I Monday in March 2nd Monday after the 'st Monday in September Each termCrim "al and Civil and holds two weeks. OFFICERS: Sheriff: A. I,. Hill.. Krister of Deeds: F. M. Burgess. Jrk of Court; J, p. Arledge. Treasurer: VV. B, Feagan. Crner: Burton Williams. Surveyor: Marvin Hall. ; Attorney; S. Calient. ttnty Commissioners: J. T. Waldrop Chairman, H. G. Cannon, W. Y. Miller j ; 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o SPEAKING, of hammers don't knock your home town. Boost for it It's a good town. Patron ize your home merchants. They need and expect your trade. But we didn't mean to use this apace with a home trade, lecture. What re want to hammer home is that bur splendid line of tools, includ ing real, sure enough hammers, is : right here for your selection, . This is a live hardware store. They Can Make Good ! When it comes to selling; eggs all the claims in the world mean nothing if the eggs can't make good. We have such confidence, based on experience, in our best eggs that we can recom mend them highly. good eggs come POCKET BILLIARDS and BOWLING ALLEY BASEMENT WILXINS BLDG. Tryon. N. C. M. C. Butler, Manager. Advertise in The News. Road Indebtedness Settled The County Commissioners at a special meeting held in Tryon, Wed nesday adjusted tlie indebtedness for the new highway as was, authorized by the last legislature. The indebt edness due the contractors is $8,500. Tryon Township will pay $5,000 and Saluda Township will pay $3,500. The City of Saluda will receive near-, ly $1,400 for money advanced in building the road, to the Henderson County line-' It is estimated that this will make a 4 cent levy on taxable property to liquidate this debt. Dally Thought. I call It improper pride to let fools' notions hinder you from doing a gocd action. There's no sort of work that could ever be done well if you minded what fools say. You must have it inside you that your plan is right, ani that plan you fnust follow. George Eliot. The North Carolina College of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts. Young men seeking to equip them selves for practical life in Agricul ture and all its allied branches; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical En gineering; in Chemistry and Dye ing; in Textile Industry, and in Ag ricultural Teaching' will find excellent provision for their chosen careers at the States Industrial College. This College fits men for life. Faculty for the coming year of 65 men; 767 students; 25 buildings. Admirably eaiuipped laboratories in each de partment. County examinations at each county seat on July 8th. For catalogue, write, adv. E. B. OWEN, Registrar, Anthony Allman & Gaffney Pressing Club OVER POST OFFICE Laides and Gentlemen Clothing Cleaned. All work guaranteed first class - Hot and Cold Baths We are tyring to take care of Tryon Bring us Your Work RAILROAD TIME TABLE SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRYON, N. C. Schedule figures published as infor mation. Noty guaranteed. EAST No 42, 9:20 a m No 28, 12:2; p m No 10, 6:50 p m...No 48, 10:45 p m y WEST No 41, 8:46 a m No 9, 11:50 a m No 49, 5:10 ana No 27, 5:40 p no G E Bell, Agent. SALUDA, N. C EAST NO 42, 8:47 a m No 28, 11:55 a m No 10. 6:15 p m No 48, 10:18 p m WEST No 41, 9:18 a m No 27, 6:15 p m No 9, 12:25 p m....No 49, 5:45 a m ! W H Pace Agent. ZJ How About Wtai10- Sausage? A. H. WILLIAMS PHONE 32 Tryon, North Carolina REPUBLICANS ORGANIZE Mass Meeting at Columbus Tuesday Was Well Attended Pursuant to the call of County Chair, w C Robertson a mass meet ing of Polk County Republicans was held at the Ccurt House in Columbus Tuesday afternoon, August 17th. T P Roland was' chairman and S B Edwards, . recording secretary. The object of the meeting being the per fection of the organization throughout the county. Every township was largery represented. After an hour devoted to short addresses by repre sentatives from different parts of the county, township committees were se lected and the meeting adjourned to partake of a water melon feast that awaited tfrem out doors. ' The following are the townshiv cammitteeis: , Tryon: W F Swann CM Howes A O Buckius AH Williams F E Swann T A Rippy P N Hood AH Kunkle I M: Ff Arledge' Saluda v J A Bishop T H Rhodes J W Rhodes JO Metcalf T E Pae J A Johnson E J Bradley J Newman J' B Thompson Columbus S B Edwards J P Sanders J W Searcy W Bradley N J Hutchinson J T Smith L Denton W B Edwards A Newman Coopers Gap Jos Wilson A G McMurray N. E Williams D V Hyder P T Brown W Burgess E W Bradley Greens Creek John Shields Chas Owens C C Hampton J W Walker J P, Horn White Oak T F Roland G H Arledge W J Wilson W R Turner W L Gibbs Ouflht to Paint I ought to have p inted last year, but I hated to pay $2 a gallon. Ive got to paint this year; itT take a little more paint; I suppose 1 gallon in 10; and a little more work, I suppofe 1 day; in 10. My job would have cost last year about $50, it is going to cost this year $55. $5 gone. I suppose It'll be the san asain, if 1 wait again. What if paint goes-down to $1.75 a gallon? $2.50 on the job. I shant wait; what a fool I was. DEVOE Gash Hardware Co, Tryon, sells it As we make our sauiage, we know what goes into it. Yon don't take any chance when yon bny sausage from us. link sausages are tasty and whole some. This butcher shop is serving an increasing number of people in this community, and there must be a reason for it. Why don't you find out for yourself 1 TRYON NORTH CAROLINA A favored spot for rest and recreation. Excel lent hotela and board ing houses. In the Thermal Col Roach is the guest of his son Lieut, Roach. Attorney Gallert of Rutherfordton was m rryon on pusmess Monaay. Born to Mr and Mrs Earl Cobb a sonj August 18t!b. , Frank Wocd Sr left Tuesday for a visit to his old home at Atlantic City. James Jackson and family attend ed the Wingo family reunion at Mt Zion, S C Sunday. Mis3 Fearl E Belue left last Friday for Washington, D C to finish her course; as a trained nurse. ' Sunn alee Private School, conducted oy Mrs iAiice Kiniock Missildine opens September 16th. S B Tanner and daughter of Salu da were in Tryon Monday to inspect Tryons vineyards. Miss Mary Coates accompanied the party. Miss Evelyn Weaver,, formerly op erator in the Telephone . Exchange here, is taking a stenographers course in, the Ceclle Business College atj Spartanburg, Bert Shipman of Washington, D C visited friends in Tryon, Tuesday. R T McFee left Tuesday for an extended visit with his son at Frank- in, N C Miss Iris Jackson who has a posi tion as stenographer in Murphy is spending her vacation with her par ents, Mr and Mrs James Jackson. Mrs James Leonard and daughter baby Helen, left Thursday for Chica go and Lake Geneva, Wis, for an ex tended visit. - " ? Louis Denton, W W Foster and George Denton on Route 1 have com pleted about one-half mile of fine road. They have reduced the grade on Denton Hill and have put the roau in excellent condition. Miss Janie Bell of Charleston is visiting her aunt Susan R Wilson at Woodside Bungalow. A farmer by the name of Smith vas severely injured Friday afternooi vhen his mules frightened at an auto passing cn the Landrum Road, near the Block House. Mr Smith was thrown from his wagon and sustain ed a scalp wound. , He is improving rapidly and it is expected he wiU soon be oiut.' Jake Carry a laborer - working for P Lockhart, the contractor, found a shot gun at the Le Count house on Melrose Ave, Wednesday morning. The gun had been left there some time Tuesday night, as the Lockhart men were on the job late Tuesday af ternoon. A part of the gun is miss lngk t Rev B F Taylor, a prominent min- I Ister of Texas, will conduct a seri es of meeting at the Baptist church, beginning Sunday eveningj- at 8 o' clock and continuing nionday and Tuesday evening's. Public invited. Friends of Col J W Church will be ?lad to hear that he Is convalescent after an illness that confined him to hi home for several days. Spartanburg and Saluda sportsmen will Join Tryon in a shooting match at the Golf Links, Tryon Saturday afternoon, i Lovejoy Institute the Colored school at Mill Springs was destroyed by fire Monday night. The building was valued at $8000, partially cover ed by insurance. M A Pace, W C Robertson, John Pace, R L Newman and J H King- of Saluda were in Tryon Wednesday to meet with the County Commissioners in the Saluda road case.. Col Roach and daughter left Wed nesday for their home in Washington, D C. Lieut Roach and family will leave this week for Washington, their future home. Mrs Albert Gilbert of Willington, S C looked after her real estate inter ests In Tryon, Tuesday- The Young men gave a swell dance in honor of visiting ladies at The Li bijary Monday evening. C9LUBMUS Miss S W Hunter arrived Tuesday to take charge of her part of the school which starts Monday, f Mrs Eli Shields and daughter, Corinne are visiting relatives in Cher okee Springs and Spartanburg. The work on Mrs Thomas William sons house and the new road she is having graded is progressing nicely Mr C D Elliotte purchased form Mr L H Cloud, a house and farm this week. i Prof E W S Cobb returned form New York Saturday, where he attend ed. Columhia University. Medicines in the Tropics. In the order named, quiuine, calo mel, castor oil, tincture of Lv, opium and brandy are the medicines most used in the tropica, --.' Beautiful ttSMitfela drirea; out-oWr JqpsrU; mountain aprin ater. Belt Kejfion Green Property Sold James Leonard purchase the real estate known as the Professor Green home on Godshaw ' Hill, Wednesday at Administrator Sale. Consideration $1,325. Mr Leonard will Improve the property anff will make it his home. Good Road Enthusiast Editor Hearon of The Spartanburg Herald, ' was a Tryon visitor Tuesday He spent a part of the day in Colum bus to attend the letting of the Lynn Saluda road. Mr Hearon is an en thusiast about good roads and Is us ing his parer and influence to buDd good roads in Spartanburg County. Tryon, Real Estate Sold A deal was consumated Thursday whereby John L Jackson becomes the owner of the Pearson lot on Trade st.' It is said that Mr Jackson will build a modern store building. Fine Business The News bunch wishes to thank John Carnegie for apples, Dr von Kahlden for grapes ' and peaches, Judge Kennedy for grapes and James Jackson for water melons and grapes Be It known that the News bunch are fine judges of fruit and the quality submitted would be hard to beat. Organ Recital I There will be an Organ Recital by Miss Ida Missildine at the Congrega tional church on Thursday, Aug 26th, at 8:30 o'clock. The proceeds to go to theX Parsonage fund. Mrs W A' Newell will sing. Tickets purchased for the recital to have been given by Mr Betts, can be used at this time; .! TRYON FRUIT EXCHANGE Spartanburg Herald The Tryon Fruit exchange, an or ganization of the grape growers of that community, is now winding up the third year of its. operation as a co-operative marketing proposition. It has proven a success, and affords an opportunity for those who are considering the marketing of other crops on a co-operative plan a near by example, of what may be accom plished . TRYON ROUTE 1 Rev Jbnny Walker began his pro tracted services at the Baptist church Sunday. We wish him a glorious revival The singing school closed SatUfday night. We thank Prof Jones very much for the efficient instructions given our children during the school. s J D Carpender and F B Nance are laying a new floor on the Hamilton Bridge over1 White Oak Creek. Mrs A F Edwards returned from an extensive visit in Henderson. Co. WhllA thfim she had the nleasuiv of hearing the seven years old boy prea cher deliver a wonderful sermon from the 5th chapter of St Mathew, ''there were nine conversions on that night and the largest congregation she ever saw at church. Mrs J W Jack and children, Misses Bessie and Grace Hamilton and Miss Sallie Carpenter visited Miss Cora Edwards school recently. $r & fytfrhfc & OCR SCHOOLS & E. W. S. COBB & Polk County Superintendent 4$ $100 TO C. H. S. It will be gratifying to Polk coun ty Citizens to know that Columbus High School has been awarded an ex tra $100 for their school fund by the State Inspector of High Schools be cause of recognized efficiency anc good attendance. This makes a total of $500 Columbia High School will re ceive from the State. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW Taking an extract from report of Supt Cobb that recently appeared in The News, we wish to make some comparisons. In 1914 when the law went into effect the school cen en showed a total of 719 children of school age In the county. There were enrolled that year 671 students with an everage attendance of 559. In 1915 the cencu was 802, enrollment 788 with an average attendance of 705." i ' 1915 made a better showing- than 1914 and both years make an excel lent showing under the compulsory at tendance law. J , ...

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