? 7 TT^ rrr~- 1 . I" '.M1 1 , J5 1 '? " I Pink mil, Grady Society ! Personals ? Klrby Everett of Panama City. Fl?.t and- Jerry Everett' of Fort Jackson, S. C. have recently visi ted their parents, Mr. and Mrs Ldvl Everett. ' George Howard, of Pink Hill, a drafting Instructor at the Le.iai County Industrial Education Cen tal, recently attended a conferen ce at the Leaskville - Rockingham county 1EC on curriculum dc ?-J?.? velopment and audio-visual aids. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Johnso and daughters, Susan and Jane c Garner visited briefly with fr ends in Pink Hill Saturday. Mesdanoes J. M. Jones, Linwoo Turner and Ja:nes Allies visKe the Johnny Holden family i Jacksonville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper J. Smit were in Greenville and Washing ton, N. C. Monday. Messrs Ben Turner and L. I Turner, students at N. C. Stab spent the week end at thei homes. Mrs. Herald Latham, ol Decs tur, Ga. returned home Sunda .following a few days visit wit her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. 1 Maxwell. Her f -ther arcompanie her to Wilmington where she too! a train. Mr. and Mr3. ? Jarl Bower < Washington. N. C. were overhigh guests Saturday of Mrs. Bower' father, Mr. J. A. Worley ond'Mn Worley. In Magnolia Sunday aftersnon to attend a sub-district MYF meet ing were Rev. Jean Hood, Johnn Turner, Glenn Williams, Jan Hood. Rachel Smith and Mr Christine Williams. ?Mrs. W. B. Marshburn of Rich lands was a weekend guest of be daughter, Mrs. T. J. Turner, Mr. n Turner and daughters. >1 Quite a tew in this area attend i- ed the 6th. annual Science bail held Tuesday of the Grander p d T. A. at their regular monthly d meeting Monday night, i. Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rogers at their home on h Route 2 were Mr. and Mrs. Benny Rogers and young son, Craig, ot Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Hunter I Wells and children of Clinton; i, Miss Eula Shepard of Kinston. Mr. if and Mrs. Coolidge Turner and children, Albertson and Mr. and i- Mrs. Emmett Rogers and family, y Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. h and Mrs. Emmett Rogers were 5, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Thomas and ' Rev. and Mrs. Nell Bain of Beula k ville. Other guests during the j weekend were Mr. and Mi's. Her l man Smith and Becky Ann of i* Beulaville and- C'wight Nether cutt of Albertson. si Presbyterian women In this area are attending a meeting of $ Wilmington Presbyterial at Grove tv Presbyterian church in -Kenans y ville today. e Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Turner s- and children spent the weekend with relatives at Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. Jepsey Pickett r and Mrs. Nora Stroud visited Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Huffman at Rich lands Sunday afternoon. Mr. Aaron Smith of Nashville, Term., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Faison Smith. Mr., and Mrs. Smith took him to Newton Grove Sunday afternoon to catch a rid back to Nashville, and visited briefly with Mrs. Mabel W. Smith, Albert Smith, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ber-. nice Westbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tatum and children of Durham were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grady. Mr. and Mrs. Faison D. Smiih of Raleigh were visiting relatives at Albertson and on Mt. Olive, Rt. 2 during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Noble. Deep Run, Rt. 1 have been hospitalized at Lenoir Memorial Hbspital in Kinston for some time. They have ?eturncd home, however, and vis aing with them are their dauhg ter, Mrs. Bill Johnson and son of faleigh. Mr. Johnson is on a bus iness trip to Rhodesia. ' . Mrs. B. E. Jones who was in ?juied in an automobile accident wscbhtly and was hospitalized at Lenoir Memorial for several days, has returned home. Better luck next time is our ? wish for the Pink HjJ,! Girls Bus ketball team who "lost to Wheat ' Swamp girls b.v only a few points in the finals of the Lenoir County Basketball tournament at Wheat Swamp Saturday night. Mrs. Bryant Smith was in Wil son Sunday to visit Mr. Smith at Eastern Carolina Sanitorium. Mr. Smith is much improved and is expected to be released from the hospital about the 15th. of the month. Mr. and Mrs. John Bill Gooding ^nd Susnn and Joiinny of Fayette ville and Mr. and Mrs. Walter rthue and Miss Vevie Maxwell of Raleigh were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Williamson Sunday ? a . * 111 : ?" ? ? ???? ' ' afteuioon. Miss Maxwell remained for a longer visit. Quite a few from the All e: tson community attended the marriuifC, Friday afternoon of CJ1. Theodori. Kelly ( TedXlrady to Miss Glen da sue Noole at toe Baptist Chu rch in Deep Run. '' i ji V% ? I fl nil t'v ? ' -? -??? ririK rim HOC Met Mrs. Amos Hdwartf Was hostess to the Pink Hill Home Demonstra uon c.ub at her home in Pink Hill Tuesday afternoon, wttti a good at tendance of Members and 3'visitors present. Mrs. L. H. Turner acted as president due to ill'tiess of the president, Mis. Haywood Stroud. Poultry and Garden leader, Mrs.' M!ildred Howard, gave a report j* and house furnishings leader, Mr*. L. H. Turner used as the demon stration, "Lets Make Housekeep ing Easier^'. on oehalf of the club, a 7 x 9 photograph of Mrs. Belle Stroud was presented her. It pictured her accepting the award as club lead er of the year in exercises held" at the Agriculture Bldg. in Kin-^ ston last fall. Routine business was transacted and refreshments of donuts, cook ies, coffee and Cokes were served.' Bible Study Held A newly organized weekly Bi ble study of members of the Smith's New H ome Free Will Baptist Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ho ward in Pink Hill Wednesday night, February 27. Mrs. Adolph Howard, Deep Run, Rt. 1 is chair man of the group. Taking part in the study were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Howard, Mrs. Annie Lee, Mrs. I Edward Hill, Craig Hill and Mrs. ! Harold Heath. ? The group enjoyed snow cream, ;following the study. | ' Spring Rally At Kirkwood Presbyterian Ybuth in this area are being reminded that the Sen ior High Fellowship Spring Ral ly to be held at Kirkwood on April 21, is just around the cor ner. In case you haven't been 1 there, Kirkwood is located be ? I tween Wallace and Burgaw. Th< theme this year, is "Our Unit: in Christ". This will be discusser' at the rally. A picnic lunch wili be served. WorldDayOf Prayer Observed i The World Day of. Prayer spon$ sored, by the United Church Wc men," was observed at the Pink' Hill Presbyterian Church Friday afternoon, with. Pink Hill Metho dist Womeq as joint hostesses. Mrs. Frank Wiley was in charge, of the program, and the Methodist Junior choir furnished special music. There was an excellent at tendance. Pastors of the two chu rches are Rev. Jean Hood and i Rev. John A. Wilkerson. USE Pinee Live tnl Stock Preparation Castration Incisions I Skin Irritdtions Insect Repellent I manufactured & distributed by : DALY-HERRING COMPANY j Kins ton, N. C. Phone' 527-0195 Ahoskie, H. C. Phone 332-3291 Traditional Sportswear for the Ladies Shirts By: FOXCROFT Shorts, Skirts and Shirtwaister's BY: Surrey Belts and Bags By: Davey Don't Miss Seeing The Smartest For The MISS Sutton's Kinston, N. C. CONVERT THIS CHAIN SAW I FROM DIRECT TO GEARJHHVE IN 9 MINUTES r^ORLESSHI M I INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS FARMALL TRACTORS-FARM IMPLEMENTS InMsii I RCA WHIRLPOOL-PARTS SERVICE HACMiMIlY COMPANt INC. UNSTM.NHTICAMUNA Ph. 523-446 \ ^ V / ? ^ NEW HOMEUTE?# CONVERTIBLE DRIVE It's Ilk* hivinf two saws in Buy K as i fast-cutting direct drive ~7fl ? for most jobs. Then, add the conversion mil f y% ZSTDTT^x "f BBhuiwtwandirtiriiBrdiMrdriwsrtlkallW^JB'SjT^NA the extra lugging power you need. ^^*Jr .^V !?fSffStt!TS!r?n'h^ "*"*4180.90 Complete maintenance. Sm the exciting new Hometit* C-5 chain with . saw soon. ft"s the ideal saw for all-purpose us*. 17" Bar & Shair HAVE A ran OEMON9THATION TODAY I T. A. TURNER & CO., INC. aaov grcmers/ Get sure control of BILLBUGS with ? ? # aldrin When billbugs attack-corn stands can be f W so reduced that there are no profits to pay for the seed. You can avoid seriottt billbug damage by knocking them out before they get started?with powerful aldrin. At the first sign of infestation, simply broadcast 1. , aldrin on the toil, then disk it in. Or, you can combine aldrin with fertilizer and apply both in a time- and labor-saving application. Aldrin is economical too. Small dosages per acre give you outstanding control. This season, beat billbugs to the punch. Use power* ful aldrin. Be prepared?get your supply today. Manufactured By: Daly-Herring Co. Ahoskie, N. C. Kinston, N. C. A group of Woodland 4-H'ers emjoying refreshment after a mon thly 4-H meeting. Woodland 4-H Club M i THo ? Woodland 4-H Club was or ganized in February, 1960, with 13 members. Adult leaders for this club- are; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Westbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Paul WeStbrook. The Woodland Club meets on second Tuesday night of the month at Smith Community Building. At the present time, there are 16 members. Four senior and twelve junior members. this club has always carried a wide range of projects. This year project^ carried are: Cooking, sew ing, recreation, better grooming, cjiild care, baby beef, swine, room improvement, Wildlife, Tree Iden tification, Tractor, Corn, Garden, Safety, Entomology, and Poultry. Educational Programs are also var ed. Heal'h, Safety, Better Groom ng, and record keeping are being stressed this year. Two members of the Woodland Plub were county winners last rear. Patricia Grigg was county vinner in recreation. Anthony West >rook was the,county junior in Pub ic Speaking, Wildlife, and Health ting. Anthony is also a member of he County Honor Club and recrea ion leader for the County Council. Patricia and Anthony placed sec >nd in the district in June with heir soil and water demonstration 'Making Running Waters Walk." The Woodland Club won 14 blue 'ibbons at County Achievement Day ind 4 blue ribbons at the Star-News sveot in Wilmington with their ex libits. Reporter Anthony Westbrook Beaver Dam Community 4-H Club Busy Tne ueaver uam community 4-H Club has had a very successful year. It has made benches and cur tains for the clubhouse and has started paipting the outside of the clubhouse. We have had many work days. We did the Vesper Service for and its surroundings. The club has n ? i- r... had many weiner roasts and fun days. We did the Veser Service for County Achievement Day. We have sold soap, cards, and newspapers to earn money for our club. We have made a bulletin board for our club house to put our announcements on so everyone can see them and be reminded of coming events. We have had a large majority of our members to hand in their record books. We have already decided on our programs for the coining year. We have decided this year for each member to make a report Once every month on his projects what advancements he has made. We have pushed our members to be sure and attend County Coun cil and we have had pretty good attendance at these meetings. We I elected officers this year, and 1 they are are follows: President, Alan Johrsnn: Vice President, Alice Carol Merritt; Secretary, Lela Ward; Treasurer, 'William DavM , Fussell; Reporter, Gloria Merritt; Song Leader, Donna Turner; and Recreation Leaders, Billy flerrttt and Donna Turner. Our adjlt lead ers are Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ward. The officers that were replac ed by the new officers are as fol lows: President, John Wilkins; Vice President, Margie Wells; Secretary, Gloria Merritt; Treasurer, Alice Carol Merritt; Historian, Dwight Johnson; Song Leader, Nancy Ward; and Reporter, Alan Johnson. This summer we had a party where we fixed cypress knees. At Chris mas, we had party and drew nam es, but we made the gifts we were to give. Some of our club members are working right now on Public Speak ing Speeches. We have had many programs on Home Nursing. Mrs. Robert Ward, our adult leader, : gave all of these programs, to the girls. Gloria Merritt, Reporter The U. S. will reed 40% more food, feed and fiber in less than 20 years, according to the U. S. De partment of Agriculture. Requirements ror 4-H Club Charter A charter will be granted to a 1 community 4-H Club when certain requirements are met by the club. The requirements are: < 1 > Five or more members enrolled, <1 > Train- I ed Community 4-H Club Leaders (One man and one woman), (3) Club officers 'elected, and <4> A written program of work for the year submitted to the County Ex tension Office. A club charter is issued only once during the life of a club. When the otab meets these same require ments each year, a seal is awarded and attached to the charter. 1 During the past year, several clubs have met the above require ments and have been awarded a < charter. They are: Pin Hook, Stan ford, Potters Hill, Smith, Pleasant Grove, Oak Ridge, Beaver Dam, Woodland, Cedar iFork, Cypress < Creek, Concord, Greenwood, Beau tancus. Rones, Mill Swamp, War saw, and Magnolia. Heart Fund Drive Big Success The Heart Fund drive in Pink Hill this year was a decided suc cess in fact, more money was rea lized for the cause than in any other prev'.o-us year. A house-to house canvass was made Sunday, February 24. and a road-block scheduled for that d- y, was post poned because of the weather and 11 nem March 3. Co-chairman of the drive in this area were Mrs. J. M. Jones and Mr- Hood. . 1 J|?Wrrott H^MYSt^ It's lime W To Plant W, Maine Grown Certified RED BLISS SEED POTATOES Also WESTERN GROWN RED PONTIACS IRISH COBBLERS ' ' 300 N. Heritage St. ( 1 \JM?, f ? I ' Kinston, N. C. ? J Beautancus 4-H twliicn 4-H Club cooducts Heart Fund Drive fer the Area. rhe second year in a row the Bea tancus 4-H Club has conducted the leart Fund Drive for the Commun y The club was ortratmed in 1961 'ith Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grady as dult leaders. Officers for this year re: President-Carolyn Westbrook; 'ice President - {.any Grady; Sec etary - Treasurer - Jean Carr; Leporter - Gayle Pipkin; Sons Lea ler - Pat Carr and Kermit Holland; tecreation Leaders - Joe Dixon and ,inda Kay Kornegay. Twenty-three members make up this group which msAsMMkhly n( candy maklhg," hair st^l g, ana highway safety programs. Each member is carryin j| one or . more projects including ft I steers," market pigs, sewing. Home {rounds. ' Beautificatton. Tractor M^jntenaiK The Beai'd^^^ot&^illookunf forward to CTTtmn WHci' will t* a summer vacanori irom work and school; The picture shews jhq Beautancus 4-H Club ah M/VtaAed on their house to hoile| yJ/vys /or the Heart Fona Drive. DUPLIN - TIMES WANT AM BRING FAST RESULTS. i_?2 uSt1 irniwsH . . ; RFl'jLt | V ?fjf . j TYLER'S >m<noio ^ an fid jyjQt onu .Emoo HKnts twtfjtl 6ilt / 4J? 1 ulqy.3 InslaM ad) ?(.?' r-'vr: 'sia: baA )iwmav?irlaa Vi-rj liV'tv. ?>.* ob ; 1 rirSJ a nriol 18 1b /?*>> 2sd 10i 01 <6)ot h'bw ib *>*! I tii . oV 1 *id?citiq a lei ft isbianna lod j ?unwn ii inoi: ?.efciojai dqffig .Taliil lo luO II G 1 lo srnuiov mk Belk-Tylers of M ^iri) li ootlq orit KIKSTON FEATl^ T I ..nlB" .lEril gj' gjgj A Large Seledpijg I df* ? ,? ?? .zlaswq Wot Graduation FopaFs 1 Priced From' . 1 iriT 22.99 lo 39.99, rt?;\ I ?iwolIa< c no 9Jlst Sizes 5-15 a ?? jutjiii^jq *ua m d aril I vhofliTin I Hi I 3 | !? 3iVi HN11111i I |B , 111 ? ?II1 II11.iiVi ki J lllk II Mounts any 3-pt. Hitch Tractor | 1lt Need Te Stock Several Brackets. You elim inate inventory problems with this new Hol land, end you offer your customers the trans planter convenience-they want. -Holland's new bracket mounts any 3-pt. hitch?supports the transplanter upright when it's not in use. A few dealerships are still available. Write for inlormation. Sell The Proven leader. Exclusive leetures like the double action gnpper pocket and 1 "Start-Rite" water valve give Holland dealers the sales ad vantage. U.S. statistic* show Holland outsells all other makes combined. TW.V 1 Barker-Sanders | EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1m J4^l Richlands Hwy. Kinston, N. C. Dt6HAS-2796 ? dauwwii ..m

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