I a 4-ff l'eadier is < cdypp ready - tofelp... / m ] Z' Wy a and so are WE I LLJ - * ? m- . Q, ? ~ v . , . ??T-! ?! m. ? .1 r . ?- ?. How Community 4-H Club Are Organized I 4-H Club work objectives are tbe same everywhenbi Each state, how ever, develops He owiv organization end program to meet the needs of its people. In Neath-Carolina all of Club work is now, being conducted through organised community 4-H Clubs. . The 4-H Club organization is a part of the North Carolina Agricul tural Extension Service with head quarters at N. d State-College, Ral eigh. It is conducted it) cooperation | *tth N. C. State College. U. S. Dh [ partment of Agriculture and all Counties in North Carolina have agents working with 4-H. Extension Agents in -Duplin Coun ty decided early in 1981 that club work in the county would proceed through organized community 4-H Clubs, This change was discussed With the Duplin County Board of Commissioners, Superintendent of Public Schools and each local sch ool principal. Extension Agents ex plained to 4-H dub members enrol led in the school clubs about (tie 1 change during the March meetings. Community Clube have been or ganized in an orderly procedure since the announcement was made and now have reached a total of 16 communities.. Several other clubs are in the organizational phase at present. Communities desiring a 4-H Club should contact Extension Agents Lois Britt and Marion G. Griffin for assistance in organizing a community 4-H Club. The major responsibility of or ganizing a community 4-H Club rests in the hands of a local 4-H sponsoring committee. Duplin Coun ty Extension Agents provide train ing literature and supplies to this committee. The 4-H Sponsoring Committee guides Club members in suggesting possible adult 4-H lead ers. With the local 4-H'ers, this com mittee contacts persons suggested as leaders and secures the consent of at least one man and one woman to serve as adult 4-H leaders. After this has been completed the spon soring committee arranges for an organizational meeting of the lead ers that were chosen and of the boys and girls parents. The three major responsibilities of adult 4-H leaders are: to guide the operation of the local commun ity 4-H club, to serve as contact per sons with Extension Agents and to keep informed of club and county activities. Surely, Your Community Needs A Club ! ! ! Everyone read* DUPLIN TIMES classified ads. THE HOUSE THAT GREW OUT OF A BOOK! The book, of course, was a savings bankbook! On its pages was writ- IAJ ten the "success story" of a family that wanted a home of their own. Each M deposit was a chapter that carried the story a bit further along toward its 11 f happy ending ... the down payment on the home of their dreams. Adding INTEREST, all through the book, was this bank! And this, of course, made M J the family's savings grow much faster to the total they required. Our inter- In est rate on savings is a'liberal. . . Savings: PARK AVk h Open ? 9 To 3:00 B&fopt Saturday. Close At 1 P. M. < T????m t ??? Deposited by 11th- J Earn From The 1st. MAIN OFFICE Open From 1 9:00 To 1:00 And 3:00 To 5:00 W * Except Saturday, Close 1 P. M. when left on deposit ???? i i 12 mos. or longer ________ BANK OF MT. OLIVE TiWfc. Convenient Locations In Mount Olive - 1 in Calypso MEMBER OF ft|DeiUIi DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION I All Deposits up T* $!Q,QftQ Iiwimed by 'an Agency of the U. S. Government .. ^ m ? m.ai^i Mill I < '? ? ' I ' I | Hi Magnolia Community 4-H Club ? Busy Tltn UannnlU r*n*?M.in{fi. 1 If I JatfA<> 111. ^ 4~ t?l ttl Club was organized on January 22, 19M. We worked hard and, received car charter on December 3, 1902 Our club has had many group pro jects. Among the group projects were: A season's greetings window display at Christmas: observed 4-H Sunday with a pre Tam in church; had a money raising project to raise money for the 4-H develop ment fund, to which we contributed *10 00. We had some very outstanding members in our club this year: Mary Alice Thomas, a pretty, and charming junior at James Kenan High School should be awarded as the most-outstanding member in our club. She is in the 4 H Honor Club. At the District Achievement Day at Hobbton High School in Sampson County," she won first place in the clothing demonstration she gave. She was one of six girls chosen to participate in the State Dress Revue jn Raleigh, N. C. She was the runner-up in the Dress Re vue at the Star-News Honor Pro gram. She has won countless rib bons, medals, and other awards for clothing and dress-making. She has given her demonstration twice on television. ^ Jimmie Rich, another outstanding member, won second place in the poultry barbecuing demonstration on District Achievement Day. At the County Achievement Day we had blue ribbon winners; Mary Ann Martine won a blue ribbon for baking a pineapple cake, a gold medal for clothing, and a red rib bon for cooking a German Choco late Cake; and A. Q. Smith won two blue ribbons and a white ribbon and a red one at the Star-News Honor Program. Jimmy Rouse won a blue ribbon for poultry at the County Achievement Day. At 4-H camp, at Schaub near Waynesville, N. C., we had eight members that attended. It was a very enjoyable week even though it rained almost all week. Mary Alice Thomas won a certificate for the best camper at Camp that week. Both she and A. Q. Smith won a certificate for recreation. Mrs. A. Q. Smith, our adult leader, became an adult leader for our entire coun ty group during camp when she at tended with us. Four of our mem bers attended 4-H Club Week in Raleigh, N. C. in July-Mary Alice Thomas and three of the Four-det tes. On Friday, our leader, Mrs. A. Q. Smith, Mrs. J. P. Smith, and Carol Ann Tucker ( the fourth Four dette) went io Rnlei h for the ta lent show that night. The Four ? / 1 UCUCO WUUIQ IIJkgT 11/ i "livT* tHJS 1 portunity to thank Mis J. P. Smith ' for her wonderful ass'siance to thnm she made their e< stumes and atterded eaeh of their twelve public porforman-es. They would also like to think Mrs. Charlie Thomas, Mrs L. H. Fussell, and Mrs. L. E. Pope ) for ti sfc- co-o oration in this activi ty. The Fi -dettes arc a talented | group of gl.ls who have a wonder ful dance routine. They are Linda Smith, 'Hilda Ha'ber*r, Annette Cnv i enaugh, and Carol Ann Tucker. They won a blue ribbon in the Coun ty Talent Shoto; blue ribbons at Dis trict Achievement 'Day; and partl ! cipated in the State 4-H Talent show in Raleiph at 4-H Ckib Week. | We had a special proram in honor o( the Health Kings and Queens from our club. The winners were: Senior division; Queen-Jean Rich, King-Craig Rich; Junior div ision; Queen-Annette Cavenaugh, King-A. Q. Smith: Elementary divi sion; King-Wayne Futrell. Carol Ann Tucker gave a wonderful clown act to entertain the guests of royal ty. . , - In December we had a Christmas party given to us by Mrs. A. Q. Smith, Mrs Charlie Thomas, and Mrs. L. E. Pope. In February 13, 1963, the girls in our club held a special meeting in Ruth's Beauty Shop in Magnolia for a program on Health and Better Grooming. We are planning to have as anoth er community project; to help in the heart fund drive on Heart Sun day. And last, but by far not least, we would like to say that Mrs. A. Q. Smith, our adult leader was sele cted as the most outstanding adult leader in Dulin County. We know, as few others do, that she deserves this award. She has helped us to keep our club alive and interesting. We would like to take this opportun ity to say "thank you, Mrs. Smith." The Magnolia Community 4-H Club Craig Rich Reporter Warsaw 4-H Club The Warsaw 4-H Club was organ ized and held their first meeting June 12. 1962, with 22 members and 4 leaders present. Our club was the first 4-H club in Duplin County to ever enter a float in a parade - this we entered in the Veteran's Day Parade in Warsaw on November 11, 1962. We also received our 4-H Charter October 1, 1962. During the first 5 months, our deb won 15 rikkra ?rf| which we are very proud. Those winning ribbons at the BeulavUVe Fair in September were Linda Wray - blue - jewelry, 2 reds-whole pickl ed beets and canred tomatoes, and j 1 white sliced beets. David Sloan, j white-recipe holder; Nina Johnson, red, white, and blue - Pet Holders At the Achievement Day in Ken ; ansville, Linda Wray won a blue rib- j bun whole pioklhd beets; white rib bon - jewelry; red - potted snake plant. Gail Costin won a red' rib bon for candy; Mary Lee Vernon.. a white for cokies; Charlotte Ho-1 ward, a red far a cake. Linda then entered her beets in the Wilmington Star-News Exhibit at Wilmington November 17, i 1262 and won another blue ribbon. We have been organized less than a year and have 22 members on roll . We have hud several bake sales which were very successful and we plan to paint the club house this spring. During National Club t-H Week we will have a bulletin board on display at Jimmy Strickland Hard ware Store on College Street in ( Warsaw. Officers for 1963 are: President-Kathryn Costin Vice President - Jane Blackmore Secretary - Linda Wray Refxirter - L. E. Stroud. Our leaders are William Costin and Mrs. Vivian Batts. Vivian Batts and Mrs. E. C. Wray are the assis tant leaders. Written by Club Reporter L. E. Stroud EftSt which they thoraujjSy enjoy-, ed During the. past year, they stud ied about birds. buUt bird heuses, collected leaves, did spatter paint ing and finger painting, made Chri stmas cards, made waste baskets and bulletin boards, and covered coat hangers. In January, Mrs. Lil lie Bell Burmmit Spoke to the group on her trip around the world which everyone enjoyed. They esp ecially enjoyed her demonstration of a Japaneese Tea Party. She let them go through the ceremony. During the year, they enjoyed several weiner roasts after their meetings and at Christmas a party in the home of their leader. The officers for 196&1963 are as follows: Lucia Merritt-President Catherine Matthews-Vice President Peggy Herring-Secretary Richie Williams-Treasurer Sally Williams - Reporter Carta Rae Merritt - Song Leader Reporter Sally Williams QUALITY JOS PRINTING CALL THS I DUPLIN - TIMES. - I Greenwood 4-H Is Enthusiastic Well! the year is over and what a year it's been. Even though our club has only been moderately ac tive we've made quite a good bit of progress and thoroughly enjoyed activities. Our first important event was the Health and Talent Pageant in April. Greenwood was proud to have club talent skit in which all of our mem bers participated. In addition, we had Stella' Wells and Hugh Rouse, Dekalb Wells and Linda Carter, and Ann Lee Hawes participating in the Health Pag$nat. We were all happy when Anna Lee Was named County Health Qnden. In June we enjoyed an afternoon I at the Cliffs, where we swam and j then MIT'IF'fricinc supper. A wild life (protector ) took us on an in terestingA-jfliided tour of the sur rounding wooded area where he pointed out-various kinds of vege tation and forest creatures. Demonstrations had long been looked forward to. At last the day arrived when our club sent three well practiced participants to Hob bton High. Stella Wells and Martha Bradshaw won second district with a team dairy foods demonstration. Patricia Rouse won a blue ribbon lor her entomology' demonstration. Greenwood sent five members to State 4-H Club Week;; Patricis Rou se, Stella Wells, Martha Bradshaw, Anna Lee Hawes, and Tony Wilson. We all learned an invaluable a mount and returned enthused about our club work. Later in Setembcr,. Tony, Wilson went to New Barn where he shdwed his Jersey Calif Eleventh Annual Coastal Caroling Junior Show. Their he won the first Senior Calf Class and the Grand Champion of Jersey j breed. He also woo the second place fitten showmanship. Then he took her to Wilmington to the Thirteenth Annual Southeastern North Caro lina Junior Dairy Cattle Show, i First, he won purple ribbon merk for looks. He won first senior caif j class, second Junior Champion j breed, and first place fitten show manship. Last, he took his calf to the North Carolina State Fair where he was in red group. Ann Lee Hawes exhibited her en- J tomology collection at the State Fair and was awarded a blue rib bon. November brought the Annaul Achievement Day at which many of the Greenwood members participat ed. Together approximately thirty blue ribbons were won by the Greenweed members. Later in No vember, the blue ribbon winners went to Wilmington.' Everyone en joyed themselves and learned many ?ew ideas about. 4-H- - r < Along about this time we sudden ly become slightly "ffcancially em barrassed." To remedy this state, our club embarked on a candy sel ling project. Our earnings came to fifty dollars which will' pay our beneral expenses untM summer. It has been fun with a good bit of work included; but all in all, we love 4-H. For Expert Watch Repairs See HINES JEWELERS Warsaw, N. C. V4I. A.- \ f ? ? 1' w& g j^gf a...r.-U. ti du&i bos OS tiWJ N1 BETtMk^Z FUTURE***.*.. KST .a.ti-r-. , miff bo* ? r * .y i v- :u:.l J'u am . v ? IWL ' ""I IIJ ?WHIBI'J ? FOR KB HOUSES & mmmv I Kpnantvill* aiyl 71 Mrs. Belton M in shew Ul Phone 554 / Warsaw. N.C i OR Mrs. Homer C. Brj^qj. | Phone 3741 L Pink Hill Ruritan Club's Anni^F Jj AUCTION SALE Sat. March 9,9:00 A. M. tUto# Location: Next To V.F.W. . * J. Pink Hill, N. C. Highway 1^ , I Anyone having any type surplus farm Machinery or equipment, please have j this on sale lot before 9:00 A. M. Saturday, March 9, 1963. Items will be sold i on Commission basis. Any donations to the club will be appreciated. Funds j i to be used for Community Projects. \ I i > Follcwnig Firms Hgvd Made Dongtions > " One Ton Armour Fertilizer Armour Agricultural Chemical Co. s One Ton Mortis Gold Bond-Fertilizer Morris Fertilizer Co. j 20, 25-pound Bags Leco Dog Food Leco Feed Mills 100 Gallons Fuel Oil y Houston Howard [ 1 Bushel Seed Corn Cokcr Seed Co.,^New W. H. Jones 1 Gallon Diazanon Carter Insecticide Co. 200 Pounds Dithane DDT Dust Daly-Herring Co. 1 1 Case Sampson Outside Paint Sampson Paints, New W. H. Jones Shrubbery ....... idfl^rper's Nursery Vt Ton Smith-Douglass 14-0-14 SmitlP-Douglas, Inc. . % Ton Mathieson 3-9-0, Cigarette Spec ial K Odell Hill, Agent \ 1 Ton Baaghs Fertilizer I?2v.~bsjjpew W. H. Jones I. Live Turkey * Shag Wilmor.th, Pink Hill Milling Co. 1 Ton Dixie Fertilizer Dixie Chemical (jo., Hill Supply Co. 1 Case Cities Service-Kool Motor Oil Humphrey-Hardison Oil Co. 2 Cases Kendall Motor Oil, 4-qt, size Parker Oil Co., Neil Jones Motors ? 1 Case Throw-Away Oil Filters Neil Jones Motors 1 Ton Swift's Fertilizer Swift's Fertilizer Co, % Ton V-C Fertilizer Roy C. Taylor 1 Ton Robertson Fertilizer Robertson Fertilizer, Hill Supply Co. 2,100-pound Bags Purina Hog Chow Dawson Milling Co. 1 Ton CWP Pellett Fertilizer 5-19-10 C. W. Priddy, T. A. Turner Co, 100 Pounds Yellow Rose Dog Food Enterprise Feed Mill, Mt. Olive 1 Case Mc<|uade Paint T, A. Turner Co. 1 Bucket Kilowatts A...... CPL ? i -'>m i Barbecue Dinner Available At Sale Site \ SOFT DRINKS, ROASTED PEANUTS, CANDY AT I SALE SITE J ?? . ?. 'ji Beaver Dam's "Little" 4-H Club The Beaver Dam Little 4-H Club under the leadership of Mrs. Rob ert E. Ward and Alice Carol Merritt and Leia Ward as junior leaders met in the club house eptce every two weeks except during the sum mer months when they met once a month. There are eighteen, very en thusiastic members. ? Last March, they filled out health record hanks after each had.filled out daily health improvement che rts. Ann Craft was judged Health Queen and Atbed'Wtatf was Health Ming. ' ' d they participated in the talent ?Mir in KdnaasvUla M doing the