I"-V. . * I fffff1 , _ ? ???? ' IK' I ?*-?'* B-4Z* n - i4 By fcK tolw H '? ?>:s- - i rtffwrrr i ? ?? rorsonaii ? \*w Maton !>?**? aad Joe e( Bus visftod Mrs. Lula ?r total' wfcekcfc* nd *fc* AWrew Jackson M* .and MN. >|Urry'3Mk ?loi?U Sunday. ' ad Mrs. Macon D. Brown eekt- i KMMfs oi Mr. ask. CMmSm -1-- % Abort' Saddlki ir totted Mr * Owen Mdwards Stindaj Fired Brown of.Faytteville Mr . add Mrs.'-'J. 8. Sand I *PpJ? i >'V>/ fcoya Jtodca, Met.'Auleen Idarearet Ptrtreii add Mali r attended a fashion show id by DU Poafc in ?fiotdsboro tUd MfHtr add June oi mo spent fast week end in U? VVMiatf relatives. Zey:t Jones, made a busl p to Kaleich Tuesday, and Mrs. Jim Kitchen of i Beach, Virginia and Mrs. [orrison of Wallace visited ?da Q. Parker over the Jd. 1 alter Gresham spent sev s last week with bis son jhter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs ttliam Gresham in Wilson Vdetl Cottle ?! Rose Hill Mrs. Zoya Jones, Elmer, ackson Thursday. Mean Lanier; Orza Thig Jack Jarman Made a bus ip to High Paint Tuesday ielen Sloan and Mrs. Ha is shopped in Raleigh Helen Sloan add Zoya 'isited Marie Jones Thurs rneon in a Kington Hospi ling tha Spring Clinic of th Carolina Cosmetologist oc. help at the Carolina alelgh, N. C. on February ire Mrs. Zoya Jones, Nell 1 and Margaret Futrell. iu bug has bitten Brenda also I. J. Sandlin, Mfs Btadsbaw, Mrs. Jessie Mr>- Lula Parker ain. u Ball Williams. ,arry Sandlin is seriously tkome id Beulavilie. Wi will soon improve. Jhrtstlne 'Kennedy has re to school after be.rig ou ik with the flu. arl Harreil Of Colleg laryland spent last weak k his mother, Mrs. Haiti , htft ... Agnes Lanier, s.udent a irolina, Greenville, N. t_ le weekend in BeulavUlS ;e Kennedy and Joyce Ani I of East Carolina spent tkend with their fanu.y, hddie Sue Home, Budd Willie Home and Williaii rady all of Campbell Coi mt the weekend in Beula th their family, r Lanier visited Miss Ma. idlin at Slillins College Virginia la.st weekend: nd Mrs. D. L. Justice, an of Gastonia visited Mr l. S. D. Jackson over 'the 1 : Mamie Boggs and Mis .uldrow made a buifRftK Jacksonville and PollOck. ituiday. I nd Mis. Mfcrion Edwards, I Mrs. Willard Haroi?^ I Mrs. Warren Edwards I Mrs. Bernie Stiles,^ Mi s. R. W. Craft and fahnil ? Seafood dinner at Sneads unday. ., ,i j nd Mrs. BID Carroll Vfei Caroll's mother in War aday afternoon* lj;, '?? Willie Singleton and Bud dy oi Jacksonville v.. ted friend, ui Ht.'Uiavttle SaturfcyJ' Mr: Douglas Clark of Wilmington spent the weekewd with hie parents In Beulavflte. a n$P >... Mrs. Ruby Campbell aM Mr Jimmy Kennedy visited Miss Jean Campbell in Wilmington Wednes day.. * dHIJgiOI. ;.[e', Miss RiM Sumner of MiUeb Motte CoBege in - WftMhgton spent IK weekend With her parents Mr and Mrs. Author Sumner in Beufaville Mm. *nd''Mrs. Z.-r. Brown visited Mrs. Brownfi'stster'Idrs. Sloan Srt in Marion South Carolina over the weekend They Visited Rev. Dan Austin of Greensboro at the Greenbrier Motel hi Lumber sen oh their way dOwn Rev. Austin is conducting a' revival at the Baptist Church m LumbertOn. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Campbell. James Emery Campbell, Mrs. Su san Turner, Mrs. J. D. Cottle, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craft Sr. at tended the golden Wedding Anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Craft of Pink Hill Sunday. Announce Birth The BeulaviUe P. T. A. will meet Monday night March It, 1963 at 7:30 p. m. open house wiH be held. All parents and teachers are urged A I>> Sisel P. T. A. To Moot Mr. and Mrs Ronnie Brmson of Beulaville announce the birth of a son on February 24 at Lenoir Me morial Hospital. Mrs. Brinaon is the former Billie Sue Thomas of Beula 1&?t?r;di j Lartier Brenda Lanier Honored V. > Miss Brenda Lanier was enter tained Tuesday night, February 26th with a surprise Birthday supper in honor of her seventeen th birthday, at the home of her oarents, Mr. and Mrs. York Le nt re. ?' " ' 1 Attending the supper was Mar ilyn Denny, Kate Jones, Nancy Bostic, Bobby Ann ?M.ttter, Pat Sumner, Tomasine Sanderson of Chinquapin Susan Humphrey of Richlands, Kay Smith, Carolyn Blizzard, Earl P.rown, Jerry Sim pson Scottle .Halso c f Chinquapin, u n v,iuia>..s, Cecil Houston, Ricky Simpson. The dining room *abh> -was laid vith a white c'oth and centered with a lovely c; ke topped with [ >Lnk epndles and decorated with ?ink and blue rosebuds. Favors of oarty hats and whistles were pas | the business Period. Mi'poh boned iction was used to close the meet 1 Ir" A d"ltghthi' social hour was enjoyed. The hostess served delt"; ous refreshments to the splendid at tendance of members and visitors I Pilgrims With A Purpose Is Study The Intermediate and Junior G. A.'s of 'Dobson Chapel Baptist Chu rch met Monday night. March 4. The purpose of the meeting was to observe the week of prayer. The Intermediate G. A.'s present ed the program, "Pilgrims with a purpose,," to the Juniors. The pro gram was about praying for home missions and Annie Armstrong Offerings. Could you be as "Pam" was in the program, couldn't understand why we pray for home missions? The meeting was ad'ourned with a prayer by Miss Sophia Bland. Keporter Janice Chambers Pleasant Grove 4-H Club In the past year, the Pleasant Grove 4iH Club has reecived a Club Charter. They have had a "car wash" and talent show. Four of the members attended Club Week, and I Pit a.a) Crossword Puzzle ? ?w? v i* i* t* r i* i* i,# i" ^rcb^S ^ s?uEi""S"1r_ j^5jUfo?d p8jjj^j ST**" ~~ p? u g8| ri ^r"B? B*" " 24.1tete tltlat -|"> Sz!Ortwrbobe 39.Mimic 44.Uncovered ll.Method 34. Limbs 40. Narrow 45. Mother and 13. Range - 39. Rod opening father 17. Contend 3T~?ocnpank>n: 41. Tableland 48. Coral island with ? dang 42. Reference, 47. Meat slices 20. Employ . T 48. Concise' 21. Therefore I ? * . Shiny tebrle 29. Fastening . Arranges ? devices I Roselike 20. Iterate ( object 32. Blesaings x U Insects . 22. Stands N >. Golf mound 25. Class; sort I 1. Amphibians 38. Schemes ? . rorearm 38. Dipper ( bone 40. Sulxnerge L Cover 41. Counterpart i. Lazy one 42. Beverage 1 111 Personals Mi ;inrl Mrs. Kenneth Tavlor v.teadMt the paigratn sponswej by the 'u'it. s at the Willi ilea Communi. ;? Building, SatuiOay evening, honoring H. McNaii Johnson retired Rural Letter Cai-i rier and Willie Murray retired em oloyee of the Costal Plain Resear ch Station at Willard. Lolly llouie spent Satur day in Golds'juro with Iter brother Mr. Herbert Hon-.e. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor attended the leoepL.uit, honui uil. Congressman and M"s. Ctunles K. Jonas at the Cohr.rie Country Club, in Clinton brulay. Mrs. L. E. Pope spent Thursday tfciough Sutufday in New Bern wi.h Mr. and Mrs. Jame3 Earl Jones and family. Mesdames J. N. Ilorne ami Kenneth Taylor attended the Spr ing Fashion, Fabric Show spon so.ed by the Sewing Basket in Wallace, Thursday evening. Mrs. Verlie Wells, Joyce Jackie and David spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Powell and fam ily. Supper guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Powell on Sunday night wore Mr. and Mrs. Heroert Tuc ker Dianne and Gail of Teachey and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans Sheila, Janet and Nancy ot Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Powell, Sherry and Durwood attended the Blue and Gold Cub Scout Banquet in Wallace Friday night. Mr. James David Hamilton ol Bayboro spent the weekend with Mrs. J. E. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Smith. Mrs. Houston Merritt and Hous ton Jr. ol Wilmington spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. V. D Wilson and family, Mrs. Bettie Mae Tucker and Mrs. Brozil Brown. Mrs. Jan Trapnell of Toms River, New Jersey was supper gue-t of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pope Sunday night. Mr. W. L. Byrd of Mount Olive was lay speaker at Magnolia Methodist church Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Byrd and their son came with them. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Pendr lea visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pickett and Ann of Goldsboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Pic kett and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Goodrich of Goldsboro visited' Mr, and Mrs nine attended camp. ' This year the club officers arc President: Bobby Goodson; Vice President: Beverluy Grady; Secre tary-Treasurer: Carolyn Sue Her ring; and Reporter is Barbara Grady. Mary Linda Grady is Presi dent of the County Council, while Bobby Goodson is Vice-President. Booby Goodson is the eandidte for s-cretary of the Southeastern Dis trict. Bobby is also the treasurer of the Honor Club, Mary Linda is I Vice-President. Mary Linda and : Robhv a'sn took heme honors from ; the Health Pageant. Mary Linda won 1st. planp in "iris senior divi I "on ar-t "nbhv was runner-up ir ! the boys division. When it comes to livestock, Bcbby was named Grand Champion with : his black anpus sfeer at both the i Kinston and Wilmington livestock show. Richard and Robert Waller and Mac Jones have also entered livestock. Bobby also has a large interest in insects. His collections have been given a red ribbon in area competition and a blue at the state fair. In sewing, Mary Linda and Bev erly Grady tied for 1st. place in their club Senior dress revue. Mary Linda has also done a lot of work in home improvement. This past year she won a week's trip to Chica go for her outstanding work. Phyllis Waller won 1st. place in the club's junior dress revue. She then won in the county competition and placed 3rd. in the area contest. Phyllis al so entered the livestock show last year and served as president of the club. COLD SUFFERERS Get fast relief from that ache-all over, worn-out feeling due to colds. STANBACK'S combination of medi cally-proven ingredients reduces fever and brings comforting relief. Use as a gargle for sore throat due to colds. Snap back with STANBACK. E- - ? . i i i i 1 Exports Provido Big Ootlot for Moiy U. S. Form Products PERCENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 wh*ai *3 )BB^BiBiBB^BBB|BB^BB^i Rice ? j5 ^SM^BBBfrBB^BBB^BBBBI Tallow 44 ??BBBBIIBBBIB i Soybeans (including oil)-*34 ^BHBBBBBBBB Barley 33 BBBjBWfBBBB Cotton 33 ?BBppBBB Sorghum grains 24 Corn 22 ?HBBBI i-<- ?,7 3S| i i fipoari compaaco with nam ?aics roa crops an* with production pom laro aho tallow. ?AT A At? PO? PIICAt TIAR INML u.s homitmbt op AOMCUttVAO ?IO. ??* HH.QUO? tCOHONlC RRHAOCM R^VICt j EAFOKTS BKNEKIT FARMERS - Agriculture accounts for one fourth of all U. S. exports. Part of the production of nearly every farm community goes abroad and the nation relies heavily on agriculture for export earnings. Such exports were 15 per cent of cash receipts from farm marketings in 1962, while nonfarm exports about eight per cent of output. Jerry Smith, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Smith and Steve of Harrells visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith at tended the funeral of Mrs. Smiths , sister, ,Mrs. Josephine Pope in ( Dunn, Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. Abbie Smith, Bobby and A. Q., Mr. and Mrs. < iosepn House and Sharon had ! t supper at Faircloth's. < ; < Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hall visile-.' , relatives near Autryville, Sunday. 1 ( Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ezzell and ??>milv and Mrs. Lula Haney of Baltimore spent Sunday with Mr. J and Mrs. Raymond Boone. > Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boone, j accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J , B. Carter of Warsaw, visited Pre I ton Boone, in Clinton Iljspita". J ] Sunday evening. i Got something to sell? Call ] For the finest in job prin i TING contact the DUPLIN - j ] TIMES. ( Baptist W. M. U. Has Oriental Tea The Woman Missionary Society met last Tuesday night carrying >ut an oriental therne with a tsa oeginning at 7:00 o'clock. The assembly room was arrang ;d with hanging Japanese Lan :erns. Chinese Wind Chimes, Ori jntal Flower arrangements. Chop Sticks, Pictures and Statues wtic jsed to represent an oriental gar den. Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, dtessed in Japanese costume, served the ori sntal hot jasmine tea. by Yir.g Mee rea Company in Hong ICong, from a low table. Characteristic of the Japanese, squares cf sponge cake, aalfmoon shaped cookies, sprin kled with nuts, Korean style, and rice cereal squares weer served. Others ass sting and dressed in Korean, Chinese and Japanese rostumes were Mrs. L. E. Pope. Mrs. Alviri Powell, Mrs. Clifton .ihe.itnutt and Mi's. Paul Bass. CHANG E-OF-LIFE... !i fill ... jj. . uuot it tiii you wirn Terror ...frighten you? READ HOW COUNTLESS WOMEN HAVE FOUND THE WAY TO OVERCOME CHANGE-OF-UFE FEARS Have you reached that time of life when your body experiences strange new sensations?when one minute you feel enveloped in hot flushes and the next are clammy,coULdralned of energy, nervous, irritable? Are you in an agony of fear? Too troubled to be a good wife and mother? Don't just suffer from thtf suffocating hot flashes, the sud den waves of weakness, the nervous tension that all too fre quently come with the change k when relief can be had. ? ,. J Find comforting relief the wey countless women have, with gentle Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets. Especially developed to help women through this most trying period. In doctor's tests 3 out of 4 women who took them reported welcome effec tive relief. And all without ex pensive "shots." Don't brood. Don't worry yourself sick. Get Lydfa E. Pinkham Tr'dets at your drug gists. Ink3 thu.1 daily just like vitamin ;. am* LYDIA E. PINKHAM fee Home No Longer r T'lTtrrTlTiMni H?i 1111 ?imm III Iimi ? i I?.n.m. ?iii&iiMi Mtl A wall of water breaking across beaches from the Atlantic Ocean daring the East Coast storms last year tpppled this home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster into Roanolto Sound at Nags Head, N. C. Here Mr. Foster, left, and J. White Guyn, Red Cross worker, discuss plans of the Red Cross, to help the Fosters In rebuilding. The tea be~an half an hour ear- 1 lier in order to help get everyone i more interested for the program to . follow entitled, "Witnessing to Oriental Americans". Mrs. Clifton Guy, program chairman presented the program, i Mrs. Paul Bass led the devotional. Assisting in the study of the Ori- I ent was Mrs. Jack Joyner. lowship Hall. Refreshments were served by their councelor, Mrs.v Joscoe Potter assisted by Mrs ^bbie Smith and Mrs. Albert West. Faison cdjurch had the largifst number present. Pastors attending were Rev. Kirby of Wallace Rev. Wilson. Warsaw; Rev. Hood; Pink Hill and Rev. Pegg pastor of Magnolia church. ; Bar-B-Que Supper The Magnolia Lion's Club is spon soring a barbecue supper to be 1 held at the Community Building Saturday night March 9. The pub lic is cordially invited. | Magnolia Church Host To M. Y. F. M. Y. F. Sub-District meetin". was held in the Magnolia Metho dist Church Sunday evening Mar ch 3. Those taking part in this div- j ision were Frank Thomas, Crain j ! Rich, C. H. Pope Jr., and the | Junior Choir. After the business meeting a movie "Last In The Crowd, and recrea ion was enjoyed in the Fel Neej stationery, envelopes. business forms printed? CON tact (DUPLIN-TIMES job Pftilfe ting .department. W HAVE VOO * Ejf 779 f CD tr V6T? J Gillette S?0?**.BLUEtBLADE DOUStI EDGED . DOUBLE ECONOMY BITS All OIUITTI IAZOB* Duplin JlllfcL. Ttm? ? K- ^ TUA1H Phone 296-2171 f~*u ?-? rT^N & Letter-heads Circulars n f Printing For All Occasions ? Ruled Business Forms ? mBm Programs Posters ? m m ? Subscribe To The Duplin Times i Envelopes' riolia Society I