. HOMES SBinHEL TffoL I VOL. XXXI NO. 32 KENANSVUXE. N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUSr 6.1964 PRICE IQf PLUS TAX M < 'in ?" 1 Economist Sees Five Ways To Help Leaf As agricultural economist at North Carolina state baa out lined five "opportunities" which he beUerea will help dlaparaa noma of the dark ckNMte hovering over the bacco Industry. The economist, Dr. W. D. Touaaalnt, attributed the dark clouSa to the health scare, lagging exports and growing world tobacco stocks. "The tobacco Industry should attempt to sua that tha haalth hazard ts kept In Its proper perspective." Toussaint said. "Esaggerated claims against smoking should not ba allowed to go tmchallanged." Toussalnt warned, on tha other hand, against "an all oat effort to denounce the Surgeon General's Report," because, he said, It did contain some * ?/ evidence that mciiiIti ?mak ing 1* related to disease. He predicted, however, that "people ere going to continue to smoke, and declared that "It Is of pObllc concern to Invest In research directed toward solution of the smoking and health problem." "U there are conatltueoU in tobacco smoke that are harm ful, these must be Identified," he Mid. "One* identified. there la a reasonable chance that ways can Da found to remove ?U or part of tha harmful ele mant...? w ?uSS^Sf t&aJ? TtSSEt ??Id that world conaumptloo of cj?*r*tt*? 1? expactad to ba "If tha United SUtas u to J?1" f ?Xp"nd^ to ?"r ?"Ho natou ?*c?Miy," ha de PfcwofCom Market countries to In creaae the tariff of U. S. t? . w* cannot afford on by WhU* Urttt* on our tobacco are Increased or other actions discriminating against our tobacco are taken." ?A* *fctWrt P01"'. Toussaint urged formers to look at ai. iarnauv. control program * sea If they might offer relief from certain difficulties posad by acreage controls. .. A"*onf altarnatlvas man. "Sir: ,tpou?1?f? control ' ? two-price system ?nd a system of deficit pay. wMlUml^*. H2nly m*nUone