PERSONALS Mr. and Mra. Resale Kennedy and children and Mr. and Mra. Troy Mercer spent Friday at White Late. Mra. Leo Weston and children and Mra. Rene F til rail went to Jacksonville shopping Wednes Dave Houston. Mrs. Dave Houston Mrs. Vera Fu trell and Connie Houston shop pod In Klnston Wednesday. Marlon Kennedy, who was home on a fourteen day leave, hurt Ms. lee and had to return to the hospital at Fort Jackson S. C. Sunday. Brandy Houston "Pee wee" Is home on a fourteen-day leave after completing his baste train Ins at Fort Jackson. S. C. Ralph Smith is home for four teen days with his parents. He has completed his Essie train ing st Fort Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weston and children. Mrs. RENAFutrelland Mrs. Lou Weston are touring the mountains this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Houston. Mrs. Thad Jones, Mrs. Ber nlce Houston and son Charles went to New Bern shopping Sa turday. Mr. Thad Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Houston, visited their son, Alois Houston who is a patient in the hospital In Goldsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. wUlard Sumner and children went shopping In K lust on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. D. Kennedy, and El len Mercer visited their mo ther, Mrs. Lewis Mercer, at Goldsboro Hospital where she is a patient, Sunday. Mrs. Grace Sumner, Mrs. Callie Baker and marllyn Ba ker had dinner at Scons Bar beque house In Goldsboro Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kennedy, Shelby, Gloria, Ray and Cyn thia went to Klnston shopping Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Carol Hansley were in a revival meeting at Malachl's Chapel in Columbia, N. C. last week. Anita Hansley of Lenoir Nurs tag School ta Ktaston spent the week end with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Carol Hansley. Mrs. Bruce Duff, Gcraldtae and Spanky Duff spent the week end at Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Crews. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy, Linda Kay, Gall, Delora and Bennle spent from Thursday to Sunday at Carolina Beach. Guests ta the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hill Rhodes sun day were Mr. and Mrs.,Tommy Rhodes and children from Ra leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mul drow and daughter from Faye ttevllle and Scott Rhodes from Raleigh. Mrs. Janle reel. Mrs. Viola Keel visited Mrs. Lodle Brock Frtday. Mr. and Mrs. willard Sum ner, Jenell and jeffery visit ed Rev. Ralph Sumner and fami ly at Arapahoe Sunday. Jeffery 1> spending this week wlh Sim my Sumner. Mrs. Joe Hill Rhodes and Scott Rhodes made s business trip to Wilmington. Mrs. Dorothy Wlngate and children of Charlotte were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Hare from KenansvQle visited Mrs. Hare's mother. Mrs. Sam Byrd Sunday. Mrs. William Buchanan and son from Durham are spending the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. ivey Norrls. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Smith of F rederlcksburg, Virginia and Mrs. Blanche Howard of Ke nansvtlle visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell chesmore and Mrs. Carrie chesmore Sunday. DISTRICT YOUTH FELLOWSHIP MEETIG The Youth Fellowship met at Cabin Free Will Baptist Church Saturday night to hold its regu lar meeting. The Sandy Plain girls chorus opened the services with special singing. Rev. Frances Gamer host pastor, gave the welcome address and led in prayer. The ^congregation sang and the an nouncements were given by the president. Ken Smith. The roll was called with ten churches represented. Sandy Plain won the banner with tnirty-two representing. An offering was taken and more special singing by Rev. and Mrs. Frances Gamer and dau ghter and the girls chorus from Sandy Plain. The film, "Teenage Testa ment" was shown which was very inspiring. Preston Smith led a short devotion and pro nounced the benediction. The next Youth Fellowship will be hel d at Daly's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church Septem ber 17, at 8 o'clock. BARBEQUE DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ressle Kennedy gave their bam help a surprise Darbeque dinner last week. Mr. Lloyd Cole of Beulaville came and served 18 workers barbeque, drinks and cakes. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy wished to show their appreciation for the cooperation of their faith ful help during all the weeks of this hot busy time. COURT OF HONOR Edward Earl Kennedy, Scout master of Troop 240, Puie Ridge was In Charge of the Court of , Honor held at Sandy plain ' Church Sunday during the regu [ lar morning worship service. Craig Mercer received his Life ! Rank and Merit Badge on Safety. Gary Mercer received his merit | badge for Art, and Calvin Ri s chard Mercer received his me I rlt badges In Leather Work and I Home Repairs. WITH THE SICK i Mr. Robert Beasley is in Dup lin General Hospital and Is ; needing eight pints of O post I tlve blood. Anyone having that I type and can give some, It | would be greatly appreciated. ? ? ? ? Mr. John Miller who Is a ' patient at Chapel Hill Hosplta' Ihas had to have one of his feet amputated, but last reports ? were that he Is doing some I better. BIRTHDAY DINNER ! Mrs. Wesley Jenkins was ho > nored with a birthday dinner | YEAR ROUND SCHOOL HEADQUARTERS SPECIALS j I on Wallace-RH Note Books j ! with New Piano Hinge ! J M.89 ! I Rose Hill Gramnwr School Note Books ! ) Also Charity High Note Books 1 COMPLETE LINE | Nifty NOTE BOOKS and Nlfly SCHOOL SUPPLIES | Spatial an Nifty Saper i STARTER SITS -*? j OUR PRICE M.89 * 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 500 SllMl5 Nifty | 25 C5 LOOSE LEAF FILLER I ? J$>"