MOUNT OLIVL The Rev. S. A. Smith, right, >f Beulavllle has L- ? designated by the Board oi DiM -or of Mount - ive College as a Special Representative. He is shown with President W. Burkette Raper discussing progress on the new library now under construction. As a Special Represent at i.t Mr. Smith will assist President Raper in denon.national meet ings and on other appropriate occasions. He is a Former superintendent of the FreeWlil Baptist Children's Home, Middlesex. Currently he Is pastor of Sarecta and Pearsall's Chapel Free Will Baptist Churches. His work for the College will be part-time and he will continue his pas toral services. "We feel fortunate to have a person of Mr. Smith's experience and dedication to help pro mote Mount Olive College," President Raper declared. Reorganization Plan For Army National Guard Major (x-neral '"Maude T. Bo wers. The /j-jjiani General of North Carolina, today .mounc ed that the proposed tiuup '1st for the reorganization of i. e North Carolina Army National Guard had been accepted by this State and that final plans had been drifted and are being forwarded to the Nationd Guard Bureau for implementation. The date for reorganization has been set for January 1. 1968. The reorganization changes the 30th "Old Hickory" Infant try Division from an infantry to a mechanized infantry divi sion. The new troop structure for North Carolina provides this State with 77 Army Guard units - a reduction of IS units from the 92 currently on hand. The new structure provides for 10,910 officers and enlisted men - a reduction of 352 from the present priority aggregate st rength of 11,262. Aliunits, how ever, would be maintained at a minimum of 93 per cent strength. The one single organization in North Carolina most affected is the 30th Infantry Division as it converts from an infantry to a mechanized infantry division. The dlvij ion is reduced from its current 88 units to a total of 54 and Its strength reduced from 10,986 to 7,883. Retained in the division structure would be the -division base; one signal battalion with four companies; one engineer battalion with four companies; one brigade headquarters; one armored cavalry squadron with three troops; one military poli ce company: one division artil lery headquarters battery; one 155 mm self-propelled field ar tillery battalion with five bat teries; one 155/B inch self propelled artillery battalion with five batteries; one "Ho nest John" rocket battalion with three batteries, one head quarters company and band of division support command; one administration company; one medical battalion with two com panies; one supply and trans port battalion with three com panies and one maintenance bat talion with three companies. Also, the division would have two armored battalions and two mechanized infantry battalions with four units each. The greatest loss to the di vislo n and the State are two of its brigades. This means the elimination of two brigade head quarters and four infantry bat talions. Also, the division loses its aviation battalion. The Army Guard will also lose the special forces company with elements located in Wilmington and Charlotte. The divisional lossed are off set somewhat by the substan tial gain of non-division units which includes a five-battalion force. Non - divisional units would Include a State head quarters detachment with five operrtional sections; one me chanized infantry battalion with four companies; two military police battalions with four com panies each; one transportation battalion with four companies; one maintenance battalion with four companies and one medi cal detachment with two me dical teams. General Bowers said the new troop structure for North Caro - Una will provide this State with a balanced force, both combat and support, to meet most com mitments. "We feel that we hive sufficient strength to provide for both our State and Federal missions." he said. "Every effort has been made to keep at a minimum any tur bulence with respect to chang ing unit designations and re quirements fo r retraining of personnel.General Bowers continue, "However, It became necessary to change some units which will automatically re quire retraining. I am happy to report that all communities FACE 3 in North Carolina now having National Guard units will retain a unit in the reorganization." "Also," General Bowera sald, "We are able to maintain ap proximate levels of strength in each community commensu rate with the strength presently assigned." The following list provides unit designations and locations for the reorganization of the North Carolina Army National Guard effective January 1,1968, as pertains to Units from Dup INVITATION ISSUED Final plans have been made for the marriage of Miss Susan lin County. 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 120th Infantry: Headquarters Headquarters Company, Wilm ington, Wallace; Company A, Jacksonville, Morehead City, Beulaville; Company B, White ville, Shallotte, Fair Bluff; Company C, Smithfleld, War saw. Spattg ot Petersburg. Vs. to TTiomss John Horsky of Rich mond, Vs. The wedding will take place s