TOPlWr ? ?111 ?VlFWwV Mit. C. R. Mattock 289-3460 i Mrs. L A Wilton 289-3384 CALENDER OF WEEKLY EVENTS IN ROSE HILL ? " ? " i AUGUST 29th? SEPTEMBER 5th. 1968 Thursday August 29--Firemen Meet Thursday August 29?Library Open Friday Avust 30? Saturday August 31?Teachey-Williams Nuptials at Rose Hill Methodist Church Sunday, September 1? Monday, September 2?Methodist WSCS Meets at the Church Monday, September 2? Chamber of Commerce Meets Monday, September 2?Presbyterian Women's Circles Meet Tuesday, September 3?Eastern Star Meets Tuesday, September 3?Town and Country Club Meets Tuesday, September 3? Presbyterian Men of the Church Mpet Wednesday, September 4? Baptist WJd.U. Meets Thursday, September 5? Lions Club Meets Thursday, September 5?Library Open Thursday, September 5?Firemen Meet Personals Guests of Mr. and Mrs. B.G. Herring, Sr. last week were Mrs. J.C. PhUback and chil dren, Sandy and Kathy of Ch arlotte, Ben Herring Jr, Miss Nancy Herring, Paul, Ronald and Jim Herring all of Wil mington and Miss Joan Best, of Warsaw. Recent guests were Misses Linda and Libby Best of Warsaw. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Merritt '? ? and their daughter Mrs. Ray Hembly of Jacksonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Merrltt and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mer rltt In Burlington. Returning home after a visit with their grandparents were Lori and Da rren Merrltt, children of the Buddy Merrltts. They had been In Rose Hill for two weeks wh ile their father was an oper ative patient in Alamance Co unty Hospital In Burlington. Bu ddy is back at his home now and is doing very well. Miss Elizabeth Forlaw and her sister, Mrs. Case Lleu w en burg of Wilmington enjoyed a trip to Williamsburg last week. Miss Beverly Rouse and br other, Billy of Jacksonville, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. W.L Rouse. Their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Eris Ro use, were visitors in Rose Hill on Saturday, also. Mrs. Harry Davis has retur ned home after spending the summer at Caswell Baptist Assembly Grounds, Ft. Caswell. She visited in Winston Salem last week for a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Grog an, and her sister in-law, Miss Josyshine Davis. Miss Ann Davis left on Au gust 15th, tor her new position as Home Econimics Instructor at the Clyde A. Erwin High School in Asheville. Miss Da vis is a 1968 graduate of We stern Carolina University at Cullowhee, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper returned o n Saturday from an extended vacation to the mountains of North Carolina, to Tennessee, and to Kentucky. ? They reported a fine trip and many interesting places and ? sights. " I Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Butler spent last week in Ridgecrest. Their children BUI and Margaret accompanied them. David Savage, who has been spending the summer with Bobby Mo?back of Long Island has returned home. Mrs. Dwight A. Petty has had her sister, Mrs. L.B. Re avis of Houston, Texas as her guest. Mrs. Reavis arrived on Monday of last week and at ayed several days. On Tues day their brother, George A. Griffin of Durham visited them here. Later in the week. Rev. and Mrs. Petty and Bernard Petty accompanied Mrs. Rea vis to Durham where they vi sited several friends and rela tives in the city and its vici nity. Mrs. Reavis remained in Durham for a longer visit and wUl return to Ft. Worth by air line from there. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Carter, Misses Jo and Jackie Carter, '*Mu!MKj5" Garris of East Church Street spent last week In Clinton visiting her MB MMrsR.TA Gr| ter Claudia. Mr. and Mrs. Jo-1 hnny Knowles of Kinston, Mrs. Annie Thomas Knowles ana . Charlie Huffman of Rockv Mr. were week end visitors at Surf City last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Matthews spent last week-end at Kure s Beach visiting Mr. and Mrs. Steve Batten. Mrs. Bet en is { the former Br en da Matthews . of Rose Hill. ?- ji Mr. and Mrs. McDonald Carr and son Dm. of Greenville, were week-end guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Waitus Harrell of the Charity Commun- tjj lty last week. Misses Judy and Nancy Ro use spent last week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Griffin, 1 n Richmond They returned on the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Griffin came with them for a visit with th eir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ch ester Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Br ock and children of Norfolk are visiting his mother Mrs. Laura Brock who lives In the Pasture Branch Community, Rose Hill. RFD. 2. Week-end guests of the Ran dolph Mattocks were Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mattocks. Jr. and baby Emily Gray of Winston Salem, Mrs. James Teachey (Beth Mattocks) and daughter Julia of Wilmington, Miss Ca thy Mattocks ofCharlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dorsett of Sh elby and Mrs. N.M. Mattocks of MaysvUle. This family gathering was to be present at the baptismal service at the Methodist Church for little Em ily Gray Mattocks. Mr. and Mrs. Dorset' are the maternal grandparents of the little girl and Mrs. Mattocks of Mays ville is her paternal great gr andmother ? Mrs. Betty Jean Moore of Raleigh and ner children, Neal and Karen, were week-end gu ests of her mother, Mrs. De Witt Lockerman and Mr. Lo ckerman. , _ Mr. and Mrs. Wade Farrior of Durham were at home with tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Jerome for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fre derick visited Mrs. Frederick's father. Mr. Alex Kornegay. In Raleigh on Sunday. Jack Frederick returned to Mars Hill College oe Sinday Jack Is a member of the In coming Junior Class this year., Mr. Robert L. Rtfisey has had two weeks furlogh From his navy base and visited his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ramsey. The family spent last week at their cottage on Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. C.P. Ayers, Dr, of We bster Groves, Missouri has arrived at her son, C.P. Avers Jr's home for an extended vi sit. Old Rose HU1 friends will be happy to see her again. Welcome Ava Ayers. Recent guests of Mr. andMrs. O.B. Turner were their daugh ter, Mrs. Bernard Ennis (Emory Turner) and her son, Ralph Enni*|rf Morehead City, Ralph will euttr State College in September and Mrs. Ennis will then move to Chapel Hill, where she has accepted a po sition as Secretary in the Un iversity of North Carolina Me dical College. She will be personal secretary for the ass istant Dean of Medicine. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tur ner and Ken have returned from their vacation trip to Richmond and Williamsburg, Va. In Ri chmond they visited with Mike Moncure, who was best man In their wedding. Little daughter Stephannie visited her grand parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ajt. Teachey in Fayetteville while her parents and big brother were away. Miss Fleurette Berube.of De triot, Michigan is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Gldding Berube, who is making her home here with her brother Tom Gid dings, and Mrs. Giddings. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Giddings, Jr. and Freddie Le on, Jerry, David and Phyllis were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Giddings. Miss Teachey Honored Miss Linda Teachey, brid? elect of August 31st, was hew nored with a miscellaneous stw ower at the home of Mrs. Da niel J. Fussell on Thursday ni ?ht the twenty-second of August, erving with Mrs. Fussell as hostess were Mesdames W.H. Fussell, Re id Fussell, Sr. and J.W. Blanchard. On arriving the honoree. Miss Teachey, was presented with a corsage of white carelllas and her mother, Mrs. P.O. Teachey, was presented with a pink lily bouquet. Two contests concerning marriage and honeymoon were played and winners were Mrs.' Normon Teachey and Mrs. Du ane Fussell. Both winners pr esented their prizes to the bride to be. Homemade poundcake andpi ach ice cream were served by the hostesses, who were assis ted in serving by Miss Lisa Fussell. Present were the honoree and her mother, Mesdames De nnis Ramsey. Granville Sheffi eld, J. C. Coooer, Sr. B.G. Teachey. L.A. Wilson, Jimmy Riley, Norman Teachey, Misses Harriet Lanier and Lisa Fus sell and the hostesses. I 1 1 . 1"1 "The Good Old Days" Along 1911 about 57 years ago these three little folks pl ayed with their Billy Go ats while big sister wkched across the fence for their wel fare, probably to see th* the baby didn't get butted down by the goat. He looks capable of douig so. In those days. and for many years following, a billy goat was a favorite pet for little folks. Thes< children probably had a wagon with shafts and a full harness to hitch him to, and took turns,,riding up and down the sandy streets that Ro se Hill used for a thorough fare. Many happy hours were spent with Btllie, and his pen was right in the back yard. He was petted, combed and brush ed, fed well and sometimes-we hope-given a bath?but a st ranger had better beware, or his owners might sick him on you if you didn't watch out. Who are these children? You probably will know big broth er. Baby brother, now has a group of grandchildren. The middle sized boy, (Yes he's a boy, too, in spite of die apron and the bangs and bo bbed hair!) reads the Duplin Times each week and has said that we would never find a picture of him to put in the paper. We like this one a lot, buddy. If Bta Sister just took her hand an her mo uth there would be nothing to guess, for she's a dead give away, isn't she? f East Marian, Long Island, l.Y. announce the birth of a ion, Matthew Charles on Au [ust 16th. The baby weighed 7 lounds and 14 ounces. Mrs. 3r anison was formerly Miss luth Ann Mosback. Dr. Br an Is on , a navy medi :al officer is stationed in To teyo, Japan, at the present time ina he will be joined there by drs. Br anison and his little son >efore very long. m i f Tl mfiel h Parrot! j Li?! NEW CROP j OF | j TURNIP SEED i I Has just arrivtdl j { It is timt to think of I I that fall gardanl J j You hava timo now | I to plant I I POLE OR BUSH 1 POLE OR BUSH | I LIMAS { CUCUMBERS j SQUASH ] I PEAS j MM! Wm m BDBj f" IS THERE MUSICAL ] { HAPPINESS IN YOUR FAMILY? J | Make this Happiness Last Forever,,. I with a | .STORY & CLARK ! ^ piano | * A NEW PIANO LESSONS ARE STARTING NOW BY I THIS AREA'S FINE I MUSIC TEACHERS f Save $200 'till Aug. 31 V CALL RICHARD PARSONS NOW |f FOR EXPERT PIANO TUNING! j FREDERICK'S ! OF GOLDSBO ' "House Of Music" I 208 E. Walnut St. Dial 735-4481 j j ^ ^oldsboro. N. C. J i ?i iiLt BIG SALUTE (k "AMERICA'S FARMERS: PROVIDERS OF PLENTY" Today's farmers pro vide ample, whole some food when, where and how we want it. ? And the cost takes a smaller share of our incomes - ? 18.2 per cent ? .? smaller than at any time in history. The Land Bank Is proud to have a part in the progress of farmers throughout this area. FEDERAL LAND RANK ASSN. ef Clinton. N. C. DsWitt Csrr. Mgr. WHETHER BUILDING OR REMODELING, BE SURE TO SEE FAMOUS FRIGIDAIRE BUILT-INS. SEE OUTSTAND ING FEATURES SUCH AS SELF-CLEANING OVENS AND DISHWASHERS WITH SUPER SURGE WASHING ACTION. BFRIGIDAIRB S3 FRIGIDAIRE H FRIGIDAIRE Dishwasher Wall Oven & Cooking Top Compact 30 Range ?? 1 i I rrTTTT"] | 1 WE HAVE THE COMPLETE I SM line 0f frigidaire I 1 BUILT-INS-See Our Display Today! When you nood built-ins cad for Harold Brown HASTY ? ** W # iW C# DONT TAKE CHANCES By Carrying Cash Around... When You're Pad, Deposit Your Check i At The Nearest Waccamaw Bank I For Credit Where You LIVE! | 5jC OUR BANKS IN TOBACCO MARKET TOWNS ARE OPEN EACH MARKET DAY UNTIL AFTER THE MARKETS CLOSE Vg WACCAMAW WACCAMAW BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ?? ; ? ?' 'w.TS ' 4: -' J.-, .. ? ' ?? T'jr?f BEULAVILLE ? BOLIVIA ? CMAOBOURN ? CHINQUAPIN ? "CLARKTON ? 'MINN ? * FAIRMONT KENANSVILH . LAKE WACCAMAW ? LCLANO ? LOUIMUM . LUMBCRTON . RIEGELWOOO ROSE HILL ? SHALLOTTE ? SOUTHPORT ? TABOR CITY ? "WMITEVILLE ? WILMINGTON ? YAUPON BEACH m:W&m ^ I