Summeriin's Crossroads v '- Wwm, -. ?- it**1 ? s rersonan By: Mr*. Carl toy Congratulations! to Summer 11ns ? the Mount Olive Soft ball league for Winning the Mt. Olive Tourney Title, aid die regular season ChampionshipIn the Tournament Finds last Th ursday night. This was the second year In a row that Sum merlin has won both titles. Sgt. aid Mrs. Dennis Davis returned to their home here Tuesday after being st atoned at Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri, for several months. Set. Da vis expects to .receive his dis charge from active duty in die Armed Forces soon. Mr. and Mrs. Emmltt Rog ers and Emmltt Ruthentertain ' ed relatives at a Barbecue di nner at the home Thursday Among those attending the dln i ner was Mr. and Mrs. Coy Green, Mr. and Mrs. Dow las Pickles, Lorl and Doug of Perry, Fla. Mrs. Charles E. Goods on and .daughters Valerie and Kathy ? Goodson of Greenville spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Mrs. T. A. Jemigan. Mrs. Carl Foster of LsGran ge visited her grandmother, Mrs. Edgar Summerltn, Thurs. Edith Kornegay of Mt. Olive spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl toy while her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kornegay were spending an all expense paid vacation at Myrtle Beach, S.C., awarded by the Home Security Insur ance Co. Ricky and Mary Hazel Kornegay of the Beau tancus Community accompanied them to Wilmington for a vi sit with Mrs. Lizzie Kornegay, Mrs. Mack Marshbum and Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sum merlin and Donald Ray spent the week-end with her paren ts Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whaley of War rent on. Mrs. Jimmy Barwlck and Mrs. WUlard Pate accompani ed Cathy Pate to KlnstoaMon day where she entered Lenoir Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Powell and Ashely of Warsaw and Mrs. Walter L. Hlnson, Sr. visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Hln son, Jr. of Greenville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. toy, Jr. Kathy. Charles ?d Rouse awl little Turman Alphln spent the week end at Tops*11 Beach. Mrs. Helen Waller. and Mrs. T.A. Jernigan returned to their respective homes Thursday aft er spending several days with Dr and Mrs. Robert L. Sum merlin and chlttften of Etablln. Mrs. Ray Parker, and Mrs Melrln Sutton of Mt.Olive,Mrs. Ella Outlaw and Mrs. Thomas Summerlln attended the Oral Roberts Crusade held in Ra leigh this week end. Norman Lee Batchelor and son Johnny of J acksonvllle, Fla. and Mrs. Joh n J. Am on, Sr. visited Mr. and Mrs Carl Ivey Tuesday enrout e from Kenmsvtlle where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Melrln Hender son, patients at the Duplin Ge neral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lin wood Grady of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitman Saturday. Lynn returned home with them fol lowing a visit with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Perry Grady of Scott's Store, and Mr. and Mrs. Whitman. Mrs. Thurman Jernigan of Durham visited Mrs. T.A. Jernigan Wednesday enroute from Topsail Island. Mrs. James Sparks, Pamela, Jimmy, and Debra left by plane from the Raleigh-Durham air port Tuesday for their home in Rantoul, Illinois after spend ing several weeks with Mrs. Herbert J. Summerlln and re latives in this Community. Pvt. and Mrs. Ronnie Tadlock ac companied her to the airport. visiting Mrs. Faye Good man and Jimmy during the we ekend were Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Goodman. Jean, FX. Jr. and David of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of Pl easant Grove Community, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Carter of Rones Chapel, Mr. and Mrs. Adron Goodman, Regina, Jerry, Sandra and Lindi of Mt. Olive. Mr. and Mrs. F sis on Smith, Kemberly, Katrlna and Karen of Raleigh were overnight gu ests Saturday of Mrs. Fred Al phln, Sr. and they attended the AlpMp reunion held at the Oak Ridge Community building." The Rev. Dewayne Eakes . Miss Janice Bell, Mrs. Judi De ans aid Robby of Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell were luncheon guests Sunday of Mrs. Annie Rose Bell In Mt. Olive. Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes, Mrs. To nic Hlnson and Sara Michelle joined Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes and children and die R.A. boys of Mt. Marl ah Bar Iptist Church of Clayton a the Cliffs of the Neuse State Paiit on Sunday. Danny Garner spent the week end with Ronnie Hope of Waif saw, N.C. Visitors Sunday of Mrs. Fred Alphln. Sr. were Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Alphln, AllslaRae, We ndy Jo, and Oliver Wendell of Durham. Sgt. and Mrs. Don ald Swinson of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sum mer Un. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Winstead of Mt. Olive. They were all here to attend the Alphln family reunion held a the Oak Ridge Community Bu ilding. Mrs Joe Gray Whitted and Amy Jo of Seven Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hill and ch ildren, Mr. and Mrs. Delano Hill and son and Mrs. Jack Dail visited Mrs. Bessie A. Herring Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Marvin Whitfield, Steve and Debbie of Clinton visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whit man Saturday Mrs. Herbert J. Sum merlin visited her brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jo nes of Pink Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer La Vol and Mrs. Bearice Lavone of Saline Kansas spent several days' last week with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy HU1 and child ren. Mark La Vol, Mrs. Hill's brother, returned home with his parents and aunt after spending several weeks here. Top Sail Beach. Alyin Williams and daughter ^I*L5H,Detrolt Hew?srMd. Mrs *2S&J'?r? ? ?? ws. Herbert J. Sum merlin. Mrs. Ronnie Tadlock and re latives in Wallace. Mr, and Mrs. J.a Godbold *P5ni.the week end with Mr. I*2d*p?- auy Godbold in Kn lghtdale. Mrs. Virginia Amett of Bal tlmorejMcf was an overnight guest Thursday of Mrs. DX. Cherry and sons. Mrs. A?. Olive Joined them Friday for dinner. Sgt James Bell of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Gol dsboro was an overnight gu f"nd,3f ?f Ws parents. Mr. ?ml Mrs. Leslie Bell. Major and Mrs. Billy Sum merlin. .BUly Cay. Raymond and T>a?y tfNashvllle, fenn.j Mr. Mrs. Jimmy Summerlln, Cley Luann and Mike of Ken^ ?"?Wile. Mr. and Mrs Mc Coy Summerlln. EvaNm. Hen ry and David were dinner gu SKoiS*""*cW,dren Guests during the week end 7, ^rVmd Gtlbe? E. Alphin. Eva Mae. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Alphin and daughter were Dr. and Mrs. John Gilbert Al Phta, Gilbert Edwin, Anita Gay ?nd Joann of Florence, S.C. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lindsay Don. Greg and Mary Grady of Lynchburg. Va.; and Mrs/St eve Williamson, Steve Wll Stephen and David Gilbert of Kenansville. They Sulfa,?* *"** Cca,mmUy ind.Mrs- Gray Wh 1"*. d ?d Amy Jo of Seven Springs visited Mrs. EJ. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Delano Hill and son Sunday. ?tors dH,r}n8 the week end of Mrs. D.L. Cherry, Ro ger and Wayne were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Arnette, Beverly Sharon, Gary, and Lisa of Ve h!?*p Mr- "d Mrs. Ro bert E. Bennett, Barbara Car ol and Amanda Robin of Wll Mrs- Virginia Arnett of Baltimore Md.: and Mrs. AX, Garner of Mt. Olive. ,_*$[? . Mrs. Donnell Alph ifiii 27' Tracey, Mark, ?nd Bryan Christopher of Flo sfrss =?*?"" - a* - las, Bre"da Kln??i were Sunday guests of Mrs. T. A. Jernigan. Mr. md Mrs. Douglass Hill and son of Mt. Olive visited Mr. i?rS'?v Summerlln and daughter Sunday. .-?fc ?crtle Green returned to her home in Perry Fla. SS1 Mr- "d Mrs Emmltt ?UX"*S. Uw tf Ken?sville?vlsk?i<K^ K2e^Sd^kUe G??dman and were guests Ssturdsy of Mrs. Annie Rose Bell of Mi. Olive. Amocifl those Mtcndlnc ier* vices Sunday st the Rooty Br snch Church were John Hsrrell of Atlanta, Ga.' Alvah and Al vln Williams of Detroit Heigh ts, Md,; M/Sgt and Mrs.Dennis Davis recently of Ft. Leo nardwood, Missouri. Major and Mrs. Billy Sum merlin returned to their home in Nashville, Tenn., Sunday fol lowing the several days visit with Mr. md Mrs. McCoy Sum merlin md other relatives In this area. Bobby Roberts with the Ar med Forces recently in Nor folk, Va visited the Carl Iveys and other relatives in this com munity Monday. NOTICE The Summer llna Extension Home Makers Club will meet at Wilburs Restaurant In Golds boro Saturday at 6:00 o'clock p.m. for the annual family night. Members and their families are urged to attend. Rooty Brooch YFA Mooting The Rooty Branch Y.F.A.held their monthly meeting Tuesday night ? the nome of the Pastor ot the church, the Rev. De wayne Eakes md Mrs. Eakes of fcoldsboro. After the program refresh ments were served by Mrs. Eakes. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Donald Pate, Mrs. Boyd Barfleld, Joan Summerlln, Jo Ann Green, Alvin Williams, Jr. Pam Green, Sue Wilkins, Her bert Lee Summerlln, Jr., Ca thy Page, Lewis Summerlln md Kay Goodman. Summerlins Entertain At Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Sum merlin, Eva Nan. Henry and David entertained Sunday at a family dinner at their home In the aim merlin's Cross Roads Community. Attending were: Major and Mrs. Billy Summerlln, Btllle Gay, Raymond and Tracey , Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. Regi nald Hudson, and Joseph, Mt. Olive; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Summerlln, Clary, Lu ann and Mike, Kenansvllle; Mr. and Mrs. John Grady, Oak Ri dge Community; and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith and Carl a of Pink Hill. Picnic Suppar At Home of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers The Emmltt Rogers families and the JJ. Green family entertained relatives at a picnic supper Saturday at the Rogers home In the Summerlln's Cross Roads Community. Attending were Mrs. Bertie Green, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Gr een, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pi ckles, Lorie and Doug Perry, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Jjt. Green, Greg and Jolette of Asheboro; Mr. and Mrs. Mel vln Rogers and Sherrl, Mt. Ol ive; Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Lan gston, Friendship Community; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers and Tlmmie, Jo Ann, Pam, Jimmy, Miriam, and Sue Green and Emmett Ruth Rogers. notice! 0* I A. J. Sutton's! ! will be ! i open i jj Labor Day j | September 2 I i iBU 0>1k> I mT I i [ Kinston. N. C. t- ? ? - 7 |M HARDBARGER BUSINESS C0LLE6E P. 0. BOX 1026 KINSTON. N. C. IW Please sand ma fall information about your school I would like an appointment at Itoma - - - at school ? ? - Straat - - - H RFO What Naar - - ? I Name - - - E| i: < Complata Secretarial Courses **? . Accountino Courses <? Spaadwritina-Shorthand-lndividual Subjects II CALL KINSTON JA7-0240 FOR APPOINTMENT Free Counseling at our Office or in your Home COIN BANK 1915 Ckmkt Kmista t | IM^st BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE I AUTOMOBILE COIN BANKS ONLY $2 5 MODELS 10 CHOOSE FROM AY H and loan association of kinston Ai TV TtMK ft Tnfmkn ??? 9 ^ ARE YOU GETTING THE MOST FOR YOUR I MONEY? IF YOU'LL SHOP AND COMPARE, S YOU'LL BUY WESTINGHOUSE from LOWE'S ! i .,M ? \ "Wt SERVICE WHAT WE SILL" PIE-MMM MY "SHOP IIWE'S UNI CIMPME" SUE FREE 7 TRANSISTOR RADIO COMPLETE WITH PURCHASE OF ANY WESTINGHOUSE TV OR APPLIANCE FREE I FROST-FREE | REFRIGERATOR-FREEZERS Model FHG 151 ( 525-lb. Chest Freexer | S2S-LB. CAPACITY - 15 0 Cu. Ft. H ffeffe I (NEAAA). SUM-WAU. INSULATION- ? ??CTIJIP 5 store 1/3 more food without in- H V creasing floor space. RfCESSiD CONTROL KNOB - eliminates acci- ? ?? ? dental movement. PLUS: Accurate Temperature Control, Counter-Balan- Trade I ced Seal-Tite Lid, Westinghouse Built-in Quality. MODEL FHG 171 "" Model <? 1 OO OO 595-LB. FREEZER ^.^e? ? IT7.00 | Model RSH 90 - 280 Lb. Frost Free Freezer ? Only 32" wide 67K" tall -11.1 cu. ft. Frost Free Refrigerator - New Westinghouse Power Economizer SAVES ELECTRICITY . . . - Glide out Basket in freezer - Ice Cube server & ejector trays - Westinghouse slim wall design - No coils on the back - Whisper Quiet Mechanism - New Cantilevered adjustable shelves ?e>$43r lW-WnuMWi'iMMMi ' """" Model LAH 210 ? 2 Cycle "wa^iwui / j A PERFECT WASHER FOR ANY SIZE FAMILY Allows pre-wash for heavily All THESE FEATURES AT A soiled garments such as dia- PRICE BEYOND COMPARE . . . pers Economy priced . . . Big ruggeo -jitator . . and new _ that allows abnormally large, m M unbalanced loads. ? 2 water m m temperatures lust set for ? H'SKV warm pre-wash prior to regu-. lar hot wash, warm rinse wash ing. No Trodt KFG3G COMPARE THESE FEATURES AND YOU WILL BUY WESTINGHOUSE ? Fine Tuning, full coil heating . . . even at lowest settings. I __ No "spot heating" with a Westinghouse Range ? High Speed Broiling tubular Cora* broiling element I distributes heat evenly. ? King Size Oven . . . for big company coming meals . . . j even heat throughout for perfect baking results ? lift-up surface units remove ring and pan f}>r washing | in the sink ? Plug-Out oven heater for quick and easy cleaning. ? lift-Off Door No more bending and stretching to ! clean AU THESE FEATURES . . . MB If If I YOU WOULD EXPECT TO A ? VI! PAY MUCH MORE ..." ? I Compare and you will buy H WESTINGHOUSE ? ? W No Jrad# | I Model BT92A38 WALNUT GRAIN ON METAL 22" Diagonal Picture I All Transistor-No Tubas ? -| $209*1 ? INSTANT-ON TV ? No Wait, No Warm-Up, No Walk Back. Steel Guard Picture Tube. 282 Square-Inch Area (22" Diagonal Picture). Mem ory Fine Tuning. Separate VHF/UHF Selector Knobs. Front-Mounted 4-Inch Full Fidelity Speaker. Twin Telescoping VHF Antenna. Loop UHF Antenna. Solid State Power Supply. Ta pered Legs for Consolette Look Included. Wal- I nut Grain Finish. Sise: 30W H (wMi legs) x 26-7/*" W x 15Va" 0 i Lm# V V In I

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