PERSONALS Mr. ?d Mrs. Hsills Guy visited bis brochsr Mr. wf Mrs. Tyson Gay in ths Mo untslns of North Csrollns re C*M?. HsUte Guy nd Mrs. Menrtn (Monk) Whsley sad dsr ugtuer Onger shopped In Kin ston Monday. Mrs . Rossle Grady and Wi lli wi Allen shopped In Klnston Wednesday. Rev. Eugene Carmlcheel made a business trip to Klnston Wtdoesdw. Mrs. Kathleen Whaley.Oebra and Dai lit were shoppers in Klnston Wednesday. Mrs. Pheobe Raynor and ch ildren shopped In Wallace Wed. Mr. nd Mrs. Roscoe Sander son shopped in Klnston Wed. Mary Beth Hunter spent afew days withher grandmother Mrs. Dottle Barbee in Richlands. Nancy Bostic and Kenneth Bostic shopped in Klnston Wed. Mrs. Lillian Grady and Mrs. Louise Brown shopped in Klns ton Thursday. Mrs. Adell Matthews. Zelma and Zelinda Ross visited Mrs. Katheryn Carr In Rose Hill Frldqr. Mr. Jerry Miller, aCampbell Student, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. BUI MUler. Mr. J. D. Sandlin re turned home Friday after sp ending a few days In Lenoir Memorial Hospital in Klnston. Mary Beth Hunter shopped In Goldsmro, Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Thlgpen vi sited Rev. WUbur Evert on in Wake Memorial Hospital at Ra leigh, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Thlgpen of Richmond Va. are spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Stephen &nlth and Mr. and Mrs. Orzo Thlgpen. Mr. and Mrs. Lois Simpson and Jeff, Mr. and Mrs. Ray burn Lanier, Zebbie Lanier spent last week-end at White Lake and were joined Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Lanier and Mrs. Ethel Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smithy and Johnnie and Mr. aid Mrs. Ben nie Ray Thomas and daughter spent Sunday at White Lake. Mrs. Ethel Smith, Mrs. Ruth Grady made a business trip to Golds boro Tuesday. Mrs. Carolina Johnson and Gilda Miller spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hun ter in Kinston and Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmie Johnson in Kinston. Mrs. Caroline Sandlln of Ra leigh is spending a few days With relatives In BeulavQle. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Lanier and Zebbie shopped in Kinston Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Miller and family spent last week-end at Manteo and enjoyed the Pageant "The Lost Colony." Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Raup Mrs. Pauline Hunter took their grandchildren to their parents Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Hunter in Riverdale, Md., this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Truett Miller and family of Fairmont visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Raynor Mr. Janet F. Ross of Nor folk, Vs. visited Mrs. Adell Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. James Ross and Zelindavisited Mr. and Mrs MX. Roes In Wh ltevllle this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Car mpbell and James spent die week end at their cottage on the White Oak River near Sw ansboro. Mrs. W.V. Oxley and Leslie Susan made a business trip to Jacksonville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cottle and boys, Terry and Tim visi ted friends ana relatives In Beulaville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jack son of Beulaville and Sgt. Joe Jackson of Aberdeen Proving Grounds ,M aryl and visited Mrs. Minnie Briggs in Waterford, Permsulvanlalast week end and the first of this week. While there they all toured NlagraFa 11s and other points of Interest In that vacinlty. They also visi ted Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jackson and family in Baltimo re, Maryland. Mr. Silas Whaley and For tius Raynor attended the Moose convention in Winston Salem Friday through Sunday. Rev. James Wllbert Evert on. Pastor of Daniels Chapel Ch urch in Wilson County, Is a pa tient in Wake Memorial Hospi tal. He will have surgery tor brain turner Thursday. His many friends wish him a sp eedy recovery. Circlt # 3 Circle # 3 of the Beulaville Baptist Church met Tuesday night with Mrs. J. Macon Brown. Mrs. Ray bourn Lanier presided over the meeting. The pro gram was given by Mrs. J. Macon Brown, Mrs. Eugene Carmichael, Mrs. Orzo Tnlg pen, Mrs. Norman Mercer, and Miss Sheila Brown. Devotion was led by Mrs. J.L. Powers. During the social period Mrs. Brown served apple pie aria mode. potato chips, and Cokes to the eleven present. Scott's Personals Guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Scott Friday for supper were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tur ner^ Jeanle and Lort yf,Green Mr. and Mrs Jerry Robert Holland aid children of Kins ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Don nell Komegay and family Sun. Mrs. Bfll Dall and Nathan Scott are home from Wayne Me morial hospital following a per iod of hospitalization there. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Jonas Oail were the Rev. and Mrs. Luther Swlnson of Beula vllle and Mrs. Oarrle Scon, locally. Mr. and Mrs Rodney Kome gay and children were In St aunton, Va. Friday and Satur day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray borrell. Crystal and Tony Dall re turned to their home in Lanexa, Va. last week after spending several weeks with their father and grandmother Clyde Dall and Mrs. Delia Dall. The children were accompanied by their far ther and Thomas Sun on. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Exum of Beulaville visited die Roland SUllivans during last week end. Mrs. Wayne Scott and son Joe dined with Mr. and Mrs. Llston Summerlln of Warsaw Monday at lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis sp ent most of last week In Per ry, Fla. visiting relatives, Sue, sister of Mr. Davis, returned home with them to spend some time. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edd Komegay Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Sid Phillips of Buies Cr eek and Melody Smith of Indian Springs. Store Brenda Dall of Kenansville spent the week end wit h Sue Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Malpass of Wallace had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Malpass Sa turday. ? ~ _ Mrs, Jean TuckerapdSaudra of Hampton Va. and 5heil7Gr rrlty of Warsaw visited Mrs. Wayne Scott recently. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Outlaw accompanied their daughter, Faye to Mars Hill Saturday where she will be in college soon. Mr. aid Mrs. Donnell Kor negay attended a reunion of die 1951 graduating class of BJ". Grady school Saturday evening held at Kings Barbecue restaurant near Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kor negay and children of Wash ington were guests of Mrs. Zo llle Kornegay and the Rodney Kornegays Sunday at supper. Visitors of Mrs. Delia Dall Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. William Dall and child ren of Golds bo ro. Mrs. Oarrie Scott, Melva Gray Jones, Sue Ro use and Sue Davis attended the James Sprunt commencement exercises at Kenan Memor ial audiiirlum in Kenansvllle F rlday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Wllklns and family of Petersburg, Va. were here Friday and Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Luther WlUdns. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Outlaw were Mr. and Mrs. Walton Outlaw. Tr acey and Gary of Charlotte. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Bennie Outlaw were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Korne gay, Dianne and J. Nelson of Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Ro m &UU W.J. m, W,~Ll. BEULAVILLE - The marriage of Miss Nancy Mildred Bostic. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard StoUey Bostic, to William Marion Womble Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Womble of Sanford, was solemnised Saturday in BeulavUle Missionary Baptist Church by the Rev. Harold T. Smith Mr. Bostic gave I i a daughter in marriage and Miss Kay Smith was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Jane Wamble of Sanford, Miss Sheila Whithers of MoOusfc, Va., Mrs. Bohby Griffin of Raleigh, apd Miss Gail Albertaon. ? V . Children in the wadding were MiM Hopa Odom i ?&&&O! The bridegroom's father vm beet nun and ushers were Ben y Parker of High Point, John Wilson of Elisabeth City. Gerry Bridget of Kinuport, Tenn., and Richard S/Bostic Jr. A reception was held at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Wamble are both students at Campbell College. After a trip to Gatlinhurg, Tenn., they will live in Buies Creek. tlhertsnn News Mr. James Hemphill from Raleigh and his friends Mr. and Mrs. Bill Strickland, and two daughters, from Randolph Air Force Base in Texas, were supper guests of the Falson Smiths Saturday nirtit. Jimmy Hemphill, who has Been spend ing a week with his grandpar ents, returned home with them. Mr. Charles Grady from Li ve Oak. Fla. and daughter Vi vian, her husband Mural Ho well and their daughter Lollle Ann, spent Saturday night with the Falson Smith and attended the Grady -Outlaw Reunion Sun. Sunda y night supper gueses of the sniths, were Mr. and Mrs. Falson D. Smith and da ughters, Kim, Katrina and Ka ren from Raleigh. Overnight guests with the Sm iths Sunday, was Mrs. Fran cis B1 aloes from Golds bo ro. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mercer, Holly, Laurey and Kathy, also their friend Becky Walker from Charlotte, spent the weekend with their respective parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mercer and Mrs. Lee Maxwell. They atten ded the Class reunion at the Barbecue Lodge in Kinston on Sat. night and tneGrady-Outlaw reunion Sunday. Mrs. Jo Whitley and Mike were with her mother for the week end and attended the Gr- * ady-Outlaw Reunion. Miss Myra Maxwell from Wilson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frank Out law and attended the Grady Outlaw Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nether cutt from Raleigh visited rel atives here over the week-end. Mr. Jlmmie Davis Is a pa tient In the Lenoir Memorial Hospital. His room number is 321. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Korne gay from Jesup, Ga, have been vlsitltig Mr. and Mrs. AlvinKo rnecay this week. -Visitors with the Komegays Sunday, were Mrs. Layton Co chran, Al, Lou, Pat and Beth from RobersonvlUe, Mrs. Leroy Sim Hons, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Simmons from Go ldsboro. Mr. and Mrs Melvln Williams from Ahoskle visited her grand mother Mrs. Ada Herring, and his mother, Mrs. Christine w. Davis over the week-end. Mrs. Dick Bogard, from Bl ackwell, Okla. who has been visiting relatives here will be returning to her home in Okla. the later part of the week. bert Outlaw and Timmey of Five Point, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Baker and family of Sar recta. Visiting in the Luther Wil klns home Sunday were Mrs. Emmett Wllklns and daughters Mrs. Herbert Whaley and dau Shters of Klnston, Mrs. Jimmy [erring and children, Mt. Ol ive. Mrs. Rodolph Jones and boys of Kenansvtlle visited Mr.and Mrs. Jeff Jones Sunday. Mrs. Leslie jSummsrlln and Mrs. Mack Batchelor of War saw visited the Roland Sull lvans Sunday. Scott Store Ex. Home Makers Club will meet Sept. 4 at Pl easant Grove Community bui lding. Time 2:30. Extension Homemakers The annual family outing of Scott Store Extension Home makers club was held Sstur Miss North Carolina, Anita Johnson, New Bern, models I her official presentation gown for the Miss America Pa- { geant, September 3-7. file gown, a gift from Cone Mills, 1 Is by North Carolinian Luther Wlnborne Self. Of Cone's white velveteen, the dress has princess lines and portrait ( neckline. A floating panes extends from shoulder to floor. | The sweep of the skirt and panel are embellished with pearls and crystals and edged with ostrlct plumes. Miss North Carolina Is shown at UNG-G^ ( DEATHS Mis. EstsKe B. Carter Rose Hill ?Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Estelle Brad shaw Carter, TO, of Rose Hill, who died Sunday, w e r e con ducted at 2 pjn. Wednesday at Missionary Baptist Churcfi here, of which she was a member, by the Rev. K.D. Brown. Burial was In Ro ckfish Cemetery at Wallace. Surviving are one daughter. Mrs. Cecil A. Cr aid all of Stokes, with whom she made heV home-, three sons, Otis H. Carter of Kinston, Clyde C.Ca rter Jr. of Wilmington and Buck W. Carter of Rose Hill; two br others, L.B. Bradshaw, aidHlx Bradshaw. both of Rose Hill.. day evening Jl Wilburs Bar becue Restaurant near, Golds - boro. >'?) A Twenty two members In cluding families and Invited guests were present for the event. Mrs. Lei and Herring, club president gave thanks for the food and for the blessing aid protection during the past year. TEACHERS Continued From From Page of Student aid Professional Ser vices, NCEA. At 4:15 P.M. District Mee tings were held. Miss Mary Anna Grady, President, presi ded over Eastern District. Th ere were 16 members of theco- i uncil present. Films "Our Schools Have Kept us Free" and "Rafe" were shown later in the afternoon. At 6:45 a lovely banquet was held in the cafeteria. Af ter the dinner the Terry San ford award recipient, Joe Sam Routh, o f Wendell sp oke and the Mary Marrow Sc holars were presented. This was a most interesting part of the conference because here we could see some of the young people who are coming onto the teaching profession, and with the Mary Marrow scholarships being presented by CTA we felt that we've had a part in helping someone along the road in the teaching profession. Weaver Hall was the. _ setting Iftr a reception and "Sing-Sing" around the piano. Mrs. Made line Pling of Goldsboro was pianist and Charles StoutNCEA Staff Member, served as song leader. Everyone enjoyed this tremendously. Saturday morning was the hi ghlight of the conference. Each State Chairman presented askit or told of their work for the coming year. Some of the skits were hilarious and we left the conference with a wonderful fe eling o f friendship and zeal to do a good job in our work for the coming year. iiiMrt'iiaiit BP^/bk For Flakes' Recapt^^r f | at your Favorfta Service Station Hv I SEE I FLAKES TIRE SERVICE | ? Clinton, N. C. ? Wilmington Hwy LY2-2809 ? ? ?Ml Relax and Enjoy Our Superb Food... Our Modest PricesI 1 Trait Mom and tha Child ran to a Sunday maal with; 7' I all tha fixing*. Wa tab* *eeial pride to fl? ta?tifc aaaUty *( ?ar r*a*. Ow IflMC'C BARBECUE and HlnU 0 RESTAURANT 409 E. Ntw Barn Road Kinston. N. C. Dial 527 1168 frrr r ruiji j j ir~-~f r~ r~ r rrnji ! We Want Your Hogs l u SEE US OR CALL I Market Pink Hill 568-3681 We Pay Premium For Top Quality Hoge OPERATED BV UINDY PACKING CO. Clinton Livestock Market I LY2-2104 Clinton I . . Hammond Organs Hammond Pianos ORGANS FROM $495.00 Orgaao la ase than all other make* pat together. "One reaaon they are guar antees for a Hfettme never to go oat of tane..' Johnson Music House New River flhapptag Center JaehaoavWe-Pheae *47-44*7 JOHNSON PIANO & ORGAN CO. Kinston, N. C. FARMERS CHICK DEWEY BROS. In Special Stock CHAIN for CORN PICKERS Yea will a ho find such things as: . ? Bolter Bkates ? Spreekoto ? Y-Belts ? Steel Belle ? Welding Reds ? t??w Mowers ? Welding Machines ? Mastic Pipes i Fitting DEWEY BROTHERS Q| I <01 S. G?orfl? St. 6aM?Nwi H. L. Did 7344411 I mm I ^ ? 1 I I I I I ? 1 ^1 I JH bJ I I I I 1 M |l - M I I ,1 I mL M [ you c-ud really turn It on ... and keep it <?. Pen$v shaves, penny shoe shines. Electricity makes u" possible. With a penny's worth of electricity, you can shave every day for a year. ; Of toast 40 slices of bread. Or listed to a radio an hour a day for a week. Fact is, today you can get about twice as much electricity ' for your dollar as people did 30 years ago. Your electric bill probuhly isn't just pennies ? but then think of |dl tla- lights you use, make and TV you watch (not to mention clothes you wash, rugs you vacuum .and teeth you brush.) : Electricity. It's a rdal value, no matter how much you use or how you c. uae it \li ' Vr' . - V ?4 JJ _ ? IM -??- ?> ? U M ? ?? ?* ? Slj? "" ' ' <tl> Wbl ,? HWH ?~l W. CT>L .WPXUI mrwpw ? (. |igi at your amice..

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