Kenansville News ^. Personals bjh Mrs. N.B. Boney Visitors during the past week end in the home of the Robert Holllngsworths were Oennv Mc Pflittl and Dave Goodman 01 Ja cksonville, Fla.; Mrs. Holly Maduet of Greenville, N.C. Miss Alberto Dembo and niece Na talie of F ayettevllle, also Mr. ano'Mrs. Al Payne of Rlchlands. Mrs. G.V. Gooding spent last Thursday night In F aye ttevllle with her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Honeycutt. She was ac companled by Mrs. Lawrence Southerland who visited her sis* ter, Mrs. Ella C. Cog dell. Mr. and Mrs. N.B. Honey, Jr. and daughter. Lesley accompa nied by Debbie Dlggs of Ch arlotte visited his mother, Mrs. Louise K. Boney on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Elwynn Eezell and his sister, Miss Georgia Ezzell of Wilmington visited their niece, Mrs. Willey Wil lis at Kerr Dam in Va. re cently. Last Thursday the Ez zells went to Manteo to see "The Lost Colony." They also visited other points of inter est on the outer banks. p wd^T^s X* adu Miss Frances Lee Stroud left Sunday for Thorn asrille wh ere she is again planning to teachschool in the High School near there. Mr. and Mrs. F.W. McGowan spent Saturday night in Laurin burg with the Roma Baxleys. On Sunday they attended "Homecoming" at the Green Springs Cnurch near F*y ettevflle. North Carolina. Mrs. Bob Grady and daugh ter, Margaret attended the Gr ady-Out law Family Reunion on Sunday and so did Miss Sally Outlaw. The Oavid John Kilpatricks enjoyed a family outing at the beacn on Sunday. Mrs. Billy Eubanks of Wil mington spent Wednesday night here with Miss Mary Lee Sykes. The Ed Sparks family of Vi rginia Beach accompanied by her brother, Ben Williamson, Jr. of Norfolk, Va. spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Ima W. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood of Charlotte spe nt the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spicer and two daughters Elizabeth and Juila visited her mother Mrs. Hager in Bessemer City 1 ast week. Hager in Bessemer City last week. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hollingsworth were Mrs. Rudy Navldad and two daughters of Fayettevllle also Mrs. Joyce Payne and daughter, Susan of Hopewell, Va. Miss Mary Lee Sykes visited the Robert Sykes family in Cl inton last Wednesday PJvl. Mrs. D. S. Williamson and Mrs. Hazel Scott accompan ied Mrs. Harold Precythe of Faison to Charlotte last Tues day to visit the David Cranmer Williamson family. Mrs. Jack Nellson and daugh ter, Rebecca of Fayettevule accompanied Mrs. Martha P. Sitterson to WU Hams burg last week. Mrs. Albert Barton and grand-daughter. Lola Boynton spent the week-end in Choco winity. Mrs. Helen K. Jordan acc ompanied her sister, Mrs. El oise K. Ryder to Florence, S.C. last week to visit another sis ter, Mrs. Herbert Matthews. The y also visited Mrs. Sue Neil Sivertson at Kure's Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Br ins on and son. Doc went to Rich mond, Va. Sunday and retur ned on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickson of Garner were in town visi ting. friends last Wednesday. They were accompanied by two of tneir grand children. Recent visitors in the home of the William E. Crafts were; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Edwards also Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thax ton of Klnston in addition to Mrs. George Craft of Green ville, North Carolina. Mrs. Sue Westbrook District Deputy Grand Matron of the 8th District of the Grand Chapter of North Carolina , Order of the Eastern Star made her official visit to the BeulavUle Chapter last Monday night August 19th. She plans to go to the Garland Chapter on September the 2nd. Robert Ingram lAf2*L ma* ? ? With Nicholas Satterlee & - Associates, Architects .TP? '?UowlnU announcement will be of Interest locally: Nicholas Satterlee and Asso ciates, Architects are plea sed to announce that Robert C. Ingram is now an associate In the Firm, 1820 Massachu setts Avenue, N.W.. Wash ington, D.C. Robert C. Ingram (Bobby) is a graduate 3 Kenansville High School and the School of Resign at N.C. State Univer sity. As an undergraduate at ww ? member of Phi Kappa Phi, Natlonl honor society. When he was gradua ted in 1960, he received tne Am fT*5*T Institute of Architects Medal which is awarded annu ally to one outstanding graduate n i j 5fhoolS of Design in the United States. 8 He has beeen written up in Living Magazine as one of five graduates of Schools of Design. He Is a licensed architect lMn ahi"tn,bei MA- Since i960, he has been with Satter lee and Smith, Architects aid Nicholas Satterlee and Asso ciates, Architects. These firms have to their credit outstanding S? Fvi,lfhl.ngl0n and ?h? ? 1 J B?bb/ 13 presently ln the Execu thT .d 'Tg In which located. *1 <*f,ces ls the son of Mrs. Sal lie C. Ingram and the late W. M. Ingram and is married to the former Francis Jean Pat terson. They have two sons, Richard and David. They live at 5065 Sherrler Place, N.W. In Washington. Woodland News PERSONALS Miss Jo Ann Somers of Ke nans vUle spent the weekend with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westbrook and Henry Clay shopped In Go lds boro, Saturday. Mr. Paul Westbrook returned home Friday from Adel, Ga. where he has been working on the tobacco market and began work In the Clinton Market, Monday. Mr. Tom Wallace returned home Friday from Claxton, Ga. where he has been working on the tobacco market and began work on the Kinston Market, Monday. Sunaay visitors of Mrs. Lula Jones were, Mrs. Herman Outlaw and Mrs. Cleo Outlaw of Outlaw's bridge. Mrs. Winnie Herring of Ro cky Mount visited with Mr. A Mrs. Fred Herring Thursday. Mr. A Mrs. Victor Fountain and children of Kinston visited with Mrs. Garland Wallace, Sa turday. Rev. and Mrs. Boyce Wal lace have returned from Mem phis, Tenn. and other points for a Visit With Ms mother Mrs. Garland Wallace. Rev. Boyce Wallace Is a pa tient In Lenoir Memorial Ho spital in Kinston. Dinner guests of Mr. A Mrs. Paul Westbrook Sunday were Pvt. Larry Westbrook of Ft. Bragg and Miss Karen Thomas of the Cabin Community. Sunday visitors ofMr.AMrs. Paul Westbrook were Pvt. Lar ry Westbrook, Pvt. Hal Walker of Ft. Bragg, Miss Karen Tho mas of the Cabin Community, Miss Jo Ann Somers of Ken ans vllle, Gerald Garner and Danny Garner of Summerlln's Cross Roads. Mr. A Mrs. Charles Bell vi sited Mrs. Mary Best of War saw, Wednesday. Sunday visitors of Mrs. Daisy Dail ana Mrs. Hettie Belle We stbrook were Mr. A Mrs. JJ3. Westbrook of Beautancus, Mr. A Mrs. Robert Blizzard of Er vln's Cross Roads, Mr. A Mrs. Everette Dall and child ren and Mr. A Mrs. Bill We stbrook and nhfldren of Raleigh. Mr. Gary Lester has retur ned to his home In Jackson ville. Fla. after spending the summer with his grandmother, Mrs. Daisy Dail. Mr. ana Mrs. Wlllard West brook and Brenda and Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Westbrook, Sr. of Goldsboro attended the "Lost Colony" Friday night and toured other points of inter est on the Outer Baiks during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Galnus and Gall of Mt. Olive Route visited Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Gaines, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Galnus were called Tuesday afternoon to Wilson due to the death of her father Mr. Marray Cuddln gton. Mr. Cuddington had been sick for quite sometime. Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Westbrook and Judy of Beautancus visi ted with her Mother Mrs. Da isy Dail Saturday Mr, and Mrs. JJ>. Westbr ook and Judy of Beautancus visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Faires and Mrs. Bessie Mas sey Sunday. Mrs. Patsy Qulnn of Kenans vllle visited with her Mother Mrs. Daisy Dail Saurday. Mrs. Paul Westbrook, Mrs. Robert Best, Sr. of Beautancus and Mrs. Robert Best, Jr. of Stanford made a business trip to Wallace Saturday. Mr. aid Mrs. Marvin Nobi Is and sons of Klnston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Faires, Sunday. Mrs. Dwight Walker attended the wedding of Miss Carol Ken nedy and Mr. Larr y Weber at South wood, near Klnston, Sunday evening. Mr. aid Mrs. Lei and Wallace and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. J aaes WMthrook fished a Pa Mrs. Pearl Mosely of Pink Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wallace Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wallace shopped In Kinston, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wallace and daughters made a trip to To psail Beach, Saturday. We would like to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Chester King, who have recently moved Into their new trailer home, In this community. Mr. David T. Grlgo, Jr. and Mr. Henry Clay WestDrook vi sited Pvt. Larry Westbrook and Pvt. Hal Walker at Ft. Bragg recently. Resolution Of Respect With feelings of deepest so rrow and regret, the Women of Smith's Presbyterian Chur ch, must recora the passing of its oldest and one of its most beloved and respected members, Mrs. Sallie Smith Wallace who passes away on July 30, 1968. Because we realize to the fullest extent the benefits wh ich our church and the entire community have received from the work of this consecrated Christian, and because of the warm personal feeling she in spired in our hearts by her kind unselfish life, BE IT RESOLVED: That a copy of these resol utions be sent to her daughter, Mrs. Carolyn Wallace Gibbs and her son, Horace Wallace, together with the assurance of our sincere sympathy. Also, that a copy be sent to The Duplin Times-Progress Sentinel for publication and that a copy be recorded in the min utes of The Women of Smith's Presbyterian Church. Women of Smith's Presby terian Church SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE TIMES ? SENTINEL A M\ fnfmi Jjmgt m mm mm mm m mm mm m mm mm mm ? mm m ??? ?? ? Home S j swy*4 < j Tte Vin t?t ii Tim! PIZZA Dot's Grill i WALLACE, N. C. Hwy. 117 N. Cheese Sausage and Cheese Pepperoni and Cheese j Royale (Cheese, Sausage, Mushrooms, Sweet Peppers) | U ? Receives LPN License Mrs. Elizabeth Caison of Ke nans vllle has completed her LPN training and Is now emp loyed at Duplin General Hos- 1 pital. She graduated from ; Harts vllle Area School of Pra ctical Nursing In Harts vllle So uth Carolina on June 14th. She took state board examina tion on July 8 and received her license as an LPN. Mrs. Caison is the former Elizabeth Shivar of Mt. Olive and was married to the late Ira Caison. She has three children: Mrs. Lois Tillman of North Highlands. Calif: Mrs. Doris Pilerom of Fairfield, Ca lif.; and Robert Caison, Rese arch Triangle, Raleigh and eight grandchildren. After making her home In South Carolina while she tjrai ned, Mrs. Calson has moved ba ck to her home In Kenansvllle. She savs she is real happy to be back, and also happy to be a part of the personnel of Duplin General Hospital. Mr. Zennie Qulnn Quinn, New Ag Teacher Zennie Quinn, Jr. has been employed as vocational agricu lture instructor ai James Ke nan High School for the 1968 69 school year. Quinn is a native of the Al bertson area, and attended B. F, Grady school and graduated from East l>iplin High School in 1963. He graduated from North Ca rolina State University at Ra leigh in January 1968 and re ceived his B S Degree in Ag riculture Education. While at State U he was a member of the animal science club, econo mics club, economics society, and agricultural education cluD. He was also a member of the Drum & Bugle Corp where he received national recognition in 1964. Upon graduation from State, Mr. Quinn taught at Mattamus keet High School, Swan Quarter, ?N. C, During the 1967 sum mer vacation he worked with the W ayne County F H A as a stu derit trainee. He is currently residing with his parents Rt. 1, Seven Sp rings, but he plans to move to the area as soon as housingcan be found. The Vo Ag Instructors, Qu inn and Mr. Wayland Davis, are busy in the James Kenan Agricultural Shop. Part of their summer work is making reno vations and improvements in order to have the shop in read iness for the arrival of students upon the opening of school. I after you aee your dootor^S HAVE YOU HAD YOUR ANNUAL CHECK-UP? bring your prescription to B.L HOOD PHARMACY PINK Hill I Announcing the Arrival v-'y ? . of our new Fall Materials * ' ' Spectator Kettle Cloth Woolens Snuggle Cloth Double Knit (polyester) Leether Goods, Traditional Prints, Etc. I Trims off all kinds ? mt ^QwUtyfabrics) I ' Clark's Shoppinfl Cantar J I ^ Warsaw. N.C. You will if you plan for his college edu-^B cation now. Do your homework too. Open Education Savings Account at PS I Peoples Savings a I ation. Fourth & f I mtngton. N. f I IBM! - ^ Mustang I Hardtop (J Ybu dont have fo tell people you bought it at a clearance. ftfc the same great Ford product that outsells everything in its doss. Savings Ilka thaaa only once a year! Especially on boot sellers like these... loaded with Better Idea features Liberal allowances Now! See Your Ford Dealer Manufacturers Ucenae No. 120