Duplin County Court News ~ County Court coovoood last week with Judge Russell J. Lsr nter presiding^ The following cases were heard: Elbert Ray Boone, driving dr -mi. Qieads BUilty to exceed 7%iO? ?d ?*t. Edna Berne Croocn, careless and reckless driving, posesston non tax paid whiskey 8 mas suspended, not violate laws of N/f. for 2years, 828fine4cost. Vernon Alwln Nethercutt, op erating auto while intoxicated, pleads guilty to careless and reckless. 150 fine and cost, remit 825 of fine. Edward Laner. speeding 71 mph in 60 mph zone, nol pros Stanford Kea. operating auto while Intoxicated. 90 days sus pended. not operate motor ve hicle for 12 mos. 1100. fine and cost. ^ Bobby Deurel Cavenaugh.op erulra auto while intoxicated, pie wis guilty to exceed safe speed. <10 fine and cost. Daniel Henry Kenlon, speed lng 75 mph in 60 mph zone. 810 fine and cost. James C. Gavin, oper ating with while Intoxicated, pleads guilty to careless and reckless driving, 850 fine and cost. Jwnes Vernon Gresham, op eruing auto while intoxicated, pleads guilty to careless and reckless driving, 850 fine and cost. Way land Curtis Stroud, esceed safe speed, prayer for judgement continued. Danny Joe Till, speeding 75 mph In 60 mph zone. 810 fine and cost. Wilbert Dixon, Jr., worthless check, judgment absolute on bond, not to be found In Duplin County. Harvey Lee Roberson, driv ing drunk, to days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 12 mos.. 8100 fine and cost. Orvllle Leon Thigpen, speed ing 100 mph in 55 mph zone. 30 days suspended 850 fine and cost. David O'Neal Pears all, oper ating auto while intoxicated, pl eads guilty to careless and reckless operation, 860 fine and t cost. Leon Gerald Martin, speeding 70 mph In 60 mph zone, nol pros with leave. Robert Grant Middleton, op erating auto while Intoxicated, noi pros. Charlie Rudolph Newkirk, non support, pay 825. each for 4 '* children per month, until they reach age of 18. James F. Smit* t**g0*s check, 6 mos, suspended pay check In amount 817*41 and cost. Bennie Paul Melvin, speeding 60 mi* in sn mnh mn? n?T pros with leave. Leslie Barden, operating auto while intoxicated, pleads guilty to careless and reckless driv ing, $50 fine and cost. Forest Tommie Flynn, oper ating auto while intoxicated, pl eads guilty to careless and re ckless druvlng, $50 fine and cost. George C. G. Gerbon, speed ing 60 mph in 35 mph zone, nol pros with leave. Ronald Edward Ramseur, sp eeding 72 mph in 60 mph zone, nol pros with leave. James Perry Gibson, operating auto while intoxicated pleads guilty to careless aid reckless driving, $50 fine and cost. William Henry Miller, Jr. operating auto while intoxi cated, 90 days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 12 mos, pay $100 fine and cost. Woodie O. Pugh, Jr. spe eding 75 mph in 60 mph zone, nol pros with leave. Stanford Kea, operating auto while intoxicated, nol pros. Lloyd Hill Andrews, opera ting auto while intoxicated, fai lure to stop for stop sign, pl eads guilty to careless and re ckless operation. $60 fine an cost. James Lester Wake, speedi ng 100 mph in 60 mph zone, pleads guilty to speeding 75 mph in 60 zone, $25 fine & cost. Annette Lanier, worthless check, 30 days suspended pay check ($75,00) & cost. J. C. Lanier, worthless ch eck, 30 days suspended, pay Chech ($35.(X)) St cost. Vance Lee Fulcher, Jr. sp eeding 65 mph in 50 mph zo ne, $10 fine and cost. Sherwood Padgette, assault, nol pros with leave. Macon Bos tic, assault, nol pros with leave. R. B, Bostic, assault with deadly weapon, nol pros with leave. Robert Elroy Carr, assault with deadly weapon, nol pros with leave. John Joel Morrison, speed S73 mph in 60 mph zone, pros with leave. Randolph Kenan, operating auto while intoxicated, 90 days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 12 mos. pay $100 fine and cost. Robert Grand Mlddleton, op erating auto while intoxicated, eding 72 mph in 60 mph zone, Willi iC?Tf? H dg ^ J^er^oper attog auto to careless and reckless *clriv WM?. ^ ing 65 mph to a 60 mph sone. George Ab Seely, speeding 76 mph in 60 mph sone, 610 fine and cost. Thomas Dudley Prewitt, sp eeding 70 mph to 60 mph zone, 610 fine and cost. Herbert Lawrence Boone, op erating auto while intoxicated, pleads guilty to careless and reckless driving, 650 fine and cost. Jimmie Lee Cooper, speed ins 75 mph in 60 mph zone, 610 fine and cost. Craig Lee Andrews, speeding 74 mph in 60 mph zone, nol pros with leave. David Merritt Giles, opera ting auto while intoxicated, sp eeding 75 mph in 45 mph zone, failure to stop for a blue li ght and siren, pleads guilty to exceeding safe speed, 650 tine and cost. Jewell Croley Fuller, speed Ins 71 mph to 60 mph zone, nol pros with leave. Clifton Boney, Jr. operating auto while intoxicated, nol pros with leave. Leon Gerald Martin, speed ins 75 mph in 60 mph zone, nol pros with leave. Joseph DaleSoule-Escambia, speeding 72 mph in 60 mph zone, nol pros with leave. Hardy Murray, Jr. speeding 80 mph in 60 mph zone, 30 days suspended not operate mo tor vehicle for 60 days, 625 fine and cost. Frankie Lee McGee, speed ins 61 mph in 50 zone, nol pros with leave. Hezzie Register failure to see that move could be made in safety, nol pros with leave. William Straughan Lowe, sp eeding 85 mph in 60 mph zone, pleads guilty to 75 mph 610 fine and cost. Raymond Lionel James, dr iving drunk, pleads guilty to careless and reckless, 650 fine and cost. Daisy Whaley Turner, opera ting auto while intoxicated, pl eads guilty to careless and reckless, 650 fine and cost. Larry Gordon Cooke, speed ing 85 mph in 60 mph zone, 30 days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 60 days, 625 fine and cost. James Pears all Middleton, operating auto while intox icated, pleads guilty to care less and reckless, 65fL fine erator's license, 3D days sus pended, not operate motor ve hicle until obtain valid license, 625 fine and cost. Eddie Ray Jones, careless and reckless, pleads guilty to exceed safe speed. 610 fine ana cost. 90R??ie1Ka?Heath- speeding 0 mph in 60 mpy zone ni eads guilty to 74 mph 60 m<* zone, <10 fine cos? eedi^rf Edubon ?'Quinn. sp-' 80 Albert Charles Moblev sne .efo"sj0?rjr60 ?gsr swsrvs. fUty 10 exceed speed, pay cost. Roosevelt Dixon, driving with out a valid operators Ese, 30 days suspended not operate motor until obtain valid license. *ao tine and cost. Harry Poe Williams, speed ing 74 mph in 60 mph zone prayer for judgment continued! . i?13" Harold Lucas, speed nimph 1/1 60 mPh zone, ,gUUty 10 exceed safe speed, pay cost. Luther Morris James, no ??J33?sa s?4rr. called and faUed, cash bond transfered to school fund. Sgt. Tonye Gene Babb sd eedfcg 90 mph in 60 mph ione. 30 days suspended not oper as m*or vehicle for 90 days 150 fine and cost. ^bert Windle. spee ding 70 mph in 60 mp zone called and failed cash bond transfered to school fund. T?Rrferro. speeding 75 nrahin 60mph zone posession tax paid whiskey faiL^ Kb^' caUed W sSSifZ bondtransferedto Ruth Bostick, speeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, called ?"d failed, cash bond trans fered to school fund. Sgt. Willie James Gavin, Jr. i i" K mph zone, called and failed, cash w izsn^ered to school fund. *aU*r Franklin Carter, op SKJjt auto while intoxicated {? C. Powell, careless* Si r,^es5' faU ? stop for JV" and Siren >25 fine and cost. So^mrth Glenn, speeding zone, fail to obtain N.C. re gistration in truck operation, called and failed, cash bond transferred to school fund. Kenneth Thomas Tanner, ca reless and reckless, 125 fine and cast. Roosevelt Alphin, larceny 8 months. Ottls Kenans, non support, 12 mos, suspended, pay into court for benefit of Lily Th erese Williams. 825 per month. Stacey Keith, Non support, nol pros with leave. Katie Moore Brltt, operating auto while intoxicated, pleads guilty to careless and reck less, 850 fine and cost. Eugene Waller Herring, op erating auto while Intoxicated, pleads guiltv to careless and reckless driving, 850 fine and cost. Albert P. Grady, speeding 66 mph In 55 mph zone, 810 fine and cost. Charlie Clifton Marray, no operators license, and did di splay another driver's license, called and failed, cash bond transferred to school fund. Robert Amos Blanton, no op erators license, 825 fine & cost, remit 815 of fine. Sammy Glenn Ausley, spe eding 65 mph in 50 mpn zone, 810 fine and cost. Roger Calhoun Parker, spe eding 80 mph in 55 mph zone, pleads guilty to exceed safe speed, pay cost. Elbert Lee Roy Bryant, op erating auto while Intoxicated pleads guilty to careless and reckless, 850 fine and cost. Charles Gilbert Shreeve, Jr. operating auto while intoxicat ed, pleads guilty to careless and reckless, 850 fine and cost. Thaddis Ray Jones, operat ing auto while intoxicated, nol pros. Arnold Jay Hancock, opera ting auto while intoxicated, Nol pros. Garland Washington Brown, speeding 72 mph in 60 mph zone, pleads guilty to exceed safe speed, 810 fine and cost. William W. Darden, speed ing 70 mph In 60 mph zone, 810 fine and cost. John Hilliard Sitton, speed ing 82 mph in 60 mph zone, pleads guilty to exceed safe speed, 810 fine and cost. Richard Lee St at on speeding 75 mph in 60 mph zone, 810 fine arid cost. Waymon Earl Taylor poses sion tax paid whiskey with seal broken and carrying concea led weapon, 30 days suspen ded, not violate NX. laws for i Wan Carr. failure to reduce speed in order to prevent accident, prayer for judgment continued. Billy Alfred Hodges speed ing 7o mph in 60 mph zone, pleads guilty to exceed safe speed, pay cost. Queen F arrior Carr, exceed safe speed, $10 fine aid cost. Willie James Bethune, fail ure to stop for red light and no operators license 30 days suspended not operate motor vehicle until obtain valid lice nse , $25 fine and cost. Francis Stroud, speeding 73 mph in 60 mph zone, $10 fine and cost. John J. Stalllngs, no ! operators license, 30days sus pended not operate motor ve hicle until obtain valid license $25 fine and cost. Lenwood Rex Griffin, poses sion tax paid whiskey with seal broken, pay cost. Billy Ray Temple, no oper ators license, nol pros. Winford Ray Duff operating auto while intoxicated and ex ceeding safe speed, pleads gu ilty to careless and reckless driving, $50 fine and cost. Alfred J. Klrcher, speeding 75 mph in 60 mph zone, cal led and failed, cash bond tran sferred to school fund. Alen G. Howard, speeding 65 mph in 50 mph zone, called and failed cash bond transfered to school fund. Marvin Alfred Pruett,speed ing 70 mph in 60 mph zone, $10 fine and cost. Billy Joe Champion, speed ing 71 mph in 60 mph zone, $10 fine and cost. Virginia Bell Hatcher, speed ing 70 mph in 60 mph zone, prayer for judgment cont'd. Francis Hlghsmith Clifton, speeding 75 fri 60 mph zone, pleads guilty to exceed safe speed, pay cost. Lester Denwood Jenkins, sp eeding 70 mph in a 60 mph zone, called and failed cash bond transfered to school fund. Herbert Horace Harris, sp eeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, called and failed cash bond tr ansfered to school fund. Russell Avil Mlnnix, speed ing 60 mph in 50 mph zone, called and failed, cash bond transfered to school fund. Joseph Jones, no operators license, and financial respon sible, no license plates,60days ?us bended, not operate motor vehicle until comply with state laws, pay cost. Edward Jerry Griffith, spe eding 82 miles in 60 mph zone called and failed cash bond transfered to school fund. Evander Jackson McPh e arson, speeding 60 mph in 60 mph zone, called and failed ca sh bond transfered to school fund. William H.Millard.operating Albert R. Minor, crating auto wMle Intoxicated, 90 days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 13 mos $100 fine and cost, remit $50 of fine. Paul Kermit Lanning, speed Ins 71 mph fan 60 mph sons, $10 fine and cost. George Comal L?ler, No Insurance, Improver registra tion, nol pros with leave. Carey Borden Lancaster, sp eding SO mph in 35 mph zone paw cost. Louis Dobrell Horner,speed ing 50 mph in 35 mph zone, prayer for judgment cont'd. IXxwa Gall Maready speed ing 49 mph in 35 mph zone, prayer for judgment cont'd. Arlet Homes Sharp less, no chauffeurs license, nol pros. Bland Nobles operating auto while intoxicated, pleads guilty to careless and reckless, $50 fine and cost. Charles Everett Faison, op eratic auto while intoxicated, 90 days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 12 mos pay $100 fine and cost, committment issued 8-15. Jackie Warren Nethercutt, speeding 73 mph in 56 mph zone, pleads guilty to 70 mph in 60 mph zone, $10 fine and cost. Sylvia Gilbert Parker, speed ing 71 mph In 60 mph zone, $10 fine and cost. Aurhur Samper, speeding 71 mph in 60 mph zone prayer for judgment continued. Judy Carolyn Cottle, fall to comply with restriction on li cense, pay cost. Linwood Dobson Kea, fail to comply with restriction on li cense, pay cost. Roby Farmer Westmorland, exceed safe speed, $10 fine and cost. Nathaniel Nobles, assault,nol pros with leave. Jasper Leon West, operating auto while intoxicated, pleads guilty to careless and reckless driving $50 fine and cost. Claude Mitchell Myers, sp eeding 60 mph in a 50 mph zone, $10 fine and cost. John Issac Stevens, Jr. sp eeding 72 mph in 60 mph zone, operating auto while intoxicated pleads guilty to careless and reckless $50 fine and post. Marvin Johnson, driving while license revoked, pleads ammended to driving while lecense suspended beca use of insurance $25 fine and cost. David Worth Scott, speeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, $10 fine and cost. iSfcESSSfc operate motor vehicle for 6 mos, $50 fine and cost. Thomas Albert Phelps, spee ding 60 mph in 50 mph zone, $10fine and cost. Leo Stanley Stanis, speeding 75 mph in 60 mph zone, pl eads guilty to exceed safe speed pay cost. Hermon Jones, speeding 75 mph in a 60 mph zone, $10 find* anH rnct Danelle Stroud, speeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, pay cost. Arthur Richard Hayes, fail to comply with restrictions on drivers license, pay cost. James Haywood Bass, driving while license suspended, 90 days suspended not operate mo tor vehicle until obtain valid license, 6200 fine and cost, defendant gives notice of ap peal, bond set at 6250. Thomas Coleman Arnold,sp eeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, 610 fine and cost. Earl Carlton, Jr. operating auto while Intoxicated, 90 days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 12 mos. 6100 fine and cost. Elizabeth Ann Young, opera ting auto while intoxicated, pl eads guilty to careless and re ckless driving, 650 fine and >cost. Robert W. McCarthy speeding 84 mph in 60 mph zone, 30 days suspended not operate mo tor vehicle for 60 days pay 625 fine and cost. F<rank Eugene Robbins, spe eding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, 610 fine and cost. Luke Frederick, opera ting auto while intoxicated, 90 days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 12 mos. 6100 fine and cost. Rayburn Earl Hall, operating auto while intoxicated, 90 days suspended not operate motor vehicle for 12 months pay 6100 fine and cost. Homer Lanier, drunk and dis orderly, using profanity, inde cent exposure, 90 days suspe nded not violate laws of N.C. for 2 years, 610 fine and cost. Luther Johnson, assault, nol pros with leave. Charlie HenryMcArthur,wo rthless check, 90 days suspen ded, pay checks and cost. Robert Sutton Saalflrld, Jr. speeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone called and failed cash bond transfered to school fund. Oswald Faison, operating auto while intoxicated, driving while driving privileges sus pended, displaying license of another, 6 mos. suspended, not operate motor vehicle until ob tain valid license, pay 6900 fine and cost. Walter James hrey, speedi ng 75 mph in a 60 mph zone. Kr? St speedl ?L , , - ng 70 mph to 60 mph tone, $ ' i floe w .J cost, CarlMcCauhley.Jr. no cp er*ors license, 935 fine and cost. WUllam Henry Houston, Il legal possession, pay cost. Samuel Stephen Jones, sp eeding 70 mph to 60 mph sone, 610 fine and cost. Willie Maylon Evans, spe eding 7 0 mph in a 60 mph zone, HO fine and cost. Erby Stevenson Holt, Jr. sp eeding 60 mph to a 50 mph zone pay cost, defendant gives notice of appeal, bond set at 950. John Henry Undersood, no operators license, 30days sus pended, not operate motor ve hicle until obtain valid licen se, 935 fine and cost. Wilbert Leon Stafford, Jr. speeding 60 mph to 50 mph zo ne, 910 fine and cost. R?ji Khalll Juma, speeding 76 mph to 60 mph zone, pay 910 fine and cost. William Harold Kitchens, sp eeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, 910 fine and cost. Steve Hand, no operators li cense posesslon of a stolen vehicle, 30 days suspended not operate motor vehicle until ob tain valid license, 925 fine and cost. Albert Lawler, speeding 60 mph In a 50 mph zone, 910 fine and cost, Dennis James Quinn, speed ing 70 mph In 60 mph zone 910 fine and cost. ne?lt of Walter Costin the sum of 1109. andcoct. Willie Lee Stfchell, interfere with an officer in line of duty, 90 devs suspended remain of good Wtavior 12 mos. 125 One and cost. Benjanln E. Moore, speed ing 88 mph in 60 mph zone, 810 fine and cost. Theodore J. Wamback, sp eeding 71 mph in 60 mph zone, 810 fine and cost. Elwood Maready, speeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, prayer for Judgment cont'd on payment of cost. Earl McKinely Fisher, speeding 60 mph in 60 mph zo ne, pay cost. Mary Blgford Woodcock, sp eeding 73 mph in 60 mph zone, 810 fine and cost. Warren Harden Cole, Jr. sp eeding 70 mph in 60 mph zo ne, 810 fine and cost. Curtis Lee Phillips .speeding 60 mph in 50 mph zone, 810 fine and cost. Davis Bryan Lee, speeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, 810 fine and cost. Vlto Victor Plzzitola, Jr. sp eeding 70 mph in 60 mph zone, 810 fine and cost. Ian Steward Longmulr, sp eeding 84 mph in 60 mph zone, 825 fine and cost. Randolph Kenan, driving un der the influence, 18 mos sus pended not operate for a per iod of 12 mos., pay 8200, fine folj owing divorces were Steve Median Jlmnenez vs Rosemary Bart el Jimenez, May Helen Pei r Brighamv: Jeff L. Brlgman, Ronald Eugene Byrd vs Lil lian Ann Geral Corrla Byrd, Ren a Mae K. Boxley vs Sam Allen Boxley Diane Likens Jones, vs Th omas Lee Jones. Myrtle L. Jones vs Clarence Kirby Jones, Sherman Lee Copeland vs Manor Rudd Copeland, alias Mrs. Maior Nlckens Lois Lovette Gay vs Char les Henry Gay Am* ony Ji esky, Jr n I C1lAr> T tfVAaln. WlC &.UCJ; J AuCSKYt Brenda Joyce Sauls n Eddie Saul*. Jr. t WT Jamaa J. Wlrrall vs Sttmikc His* Wlrrell, GeraldGltxson vs Sandra Ha Stop Save BA K GAS STATION Warsaw. N. C. GAS FOR LESS "Your Independent Dealer" Rag. 28C Per Gallon Hl-Test 3K B A K Sails Gas and Kerosene ? "Never Gives Out" All Brands Of Oil Belton 0. Minshew -Owners- Mattte L. Minshew Begs Of Coel For Sele i Here's your own I I personal shopping list. I I BautaMfc, N. C. | | Avon Oil Company Boulavillo Gift Shop Boulovillt Hardwaro & Implement Co. Wallace, N. C. " | Husky's Jtwslry Store | Ben Franklin Ackermon Corp. Benjamin's Dept. Store dosiic urug company Brown & Millar Company Edward's Farm Supply Edward's Garago Jamas Millar Hardwara t rm*m: Sandlin Tire Service I SimmAn't Rmfrinmratinn a a Kenansville, N. C. Bell Motors Holmes Jewelry Store Jemigan Tractor Compeny Kenansville Drag Store Leo Jactson Hardware Store oiantnaiu ruiiuat w.. int. Z. J. Carter ft Son Cavenaugh Chevrolet Inc. A. J. Caveneugh Jewelry Collins Co. Delmer Minchew Buick ft Olds t Dixoh s Bstafiping Shop All I. ft B. Oil Co.&flJns (30 Sinclair) I Eisenberg's Style Shop wimnraii ? iiwiiiyaiatiwn w njipHaiibO WW. Simpson's 6orsgs Simpson's Mons Shop Warsaw, N. C. Thomss & Horno M. H. Boa Men's Shop Thrsso's Dress Shop Clerks Drug Store Western Auto Store Ethel's Shopps *?!?: s- ?? o Evans Service Center I UINHI|Ua|llll# Ha W? I can P.^.r " Former's Hardware & I 6 *? 0 '?*" Mdl. Store, Inc. I MM Hid. N. C. Hlbk., To(m & Counary Shoe Bon's T. V. Cantor _ Katz Dopt. Store Brown's Cabinet & MiHworfcs ... .. The Florist 6ift Shop Dixie Discount _ . ,. _ . . . Western Auto Store Frederick Furniture Co.. Inc. Herring Supply Co. ' f > Rose Hill Trading Co. Sam's Drug Store cmma s Evans Jawuky Store i Farmer's Feed & Seed Co. 6owan Drug Co. 6raham Drug Co. Katz Dept. Store Kramer's Dept. Store Lanier's Shoes I Market Furniture Co. of Wallace. Inc. I Rose Oil Co. (All Atlantic Sta.) Rouse Hardware Co. Tire Sales Co. Turner's Dept. Store Wallace Drug Co. Wellece Hardware Lililla's Flowers ' Worsley Oil Co. & Affiliated Stations | Aw, cut it out. * mp; MISS MARTHA H U 0 HES FIC V ^ ? ' : " - v J j ii I ijULWI Mil lltlt^fw II*. II. ? -* ?t M-? IM -* ? no wooing. ir? uie one mopping usi you 11 neeo. rur ell your shoppinge If ? e complete Hating of ell the merchants In town who honor vour new First Bank Card. i, a : ww? COW OPOPWPO^O ^OPOOO PO^POO P ?? ?W^P.O^O WVVI ' WMh your First Bank Card you con chargo at ovary ,'iY mombor merchant displaying tho First Bank Card I omMam in tha two CaroHnaa. You'd raookra luat ona monthly statement for ell your purchases with lip to 20 months to pay* - md by the way# you can even fly Eeeteni wPhMMif . ? 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