mnnr mi i urtftin is n v J11 < ? LIHSr I '1 ?'' ? ? ? . ????^?Hv ..'V '?? i ? ' v\ ?fcj;,': ." \" t Tf'M* l ?' Ura. C. R. Moaback 289-3460 Mrs. L. A. Wilson 289-3384 CALENDER OF WEEKLY EVENTS IN ROSE HILL SEPTEMBERS THROUGH SEPTEMBER IS. 1968 Thursday. Sept. 5th?Liens Club Meets Thursday, Sept. 6th?Library Open Thursday. Sept. 5th?Firemen Meet Friday Sept. 6th Saturaay Sept. 7th? Sunday, Sept. 8th? WUllans Reunion at Wallace America Lesion Bids. (Rockflsh Community WH Uarnaes') Monday, Sept. 9th?Masons Meet Tuesday. Sept. 10th?Jaycees Meet Tueednr. Sejx. 10th?Town Board Meets Wednesday. Sept. 11th? Thursday, Sept. 12th?Library Open Thursday, Sept. 12th? Firemen Meet PERSONALS Miss Mary Lou Wllklns and Mrs. E. P. Blanchard visited in Mt. Olive with their sister in-law, Mrs. John Wllklns last week. Mrs. B.B. Longest, Sr. spent last week at Carolina Beach, with her were three sons and their families, who came together for a family reunion. Mr. aid Mrs. Beaufort Longest, Jr. of Atlanta, Ga, and small daughter, Lyn; Mr. and "Mrs. Jimmy Longest and two little son s of Raleigh; and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Longest, who were married In Wallace last Sunday, all spent' a part of die week together. Miss Jane Latham, of New Bern, was the week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HJE. Laham. Mrs. Harry C. Powell (Jar net Allison) has visited her mother, Mrs. Wade Allison for for die last two weeks. With her were her small sons. Wade and Douglas. The Powells live In Johnson City, Tenn. and Dr. Powell came for the past week end and returned with his fam ily to Johnson City on Mon. Miss Mary Vann Wllklns of Raleigh was a guest of her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wll klns for Labor Day week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Jen kins of Mt. Gllead and chil dren, Bobby and Winifred were at home for the week-end and Labor Day. They were guesu of their parents, Mr. ma Mrs. Bruce Dixon of Rose Hill aid Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Jenkins, Sr. of Teachey. Mrs. BUI Bynum and child ren Duane and Michael of Mays ville were recent guests of Mr. ' and Mrs. Bruce Dixon. Mrs. Bynum is the former Miss Martha Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Wilson spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. EX. Boatman, of Kloston and celebrated Mr. Wilson's birthday while there. Present to help celebrate die occasion were Mrs. Edwin Dunn of Kins ton, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wilson and Beth and Walter Wilson of Smlthfield. Old Rose Hill residents in town during last week were Mr. Lonnie Bunch ( with Mrs. Bunch and samll daughter) of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey of Burgaw; Mr. and Mrs. Wright Teachey of Wilmimton; Mrs. Bob Fish (Carolyn Tea chey and Mr. Fish of Hyatts Ytlle, Md.j Mrs. BUI Davis (Helen Rose Teachey) with Mr. Davis and children at Jackson ville, Fla.; Mrs. Charles Da vis (Nellie Graham Teachey) with Dr. Davis and sons Jar son and Eric of Durham; Ti mothy Teachey of Richmond, Va.; and Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Johnson of Wilmington. They attended the Te achey- Willi ams Wedding on Saturday. Miss Jo Carter of Raleigh has arrived in Rose Hill from I-.;. Smi*. tiwiwi bmJ*U ju JW 9i*f Rsleigh. ate Is spending As week with her parents, Mr. mi'' Mrs. Marvin Carter ef St. *,' and will be married on Rmday to Eddie Taylor of Raleigh a the Methodist Church in Miss HlU. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pr ice Knowles for the past heli day week-end were their dae rhter and son-in-law, Mr. Wtd : Mrs. CX. Lanier of Avmdale. Va. and their daughters Dehbte ? and Connie. The Latere her* recently returned from Ger- . many where they lived while on"' duty there with the UjB. Army.. Sp/B Lanier is new Stationed at Arlington Hill Station in Ar lington, va. He is in the . Security Agoney. On the weoh- v end the Knowles and Laden 1, families were visited a their home on Main St. by Mr. and - Mrs. J.W. Knowles md son*. ? Wesley and Walter, Mr. aw Mrs. Cecil Knowles of Wilming ton and Mr. and Mrs. Karreu Knowles of Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kn- 1 owles and sons of Charlotte pre'' visiting Mr. and Mrs., Oa*s: : land Bryant, Mr. md Mrs. Pi-.-* ice Knowles aid other Mdi- ' ves in the area. " r.. Mr. aid Mrs. Janes A. Br own aid daughters of Klnotdn were visitors in Ross HOI for the holidays. Bobby Mosback hat returasd from the Mosback ssmmer home in East Marian. Lon|.< Island. He is staring with Mi aunt, Mrs. LUlis Ball BtfiainlU J until his parents, Mr. and Mrs. " Charles Mosback arrive heme ? in law September. Mr. LJL Alderman dr. has ?' returned from s visit with hfe daughter. Mrs. Fred Center and family In Jacksonville, FI*. Mr. son Mrs. LL Hawse, JJfc; and family of Lathan, N.Y.were i guests of Mrs. Annie Heaps*.; James on Friday of last WealL' Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Lee Jb nes aid children spant the past week-end a their Kurt's Bosch ? place. As their guests they had Mr. and Mrs. KirkCarowad aid family. Mr. aid Mrs. Dai FusseU, Misses Estslle, Alithc snd Edits Fuss ell visited Mrs. (LFrmess Rlvcnbark in Goldstein on fan. Miss Ends FusseU of Wil mington is visiting relatives b? - Rose HlU this ween. Rsuiiwr t* It fll. RMN FMtfy ; The children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Rji. Route met enjoyed a day together at Gold Pond, a few miles westcf Rase j Hill, on Sunday, September lot. No program wae plumed and the main interests of the 4JV were visiting and eating the. delicious dinner prepared fey thi' ladies of the family. . ' Those who were present were the following: Mr. and MM. ' Hal lie Rouse of Wallace; Mrs. V.H. Rouse, Sr., Mr. and Mm. VJi. Rouse, Jr., and fwntly of Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Bab Martin and family of Wallace; Mrs. J.W. Banchard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Banchard and Miss Janet Banchard of Rose Hill; Mrs. W.L Rouse of Rose Hill Mr. snd Mrs. Durwood Reuse, Miss : Jo Am Rouse and friend it Gr eensboro; Mr. and Mrs, Ens Rouse and children of Jdeb*, sonvllle; Mrs. Ruby Barbrey of Mr Olive; Mr. and Mm. Pete Barbery and family of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cailawn ** son of FaycttevUle; Mr. and.'.j Mrs. Ray Souther land, Mr. mi Mrs. Robert Fetch and famity., of Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrd. Elmore Jenkins. Mr. and Mfs. . R.C. Jenldns of Tsachey; Mr; and Mrs. Joe Turner and chil dren of Goldaborei Mr. and Mra. Lam Dawson of Show Hill; Mr. and Mra. TheodoreRoues and Mr. and Mrs. B? Rouse Ml children of Rose Hill. IBI iii iRBii'i J. , * ifMk ?. ? 4*2^? wm wn* I I ' jwMf .* tff ||HKjE9faL I ^-.Jm ?? ? w nm. mt v Ki| |XTatf? > ? ?\l jtowtt SCfettttltf r^'Wyfi KlVff dn H AVu[ pfcft )fflMtt*.W^|3L^ ? '. jjjTiiflhBftSHTT ' I ? Mfrfr * ? m|gjjU|^^^r . 5i|5?^ I -v 'i ". V* I ? flffl ,|f A^| By tXffa?.' ? H* rM//UM7K Hh?_ ? I r* *p&J MtetuTSfiSESZ' ? I ml7 Cwy[ 75 ,2 fflPw- '-'I H JM itMLriP 'fifik1 iIl Wfjp * I jWB%lifiM?^Tv^,W v| . in*-A BKmAja. ? of Rt. 1, Far UeO) one brother. Set. Tatum Lee Sutton of Ft. Brtag. N.C.: tear sisters, Mrs. Hubert Vam of Rt. S, Mt. Olive, Mrs. Nor wood Sumner of Rt. 4, Clinton, Mrs. DewtttKlrw, of Rt 2, Fal Son. and Mrs. jimmy King of FSUMO. Mrs. AMa Merritt Wallace ? Mrs. Adelle Morris Morrin, 30, died Monday . morning. Funeral services we re conducted Tuesday at Kdgenon Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Roderick Rmdolph and the Rev. George Ports Jr; Burial was In Rlvervlew Memorial Park near Watha. Surviving are her husband, JjC. Marrht of the home; two Jaughters, Mrs. Reid Fusspll r of Rose Hill and Brenda . Morrin of the home; her fa ther, Leslie Norris of Chin euapln; two sisters, Mrs. 1/aweon Batchelor and Mrs. Durvrard Ennls, both of Chinquapin; one brother, J.L. Morris Of Asheboro. She was a native of Duplin County, a me mber of Wallace Methodist Church and was employed by J. P. Stevens Co. here for several y*foafeir?i Violet Sura merlin Is now married and lives in Nash ville, Tenn. next, Naomi St roud, we cannot find more ab out; Dorothy Brown now lives in Petersburg, Va. andherhus band is in the construction bu siness; Doris Brads haw, the tiny one on the end is de ceased. Second Row: 1st on this row Is William Th ompson who has a home in Rose Hill. He works for the Esso Shipping Company and is out on a ship 80 days and at home for 40 days; D alt on Hill, next and Wil liam's Cousin, lived In Wallace, but disappeared from the str eets of the town one afternoon and the mystery of what hap pened to him has never been solved. Dalton was one of the brightest members oftheclass, ana always made excellent gr ades; next boy is -Ray Lee Benton, works for Tire Sales Co. in Wallace and is the fa ther of 3 little girls. Forest Knowles, the handsome young ster proudly wearins suspen ders, gets Deck to Rose Hill now and them; Lynwood Boone Is last on the row and?where areyou, Lynwood? Third Row: CJ. Williams, who lived near Charity, is now a detective in the Raleigh City Police Force, and a very handsome officer he is. toe* Norwood Fussell lives some where in the county think, but can't find out Just where; Eloise Parker lived near Rose Hill and married a Reg ister. She lives in Wllson;So nny aeon married Aauaiae r u ssell who Joined the class se veral years later. They live in Savannah where Sonny flies pl anes as a hobby. He works for Radar Control. Joyce Johnson is next on the list. She is Mrs. Ward Blanch ard, has two children and lives near the Rockfish Country Club. Charles Knowles is married and lives on the farm near Har rells his family moved when they left Rose Hill; The little Misses with her armes folded is Helen Smith ] who lived near charity - we j don't know where she is now. J Fourth Row: Sarah Starling is married and lives in F ayetteville. She comes I visiting at home with her two children now and then; next ?;irl is named Many Jane Sw- 1 nson- we did not locate her i present address; i Bobby Ann Scott next, lives in Rose Hill, has two daught- 1 ers and they are all three liv- i ing in happy anticipation of hus band and father Harold Smith returning home from Viet Nam in about another month; Shirley Wilson, next, married Ernest Boatman of Morristown, Tenn. They live in Klnston and Sh irley teaches mathematics in the High School there. Bobby Lee Jones lives In Rose Hill, works for Ramsey Feed Co. and is married to Faye Teachey, the classmate stand ing Just above his right ear! Tney have two handsome red haired children; Martha Dixon married Bill Bynum, Ex- Army Captain-They live inMaysville, N.C. andmar tha teaches in White Oak. She has two sons, and visits her parents here often; Elizabeth (Lib) Merrltt is Mrs. Ray He mby of Jacksonville, she is also a career woman. She gets home to visit often; Jimmy Loc ker man is an electrician, lives in Rose Hill and would be a good catch for some nice girl! Fifth Row: Charles Sholar.lives near Rose Hill but we were unable to con tact him. We don't know who is the sweet looking little girl next, but her last name was Moore. Gene Herring, next, is still around and has never mar ried; Helen Fussell, next, is Mrs. A1 Reed of Greensboro; Faye Teachey married Bobby Lee Jones and lives in Rose Hill; Betty Jean Lockerman is married and lives at Pender lea. Her name is Mrs. W.R. Lef ler and she has two little girls. The next two could not be id entified through the three mem bers of the class who helped with this group all said both "looked familiar". Last on the group is J J). Kaowles who li ves in Rose Hill. He Is the f ather of two daughters?one of whom was born last week, so She's "brand new". 1 This group became noted In High School for Its out-standing basketball team composed of gi rls In the class. On this team were Betty Jean Lockerman, Faye Teachey , Bobby Ann Scott and Shirley Wilson, all of whom began school together and were graduated together. Later In tne 6th grade, Eli zabeth ( Lib) Waters became a member of the class and both she and her sister Blllle Mae' Waters, were valuable additions to the team which won several tournaments and were consid ered one of the best teams Rose Hill ever had. Note: Last Weeks "Mys tery Kids'* with their goat were Norwood, Wilbur and Gra ham Fussell, "Big Sister" was Estelle Fussell. All of them still live in Rose Hill. Hammond Organs Hammond Pianos ORGANS FROM $495.00 There are more Hammond Organs in ase than all other makes put together. "One reason they are guar anteed for a lifetime never to go out of tune..' Johnson Music House New River Shopping Center Jackson vflte-Phohe St7-4M7 i ijOHNSON ?*ANO & ORGAN *CO. Kinston, N. C. ? - I 1 j Are You Ready j I For School? j I JKii * ? I ? Golden R?d Is $12.00 ~ ? Honey ? Brown $14.00 ? Rust A n ge> oleno v.num?iwun ? Look Who* Wo have ? I ? I i I I s 1 Many |. Mora Stylos too - I j ? I $12.00 ifr* * , : , Aucl kwgjflflf V oinrwn^^^fl ? &gi ?? ' ,-.55' ^^v9| > - film ? * W liii1 Equip. Co. sSS^O^^flSB^n Clinton, N. C. ^QQQQQH g Relax and Enjoy Our Superb Food... Our Modest PricesI Treat Mom and the Children to a Sunday meal with > ? all the fixings. We take special pride la Mm sapcrfc qaallty a( aer Faad, Oar ?rearaaa parttaes, served la a tri sadly alaiaapfctri. Kllin'C BARBECUE and ItlNU O RESTAURANT 409 E. New Bam Road Kinaton, N. C. Dial 527-1108 " * '^B I . ? I ? A ?- _?>' I ' '^^B v B ^B 11 ^| '^?'' fl ? ^k I I