Adult Bisic Education An active concern for education has deep loots In the traditions of Duplin. From tile days of the private institutions to the now present pub lic schools, Duplin County has been devoted to educating their fellow man. James Sprunt in keeping with the traditions, is offering "Adult Basic Education" to nrenare students for tests leading to a high school diploma, awarded by the Duplin County Board of Educa tion. Adult Basic Education plans to establish classes in six areas in Duplin County and to em ploy teachers to teach in their own physical area. In order to reach a target Population of 9,000 undereducated adults in Duplin County, "Adult Basic Education" will need the support of all citizens in Duplin County. IJEARAGO. 'DupltiT County School Board releases school integration pla n. freedom of choice to conti nue each year until total Inte gration. Paul Eason manager, annou nces plans for new Be Ik Ty ler Store In Mt. Olive. Conscration Services set for Northeast Pentecostal Free Wi ll Baptist Church. Former st ructure destroyed by fire on March 22. 1967. R. W. Swain Is elected agr icultural Extension i^ent to replace Jim Bunce. 5 YEARS AGO Mrs. Perry Grady, Rt. 1 Mt., Olive is named Duplin County Mother Of The Year. Dixon Hall is named full time director of James Sprura Inst. Cathy Rouse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Eugene Rouse, will represent Duplin County as Miss SENCland at the Azalea Pp?tiva1 Cites Pickles pay roll reach es Half Million. 10 YEARS AGO Duplin County 4-H Club cel ebrates 50th Anniversary. Mrs. Ala Quinnie Br ins on, prominent Kenansville lady,di ed in Duplin General Hospital. Mrs. R. P. Wood honors her daughter Donna Kaye on her 11th Dirthday. Starlings Department store opens in CI irks Shopping cen ter in Warsaw. 20 YEARS AGO Kenansville Lions Club are entertained by Mr. A Mrs. Co lon Holland. Sarah Dobs on is fatally en jured in wreck at Bowden- six other persons hospitalized. Calypso women name major project of year beautifying town. Pvt. Harry Boyce Wallace has notified his mother Mrs. J. T. Wallace of his safe arr ival in Germany. To The Editor Instead ot writing the usual type of "Thank You" note, I have chosen to write a public letter to my friends to express some of my thoughts Airlng andf following my recent hospitaliz ation. I will begin by saying that I have never been treated so well by so many people. If 1 were to make a list of all those who helped to turn otherwise dark days into bright ones, I would have to lead the list with my wife's name. She was constant ly by my side caring for me. I won't name individuals, but will generalize instead as I po int out some of those people to whom I say--"Thank You." From the moment that I chec ked into Duplin General Hos pital, until I was discharged, everything was accomplished with precision like clock-work. I was made to feel that each member of the staff was per forming his duty just for me. I received the best possible tr eatment twenty-four hours each day. We are very fortunate to have such a fine hospital in this area. I was greatly cheered and yet made to teel humble by my many friends who showed their concern for me by sending gif ts, flowers, and cards; by those ,whp visited but* i these are very important to me. 1 think that every individual at some time or other haswon dred just how many real fr iends that he has and if many ' people really care what happens to him. That is an interest ing thought, but there is anoth er one mat is really important. Ask yourself this, ''Am I as concerned about others as th ey are concerned about me?" "niink about it. I did. ? I want my friends in this area to know that as a lifelong nati ve of Duplin County, I am proud of my licritage. And as a res ident of Kenansville for over thirteen years, I am proud of my town. Bit above all, I am proud of the fact that I have so many friends. My thanks to all of you for your concern. Earl Hatcher WASHINGTON WOW htm YMr Cmunhmm ^MVIP N. INNDWSON During the Congressional re cess for Lincoln's Birthday, I made extensive visits through out my Congressional district and talked with a targe number I of persons on a wide variety of subjects. In a number of Informal meetings, I encourag ed their questions and comment. I Among the topics most fre quently brought up were the tobacco situation, tax reform, the Congressional and Execu tive pay raise and school In tegration. 1 have attempted to make my position clear on all of I these Issues. 1 do not believe that the Federal Communlcj- I tions Commission and the Fed eral Trade Commission have either the legal authority or the moral right to single out tobacco products for treatment different from that accorded be verage alcohol, high caloriefo ods and other products known or believed to be hazardous to health and 1 shall work to ex tend the present provisions of law which prohibit these agen Onthesubjectof tax reform, f I*i_e11 ? uji that fh(e (g hftdlv ing written. The code has not had a general overhaul since 1938 and I am confident that we c?i and will, during this session of Congress, make re visions which will result In more equitable treatment for the average American who is now, in my opinion, carrying too much of tli ad. Most of nn c stituents real ized that I opposed the recent Congressional and executive pay raise on the ground that at a time when it was calling for spending cuts and anti-in flation measures. Congress set a terrible example by approv ing for Itself a 411o pay raise. I did everything 1 could to bring this matter to a record vote in the House, but only a small minority of the member ship of the House joined me in this effort and we were unsuc cessful. On the subject of school in tegration, 1 continue to hold the personal view that freedom of choice is the fairest plan for all concerned. It has become Electoral I (COLLEGE SYSTEM }. i i . ? '?*??. ? - ? v? . r. ?.? v*>* j.'. ?.-2 ?>???** < Atvthy ///ocxzh+u SENATOR SAMERVIN ? SAYS * J WASHINGTON--The Senate Su bcommittee on Air and Water Pollution has begun hearings on the proposed Water Quality Im provement Act of 1969 a mea sure which I have co-sponsor ed along with 24 other Senators. When Congress adjourned la st session, legislation substan tially like this measure was a part of its unfinished business. Since then the measure has be en redrafted to clarify the pro blems encountered during ^its rces of pollution which damage our water resources. They are oil pollution, boating pollution, and thermal pollution. Fundamentally, the water po llution problem is the result of an expanding civilization that demands more and more clean water and at the same time continues to contaminate water at an alarming rate. Congress in response to the urgency of the problem enacted the Water Quality Act in 1965 and the Clean Waters Restoration Act in 1966. Despite this legislation, however, there is more to be done. Pollution involves our way of life and our whole way of existing. We must, therefore, deal with it in many ways. The California off-shore oil leakage from drilling operat ions recently contaminated hun dreds of square miles of bea ches and snore waters. Spills from the vessels, Torrey Can yon and Ocean Eagle, have been dramatic examples of shipping contamination. Lesser acciden ts, which we hear less about, are of increasing consequence. This bill seeks to take some affirmative steps to remedy this situation. The sewage disposal problem continues to be a major sour ce of contamination of our riv ers, lakes, and oceans. One of the principal problems in this area has been how to finance more community sewage treat ment plants. The bill, S. 7 and a companion bill, S. 544 introduced by Senator Muskle, recognize that more will have to be done in this area. The proposed Water Quality Improvement Act also deals wi th thermal pollution, and reco tnlzes the responsibility of Fe eral agencies to protect water quality in the licensing of nu clear power plants. There is ! disagreement as to how this can De accomplished .and what Federal agency should decide matters of this nature. The bill seeks to establish certain stan dards to deal with thermal po llution. The problem facing our cou ntry is best illustrated when we realize that a few years ago we were using about 300 bill ion gallons of water daily, yet by the year 1980 that need will have doubled, and by the year 2000 water needs in this cou ntry will have tripled. One of the authorities on water pro blems was the late Senator Kerr of Oklahoma. One of his favorite phrases was "land, wood, and water are the basic elements of economic strength, and these elements must be diligently conserved and wisely used if we are to maintain our security and reinforce our free world position." North Carolinahas vast water resources and fares better than most states, but the problem is of immense importance to our State. I am hopeful that Con gress will deal effectively with water pollution by supplemen ting existing legislation on this subject. Duplin Times Progress Sentinel Published Weekly by DUPLIN PUBLISHING CO., INC. IKE RIDDICK, PUBLISHER Kenanssffle. N. C. 28349 Second Class Postage Paid at Kenansvllle. N. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Single Copy ??-?? Me In DnpNu and Adjoin!** ? Moo. - fl.81 1 Vr. - ?M1 OuMde Of Duplin and ? ??.*-*? C|"'Tr!'! 94M (lad. N. C. Sales Tax) I Tr. SB Crossword Puzzle acrom 11111 mnwiiii r i- h I-1 1. Shuts tight M |E^d^ i==j^==p= 19. Frighten flBUMO H mSBiM ?1 ""TflfflflM 20. sun 883s 8 __ MBM_ __b8Shb3 40. Minm ??mm mmm goddes- 47. Illuminated 5?. Pilferer: 26. Arm bans 41. Mimic 4R Baseball slang 27. Falsehood 4.1, Rodents league 57. Put away 29. Demon 44 Possessive 49. clash 30. Produce pronoun 51. State: abbr. DOWN crow ,ng 55" Abundance |. Time of year 31. Weak "?nt 54. Violin 2. Uncover 34. Hurls *?>" ?? hah 3. Deeds 35 Criminal lolalulolxicBNIjUl i Inge! ?? French "the" 36. Higher ? s'VViTw? 5. Hurried 37. Letter Ixlj>M SI *1 1 ffltUlAfcduLi 6. Civil wrong strokes III iRUxL JLLLM-fr law 38 Ice pendant l5T-> i BUa JwBBm l11' ". Ruthenium: 39. Caught jpk dru & manner, non suit. Eddie Faison Blackburn, dri ving drunkj careless nd reck less operations, pleads guilty to driving drunk, $100. fine * co st. Alice HallBostlc.speedinaM mph In a 55 mph zone. $15. fine and cost. Irene Outlaw, sale of lixjulor. n on suit. Joseph Battle, Jr.. no opera tors license, $85 fine and cost. George Henry James,driving drunk. $100. fine and cost. James Willlm Kenan, driv ing drunk, nol pros with leave. George Washington Rideout, Jr. speeding 60 mph In a 50 mph zone, nol pros with leive. Jefferson Lenard Bishop, e xceed safe speed, nol pros with leave. ? Joseph Thomas Phillips.drl vlng drunk, prayerfor Judgment coitt'd to Feb. 21. on cond ition he pay $100. and cost. Wallace Duke Cockrell. spe edinglO mph In a 60 mph zone nol pros with leave. I David Evans Sims, speeding 10 mph In a 60 zone, nol pros with leave. Dewey Lee Sutton, no opera tors license, nol pros with le ave. James Grady Ashworth, Jr. ? speeding 60 mph In a 50 mph zone, prayer for Judgment con d Floyd Hall, worthless check, prayer for judgment continued nol pros with leave. Debra W. Campbell, worthle ss check, prayer for Judgment continued upon payment of cost and check. Aaron Carroll, public drunk enness, nol pros with leave. | David Williams, public dru Inkenness. nol pros with leave. J ames Mc Arthur West, impr oper exhaust, nol pros with lea VCMargaret Ann Batts.larceny, nol pros with leave. Mary Merritt Pickett. Impro per exhaust, nol pros with le ave. Edward Graham, no opera tors license, nol pros with lear ve. ? I Jack Ruff in Be as ley, faU to yield, nol pros with leave. ? Ezzard C. Pickett, impro per exhaust, nol pros with leave. Robert Plummer, public dru nkeness, $10. fine & cost. James Pears all, public drun kenness, nol pros with leave. Buddy Luther Williams, puo ?lic drunkenness, nol pros with leave. Rudolph Allen, Improper ex haust, nol pros with leave. Judith Lockamy Plner, diso beying a duly Installed stop signal, nol pros with leave. John Nicholas Mavroson, sp eeding H mph In a 60 mph zone nol pros with leave. Leo Middleton, worthless ch eck, nol pros. Sylvester Carlton, worthless check, nol pros. Elaine Shippen "Lenoir, fail to stop at stop sign , pay cost. Joyce Gllmore Griffith, spee ding 15 mph in a 60 m(*t zone $5. fine &. cost. Macon i Randolph Kornegay, larceny. 4 months suspended, good behavior 1 year. $15. fine and cost. David Carroll Brunson, spee ding 61 mph In a 40 mph zone $15. fine and cost. Larry Andrews, larceny, nol ,. .. PrOS WnfF IvIVC* 11 mum ti hf#aldiMl uui Davment o/jXo^lne and cw and supervision of probation of - fleer 3 years Jesse Lee Barksdale. larc <*y. prayer for Judgment cont'd upon payment of 950. fine and cost and supervision of prob ation officer for 3 years. Robe t Nelson Smith, speed lng 55 In a 40 mph zone, 95 fine and cost. Oscar Junior Mitchell, spee ding 66 on a 40 mph sone, 310 fine * cost. Romie Henry Williams, oper ating left of center line, nol pros with leave. Isaac William Miller, spee ding 75 mph in a 60 mph sone, nol pros with leave. Larry Darnell Gray, pass ing stopped school bus, 135 fine & cost. Jerry Hill Wells, fail to yield right of way, pay cost. f Joyce Ann Jones, worthless check, nol pros with leave. Allen Earl Piner, speeding 65 mph In a 55 mph sone, prayer for judgment cont'd Oily Rudolph Garner, simple assault, prayer for Judgment cont'd Thurman F. Evans, Jr. sim ple assault,prayer for judgment cont'd I Warren W. Lassiter.jr.pui> 11c drunkeness, nol pros with leave. Thurman F. Evans, Jr. pub lic drunkeness, nol pros with leave. Haywood Cecil Evans, public , drunkenness, nol pros with le ave Willie Edward McGee, disor derly conduct, resist arrest, public drunkeness, 60 days sus pended good behavior one year, 925. fine and cost. Dennis Wayne Rivenbark, sp eeding 74 mph in 60 mph zone, prayer for Judgment upon pay ment of cost. James Henry Hill, speeding 80 mph in a 60 mph zone 935. fine & cost. Rommie Miller, Jr. worth less check, nol pros with leave. Ervin Leak, driving drunk, nol pros with leave. James Davis Bowens, Jr. im proper brakes, pay cost. Thomas Hobart Clarey, spee ding 74 in a 60 mph zone, 915 fine and cost. Alfred Lee Green, speeding 70 mph in a 60 mph zone, - nol pros with leave. Amos Lofton. Jr, no oper ators license, nol pros with le ave. Hoyte Gene Miller, careless and reckless, not guilty. Lattie Herring, no operators license, nol pros with leave. Larry Wilson Harper, fail to stop, nol pros with leave. Jlmmie Wayne Middleton, fall to comply with ins pea ion law, nol pros with leave. Weldon S wins on, public drun kenness, nol pros with leave. Hubert Aycock, assault with a harm aid hospitilzatlon, nol pros with leave. Robert Eugene Blake, passing at marked intersection, nol pros with leave. James Hazel Mackey, speed ing 60 in a 50 mph zone, nol pros with leave. Harold Glenn Futrell, car el- 1 ess and reckless, 925 fine and cost. Dallas Lee Graham, nol pros with leave. James Carr, fail to give no tice of collision, nol pros with leave. Jimmy Ervin Aikens, imp roper muffler, nol pros with leave. Lenard Edward Wilson, f ail to comply with safety inspection law. nol pros with leave. Joseph B. Tyler, worthless check, prayer for judgment co nt'dupon payment of checlr-and 'cost, defendant gives notice of appeal to superior court. Robert Carl Wheeler, spee ding 70 in a 55 mph zone,nol pros with leave. Norwood Maready, drivingd runk nol, pros with leave. Aaron Hall, wothlesa check, n oi pros with leave, Willie Edward McGee, spon taneous racing, non suit. Levester Hopb, public drunk enness aid resist arrest, 3 months suspended, good behav ior one year, 925 fine and cost. James E. Richard, speeding 70 in a 60 mph zone, nol pros with leave. Willie Edward McGee, speed ing 90 mph In a 40 mph zone, prayer for judgment cont'd upon following conditions, defendant spend M nours In county jail beginning Saturday night Feb. 15 and ending Sunday night Feb, 16, 1960. Pay 960 fir* and cost and surrender driving license to court. Johnnie LeeHall.noh support, nol pros with leave. Vincent Aaron Holbrook, spee ding 72 mph in a 60 mph zone, nol prds with leave. tonnie Jam Houston, publU drunkenness, riol pros with le cnecx ana cast. Debra W. Campbell, worth less check, pleads guilty, pay check md cost. WaherBordeeux, jr. speeo lng 70 mph in a 60 mph zone prayer for Judgment cont'd Elbert Ray Boone, driving dr unk, pleads guilty, prayer for "kjdcment cont'd00condition pay $100. fine and cost, probation for 2 years. Alexander Newklrk. public : drunkenness, disorderly con duct, nol pros with leave. ? Nancy Weeks Hobbs, driving; drunk, no liability insurance pl eads guilty, 6 months, susped ded, $100. fine and cost, make I restitution to Mr. Watkins in the amount of $150. for his incurred j medical expenses. Gives notice of appeal. Lenwood Stone Hlnson, spee ding 70 mph in a 65 mph zone, pryer for Judgment cont'd. David'Merritt Cities, speeding 66 mph in a 55 mph zone, $6 fine and cost. Ronald Earl Malpass, spee ding 70 in a 55 mph zone, $10 fine & cost. James Donell Mobley, spee ding 70 mph in a 60 mph zone. $5. fine A cost. Roger Cleveland Potter, spe eding 84 mph in a 55 mph zone, $50. and cost. Joseph Battle, Jr. no oper atopr license, $25 fine and cost. Arrellous Davis, fail to com ply with drivers license rest rictions, $25 fine A cost, remit fine. I Everett Glenn Bans, spee ding 60 mph in a SO mph zone, $5. tine and cost. Eddie Lee Smith, exceed safe soeed, $10 fine and cost. William G. Smith, worthless check, 30 days assigned to sup ervision of Kate Department of Correction. Michael Alexander Foxe, spe eding 70 in a 60 mph zone, $5. fine md cost. Macon Stroud, possession tax paid whiskey with seal broken $S. fine and cost. Horace Hill Futrell, speeding 73 mph in a 60 mph zone, $1S. fine and cost. Levester Hobbs, public drun kenness, $10 fine and cost. Paul Bryant Wrenn, speeding 70 in a 6o mph zone, $15 fine and cost. Edna Artis Blackmore, spe eding 55 in a 35 mph zone,$15 ,.ftae and cost. ,, ? Jhproi# Wayne Willni#diy. FaQ to stop for stop sign, nol pros. Mac Ray Bryan, improper re gistration to wit, no liability insurance, $25 fine and cost. Donald Ray Rhodes, driving on wrong side of road, nol pros with leave. Earl Pope, non support, pr ayer for judgment continued. Myrtle J. Brown, obtaining unemployment insurance under fraudlem means, 30 days in county fail suspended upon payment of $50 fine and cost. Wade Jackson, assault, pr ayer for judgment continued. Norman F air ay Hal], speeding 75 mph in a 55 mph zone, am mended to careless and re ckless driving $25 fine Acost. Zander Allen Jordan, fail to stop at stop sign, careless and reckless operation, $25 fine and' cost. Billy Wayne Langs ton, speed ing 70 mpn in a 50 mph zone $10 "fine and cost. John Rooert Fowler, allow unlicensed person to operate his vehicle, pay cost. William Duffy Lane, fail to comply With inspection law, nol pros. William Smith, worthless ch eck, 30 days. David Troublefield, public drunkenness, nol pros with lea ve. WUit?m Ernest Jackson, spe eding 72 mph in a 60 mph zone nol pros with leave. Marshall Owen Raynor, dr iving drunk, nol pros with leave Elbery Hanchey, worthless check, nol pros with leave. Jimmy Matthews, non felon ious breaking and entering, 1 year probation under super vision probation officer, p^ court cost, not change place of residence without consent of probation officer. Robert Glenn Walker, non fe lonious breaking and entering, eighteen months suspended 4 years supervision of probtflon officer, not to change place of residence without written con sent of probation officer, attend school regularlyuntilflnishhigh school or is gainfully employed, I"""' ;.-t?S S&IHS the amount of $>206,75 at such time as probation may direct. Wesley Sailings, non feloni ous breaking and entering, lar ency, eighteen months suspend ed 4 years not ch ange place of residence without written consent of probation, attend school regular until fin ish high o I* gainfully employed, pay court cost and restitution in amount of1208,75 teuftr e dir S J1'!fI | rl3' J ' m prayer for judgnaat cont'd upon payment of 63o. and com, de posit driver license with Clerk of Court for 60 days and not operate motor vehicle for 60 days. Larry Thomas Sanderson, s peeding, 70 mph in a 60 mpb zone, SlO fine & cost. Willard Gresham, puOUc or unkenness, 10 daws in county jail. Richard Junior Farrior, fail to comply with restrlcltons on . drivers license prayer for jud gment. James Lofton Carr;possess ion tax paid whiskey with seal broken, |fi. fine and cost. Dallas Emmett Jones, spee ding 73 mp h in a 60 moh zone prayer for judgment cont'd upon payment of cost I Ostel Alton Fann, possession tax paid whiskey with seal bro ken, 16. fine & cost. Hazel Martin, speeding 60 mph in a 50 mph zone, nol pros with leave. James D. Vinson, non supp ort, 6 months suspended, pay the sum of 615. on date of this judgement and a like amo unt each successive week until the youngest child reaches die age of 18, or until further ord ers of the court. Nathan Louis Garner, impro per brakes, pay cost. Billy Sanders, carrying con cealed weapon, 30 days sus pended, 635 fine ana cost we^ion confiscated according to law. David Ross Brewing!on, jr. speeding 75 mph in a 60 mph zone, 610 fine It cost. Wilma Lee Brown Jones, car rying concealed weapon, 625 fine and cost, weapon confiscat ed according to law. Ronald A. Johnson, speeding 100 mph in a 60 mph zone .ple ads guilty to careless and reck less , 650 fine and cost. Furnie N. Simmons, non sup port, nol pros with leave, cost taxed against prosecuting wit ness. Gardner Jake Albertson, Im proper registration, no liability insurance, fail to comply with inspection law, case dismissed. nol pros with leave. Sammy Simmons, assault on a minor, prayer for judgment co ntinued for 30 day, defendant de livered to the sheriff and is ordered to be placed in the cou nty jail until 6 o'clock . Clarence Aaron Ezzell, non support, nol pros with leave. Robert James Hicks, fail to comply with safety inspection law, nol pros with leave. Perry Walker, drunk and dis orderly, nol pros with leave. John X. Jones, non support nol pros with leave. Raymond Clayton Matt his, non support , prayer for Judg nfent. Warren Harden Taylor, pub lic drunkenness, carrying a concealed weapon, court finds defendant guilty of carrying co ncealed weapon, 30 days, sus pended upon payment of 625. fine and cost. Weapon order ed confiscated and disposed of according to law. David James Rivenbark, dri ving drunk, pleads careless and reckless, 6 months suspended2 . years probation attend Alcoho lic Anonymous meeting in Cli nton every Monday night for for 60 days, pay 650 fine and cost. Leona Atkinson Tucker, sp eeding 70 mph in a 60 mph zo ne, pleads exceed safe speed, pay cost. Norris Dunn, assault with de adly weapon, prayer for judg ment continued upon payment of 68.00 and to Dr. H. T. Ray the sum of 610 . Remain of Good behavior for period of one year. Charles S. Houston, assault on a minor, not guilty. Denny Ray Houston, assault on a minor, prayer for Judg ment continued 30 days, de f end ant Is to be delivered to Health Tips Had your fint .unburn of "*' i " mi and ted out how it happened. If not, read on, and poeribly pick up Mine pointer, on how to avoid er minimize (unburn. Actually, a tuntan hat no real health value. But there may be a {Mythological therapeutic remit in the kmc of relaxation and well being gained from funking in the warm lunahine, if hian't overdone. ? ? I .