I y q nd BtriSff CmTmmIs Mrs. Charles Teecfa^, 111. bridge dub at her home on I SSJseSSer on Thursday Marvin Johnson. Bon Harrell, Thurman Fields and Elwyn G. T* * Murray jr. After the play tables were laid for an enjoyable dessert E asms nut cake, ice cream and high score was won by Mrs. GMdinga, Traveling and bingo prises by Mrs. Johnson and second high score by Mrs. Fiekfc. DhiMr Party Miss Linda Herring was hoe teas to school mates and ether friends at a dinner party on Thursday Evening September fourth at her home on Ridge Street As her guests arrived appeti sers were served them in the living room which was deco rated with beautifully colored In the dining room the color scheme was pink and white. An arrangement of pink rinnios in a crystal bowl graced the center of the dinner table These were enhanced by the lighted pink caadhe placed in crystal canddabras which flanked the centerpiece. Guests for the evening were the following; David and Betty Fussell Byrd, recently married olina State University; Peggy Hasting and Dudley House of f igh ty ni e Hi mot getting off "early* o gl' saving r < iddenl] one night rh you jet borm I'll b? dart I \ 1 New Chrcmaoolor Picture Tube W - ? 4k*aki ?>?? ? - Jrt( !??[<_ AAWIMMJ! IM MIaiiI MMAN AJ>IA* own prmouwy aonwwM in v ?? ?-<- Mn cokx i?. Hfxob idjusti contratt and OTtflf i#v6 H|I Hr^ < H | ?" * totori or TV ^1