*rt .to^,fTjnJL g'g ^"7 f f SartfalSi' ^ C^??nMW?e?Cy M cwne ta " 7*56 ???? Kenans vitts was the first ambulance to arrive at 8*01 5 minutes I t after the <*11 went out. Faison vu the accood ambulance on the scene at 8:11. The Fdsoo Rescue Squad received the call in I v ? l'i WM ' > V Kwansvilk, where they had taken a wreck victim to the hospiu). The last ambulance arrived from Wallace at 8:31. The "victima" wm* members of Boy Scout Troop 20 of Wartaw and nursing students from James Sprunt Institute. All eight Rescue Sauads in the county participated in the disaster drill. * 1 < ? ' > ? _ i ^ wttrr A. \ I A^Lm ? % a, A ^k \ H a & MM] ^ ^ ^ M I I I I wM WIBr ^HIU ? ? I I1 | ? | .^H I 1 A ?F ? ';I^H rr^;^fi ^^?wBH Mv.....Bi^H: ^ IB ? W1 rl I K nj 3*^ ^?.^ik >W mKm iS^BjRb Te 11R? JiBlfl ., V , , . ^ ^ \ X Iv namno.21 . iEWAMS?im.ijC mrg.ww ^ jj*' Son A Guw^j first stop was st the Contem porary Resort Hotek r .No vacancy, but ( was told'there were a few rooms Jfcft at the Gotf Resort Hotel. . ?0 1 go busting .dp to the Golf Resort Hotel and asked if they had any rooms left.' iThe clerk said yes., and handed me a form to fill Hi. . .1 ; tFte&ts&s: many nights will you *T?e Staying?'. , .1 told hint I wasn't die. . .It was according to how Well I liked things. . .1 might stay two or three, or just one. . ?So he said. "You want to pay When you leave?". . .1 said. no. that I'd pay as I go. . ."How Much do I owe you for. one nfght?" .. '$52 including tax." Says he. . ."Now hold on a minute." says I, "How many people am I paying for?". ,"You and your wife." says he. "And. oh yes. there is no bed in dtis room. It is part of a suite. Wt you can sleep on the couch.". . .1 doubted if we would spend more than one night at those rates. . .Now. 1 am poor folks, and S50 is a lot of money for me for a night's j. lodging.. .Especially for a room Ihat has no bed. . No other extra frills either. .Jqst a plain room. . . Por fifty buck*. Mickey Mouse should* have ( tucked me in. . .Afta* Walt . 1 WSriV IiBI1 . iv??vi?ww?v i ranging around $15 to $20.. .1 did have one other motet that ( was kinda confusing and a bit , misrepresenting. . .lit! sign { said$13.88. Family Days In. , ,1 had been reading Days tor. signs all along. Moet were Sib and $18 for family, but this one t in Sardts. Mississippi read , $13.88.. .So I stops and tells the , jman 1 want s room, two people. < onebed. . .So aft&^some moee Kventy and waited . .TbenUg** $15.58 or: the^cm* regirtet^ ki want one of (hose rooms for ?W.> \ people at $13.88 ". . ."ThisM;. one of the $13.88 rooms." sayi* < fee. . "Seventy cents tar was ] ?Ml end ? $1 key deposit. . ?ring back your^key tomorrow j cigarette. . Would you beBeve ash will be going my ??>?"? ? ,n*? "Call that man to tagg'sao fftH i^IIT * * T . . . I I X n I some toweis, i yen 10 uonQa< ? i . . He brings two little hand towels. . Had I tied both together, they would hage made a good sized wash dotft. . .He said he would bring sonie burger: ones later.. .Well, as Uay down on the bed. I see Ihfe little machine.. .Put in a quarter and it will vibrate your bed tad relax you. . .OK, says 1 adil put in a quarter. . .1 lay back ffr the vibrating to begin and feel nothing- though' I heard the 1 machine ticking away? . . Nothing is happening. . . -.So 1 see a cord coming from, the machine and looked under the bed. The machine ia plugged into itaelf.. Son-of-a-Gun. *. J? Davis, there is a hole in the top of the hill. . .Davit Chestnut was telling roe about this field water standing in the field at S^e top of a hill. . .He was sure enough right about it. and H is odd looking. . From where the water is standing, h is down-hill on all four sides.. .And it would appear the water would rug down the hill and off. . .But b I doesn't. . .One of those things that will make you look twice.. . But 1 wonder how Davit: missed Ruth Quinn's fishpond.-y Until it was straightened out recently, it was a moat unusual Wtpond. V . It yu not dug straight down aa one would rxpect.. .It was dug on the side -1 rf a hill. b was kinda laying Mi rile side pf a hill, and ot ourse when you put water in it* ip against a tre*. i .Son of a tan.. .f , J 1 . Hfi?S 1 Local Woman Attorney Elected Director Of J.P. Stevens & Co. Mr*. Winifred T Wells, a North Carolina Attorney, and 5* Henry Fonder, a South Carolina college president, were 01 jar. oievent uau>.|jK. Attorney in Dapttn County * She also served as B-irftfft Jufge of Superior Court Crate the Fourth Judicial Court District ia North Carotins, being appointed by ^Governor Scon in woman in North Carolina to hsld Mri.-Wells is a commissioner ??mHI by the Governor on iim National Conference of ?fCHfinKioners on Uniform tws. She is also a a member of the Disciplinary Committee of the North Caro lina State Bar Association. . She is past President of the -County Attorneys' Association, \ and has served as a member of the North Carolina Bar Asso ciation Penal System Study on/fhe Judicial Standard CoS^* mission of the North Carolina Bar Association. Mrs. Wells resides with her husband in Wallace. She graduated from the University of Tennessee and its Law * m m ? ? t ? j? . School. Dr. Ponder was President of Benedict College in Colombia. S.C. , /? 3 ? ? ? Would You Hfclp Duplin Children Want To Learn To Read? This summer will witness the birth of Dupiin County's "Reading is FUNdamental." Your support is necessary and will be appreciated RIF is a national, nonprofit organization designed to motivate children to read. It is now established in 47 states with more than 400 projects operating at 1.332 sites. Duplin County could benefit greatly by this program. Reading i4 Fundamental motivates children to read through freedom of choice and pride of ownership. Children in RIF projects may choose from a ividc 'variety of paperback books. the books that interest Ihcm. They may keep the books as their own. RIF has contracted with the U.S. pffice of EducaMpn (HEW) Bloodmobile Scheduled The Bloodmobile will be in Beulaville at the National Guard Armory on Tuesday, May 30, ind in Rose Hill at the Fire Station on Wednesday. May 31. Hours arc from 10 a.m. to 4 a.m. at both locations. to operate an inexpensive book distribution program that will provide matching funds for books. Like all projects. Duplin County's Reading Is Funda mental must raise its own funds to run the reading motivation program and request federal matching funds to buy books. 1 Parents of elementary school children throughout the county 1 will be notified of this program. Others interested may contact Mrs. William Welch, Route I. Box 285-A, Warsaw. NC 28398. or phone 289-3993. | Be I Sure To Vote May 30th H Kenansville Jaycees Win Awards At State Convention The Kenaittvifle Jaycees won eight award* at the Jaycee Con vention in Kaieigh this past I weekend. The award* at the convention were sponsored by Quina Company of Warsaw The awards won were the following: i. Bine Chip award, for being in the top 10% of the chapters; 2. Programming award for overall programming; 3.lit place in Fund Raising for the Carolina Seniors Basketball | Game; 4. 1st place in Spiritual I Development for the chaplain's I program S. 2nd place in Public ' 1 Relations for Jaycoc Week; 6. I 2nd place in Health and Safety 3 for the Cerebral Palsy Telethon; I A 2nd place in Publications for I newsletters; and 8. Sweepstakes't Award in Spiritual Development I for chaplain's program. The Sweepstakes Award is the "biggest" one because it means the best protect regard less of population in this cate gory. Kenansvillc is in Division J. which is the smallest, and won i over chapters such as Greens boro and Rocky Mount for this award. Kenansvillc has won this award three of the last four years. In other business at the convention, the N.C. Jaycees held elections. Harold Herring of Mount Olive it the new president. and Jerry W.J1 of Yadkinville. Larry Mincey of WkitevHIe. and Roger Allen of E Wilson are the vice presidents P for the coming year. ' '? * KENANSVILLE JAtCEES GET EIGHT AWARDS - The Kenansville Jaycees came'home from the State Jaycee Convention last weekend rith eight awards of excellent?. Pictured ({.to R) Milford Quinn. Sponsor: George McKiver. Doug Judge. Lafayette HaU. Eddie Hobbs. Everette < Page. Doc Brinson. Don Newkirk. Dennis Kirby. ' Mark Vinson. Woody Brinson and Buddy King. ' v ??? ' Duplin Chorale Concert In Warsaw ?v : | On Sunday. May 28. thai luplin County Chorale will resent its second concert of the eason under the direction of atricia Wiley. The concert will ike place at 8 p.m. htf the snctuary of the Johnson aptist Church near Warsaw here Will be no admission large and the pobHc is invited > attend. The program is nkade I possible through a statewide Grassroots Arts grant from the I North Carolina Arts Council, and is being sponsored by the Duplin County Arts Council. Recreation Commission The Kenansville Recreation Commission is sponsoring a barbecue pork and Chicken supper to be held this Friday. k?? limtrt** C||ei|t l*? J^HmUT .npmK^PwipVMEIIlv* JU?'V Kw pg"R ;..J, Khon4d 3$ ai' 1 SPINNING PRESENTS CHECK TO CANCER SOCIETY (L to R) Arte. J Plant Engineer, looks on as Bett icelves check from Rob Williamfcf ?3^.^8,1