I I k iciville N e ws | Mr.' ^'"d M? Gardner TO RECEIVE LAW DEGREE A total of 822 seniors will receive degrees is tana exer cises. Samford University in Birmingham. Alabama, with 4,100 enrolled, is the nation's fourth largest Sotfthern Baptist school, while Cumberland, one of the nation's oldest law schools (dating from 1?47) has one of the largest law enroll ments (725) in the Southeast Charles M. Ingrain _ of Kenansvillc will receive "the Doctor of Jurisprudence from Cumberland School of Law Sundliy afternoon, May 28th. ATTENTIONS All relatives and Maads nf James Kenan High School Seniors Commencement exercises for the CTass of 1978 will be held Friday evening. June 2, at 8 o'clock at Kenan Memorial Auditorium. I We regret we do not' have the space to seat everyone who wquld like to attend. Therefore, only anuenncements about graduation are being mailed by all seniors^ go Invitations for commence Instead, each senior has , been allotted eight seating cards ' to be distributed among his or her relatives and ffjertds. Ad cards and names will be checked at the door. James Kenan appreciates your understanding and coop eration in this matter. Margaret C.Scott ' Grace Q. Carlton Directors of Graduation f Activities. James Kenan High School I Edward: Iripto v*+ spent Thii Mr. and Mrs Marion Edwards Mr. and Mr?. Jei. - and Amanda left Monday to live . where he will be working for the next few years. Mrs Johnson of Raleigh spent the weekend with the Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Smith. Mrs. W.V. Oxley and Susan shopped in Richlands during the weekend, and were in Wallace Monday. IMHRIMMRhi The family of the late Jonas and Maybell Futral will hold their family reunion at Potters Hill Community Building on Sunday, May 28. Family members are invited to attend. Bring a picnic dinner and tea. . . MEN ANO WOMEN 17-92 TRAIN NOW FOR CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS No High School Nacasaary Positions Sun As High As <S.*3 HOUR ? POST OFFICE ?CUSTOMS ? IMMIGRATION ?CLERICAL ? MECHANICS ? INSPECTORS KEEP PRESENT JOB WHILE PREPARING AT HOME FOR GOVERNMENT EXAMS Writ* (IncliKNPtion* no.I National Traininf law* c/o Th# Duplin TtaMS j jji ? p.o. B*isa " ii i, r , Sick Room s Supplies SALES ANO RENTALS ? ? * XH R. L. HOOD PHARMACY 110 East Broadway PtakHM.NC. .t ssasaar L,N OOONTY IA OY COMPANY """ HS?*# SJ5.22?^Court 0,v,8ion ?* ? Osneral Court of Justice of Duplin County, North Carolina in the above entitled action i ISm'VS ?"? "" 'Wfo, at 12:00 o clock noon a* c!T ^ ?' the Dup,,n County Ssfftrln Kan*n?vHi? oH#f 'or sale to MiJfi VJ bWdar f0f CO"", to I miL J ex?cutlon, an right. dlfLwil^ ,n,#fam *t?W? said defendants now have or at anv o"or the docketing of the judgment in said action tUt rl^?J?!?!>OW,n9 ^rtbad CZ??\ Y"!9 being m Cypress Creek TownshiD 2d Nor,h Caro"na' TownMn*n? ,CypreM Creek Township, Dupiln County, State iCTASr'"* rnaieiy o.? mile eastward minnn >*.?."?csa Wl ifi?1 1974 *?? Jw and being de> ? scribed as follows: Beginnfna at rB "r ?**? - ??w 5 IMM Install.* oomwr brtng located North 74 ooqto* 29 minutes 00 seconds VVVt-. 898 y8 with XS centerline of S R. No. 1974 from - ?rt under said road) and runsthence 1. With the line of a 0.00 aom I ELS? "r22_J'M (Book 578, Page 48*) North 13 EMtr07O?2ftfl?inU,?# 40 m00n<1* j c?#t? 709.88 feet to an iron stake I jtfg&sstays sssur?2 tiS-Ta'a.?:, s?y" 't west. *^y** stake in the center ol S R. No. 1974;thence 4. With the center of S R. No. 1974 North 74 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds West, 122 00 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 1.00 seres, more or lees, and being a part of that land as described In a deed to Bernie Henderson as recorded In Book 433, Page 451, Of the Duplin County Registry. Also being the same land de scribed in a deed recorded In Book 809, Page 399, of the Duplin County Registry. This sale is subleet to all prior liens and encumbrances, if any. This 18th day of May, 1978 SHERIFF OF DUPLIN COUNTY BY: 8/ T. E. Revelle 8-15-4t-c-TER-91 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE . Having qualified as exeoutor of the estate of Sarah Atkinson Basdan (Mitchell), deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having dalms against the estate of said deceased to present them to the under signed by November 25, 1978, or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This 16th day of May, 1978. William E. Bqaden, Executor Route 1, Box 322 Beulavilie, N.C. 28516 6-15-41-WEB STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DUPLIN IN THE GENERAL COURT OF ' < JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION NOTICE OF PUBLIC ? # SALE OF REAL ESTATE MID-STATES HOMES, INC.. a Florida corporation, and A. NEAL BRUMLEY, Substitute Trustee, under the terms at a Deed of Trust recorded la the Duplin County Registry In Seek 89701 Peps 441, Blalatlila V. THOMAS E. MONK and wtta, ETHEL G. MONK, Judgment by default final having been duly entered herein and a public sale of the lands hereinafter described, ordered; NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned Commissioner, acting pursuant to the orders of cxnifl'enjt theprovisions of 1 of the public auction for cash at 12:00 noon on the 18th day ol una., 1676 at ths courthouse door or other usual place of public sales at the county courthouse In Kehansville, North Carolina, said property lying and being in the County of Duplin, State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point In the centerline of NC Hwy. 11, said point is located along said canterime North 08 degrees 50 minutes East 100.00 leet from a railroad spike in said centerline directly above the center of a culvert beneath said hwy end running thence from said be ginning point, so located, north 01 degrees 10 minutes West 297.00 feet (passing over en ie-line iron pipe at 35.00 feet) to an iron pipe; thence North 08 degrees 50 minutes East 163.15 teet to an iron pipe in the Northern line of those lands described in Book 804 Page 411. Duplin County registry; thence with said line South 81 degrees 10 minutes East 287.00 feet (passing over an in-line iron pipe at 232.00 feet) to a railroad spike in the centerline oj NC hwy.11; thence with'"said centerline South 08 degrees 50 minutes West 163.14 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 1.00 acres more or less, after the exclusion of that portion of NC Hwy. tl's 60 foot right of way that lies within the above described boundaries. This sale will be held open for ten days for upset bid as by law required. A deposit of ten (10%) percent of the amount bid will be required as specified in the default judgment. This sale is made expressly subject to: (a) Confirmation by the Court; (b) All prior liens and encum brances, easements, conditions, Reservations and restrictions set forth in instruments in the chain of title; and (c) All outstanding taxes and assessments, if any. THIS 10th day of May, 1976. S/ W. FAISON BARNES, Commissioner 6-15-4t-W FB-94 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Jennie K. Sanderson, deceased, late of Ouplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against such Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before ^?e 18th day of November, 1978, ?pr this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, ah peraon* indf f ' )d '? id fsi 1 ? ill please make Immediate ^Thls the tOth day flol May, 1978. Russell' Sander eon. Administra tor. Route 1, Box 29SA Beuiavltle, NC 28518 6-8-4t-c-f?S KENAN8VILLE TAX LIST rOWMOFKENAWVUt* KENAN8VILLE, NC NOTICE OF SALE OF TAX LIENS By order of the Board of Commissioners, notice is hereby given that the Town of Kenans vllle will at 12:00 Noon on June 12.1878, at the front door of the Kenansvtlle Town Hall, offer for sale at Public Outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the tax liena on the following real and personal property for delinquent 1977 taxes as provided by Section 105-369 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. No bid will be received unless it is at least equal to the principal amount of the taxes advertised plus interest and costs accrued thereon at the date of sale. Adam8, Andora Flowers $ 4.35 Ammons, George, Hrs. 78.91 Belt, Joyce Burton 71.90 Best, Johnny Lee 95.40 Brinson, James E. 150.34 Brobk, Robert Allen 8.05 Brock, Robert Allen & Wife 79.76 Brown, Mrs. Bernice Williams 361.24 Brown, Jesse W. 68.78 Brown, Jesse W. 503.24 Brown, Jesse William & Wife T 96.18 Brown, Winifred Sue 38.44 Brunson, Elberta 42.38 Brunson, Meriam L. 16.88 Carlton, Clora, Hrs. \ 2.03 Carlton, Dempsey M. 3.98 Carlton, Hattie Mae 28.28 Carlton, Laransey O. & Wife 27.90 Carlton, Moses 65.66 Carlton, Sylvester 20.81 Cooper, Emma, Hrs. C/o Catherine Jones 8.63 Cooper, Jennie Mae 103.02 Cooper, Laura 2.25 Cooper, Moses, Jr. 66.11 . Ellis. Howard 3.19 Ezzell, R.D. 204.83 Faison, Ellis, Jr. 10.46 Faison, Ellis & Wife 83.03 Faison, Vera G. 4.88 Frederick, George N. & Wife 45.53 Frederick, Louise, Hrs. 24.90 Gore, Alexander 66.96 Greer, Steve 14.42 Hall, Luella K. 12.68 Jernigan, Sallie L. 21.75 Johnson, Marvin & Wife 56.55 Jones, James, Jr. & Wife 83.87 fi lirtfilatnn Italim \AJ al lar. M wwpfMjn, vum WWK1 ?w w MKMMoni Melvtn s!l2 Middloton. Robert G. 3.19 Middleton, Samuel J. 44.29 Moorf, Add la, Mr*. C/o Elbarta Brunaon 20.10 Moor?, AM* P: 20.91 Outlaw. Irvln 13.54 Pag*. Ralph E. 74.94 Pearsall, Phurman, Jr. 9.14 Pittman, Thurston 93.69 Quinn, Hallton G 42.49 ReavdB. Oscar E. Erik 40.98 Sanders, John Wasley, Jr. & Wife 94.50 Smith, Mary Jane 12.53 Smith, Moses 21.53 Tucker, James L. 49.35 Washington, Hubert F. 17.57 Williams, Clarence C. & Wife 99.83 Williams, David Earl 79.30 Williamson, Robert F. 103.46-CR.21.30 Young, William D. 196.73 Smith Beauty Shop 1.44 Whatey Amoco 7.13 AFTER LIST Williamson, Robert F. $ 25.98 Whaley Amoco 12.38 Ezzell, R.D. 135.47 Carlton, Sylvester 12.38 Carlton, Dempsey M. 9.69 Donaldson. Lottie 35.84 Frederick, Ernest Howard 14.03 Gore, Alexander, Jr. 42.90 Johnson, Gloria Cox 10.52 Redwine, Oscar Davis 43.10 Rogers, Natalene Brunson 13.40 Thomas, Bessie Cooper 3.21 Brown, James Frederick 38.51 6-8-4t-TOK-115 NOTICE OF SALE OF TAX LIENS ON REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 105-369 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and mmm 1978,1 wHI offer for tfft and tiMd will be increased by tov l tereet and ooeta and the omle sion of Interest and ooets from ' I the amount advertised will not J constitute a waiver of the taxing fM unit'* claim for thoaa Mama. No I bid will be received unless it la 9 at least equal to the principal 9 amount of the taxes advertised ? plus interest and coats accrued 1 thereon at the data of sale. The fig real estate that Is subject to the 1 lien, the name of the person to j whom the property is listed for ] taxes, and the principal ar iount < of the taxes are set out below. ] Reference is made to the H records in the office of the j Register of Deeds of this county j and In the office of the Tax j Supervisor of the county for a j more particular description of the real estate. This 2nd day of May. 1978 S. Leland Grady Tax Collector The following townships will be advertised in the Wallace Enterprise: Cypress Creek, Island Creek, Magnolia, Rock fish and Rose Hill. The following townships will be advertised in the Warsaw Faison News: Faison and Warsaw. SMITH Bolduc. Rebecca Ann Page$1.15 Bollinger. Evelyn (Gunter)$9.90 Britt. Julius $35.94 Brown. Nettie B. $42.69 Bryant. Luther $110.87 Byrd. Jesse Hrs. $9.50 Crews. Mae Belle Kennedy (Continued to Page 8) Bargain basement |||- ???? sucker control: When you're raising a crop that's worth up to $36u0 an acre, ' | you dori't take chances on pf;; anything as basic as sucker control. %'? I;, That's why most tobacco $ growers stay with the industry's two leading systemlcs. MH-30' '1 ' - ''' M or Roval MH-30' from (Jniroyal Chemical. . <j Good tobacco growers know that you never sacrifice depend j4t& ability for price So go for all v the reliability you can buy. Iri$ist on original MH-30 or fast acting Roval MH-30 with Sorbatransh^* ||, ^ ' it's just good business. (Jniroyal Chemical, Division of (Jniroyal, Inc., Naugatuck, CT 06770. Job Openings f We have openings for reliable sewing machine operators. Good pay and fringes. Apply in person, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 4ANMARK, INC., Ai.BERTSON.For directions to plant, call 85B-4230. An Equal Opportunity Employer. ? STOP SAVE I BAK GAS STATION I Warsaw, N. C. GAS FOR LESS I "Your Independent Dealer" BAGS OF COAL FOR SALE I BAK Sells Gas and Kerosene ALL BRANDS OF OIL I Bel ton D. Minshew - Arthur H. Minshew j Strong, Light,Corrosion Resistant Helical Drainage Pipe And Culvert That Costs Less In The Ground IKENANSVILLE FARM SUPPLY I rf-^" pt"HN" I Dirty Carpets, Rugs, Business Carpet Need A 1 Regular Service Call The Carpet Cleaners I Smith Dry Cleaners R Warsaw, N.C. - 293-4416 ? Dwight Smith 11 ? Wa Also Sail If ^MmMCqrpi^ j#s 1074 LTD $2495 <L 2 dr. 1977 Dodge D150 Pickup $4550 6 cyl., auto 1975 Pont. Lemans $3195 2 dr.. auto, p.s., air 1973 Olds Delta $1995 4 dr., auto, PS, PB, Air I 1976 Ford Pickup $2995 * cyl., std trans. 1973 Dodge Pickup $1995 [ 6 cyl., auto 1973 Chrysler Newport $1995 i 4 dr., auto. PS, PB, Air * 1975 Dodge Pickup $3295 V8, auto re, PB, Air 1977 Dodge Aspen Sta. Wagon ? $4795 Auto, PS, Air (nice) 1976 Plymouth Valiant $3595 4 dr., PB, PS, Air, (Like new) 1975 Fiat $3495 XI-9 convert 1977 Cordoba Demo $6850 12,000 miles, loaded Was SM0S Now 1977 New York Brougham $7500 V? OR., Loaded was S97S2 Now %) U Nk <6 ' "" IK| We have 4 W7 Dodge Vans left ? PB m stock. As low at Ottt.OO plus Mr f lax * m 1S7I Dodft Pickup. 318 V8 ???"?* J engine. -speed N.C. Tax o9.lt overdrive trans. r _ ! Power steering. AM 1ICI7 AO Radio. 5.000 lb. CVW liettveeod SOT/oVO Leisn i I. I I M A b ? a ! fei mFwr .'.-I* - ?>#**&,. - saoautM awe. ,? jtakae ;Cv. ^ I I MWlWlf V s ':mmmmm ?. T:: mmm? WW'-'' >'M } \ -t '3 \'3-;1S -' ''"S ?* 'lot -IlT

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