VOL. gram HO.? KENANSVIttE. WC 3&M9 JUNE 15,1978 JO PAGES THIS WEEK 10 CENTS PLUS TAX J | | Duplfti County 4-H'ers 1 1 ?*"?l To Participate In District Competition June 21 | Sears Roebuck and Company made the news by the foct they ?topped sponsoring or adver tising on-TV programs deemed violent. . .such as Charlie's Angels. Starsky and Hutch, and others. . . This did not impress *ne. . .In fact, if anything, it made me angry.. .1 liked all the programs they decided to drop. I. .Thus, if I needed a reason not to shop Sears, there it was. . .Now if they want to do some impress me. . Jt was quite obvious the move was not made hopefully, to make Sears a Judge ifepnrth 'Turner there wJH be a Magistrate on duty 24 hours a day in Kenansville beginning July 1st. There will be no new people jdded, but Kenansville. one in Rose Hill and one in Faison. One in the Kenansville office is part-time in Kenansville and part-time in Beulaville. where be lives. These magistrates will be pulling an eight-hour shift in Kenansville and also on duty in rneir respective towns, but lor a shorter duration. . . The best thing I can say about it is that at least those who are drawing the $9,000 plus salary will at least have to be on duty maybe 16 hours a week now. . .As some were not. . .While others were working most all the time.. .The worst thins about it is that it will cut the services at other towns. . ? ? ? .'???: * L ^***** Stratton Murphy, who. I guess, is about five years okl and stands around two and a half to three feet tall, was listening to a conversation between Glenn Sudhop. Clyde Austin. Craig Watts and Chuck Nevitt ? all State basketball players ? and all but Clyde the Glide looked to be 7 feet tall. . .We*, the basketball players were ^rag^ing among themselves about what they could and the others could not do. . .And Stratton got all caught up in the conversation. . He slapped Chuck Nevitt on the kneecap and said. "Let's race. . .1 can outran you." . . .And Stratton was serious. . -He really believed he could. . .it sendMed me of the song "High Hap^kh"... ***** ? . ' . " ? - -1 Stratton's mom. Lyna Murphy, was a city girl before she married Pete^nd according to a story 1 heard, she and Pete were out in their garden hoeing the first summer of their marr<a*C W,ten *et^g?>e ^ SiL / I was in a group uniting about liquor by the drink, and we were discussing that this was nothing new. . .only being legal would be the'new port. . .We were naming ever some of the boot leggers or telling where some were, when this one fellow, who wilt remain nameless, said that the most surprised he ever was over a bootlegger was when one night he and sotne more fellows were returning from a fishing trip and decided they needed a drink.. .This one fellow said he knew where he could get a drink. . .and drove right up to his brother-in-law's house. . . Son-of-a-Gun... Duplin 4-H'ers will be in competition for District honors in Whiteville on June 21, according to Lois G. Britt. Extension Agent. 4-H. Duplin 4-H'ers have won the right to represent the county in their particular area of study. Four-H'ers have resqprched a subject and prepared them selves to present an idea with visuals and a speech prescn Representing Duplin County will be: Wanda and Angela Costin, American Business System. Warsaw-Shamrock 4-H Club; Pam Kelly. Artistic Arrangement. Wallace Deca 4-H Club; Linwood Worth ington. Automotive Skill Driv ing. Youth In Action 4-H Club; Rodney Miller, Automotive Skill Driving, Stanford 4-H Club; Roxane Pearsall, Beef Char Grill. Wallace Deca 4-H Club; Margaret Leverett. Jr.. Breads. Wallace Deca 4-H Club; Para Outlaw, Senior Breads. Youth In Action 4-H'Club; Arthur Hall, Crop Production & Utilization, Stanford 4-H Club; Karen Moore. Junior Dairy Foods, New Horizdks 4-H Club; Deidra Miller, Senior Egg Cookery, Stanford 4-H Club; Laurie Swain. Egg Cookery. New Horizons 4-H Club; Glenn Brin son. Electric. Stanford 4-H Club; Nicola Lennon, Electric, New Horizons; Bridgett Murphy, Entomology. Stanford 4-H Club; Jacqueline and Danetta Moore. Environmental Quality. Stanford 4-H Club; J.C. Moore, Forestry, FYC 4-H Club; Tevesa Fennell, Junior Fruit and Vegetable Use. Stanford 4-H Club; Bernard Hall. Home < Environment. Stanford 4-H - Club; Lloyd Hall. Horticultural ( Production and Marketing. 1 Warsaw-Shamrock 4-H Club; Jo I Jones. Livestock Production. S .Warsaw-Shamrock 4-H Club; < Cindy Huffman, Junior Open ^ , Class. Youth In Action 4-H Gub; Karen Kornegay. Senior . Peanut Foods. New Horizons 4-H Gub; Greg Swain. Pork Cookery. Warsaw-Shamrock 4-H Club; Lita Fennel!. Poultry Barbecue. Stanford 4-H Gub; Michael Webster. Junior Public Speaking. Stanford 4-H Gub; Tammy Killette. Senior Public Speaking. New Horizons 4-H Gub; Al Worthington. Safety. Youth In Action 4-H Gub; Ava Jo Raynor, Sewing. Cedar Fork 4-H Club; Mardecia Stallings. Share the Fun. Chinquapin 4-H Hc.'v. / v.- ??J riub; Felecia Washington, ihare the Fun, Stanford 4-H Hub; Vickie Joyner, Share the ;un. Cloverlets 4-H Club; lonald Moore. Smalf Engines, itanford 4-H Club; and Thomas )utiaw. Wildlife. Youth In Vction 4-H Club. TI '"lil'inHiM " HUfckiiHi MU illlP Presiding at the Awards Pro gram will be Sharon Swain of the Kenansville 4-H Gub as District President, and Greg Swain of the Warsaw-Shamrock 4-H Gub as District Vice-Presi dent. Nominees for district officers for the coming year are Lloyd Hall. President. Warsaw Shamrock 4-H Club, and Glenn Brinson, Reporter of the Stan ford 4-H Club. Duplin expects to have < approximately 125 persons in attendance for the event. Market Information I Ami Noble From Faison ?-?v. ' ? "M ' * Agriculture Commissioner Jim Graham has announced the seasonal Opening of the federal state market news office in Faison. The office will report the marketing of vegetables sold through the Faison auction market and' Eastern North. Carolina including spring irish potatoes in the northeastern portion of the state. The office, sponsored by the N.C. and U.S. Departments of Agriculture, has been operating for four years. Phil Montgomery of the USDA fruit and vegetable division, is the reporter. "Prices and market information will be available 24 hours a day by recorder tele phones at both Faisoa and Elizabeth City. Telephone numbers for the recorded markets are 267-9211 in Fatoon and 335-0018 in Elizabeth City," Grahant said. A mailed market report will <>e offered twice a week. Persons interested in this report may receive it by contacting the market news office, division of marketing, North Carolina De partment of Agriculture. Raleigh. Liberty Cart Tickets On Sale Tickets sre now available for opening night for THE LIBERTY CART. Duplin County's outdoor drama staged at the William R. Kenan Memorial Amphitheatre located in Kenansville. The theatre will accommodate only 1,196 persons, so tickets should be purchased early. Opening night. Thursday. July 6. is to be a gala affair where an old fashioned southern barbecue dinner will be served. Tables will be set up in the pines adjoining the theatre. Musk and entertainment will be fur nishedby Soft Leather.i^Bsuk jT lCttlf 5A * J " ' oLMfH-' . and Mrs. Jack Cooper; Mag nolia - Mrs. Betty Chestnott and -airs. Sue Archer; Pink HSf - Mrs. GeraldhM Tucker and Mrs. Warren Maxwell; Albertson/ Smith Community, Melvin Williams and Mrs. Christine Williams; Faison - Mrs. L.S. Gay, Mrs. Jake Atkinson and Mr*. George Cates; Chinquapin - Mrs. E.L. Boyette; and Kenansvilie - Mrs. George Penney and Mrs. Bob Jones. Mrs. Penney and Mrs. Jones are serving as overall county representatives and will provide ticket* for any special group who wishes to attend the special night. They can be reached by calling Mrs. Penney at 296 0104 or Mrs. Jones at 296-1394. , Community chairpersons are naming helpers to sell their tickets. It is hoped that progress reports can be published each week to see which community comes out on top first. Tom Hull Returns Tom Hull will return to the stage of the outdoor theatre in Kenanstille to pull THE LIBERTY CART for a third year. Hull, who originated the role of Pheniua Pickett in Randolph Umbcrgersromantic historv of-1 Easteni Carolina, is wHlfcramt to North ' arolina au.: ences : r his portrayal of "Old Tom" in THE LOST COLONY. He is a graduate of East Carolina ChBece and was a membei of rite famous Plivnukm while the famous Haymakers Admissions Cham < d Admission to the I97S season of THE LIBERTY CART has Sets SlH^S^anSfrS!! (twelve and under) will be S2. were nvt ooiitn suiq inret ni an nty flvt lor childrer Thischang doing graduate work at the i University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ,1 A native of Durham, he , served as a director for the Durham Theatre Guild and also directed the Community Theatre in Goidsboro. While he wa* in the Army, he \ was the director of the Augs ' iwfc ?/rJ' ' k' i 1 burg German American Com munity Theatre and was the i recipient of an All Army Best Actor Award. For the past three Seasons, he has performed with die New York Performing Arts Repertory Theatre touring the Midwest and East Coast in their musicals. D 1 M Liberty Cart Director Technical * Named J Howard Paul Beal*. Jr.. a native of Jamestown. NX. b tt^j. ..Jit. L' L ttowie? *itn nis ongnt c ye fo the Tr n't i t orofir ? ?? ? ' ? * ? ucMgucr ior Much Ado About "3 Nothing" for the Park Bayers in Jamestown. N.Y., a company he J co-founded. Hit talents include 1 set construction, electrician and J set designer. THE LIBERTY CART opens . | July 6 at 8:30 and runt Thursday a through Sunday for sUteen per- 8 formances through My at the * William R Kenan, Jr. Amphi- a Applications Taken For State Privilege Licenses G. Harold Rose, Revenue Officer, urges taxpayers who are liable for State Privilege Licenses to apply before July 1st. The local office ia located at South Courthouse Square in Kenansville. Rose states that timely appli cations for licenses, together with the correct remittance, shoul<? be mailed to the N.C. Department of Revenue. PO Box 25000, Raleigh. NC 27640, or submitted to the local offices. He advises that the penalty for failure to comply is 5% for each delinquent month or frac tion thereof after July 1. 1978. EXTENSION OFFICERS - New officers of the N.C. Federation of Cooperative Extension Asso ciations arc. left to right. Talmadge Baker. Moore County, treasurer; Mrs. Mavis Johnson. Cumberland County, secretary; Mrs. Lois Britt, Duplin County, president; and Dr. Kenneth Sorcnsen. N.C.S.U.. president-elect. ' ' :? ?- ? ' ?'U Lois Britt State Extension Service Workers President The new president of the professional association of N.C. Agricultural Extension Service workers is Mrs. Lois Britt of Duplin County. She recently became head of the N.C. Federation of Cooperative Ex tension Associations after ser ving one year as the associa tion's president-elect. Mrs. Britt is Extension 4-H Agent in Duplin County, where she has received many recogni tions for her work with young people. Her B.S. degree is from ECU and her M.S. degree is from NCSU. Serving with Mrs. Britt as officers of the association are Dr. Kenneth Sorensen. an Extension Specialist at NCSU, president elect; Mrs. Mavis Johnson. Cumberland County Home Economics Extension Agent, secretary; and Talmage Baker. Moore County Extension Chairman, treasurer. Mrs. Britt is the first woman to head the federation. Mid-Atlantic HOE YOUTH BASEBALL OPENS - Kenansville layoT Doug Judge (on right) throws out a new iseball last Thursday during a special ceremony hich officially opened the Kenansville Dixie Youth Baseball season Pictured (on left) Dodger catcher. H.W. Murphy, waiting for the Mayor's pitch. Kenansville Dixie ?'i;- - ? ?? '?< ? Youth Baseball Opens 4. ,Y ?. The Kenansville Dixie Youth ascball for hoys age 8-1? fficially opened the second eason with a special ceremony n Thursday. June 8th. The h'grsm was held at Kenan tentorial Auditorium because players and coaches of the four teams (Yankees, Cubs, Dodgers and Reds). After the invocation by Rev. Jimmy Stokes. Kenans villc Mayor Doug Judge made it few comments about the recrea- , tion program and new lighted municipal field to be opened i later this yc*? Judge then i nirc* out the new baaeball. < v .;|f ' O:*'!: t ja which officially opened the 1978 Dixie Youth Baseball program for Kcnansville. The baseball season actually opened several weeks ago; but the opening ceremony was delayed until the new anifcrms arrived Each boy ? tartm ^ - - a a. a - _a Wrestling Thursday. June 22nd. at 8:15 p.m. is the date for an exciting night of Mid-Atlantic Cham pionship Wrestling at Kenan Memorial Auditorium. The matches are being sponsored by the Kenansville Jaycees. Dick Murdoch teams up Avith Paul Jones in the main event to go against the duo of Greg Valentine and Baron von Raschke. There is a lot of bad blood between the two teams, and when they square off in the ring, the fans will be treated to one of the wildest and roughest tag team brawls ever held in this area. Murdoch and Jones will have to be on their toes as Valentine and Raschkc have proven they will do anything they can to win their matches. This outstanding tag team main event will be one fall with an hour time limit. In the semi-final match, Swede Hanson tangles with Crusher Blackwell in a singles match that will packed with freeawinging action right from the opening bell. A singles match has Richard Blood going against Mr. X #2. a masked veteran. Another singles match has Don Kemodle meeting Steve Musulin. and the opening action will be Charlie Pulton facta*,

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