Round i i BANQUET TURKEY & ll Twill SK! -1fiMtiftii -ii CTC A l? I Isupper *i.39|, L'MfffT """" Ev ;i || * m m A I Itopping 59?|| * "All Prices Plus F E T Ea Whitewalls only S3 more. "Bleckwall only| J '* I I It D A FT BACON & i i ?bvolb | itomato 8 oz.i bicycle tires slipct vdlll6s> i x i lndccciki(? aq(| 9ttfk Popular sizes. Ea Light Bulbs i ' * i lukcsblnw ov ii 33-5970-77,79 Choose 60W, | i ik id rag illwm 75wor 1 oow i boneless round steak *1.69 lb.i ? ' ,'L \> 033 light bulbs. ? _ iquaker quick n m^el m ? 53 54135960 i cubed round steak ?1.89 lb.i l^p-y^ $1 19i .gg m 199 | bottom round *2.09 lb.i lijkit5 Ea. 33-5980-89 I 4 For | 9 TOP BOIIWn *2-29 LB.I IPILLSBURY CHOCOLATE II IaBHKHHHIi SB GROUND ROUND *1-79 LBjj CHIP 16 OZ. I Auto Supplies COOKIES *1.29 1> ^X^r?Cmp EATWELL TALL CAN Up to B MACKEREL 59* '^^2199 II pork iJjlpfek. I oetergeimt Maintenance Free II I $0 QQ Western Auto 40 Battery ? 1| c ^5 a qe B Q 24 I ?CAROLINA TOWN \^38?? I RIBS \^Pwj F?* '"l I i /JO I I 18 PACK 16 OZ. I a H I I PLUS DEPOSIT ? > ssi _J ipE >V-^^l^-t (LIMITED 1 BAG WITH EACH I l| BACON P ADDITIONAL *10.00 FOOD ORDER)! | 20 In. BMX Invader Bike f( * ? ? ?2 0Z. ? pqf Mtzr r^bgg^ 39c I 1$ 1 #39| j^^l' ? v/t. frame ^^^^^^^l^vl!SM|iNlliHiliim^|||imHllllBlllllllliiBHIIiiliHHHIHiliBB^ I I Midland 19in.colortv BO LOG N As I SAUSAGE I I 1 ^ MILK I a chassis. UHF/VHF. I M| I MM ^MMi I I I $ 1 AO I PI S Ol I $ I ft OI !? ft 329?? j j?T^r^ ^^??"?blu^?"^ Plays 76 dif- Tough One Plus Muffler B I I II (bXeMMARGARINEII ? |LGW ferent tunes. Clamps & connectors included. I I I j 22S23t42n4St?,M' Atrhurucks08^'8 car# ]? WHITE POTATOES 99' 10 LBS. ? Margarine OC199 77 ssoiTer* 1CB8 I CARROTS 19* LB. BAG! L AOv I I ?S9 ? W \ RAPES 77* LB.C ? MF LB* J' ' < ' t I * i 1