Hospital Auxiliary Flea Market And Bake Sale Friday, Nov. S Duplin General Hospital Auxiliary has planned a flea ' market and bake sale for Friday. Nov. 5 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on the hospital lawn. ?. If you have any itefhs you ? * would like to donate, please "? add to the Auxiliary supply ? bv donating to thu group. ! Call Sally Tyndall at 2%-0786 " for more information. The Auxiliary is selling - fruit cakes and they will go 2 on sale Nov. J. Contact * Carolyn Hall at 2%-1827 or - Doris English at 2%-0371, both in Kenansville. T The November meeting * will be held on the 17th at 9 - a.m. in the hospital cafeteria. Members are urged to at tend. New members are al * w ays welcomed. Legol Notice NOTICE James Sprunt Technical College will accept bids on property and liability insurance coverage on Thursday. December 2 at 10:00 AM in the Board Room, McGowen Building Interested parties may obtain copies of the specifications - and invitations to aid bv contacting Robert A Lee, Business Manager, ? Janes Sprunt Technical College, P 0 Box 398. Kenansville. NC 28349 1919)296 1341 James F Strickland. Chairman Board of Trustees ; IT 4 It JSTC 15 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of the Duoiin County Clerk for the - General Court of Justice. Superior * Court Division, made in Special Proceeding File No 81-Sp-228. entitled William Hughes Kelly and wife, Mary Helen Kelly, and Nathan Thomas Kelly and wife, Alyce Kelly vs. Lawrence Kelly ~ and wife, Betty S. Kelly," the uncjrsigned Commis- >ners will, pn the 30th day of No . nber, 1982, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Duplin ? County Courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Glisson Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on North Carolina Highway No. 1531, said stake being R D. Simmons' corner - on said road and further being a corner of the 24 80-acre tract of land this day sold to Nathan Thomas Kelly, and runs thence as said road South 69-50 East 850 feet to a stake; thence continued as said road South 69 East to a stake near a branch: thence South 46 West I - 1,633 feet to a stake; thence North 39 West 66 feet to a stake: thence - . South 20 West 2,000 feet to a stake 1 on the run of Northeast River; thence up the meanders of the run of the Northeast River generally in I- a Northwestern direction to a stake, R.D. Simmons corner on I ? the run of Northeast River; thence as the line of R.D. Simmons' North 29 East 1,630 fee: to the point of ; beginning. CONTAINING 74 70 acres, more or less And being a portion of the 99 1/2-acre tract of land as set forth and described in a Deed dated September 12, 1922, *, from W H Kelly to Bertie O. Kelly, and recorded in Book 243, page 303. of the Duplin County Registry And being the same land described in a Deed dated March I 9. 1978. from Bertie O. Kelly, a widow, to William Hughes Kelly, as recorded in Book 835, page 472. of the Duplin County Registry. The highest bidder at said sale I shall be required to make a cash deposit of ten percent (T0%) of his * bid as evidence of good faith v* This the 28th day of October, ? 1982 Everett I Wooten Jr., 1 Commissioner H.E. Phillips, Commissioner 11 25 4tHEP71 NORTH CAROLINA ' DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order I of the Duplin County Clerk for the General Court of Justice. Superior Court Division, mfdo in Special Proceeding FUa No 82 Sp 229. entitled "William Hughea Kelly and wifa. Mary Haian Kallv. and Nathan Thomaa Kallv and wifa. Alyca Kallv va. Lawranca Kallv and wifa. Battv S Kallv." tha undaraignad Commiaaionara will, on tha 30th day of Novum bar. 1982. at 12:00o'clock noon, at tha Duplin County Courthouaa door in Kananavilla, North Carolina, offar for aula to tha highaal biddar for caah that cartain tract of land lying and baing in Gliaaon Townahlp, Duplin County. North Carolina, and mora particularly daacribad aa followa: ADJOINING tha landa of John Kallv and Joa L. Kelly and othera. and bounded aa followa: BEGIN NING at a ataka John Kelly'a corner at tha turn of the road and runs thence aa tha road and John Vail..'. i;-> C...>k AO 4 It C..a lit rvvuy shims juuui os 1/4 cost isj poles to a stake at a bridge in Southerland's line; thence as the ditch and Southerland's line a little Southwesterly about 186 poles to a stake, thence North 72 West 146 poles to a stake on a ditch, thence up the ditch north 5 East 45 poles to the crook of the ditch, thence as a new an unmarked line being J.L. Kelly line about North 10 East 140 poles to a stake near a gate, thence as a road about North 32 East 40 poles to the beginning CONTAIN ING 197 acres, more or less This being a part of the Gaston Kelly lands conveyed by C oed from said W.H. Kelly to said Rufus Kelly which Oeed is of record in the Duplin County Registry. The highest bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit of ten percent (10%) of his bid as evidence of good faith. This the 28th day of October, 198? Everette L Wooten Jr., Commissioner H E. Phillips. Commissioner 11 25 4t P&P 59 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF niiPi IN FILE NO 82 SP 167 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NOTICE OF SALE FANNIE M. RHODES and hus band. WALTER RHODES; ALLEN CRAIG MERCER and wifa. GWEN MERCER Petitioners vs. FRANK MERCER and wife. LIL LIAN MERCER; ELLA M DET RICK. Widow; TEX MERCER; BRYAN MERCER end wife. MABEL K WADDELL end hue bend. ART WADDELL; MAVIS K SHAW and husband. VIRGIL SHAW; REX M KENNEDY and wifa. PAT KENNEDY; JAMES P. KENNEDY and wife. JEAN KEN NEDY; COY MERCER. JR and wife. PATRICIA MERCER; ADOLPH MERCER end wife. GLORIA MERCER; LOIS SIMONS and husband. NATHAN SIMONS; BOBBY MERCER. Incompetent; OSCO J. KENNEDY and wifa. MARY JO KENNEDY; JO ANN M CLAUD and husband. WAR REN CLAUD; ALTON C MER CER. JR and wife LIZ MER CER; SYLVIA HUFFMAN, and husband. GLENN HUFFMAN; DEBRrJ STARR MERCER. Minor: VIVIE M THOMAS, widow Respondents Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Duplin County, made in that certain special proceedings entitled "Pannie M Rhodes, et als v. Frank Mercer, et ais" and signed by the Honorable John A. Johnson. Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County and approved by his Honor I C Ill Can./sr Iioi'f r k. iJmCfIB, lit, dVIIIVI Resident Superior Court Judge of the Fourth Judicial District. The undersigned commissioner will on the 27th day of November, 1982 at 12:00 noon, at the Ray mond Mercer residence, on the property, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, but subject to confirmation by the court, those certain tracts of land lying and being in Smith Town ship. Duplin County, North Caro lina and more particularly de scribed as follows: TRACT NO. 1 Located in Smith Township, Duplin County, State of North Carolina and being described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the pavement centerline of N.C. Hwy. No. 111 at Corner "B" as shown upon a map entitled "Raymond Mercer Estate' as recorded in Map Book 11, Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry and runs thence: To and with the line of a 2.97 acres tract (exception in Kenneth Jarman deed Book 881. Page 306) South 05? 03' 05" West, 431.16 feet to an old iron axle; thence With the Lola Kennedy line and beyond with the Roy Kennedy line South 57? 54' 20" East. 160 98 feet to an iron stake in the pavement certerline of N.C. Hwy. No. 111 at Corner "A" of afore mentioned "Raymond Mercer Estate" map; thence. With and along the pavement centerline of N.C. Hwy No. 111 as it curves to the point of beginning, chord along center line being ae follows. North 06? fl' 00" West. 100 00 feet. North 06? 50 06" Weet. 100 00 feet. North 10? 46' 36" Weet. 100 00 feet. North 12? 41' 60 Weet. 100 00 feet. North 14? 17' 50 Weet. 124.80 feet, to the point of beginning, containing 0,80 acres, more or leaa. and being Tract No. 1 as shown upon a map antitlad "Raymond Mercar Estate" as recorded in Map Book 11, Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry TRACT NO 2 Located in Smith Township. Duplin County State of North Caroline, and being described as BEGINNING at an iron stake in the pavement centerline of N.C. Hwy. No. Ill at Corner "B" as shown upon a map entitled "Raymond Mercer Estate" as recorded in Map Book 11, Page 84 of the Duplin County Registry and runs thence: With the old line North 06? 03' 06" East. 127.58 feat to an old iron stake corner; thence. With the old line with the old Sarecta road South 57? 54' 20" East. 231 00 faet to an iron stake; thence. With the east edge of the old oeuiavnie road and with the Calvin Mercer line South 06? 03' 05' West, 558.74 feet to an iron stake; thence. With the Rov Kennedy line North 57? 54' 20" West, 70.02 feet to an iron stake in the pavement centerline of N.C. Hwy. No. Ill at Corner "A" of aforementioned Raymond Mercer Estate' map thence. With and along the pavement centerline of N.C. Hwy No 111 as it curves to the point of beginning, chords along said pavement centerline being as follows: North 06? 37' 00'' West. 100 00 feet. North 08? 50' 05" West, 100.00 feet. North 10? 45' 35" West. 100 00 feet. North 12? 41' 50" West, 100.00 feet. North 14c 17' 50" West. 124.80 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.84 acres, more or less, and being Tract No. 2 as shown upon a map entitled Raymond Mercer Estate" as recorded in Map Book 11. Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry. TRACT NO. 3 Located in Smith Township. Duplin County State of North Carolina and being described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the pavement centerline of S R. No. 1732 at Corner "C" as shown upon a map entitled "Raymond Mercer Estate" as recorded in Map Book 11. Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry and runs thence: To and with a ditch and line of Tract No. 4 North 83? 38' 45" West. 65.40 feet to a stake; thence. With ditch and line of Tract No 4 North 74? 47' 55" West, 270.87 feet to a stake; thence. With ditch and line of Tract No 4 North 61? 58 15" West, 120.41 feet to a stake; thence. With ditch and line of Tract No. 4 North 67? 26' 15" West. 119.05 feet to a stake; thence. With ditch and line of Tract No 4 North 64? 52' 45" West, 141.47 feet to an iron stake in the Oollie Miller line; thence. With the Dollie Miller line South 13? West, old deed call. 484 feet, more or less, to a stake at a ditch at the southwest corner of the Ray mond Mercer house tract. Book 655. Page 59. thence. With old line and a ditch and beyond South 71? 30' East, 603 feet old deed call, to a stake on S R. No 1732; thence. With S.R No. 1732 North 22? 30' East, old deed call, 493 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing 6.62 acres, more or less, (acreage of this tract taken from old deed) and being Tract No. 3 as shown upon a map entitled "Ray mond Mercer Estate" as recorded in Map Book 11, Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry TRACT NO. 4 Located in Smith Township, Duplin Countv State of North Carolina, and being described as follows; BEGINNING at an iron stake in the pavement center line of SR. No 1732 at Corner "C" as shown upon a map entitled Raymond Mercer Estate as recorded in Map Book 11. Page 94 of the Duplin Countv Registry and runs thence, To and with a ditch and line of Tract No. 3 North 83? 38 45" West, 65 40 feet to a stake, thence. With ditch and Una of Tract No. 3 North 74* 47' 66" Waat. 270.87 faat to a ataka; thanca. With ditch and lina of Tract No 3 North 81s 58 15" Waat. 120.41 faat to a ataka; thanca. With ditch and lina of Tract No. 3 North 6/? 28' 15" Waat. 118 06 faat to a staka; thanca. With ditch and lina of Tract No 3 North 64? 62 46" Waat. 141.47 faat to an iron ataka in tha Dollia Millar lina; thanca. With tha Dollia Millar lina and bavond with tha Myrtla Kannadv lina North 14? 46' 46" Eaat. 686.63 faat to an existing iron ataka cornar; thanca. With tha J.R Marcar lina and to and with old fanca North 14? 61' 30" Eaat. 474.21 faat to an old iron ataka cornar; thanca. With tha lina of Tract No. 6 South 69? 14' 00" Eaat. 638 18 faat to an iron ataka in tha oavamant cantarlina of S.R. No. 1732; thanca. With tha oavamant cantarlina of S R. No. 1732 South 08? 18' 00" Waat. 830 13 faat to an iron ataka; thanca. With oavamant cantarlina of S R. No. 1732 aa it curvaa to an iron ataka chord of curva baing South 12? 20' 30" ? Waat. 129 55 faat to said iron staka; thanca. With oavamant centerline of S R. No. 1732 at it curvet to an iron stake chord of curve being South 20? 24' 30' West. 129 55 feet to said iron stake; thence. With pavement centerline of S R. No. 1732 South 24? 26' 55" West, 72 92 feet to the point of beginning, containing 18.72 acres, more or less, and being Tract No. 4 as shown upon a map entitled "Raymond Mercer Estate" as recorded in Map Book 11, Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry TRACT NO. 5 Located in Smith Township, Duplin County, State of North Carolina and being described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the pavement centerline of S R. No 1732 at Corner "D: as shown upon a map entitled "Raymond Mercer Estate" as recorded in Map Book 11, Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry and runs thence. With pavement centerline of S R. No 1732 North 24? 26' 55" East. 57 44 feet to an iron stake; thence. With pavement centerline of S R. No 1732 as it curves to an iron stake chord of curve being North 20? 24 30" East, 129.55 feet to said iron stake; thence, With pavement centerline of S R. No. 1732 as it curves to an iron stake, chord of curve being North 12? 20' 30" East 129.55 feet to said iron stake, thence, With pavement centerline of S R. No 1732 North 08? 18' 00 East, 830.13 feet to an iron stake; thence. To and with an old wire fence and the old Ashley Mercer line. South 74? 33' 00" East. 514.73 feet to an iron stake on an old tarkill bed; thence. With the I.J. Hines line and beyond South 26? 02' 30" West. 1162.56 feet to an old iron axle corner; thence. With the Craig Mercer line North 73? 31' 15" West, 210 93 feet to the point of beginning, containing 8.96 acres, more or less, and being Tract No. 5 as shown upon a map entitled "Raymond Mercer Es tate" as recorded in Map Book 11, Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry. TRACT NO. 6 Located in Smith Township, Duplin County. State of North Carolina and L?<nng described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the pavement centerline of S.R. No 1732 at Corner " E " as shown upon a map entitled "Raymond Mercer Estate" as recorded in Map Book 11. Page 94 of the Duplin County Registry and runs thence. With the line of Tract No 4 North 69? 14' 00" West. 638 18 feet to an old iron stake at the old J.F. Mercer and Willie Mercer corner; thence. With the J.R Mercer line and beyond North 62? West, 90 poles, old deed call, to a pine on Willie Mercer's line and on the hill near Mill Branch; thence. With the Arnold Gresham line, the old Pannie Mercer line, due east 120 poles, old deed call, to a stake on the new road. S.R. No. 1732; thence, With the new road. S.R No. 1732, due South 52 poles, old deed call, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing 36 acrea. mora or laaa. lacraaga of thia tract taken from old daad) and baing Tract No. 6 aa abown upon a map antitlad "Raymond Marcar Estate" aa racordad in Map Book 11. Papa 94 of tha Duplin County Ragiatry. Tha commiaaionar a hall aall aach tract aaparataly than tracta thraa 13). Four 14). 6 aix (61 will ba lumpad togathar and offarad for sala aa a group and whichever method producaa tha higheat price will prevail. Thia aale will ba aubject to prior liana and encumbrancea. if any A ten percent 110%) depoait will ba required of tha higheat bidder at the sale and all bida will remain open for ten 110) daya for upaet bida. Thia the 25th day of October. 1982. Russell J. Lanier. Jr. Commissioner 11-18-4I RJL 348 NORTH CAROLINA UUrLIN UUUN I T NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Oder of the Clerk for the General Court of Justice. Superior Court Division for Duplin County, made in Special Proceeding No 82 SP 138 entitled Mary Gray Jones and husband, Geddie Jones. Petitioners v. Robert Lee Summerlin. Jr. and wife, Estelle Summerlin; Nancy Summerlin Goodson and husband, Bernard Goodson; and Olive Sum merlin Goodson, Widow, Respon dents", the undersigned Commis sioners will on the 19th day of November, 1982 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. on the premises in Wolf scrape Township, Duplin County, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash those certain tracts of land lying and being in Wolfscrape Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a red oak on Mrs. Lee Shine's line, corner of Lot No. 1 and runs South 44 West 100 poles to a lightwood stump, an old corner on Bowden tract; thence North 50 West 66 poles to a stake corner of Lot No. 3; thence South 11 West 172 poles to a short-leaf pine on an old dividing ditch; thence up the ditch North 6 poles to the head; thence up the branch joining the wet and dry land 60 poles to a stake; thence South 42 East 3 poles to a mulberry tree; thence North 66 East 20 poles to a stake; thence North 10 East 26 poles to a stake; thence North 26 East 32 poles to a stake; thence North 8 East 32 poles to a stake; thence North 89 East 65 poles to a stake corner of Lot No. 1; thence North 10 West 60 poles to the BEGINNING, containing JO acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 2 in the division of the lands of Watson Jernigan, deceased, and alloted to Anna Sykes as recorded in Regis ter's Office of Duplin County in Book 102, Page 398 etc. And being the first tract as conveyed by a Deed dated January 4, 1907, from R L. Sykes and wife. Anna Sykes, to R.L. Summerlin. and recorded in Bonk W? Pan** 578. of the Duplin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a pine on Mrs. Lee Shine's line, corner of Lot No. 4 and runs South 11 West 200 poles to a stake at the edge of Goshen Swamp; thence South 75 East 40 poles to a stake on an old dividing ditch; thence up said ditch North 20 poles to a short-leaf pine, corner of Lot No. 2; thence North 11 Eaat 172 polsa to a ataka on Mr*. Laa Shina'a lina thanca along thla Una North 60 Waat 60 polaa to tha flEGINNING, containing SO acraa, mora or laaa. and baing Lot No. 3 In tha diviaion of tha landa of Wataon Jarnigan. dacaaaad. aa racordad in Book No. 7 Paoa 276. Clerk'a Offica of Duplin County, in Reporta Com mittaa. And baing tha lat Tract aa conveyad by Daad datad Novambar 9, 1907. from Thomaa Allan Jar nigan and wife, Annia D. Jarnigan, to R.L. Summerlin and wifa. Ada Summarlin, aa racordad in Book 110, Paga 212, of tha Duplin County Regiatry Thara ia excepted from tha above tract of land that cartain 2-1/2 acraa of land mora parti cularly daacribad aa followa: BE GINNING at a ataka G R Gnnrt. man's corner in tha Shina'a lina and runa S 12-1/2 W. 27-8/11 polaa to a ataka naar tha corner of tha field, thence S 88 E. 33-3/4 polaa to a ataka in tha Shina'a lina. thanca aa that lina 38 polaa to tha BEGINNING, containing 2-1/2 acraa, more or laaa. And being tha same tana at conveyed by Deed dated January 14, 1911, from R.L. Summerlin and wife, Ada Sum merlin to G.R. Goodman, as re corded in Book 129, Page 462, Duplin County Registry. THIRD TRACT: Being a part of the land bought of Mr. Lee J. Shine by L.J. Summerlin bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the road that leads from Ward's Bridge to Mt. Olive, B P. Sum merlin's corner and runs North 85 West 46 poles to a short-leaf pine in a branch; thence South 10-1/2 West 21 poles to a stake in branch on drain; thence South 50 East 24 poles to path; thence North 6 East 11-3/4 poles to long-leaf pine by path; thence North 75 East 35 poles to road that leads from Ward's Bridge to Mt. Olive; thence North 22 West 11 poles to stake to the BEGINNING, containing 6 1/2 acres, more or less. And being the same land as conveyed by a Deed dated December 26, 1914, from L.J. Summerlin and wife, Emma D. Summerlin, to R.L. Summerlin, and recorded in Book 164, Page 374, of the Duplin County Registry. FOURTH TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake on the public road that leads from Ward's Bridge to Mt. Olive and runs thence North 85 West 46 poles to a pine in a branch; thence North 84 East 42 poles to a stako on the road near a tobacco barn, then down the road South 22 East 7 poles to the BEGINNING, containing one acre, more or less. And being the same land as conveyed by a Deed dated Decem ber 28, 1914, from B P. Summerlin and wife, Maggie Summerlin to R.L. Summerlin, and recorded in Book 164, Page 373, of the Duplin County Registry. FIFTH TRACT: BEGINNING at a persimmon tree (gone) on the road R.L. Summerlin's corner and runs South 75 West 35 poles to a pine; thence South 85-1/2 East 38 poles to a stake on the public road; thence along the road North 22 West 13 poles to the BEGINNING, containina 1 4/10 acres, more or less. And being the same land as conveyed by 3 Deeci dated Novem ber 25, 1915, from R.W. Jernigan to R.L. Summerlin, and recorded in Book 176, Page 333, of the Duplin County Registry. SIXTH TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the Shine line, Rupert Jernigan's corner and runs as a new line S. 83 W. 116 poles to a ?take Goodman's oornar In tha Shina line.Jhenee aa that Una S, STfe. aCouT 68 polaa to a ataka. thanca as aaid Shina Una N. 44 E. about 91 polaa to tha BEGINNING, containing 21-1/2 acras. mora or laas. And balng tha sama land aa convavad by a Daad datad January 14, 1911, from L.J. Summarlin and wife, Emma Summarlin to R.L. Summarlin, and racordad in Book 131. Paga 360, Ouplin County Regiatry SEVENTH TRACT: BEGIN NING at a ataka in R.L. Sum martin's Una and runs N. 3 E. 41 polaa to a ataka in tha Shina'a Una. thanca aa that Una S. 44 W. 10 polaa to a rad oak. R.L Sum marlin's cornar: thanca aa his Una S. 10 E 34 V4 polaa to tha BEGINNING, containing ona II) acra, mora or laas. This baing tha sama property aa dascribad in a Deed from Rupert Jarnigan to R.L. Summarlin datad December 28. 1910 and racordad in Book 129, Page 369, Duplin County Registry. The Commissioners shall sail the ianas in two separate sales bv selling the 50 acre tract, the 70 acre tract, and 21.5 acre tract and the 10 acre tract that adjoin each -ther and that are not located on a public road and shall sell the 6V4 acre tract, the 1 acre tract and the I.4 acre tract located on Ward's Bridge to Mount Olive Road sepa ratelv The two tracts will then be lumped together and offered for sale as a group. The highest bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit of ten percent (10%) of his bid as evidence of good faith. George R. Kornegav, Jr., Commissioner H.E. Phillips, Commissioner II.11-4t-GRK-216 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having gualifiad sa Co-Execu tort of tha aatata of Reba Kornagav Carlton, dacaatod. lata of Duplin County. North Carolina, thia ia to I notify all paraona having claima againat tha aatata of aaid dacaaaad to praaant thorn to tha undaraignad on or bafora April 14. 1903, or thia notica will ba plaadad in bar of thair racovory. All paraona in debted to aaid aatata plaaaa immediate paymant. f ) Thia tha 11th day of October. 1982 David Hugh Carlton P.O. Box 626 Waraaw, NC 28398 i Thomas Nalaon Carlton 201 Meadow brook Lane Waraaw. NC 28398 11 4 4t c-DHC NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION lj aiulllWt mm f lOVMIU MUBIMIVU ?? . trator of the Estate of Willie Williams, deceased, late of Ouplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersioned on or before the 14th day of April, 1982. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 14th day of October. 1982 EUGENE WILLIAMS. ADMINISTRATOR WILLIE WILLIAMS EST** Route 1, Box 52 Konansville, North Carolina 28349 11 4 4t VBG Pink Hill Cable TV, Inc. Now Taking Application^ For Anyone Interested In Cable TV In The Town Of Pink Hill Contact: or Angela^ Turner Call 568-4543 302 W. Broadway St. Pink Hill ? or inquire at the town hall Let Us Show You We CARE About _l I YOUR GOOD HEALTH TTl J. ? R. L. Hoodt ^71 Pharmacy 7 filled \ Ph: 568-4131 /acciirrtrfyX I BUILDERS BARGAIN CENTER 210 S. CAROLINA STREET GOLDSBORO, N.C. Ph. 734-8257 SHINGLES *5.00 per bundle I Va" SHOP GRADE PLYWOOD ?*5.50 I NO. 3 SHELVING BOARD 48* If I UTILITY STUDS 99* eg. | Bonday-Frita, iLrTU / - SaMay I ?-5 /-"?-1 <ss 8-1 I m ?^LZ2^SEIIZ3Z*ZZZr I ' I ?, WE 1 BOUGHT BIG, AND YOU'LL SAVE - I BIG! j I Now's the time to buy and 1 save on Armstrong floors. Dozens of patterns and colors, thousands of yards of high-quality flooring at terrific savings. Come early for the best choice. Here are just a few of our special sale items. These Prices Apply To in Stock Merchandise Only. ITREDWftf installs easily ower existing noon to cower minor credo ridges and other proOKnis Tougn vinyl no-wax wear surface, "?"1 1.95 I retailed SUNDIAL? SOLAR1AN* Mi excellent value m no- wax noon m over jo great patterns and conn ... auiaatna m popular mw|0.95 ROYELLE* Mi attracts budget priced floor cushioned for comfort underfoot Tough vinyl no-wn surface means easy eve. ONLY *4.95 sq. Yd. IMPERIAL* ACCOTONE? gp3faHSS?6l I orev?7.00 I Over 300 rolls of carpet and vinyl in stock, plus we have commercial flooring. ? * RT < t??* ' i * Frederick Furniture Lon^any TWiMP, Hwy. 117, Between the Stoplights I * i ' f ?' ?'

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