Beulaville News Mr. and Mra. Walter Rhodes made a business trip to Kinston Tuesday. Owen Edwards visited his wife Alpha in Whaley's Rest Home several days during the past week. Woodrow Williams visited his father. Chesley. several days during the past week in Duplin General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W.V. Oxley were in Clinton Tuesday and Wednesday on business and on Friday they attended a birthday dinner in Clinton in honor of Jerry Cottle. Among those who attend ed the football game in Chapel Hill Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Pate, daughter Alice Anne and friend. Linda Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bostic. Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Sandlin Sr. are home after spending two weeks with their daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Von Anions and children in Ver mont. Among those at the oyster roast Saturday at Sneeds Ferry was Vallie thdey. Randy Sandlin of Greens boro spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Sandlin Sr. Dino Boshc. a Navv officer stationed in Philadelphia. Pa., spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Ray Bostic and Dana "and Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kennedy. He returned to Philadelphia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald of Albany. Ga. were to arrive to spend the weekend with Mrs. Adcllc Matthews, then go to Duke Medical Center for a check-up of Irma. She plans to return with them to Georgia and remain until after the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sand lin and children of Dudley visited Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Sandlin Sr on Sunday. Mrs. L.M. (Eunice) Bostic, Joel Kenndy and two other Kennedy family members ?visited Mrs. Annie Kennedy an New Bern Sunday. ? , The Lvman Nutrition Site Senior citizens held their annual Halloween party Oct. at the Lyman Fire De partment building, the nutri tion site. Several members ui I IvIU III LU^IUIIH.. vih.HI Lanier led in prayer, and the group sing hymns. Essie Taylor, arts instructor from JSTC. and a worker with the senior citizens, and Walter, Brown, were in attendance. ? Friday night J.D. Cottle honored his son Jerry at his {place of business in Clinton 'with a pig-picking. Attending 'front the Bculavillc area were iMr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner i>f Potters Hill and Vallie ;Oxlcy. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. ?Brown of Chinquapin announce the birth of their daughter. Amanda Home, on Thursday. October 2". 1982. The grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Brown of Chinquapin and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dexter of Raleigh. Sandy Plain Senior Citizens The Sandy Plain Senior Citizens meeting will be held ?Saturday. Nov. 1.1. at h p.m. iin the educational building of Ithe church. All senior 'citizens are invited to attend ?and bring a covered dish. {The dinner is served after the business meeting. Bobby -Simpson of Richlands and his group will be the enter tainment. Outstanding Young Men of America William Edward Rrown. a native of Bculavilk as been selected for inclusion in the 1482 edition of Outstanding Young Men of America. He is a 1471 graduate of East Duplin High School, received his BA in 1474, and his MA in 1476 from East Carolina University. In 1481 he ? received his M.D. from ECU and is presently a second year resident in family prac tice at Pitt County Memorial Hospital in Greenville. He and his wife. Dr. Sylvia Thigpen Brown and daughter Jessica reside in Greenville. He is the son of J. Macon and Louise H. Brown of Beula ville U.D.C. Meets Mrs. Javan Quinn was hostess to the John Ivey Thomas Chapter No. 217, U.D.C. on Oetobere 25. Since the president, Mrs. Ida Miller" was on jury duty. Mrs. Effic Hamilton called the chapter to order and served in other capacities where necessary. Mrs. Hamilton led the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. Hag and salutes to the N.C. and Confederate flags. Lou Kennedy had charge of the ritual and led in prayer. The Lord's Praver was quoted by the Chapter as Mrs. Hamilton officiated. Roll was called and the minutes read. The secretary read a note from Mrs. Ruby Holland. She sent the Chapter a certificate of award presented at the annual convention held in Raleigh on Oct. 12. The acting president passed out fighter forms to be completed in the near futdre. Mrs. Hamilton pre sented the program on poems and poetry of the Confederacy. Some of the poets were Paul Hamilton Hayne, Francis Orrery. Theodora O'Hara. John R. Thompson. Margaret Junpin Preston and Father Abram J. Rejon. There were nine members present and all enjoyed the refreshments served bv Mrs. Ouinn after the program. They consisted of cake, sher bet. roasted pecans. Hallo ween candy, coffee and coke. "Envy is the sincerest form of flattery." John C. Collins Molds are more likely to unmold easily if the pan is first rinsed with cold water, then coated with oil. DUPLIN TIMES-PROGRESS SENTINEL Published Weekly by DUPLIN PUBLISHING CO., INC. Ike Riddick, Publisher P.O. Box 68 Kenansville. NC 28349 Second Class Postage Paid at Kenansville. NC 28349 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Single Copy 11 ^ents In Duplin and Adjon g Counties 6Mos. ?$1.82 1 Yr. ?3.64 Outside of Duplin and Adjoining Counties 6 Mos.?$2.34 1 Yr. ?$4.68 Outside North Carolina $5.50 per year REMEMBER... .. .Nationwide for fast claims service. Most Nationwide Automobile Insurance claims are paid within 48 hours after proof of loss. We're very proud of our Fast Claims Service record. Call a Nationwide Agent today and find out how else our automobile insurance can keep you on the right road. I O.L.Scott Rt. 2, Scott's Storo Ml. Olive, NC 28365 Phone: 658-5222 Ethro Hill Highway #11 Pink Hill 568-3310 I?1J NATIONWIDE I i 1 INSURANCE I Nationwide is on your side NaMnaida Mutual Insurance Comoany . NalKtnwrta Mutual Fit Inauraoca Company I NationwuM uta Inautanca Company ? Homa othca Cotumbua. Otao ? ? * I super market | m WE WELCOME FOOD STAMP CUSTOMERS ? WE RESERVE THE RIGHT I BEULAVILLE I MOn,< Wh0i"V' 0>""M,r I TO LIMIT QUANTITY - Ph. 298-3646 'I J PRICES EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 11-12-13 OPEN TIL 8 p.m. FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS I .r ?|09| I BUY X I I BACON I LB. LUNDY SMOKED I PICNIC Q Q< I Ou BONELESS isirloin steak] I $949 BEECHNUT BABY FOOD I 4/89* blue bonnet margarine I2/89M |j?Tj39| i sara lee ? pound cake p I $149 llMPl WISK I laundry Dm*mgm<-< | H |msaQUART SIZEJ I I PO fit I I PETER PAN Vfl ? PEANUT ? ? H ? BUTTER 12 OZ. I I mm Mmm IMT. DEW & ^^?%l I DR. PEPPER ? M _ I 2 LITER , 7'" |' * I 4fl99| I lundy |lll^ I ?chitterlings! | 10 lb. bucket i I HOT DOGS I 1199*1 ICHUCKI I ^^ROAST I APRIL SHOWER PEAS l3/*i.ool BUTTER-ME-NOT BISCUITS 9.5 OZ. I 2/79c I |E3 <;f29| AMERICAN , U ? I;' ANm ' KRAFT SLICED [ CHEESE U 12 OZ* IS 99*1 DETERGENT M I POCAHONTAS JA I CATSUP UUf I | 32 OX. Hil l * LUNDY 01691 LARD ^9 4 I mm (LIMIT 1 BAG WITH ?12.50 FOOD ORDER) 2 TO BAG I 09M I RETTES NOT I INCLUDED IN LB. I SPARE RIBS I (3 LB. DOWN) ^ LB. ^^chatha^CHUNJ^^^^B DOG FOOD 25 LB. I *3.49 r MADE RITE&GOLDE?nCRUSTl BREAD (LONG LOAVES) ^89^1 r="nn3 ORANGE JM.CE -MmU ? f I % gal, w I NESCAFE INSTANT WW 10 OZ. ' COFFEE WW | SHAWNEE |^B HJIb ;; 8 91 . k &