TV SERVICE - Milton's TV Sorvlco located at his home on Highway 41, 3 ml. E. of Beulavllle toward Potters Hill. Phone 298-4311. ?CTF-MTV-2 OUINN'S WELL & PUMP > CO. - Shallow wells and deep wells. Call 293-7712. CTF-dfq ^DAVID JONES UPHOL STERING - Cars & Furni ture, pick-up and delivery. Beulaville. Call 298-4073 any time. CTF-dj GEORGE'S MOBILE HOME REPAIR - offers a complete line of mobile home parts and 24-hour service. Call ^George, 289-2289. FCTF-gd WELDING SHOP-One mile north of Kenansville on Hwy. #11. Electric and portable welding. Also assorted trail ers. James Harper, Phone 296-1807. CTF-jh RING MOUNTS & REPAIR ?Done in the store. Evans Pjewelry-"Quality Jewelry Watch Repair." Wallace and Warsaw. CTF-ej TOP SOIL FOR SALE - $20 per load plus mileage from Pink Hill. Call 568-4435. CTF-enh FOR SALE - John Deere tractor, model 2640 70 h.p., P170 hrs. $13,000. Like new. 293-4472 3-31-4t-pd-cp FOR SALE - Balanced set of Wilson Staff clubs, Irons and woods. Also PGA set of clubs. Both sets excellent condition. Call 293-4420 after 6 p.m. CTF-jc-nc ^ FOR SALE - Used Beauty P Shop equipment. Call 296-1698. 4-14-4t-pd-mp FOR SALE - Tlfton 44 sprigs - new improved Coastal. Also, polled Herford bulls. Cecil Kornegay. Tel. 658-3433 3-24-4t-pd FOR SALE - 1979 Toyota Pick-up, 4-speed, new tires, AM-FM radio. Also antique brass bed. Cane back sofa and two matching chairs. 296-1981. 3-24-4t-c-GK SHINGLES -$5.00 per bundle #15 Felt $6.95 per roll. Builders Bargain Center, 210 S. Carolina St., Goldsboro, NC. 734-8257 4-7-8t-GBS FOR SALE - 1980 Conner Mobile Home, 14x65, un furnished,assume payments. 568-3410 anytime 4-7-4t-c-jh BUNN'S VENITIAN BLIND SERVICE - Repair & New Blinds. Deep Run. 568-3210 & 523-2184 & Mobile 5558. 24-hour service CTF-BVBS BUSINESS MANAGER - Applications accepted thru 4/15/83. Begin 7/1/83. Call or write D. Thiaoen. .lames Sprunt Technical Collage, Kenansville, NC 28349. (919) 296-1341. AA/EO Employer 4-7-4t-JSTC#4241 -ts FOR SALE - Satellite re ceive systems. Sales - Service - Rentals. For in formation about a home demonstration, call 298-3757 Carolina Earth Terminals, Route 2, Pink Mill, NC 4-14-4t-pd FOUND - set of car keys on ring at New W.H. Jones Co., Inc. Call 568-3171. 3-24-1 t-pd BURN OFF FAT without dieting. Glucomannan at Watson Drug Co., Pink Hill. 4-14-4t-pd FOR SALE - Waccamaw 2-BR mobile home, fur nished, central heat. Phone 289-4151. 3-24-1 t-pd < FOR RENT - Newly deco- ? rated house 4 mi. from Kenansvllle. Completely car peted, well insulated, gas heat, garden privileges, re cently landscaped. Very rea sonable. Cal I 296-1149 after 6 n m Legal Notice EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Louise Bundy Jones, deceased, late of Duplin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before September 24, 1983, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 16th day of March, 1983 Joyce J. Frederick, Executrix 119 Cashwell Drive Goldsboro. NC 27530 4 14-4t-JJF NOTICE OF PRESENTATION OF BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the requested budget estimate for Duplin County for the fiscal year 1983-84, will be presented by the Budget Officer to the Duplin County Board of Commissioners on April 5, 1983 and a copy of the same will be on file April 5, 1983 for public inspection in the Office of the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners (Courthouse, Room Number 119). A public hearing wtll be held Monday. April 11; Tuesday, April 12; and Tuesday, April 19, 1983 at 1:00 p.m. in the Commissioners' Room, Courthouse, Kenansville, North Carolina. Presented this the 21st day of March, 1983. Duplin County Board of Commissioners By: Ralph Cottle, Clerk to the Board IT-C-n I -4.X) NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having quali fied as Executrix of the estate of May Belle Phelps, late, deceased of said Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to file them with the undersigned at Route 2, Box 25B, Beulaville, North Carolina 28518, on or before the 30th day of September. 1983 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their right to recover against said estate. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the4th day of March, 1983. Anne P. Jackson Route 2, Box 25B Beulaville, North Carolina 28518 3-31-4t APJ NOTICE OF PROPOSED USE HEARING Duplin County will conduct a proposed use hearing for Revenue Sharing expenditures at 9:15 a.m. on Tues \iv, April 5. 1983 in the Commissioners' Room, Court house. Kenansville, North Caro lina. The amount of General Revenue Sharing Funds to be discussed for this fiscal year is $219,000.00 All interested citizens will have the opportunity to give written or oral comments on possible uses of the funds. Senior citizens are encouraged to attend and com ment. Handicapped persons need ing assistance or aids should contact the Manager's Office before the meeting. Duplin County Board of Commissioners By: Ralph Cottle. Clerk to the Board 3 24 1t-RT 25 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Gardner Bryant Houston, deceased, late of Duplin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before September 17, 1983, or this notice wi I oe pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make immedicate payment. This the 8th day of March, 1983 Rickie Beamon Houston Route 2, Box 312 A Pink Hill, NC 28572 4-7 4t RBH EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the estate of Audrey Alphin Cheek, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before August 24, 1983, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 24th da$ of February, 1983 Gilbert E. Alphin and Sally May Batson, Executors of the estate of Audrey Alphin Cheek Route 2 Mount Olive. N C. 28365 Phillips & Phillips Box 727 Kenansville, NC 28349 3-24 4t P&P NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Mertie K. Joyner, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before September 10, 1983, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to scid estate please make immediate payment. This the 11th day of Februaiy. 1983 Ralph Joyner Route 5. Box 51 Mount Olive, NC 28365 3-31 -4t RJ NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as Executrix of the Estate of Marcus Nathaniel Harris, Jr., late of Ouplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims ogainst the said estate to present them to Mrs. Julia Ann Harris, Post Office Box 205, Faison, North Carolina 28341 or VICKORY. HAWKINS & VICKORY. Attorneys for the Estate. Post Office Box 235, Faison, North Carolina 28341 on or before September 10, 1983, said date being at least six months from the date of first publication hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 10th day of March, 1983 Mrs. Julia Ann Harris, Executrix P.O. Box 205 Faison, North Carolina 28341 3-31 4t JAH aff VHV NOTICE OF EXECUTOR Having qualified as Executor of the Will of Mary A Nunn, late of Calypso, Duplin County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify ail persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at 303 Lake Pines Drive, La Grange, North Carolina 28551, on or before the 7th day of September, 1983, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of March, 1983. Paul A. Nunn, Executor of the Will of Mary A. Nunn, Deceased Nathan E. Sutton Attorney at Law P.O. Box 117 La Grange. N.C 28551 3-24 4t NES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DUPLIN File no. 83 SP 4 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE RESALE IN THE MATTER OF: THE PROPOSED FORECLOSURE UNDER POWER OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY DANNY Q HARRELL ANO HIS WIFE JOAN M. HARRELL. DATED SEPTEMBER 30. 1980. AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK ?73. PAGE 132. DUPLIN COUNTY REGISTRY. SECURING AN IN DEBTEDNESS THEREIN SET OUT IN THE ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF 812.000 00. DUE AND PAYABLE TO BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. N.A.. BY CHARLES M INGRAM. SUBSTI TUTE TRUSTEE. DEED BOOK 902. PAGE 634. DUPLIN COUNTY REGISTRY UNDER AND 8Y VIRTUE OF the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust given by Dannv G. Harrell and his wtfe, Joan M. Harrell, to Stephen R. Salisbury. Trustee, dated Snnrem ber 30. 1980. and recorded in Deed Book 873, Page 132. Duplin County Registry; AND FURTHER UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF the authority vested in the undersigned, as Substitute Trustee, by written in strument dated September 27, 1982, and recorded in Deed Book 902, Page 634, Duplin County Registry; Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby, and said Deed of Trust being, by the terms thereof, subject to Foreclosure; and the holder of the indebtedness secured thereby having demanded a Fore closure thereof, for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness; and a Hearina having been held herein, before the Clerk of Superior Court for Duplin County; AND FURTHER PURSUANT TO an Order, entered on February 4, 1983, NUNC PRO TUNC, January 27, 1983, by the Clerk of Superior Court for Duplin County; A Foreclosure sale at public auction having been conducted, on Ihursday, March 3, iy83, due and proper notice of which was given to all necessary parties; at which sale NCNB/Bank of North Carolina, N.A was the high and successful bidder, with a bid of $2,500,00, which said bid and sale was reported on March 3, 1983, And said initial bid and sale having been upset, by Jesse Thig pen, with an increased bid of $2,675,00; and Resale ordered; The undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the East door of the Duplin County Court House, Front Street. Kenansville, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on Thursday, April 7, 1983, the real property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, together with all improvements situate thereon, the same lying and being in Smith Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the Northern right-of-way of North Carolina State Road # 1710 (a sixtyfoot right-of-way), commonly known as the Sandy Plain Road, said iron pipe being North 04 degrees 17 minutes East 30 feet from a "P K." nail in the center line of said road; Said "P-K " nail being North 85 degrees 43 minutes West 33 feet from a second "P.K.".nail, also in the centerline of said road; Said second "P.K." nail being above a 15" reinforced concrete pipe; said pipe being 0.3 miles as measured in an Eastern direction from the intersection of said S R # ?1710 with North Carolina Highwav #241; THENCE, from said beginning, and leaving said road right of way. North 53 degrees 32 minutes East 141.79 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE, North 25 degrees 12 minutes East 83.55 feet to an iron pipe. THENCE, North 84 degrees 50 minutes West 287.28 feet to an iron pipe^ THENCE. South 04 degrees 17 minutes West 175 feet to an iron pipe on the Northern right of wav of S R # 1710, THENCE with said road right of wav, South 85 degrees 43 minutes East 150 feet, to the point of BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0 94 acres, more or less BEING THAT TRACT surveyed by Roger D. Taylor, R L S # 2526, as shown on a map dated July 31, 1980, as recorded in Deed Book 871, at Page 122. Duplin County Registry AND BEING the same property conveyed by Deed dated August 5. 1980, from Jessie G Thigpen and wife, Eva T Thiopen. to Danny G. Harrell and wife. Joan M Harrell, as recorded in Deed Book 871, Page 121, Duplin County Reigstry. THIS SALE will be made subject to any and all outstanding unpaid taxes, special assessments, and all prior liens or encumbrances against this property, if any. Pursuant to N C G.S *45-21.10 (b). any successful bidder may be reauireu to deposit with the Sub stitute Trustee immediately upon conclusion of the resale, a cash deposit of ten percent (10%) of the b;d up to and including $1 000.00. plus five perceht (5 >u) of any excess over $1,000.00 The bidding at said 'esale shall commence at $2,675 00. Ar.y successful bidder sha.l be required to tender the full balance purchase price so bid, in cash or certified check, at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a Deed for the property, or attempts to tender such Deed Should any successful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time he shall remain liable on his bid. as provided by N C G S *45 21 30 This sale will be held open for a period of ten (10) days for upset bids, as by law provided THIS THE 11th div ?f March. 1983 Charles M Ingram Substitute Trustee 3 31 3t 18.1 178 SOUTHERN PLANTATION ^ 30 minutes from Golds boro, near Guilford East 4-bedroom, 3 baths, for mals, family room with > fireplace, double gar age. On two acres. Additional land for sale. Call (toll free) ^ STRICKLAND INSURANCE AND REALTY GOLDSBORO 1-800-672-4773 ? or Molly Ellis 242-4401 [Collect] t* WHY BAY MORE FOR CARPE1 CLEANING Get professional results at a fraction of the cost. ^ ? ms^mm America'! No. 1 u jn~. ioma Carpal ll\ 1 Jloaning \) I ytiom I * AVERY FURNITURE 568-3114 PinkHUl BUSINESS ? OPPORTUNITY Howard's "New Multi-Level Business," Authorized Distributor of Yurika Food Products, is now looking for person or persons, preferably husband and wife team, in Beulaville, Potters Hill, Albertson, Pink Hill, Warsaw, Richlands, Mount Olive and other small towns in this area. If you are Interested in a business of your own that can produce you an incoma of $500 a week, with almost no investment, Call Mr. Howard at 568-4765 for an Interview. This A is not a glmmlc* but a sound business offer. If you w are not willing to work and make this kind of money, please don't answer this ad. > " ?BU,l0,,,8 SUPPLIES ~ U -.ROOFING : .carpet. fiS&Tfnr/f) *Fl00R COVERING ? HARDWARE 11*11 TwTTI r [tyJM 3 /?/?? /" Ifuihl tnvllihiu ? BUZZARD BUILDING SUPPLY Ofe^KisiQwavf KtNsinN vjniH L j DEEP RUN RURITAN CLUD announces their annual Auction Sale Deep Run Fire Station March 26th 10:00 A.M. UNTIL? BARBECUE PORK & FRIED CHICKEN WILL BE SERVED Sale will consist of Seeds. Fertilizer Chemical and many many useful things The Deep Run Ruritan Club helps many worthwhile projects in our community such as the Pin Hill Medical Center, the South Lenoir Land Judging Team and other school projects, Deep Run Softball Field, needy in community and other charitable projects as they arise. We invite the public to come out and support the Ruritans with these worthwhile projects. T Hf /? east UJmr\\ carolina 4cnph[l? auction . company iRft- P.O. BOX 3133 ?LlN A ^ Klnaton, N.C. National Spinning Co., Inc. Is Presently Accepting Applications For Employment At Their Warsaw Plant. Applications Will Be Accepted On Tuesdays Only With Screening & Referrals By Kenansville Job Service Office. Nat*..*. Spinning Incorporated la an Equal Opportunity Employer - M-F r * t ^ 3 Hundreds of Used Kitchen Cabinets, Doors, Windows, Ranges, Water Heaters, Commodes, Tubs,Sinks, Electrical Boxes and Supplies, Dressers, Chest, Tables, Chairs, Desk, Lots More. F & J Salvage 2717 W. Vernon Ave., Kinston, N.C. 522-0806 I HELP WANTED I The Graham House Inn in Kenansville under new management is H now taking applications for waitresses A waiters. Please apply in person only at the Graham House Inn on Fri.f March 25th I between 11 am & 5 pm. I John Ramirez, | Chef/Gperator I I Walter P. West QJI INSURANCE & rr REAL ESTATE AGENCY 114 E. College St. - Warsaw Phone 293-4156 or 293-4362 I RESIDENTIAL: ?JBBBiaaiffi^SE^7THF WFFK KENANSVILLE - Special Cape Cod with lots of possibilities. Fireplace with stove. VA loan as sumable. WARSAW-MAGNOLIA AREA - Secluded rustic I 2,000 sq. ft. Dutch Colonial home overlooking pond. Situated on 4.6 well-landscaped acres. Includes dog kennel and 16x20 storage barn area MAGNOLIA - Brick Ranch Home on large lot. Quiet location. KENANSVILLE - Pinecrest Acres. Almost new house with many unusual features Located on 1-acre wooded lo'. Fireplace in great room. Very nice. KENANSVILLE ? Contemporary home Ther mapane windows and doors. .Stone fireplace in great room Large bedrooms and three baths. Pinecrest Acres. WARSAW KENANSVILLE ? Hwy No 24 East Nice frame well-located home. Very livable as is or can be renovated for gracious living. WARSAW - Unusually nice modular double-wide available Located approximately 5 miles S.E. of Warsaw on paved road Lots of nice trees. WARSAW ? Forrest Road, corner lot, extremely nice, well-built, 3-bedroom house. New paint and carpet. WARSAW ? Wisteria St. Traditional brick 3-bedroom home, LR, OR, Den, 2 baths, lovely kit chen. Large extra bldg. on property Many uses Dead-end street, assumable loan. ^ MILES NORTHWEST OF WARSAW-Nice brick home. FmHA loan can be assumed Need quick sale. WARSAW - Ward's Bridge Road, corner lot, 4-bedroom brick, well-built, many amenities, ?crooned hack DOrch. DUPLIN COUNTRY CLUB - Extremely nice brick home with 2.717 sq. ft. heated space overlooking No. 9 green on golf course All the amenities you would expect in a home of this type WARSAW - Chelly Street, very nice 3-bedroom brick home with FmHA financing available Call for details. WARSAW ? Just off War^^fjie Road If coun try living with a?3's waht you re looking for, WffeW"*-. mis. Great room with fireplace, lot". ?ees on a 1-acre lot WARSAW TURKEY AREA ?- Brick home with 2 nice outbuildings located 6V? mi NW of Warsaw 3 acres, partially fenced KENANSVILLE-Contemporary home. 3 bedroom, 3 baths, deck and fireplace Good loan assump tion. Unusually nice 3>bedroom trailer located 6 miles east of Warsaw Country home with large family room overlooking a beautiful lake 3-bedrooms, very nice Furnished trailer, very nice. jgarams WARSAW ? Just off Hwy 24 & 50 Colonial Heights, lots of trees to compliment a pretty home. WARSAW MAGNOLIA AREA Beautiful wooded 2-acre tract located near Carlton Chapel Church. Well-drained and on paved road WARSAW Bay Street WARSAW?Plank Street WARSAW - 100'x200' wooded lot off Ward's Bridge Road. COMMERCIAL: WARSAW - 5-acres located 3 mi. south of Warsaw on US 117. Includes septic tank, well and two framed storage buildings. MAGNOLIA - 5-acre mobile home park with 6 spaces, 5 rented. In city limits MAGNOLIA ? Corner lot with cinder block building. Many possibilities. WARSAW ? Lot, corner of Hill St. and Hwy 117. KENANSVILLE TOWNSHIP -36 acres cutover land, 6 miles northeast of Warsaw, reasonably priced CHINQUAPIN ? Approximately 18 acres ? 16 acres cropland, located app. Vj mile east of Cape Fear River Bridge. WARSAW ? 5 acres woodslapd located on WTRQ Radio Station Road Beautiful estate propgrtv or can be developed. ? 4 ^ i

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