Butter-Cheese f Distribution The Duplin County De partment of Social Services will distribute butter and cheese on a regular basis in the near future. Because of | the amount of work that will be involved and the limited funds to work with, volun teers will be needed to help with the program. Volunteers will be needed to help with the certification of clients to receive the butter and cheese and also to help with the distribution to the clients. This will be done at the county warehouse off Highway 11, South of 1 Kenansville, near the dog pound. Any organization or indi viduals who can help with the program are asked to contact the Department of Social Services as soon as possible. The address is P.O. Box 439, Kenansville, NC 28349 or phone 296-1457. Tree Day The Duplin County Tree Day committee sponsored by the Agricultural Extension Service met recently in the home of Mrs. Adelaide Rice to evaluate the project and make plans for another year. Members were excited about placing more than 27,000 trees in the county in March and regretted having , a short supply of trees due to \ heavy rains in the supplier nurseries. The group voted to include i red maple and crepe myrtle i along with pines and dog- 1 woods next year. Mrs. Rice, J chairman, wishes to thank all i volunteers who helped with < the project. "I know Duplin c County is going to be even s more beautiful because of c the efforts of all the com- < mittee members. We are ' looking forward to a sue- ? cessful Tree Day next year," she said. Legal Notice 4 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co Executors of the estate of Paul ' Bobo Potter, Sr., deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before October 7, 1983, or this \ notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons in debted to said estate please make ' immediate payment. 1 This the 21st day of March, Mirth* Joyci Pottar 106 W. Chilly Strut Wiriiw, NC 28398 Paul B, Portir Jr. WW Oik Bur Court Pleasant Garden. N.C. 27313 4 28-41-MJP NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of an Ordir of thi Clark of Suparior Court of Duplin County, made in Special Proceeding No 82 Sp 228 entitled "William Hughea Kelly and wife, Mary Helen Kelly; and Nathan Thomaa Kelly and wife, Alyce Kelly, va. Lawrence Kelly and wife, Betty S. Kelly," and further purauant to an Order of Reaale entered by thi* Court on the 7th day of March, 1983, upon an advance bid, the underaigned Commissioner* will on the 26th day of April, 1983, at 12 noon, at the Courthouse door in Kanansville. Duplin County. North Carolina, offer the lend for resale to the highest bidder for cash upon an openino bid of Nineteen Thousand Two and 50/100 Dollars (It19.002.60l that certain tract of land lying and being in Glisson Township, Duplin. County. North Carolina, and mora particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on North Carolina Highway No. 1531, said stake beino R.D. Simmons' corner on said road and further being a corner of the 24.80-acre tract of land this day sold to Nathan Thomas Kelly, and runs thence es said road South 69-50 East 850 feet to a stake; thence continued as said road South 69 East to a stake near a branch; thence South 46 West 1,633 feet to a stake; thence North 39 West 66 feet to a stake; thence South 20 West 2,000 feet to a stake on the run of Northeast River; thence up the meanders of the run of the Northeast River generally in a Northwestern direction to a stake, R.D. Simmons' corner on the run of Northeast River; thence as the line of R D. Simmons' North 29 East 1,630 feet to the point of beginning, CONTAINING 74.70 Bcres, more or less. And being a portion of the 99 1/2-acre tract of land as set forth and described in a Deed dated September 12, 1922 from W.H. Kelly to Bertie O. Kelly, and recorded in Book 243, page 303, of the Duplin County Registry. And being the same land described in a Deed dated March i. 1978, from Bertie O. Kelly, a vidow, to William Hughes Kelly, is recorded in Book 835, page 472, if the Duplin County Registry. The highest bidder at said sale ihall be required to make a cash leposit of ten percent (10%) of the irst One Thousand Dollars $1,000.00) and five percent (5%) if all over One Thousand Dollars of lis bid as evidence of good faith. This the 7th day of April, 1983 Everette L. Wooten Jr., Commissioner H.E. Phillips. Commissioner 21 2t-HEP-76 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualifed as Executrix of :he estate of Pritchard Gibson Idams, deceased, late of Duplin -ounty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before October 7, 1983, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of 'heir recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make mmediate payment. This the 1st day of April, 1983. Katie J. A da mi P O. Box 261 Faiaon. NC 28341 4-28-4t-KJA-pd IT ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF OUPLIN FILE NO. 13 BP 30 . HE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SALE KEN BALL, axacutor of tha Eatata of Sybil Thlgpen. Patltionar va. REBA WHALE Y BALL and hue band. CHARLIE BALL; BERNICE L. FOSTER and huaband. ERNEST FOSTER; WANDA L. FOSTER BOYETTE and huaband. KEN NETH BOYETTE; RODNEY J. FOSTER and BAPTIST CHIL DREN'S HOMES QF N C.. INC , Raapondanta Undo' ana by virtue of an Ordar of the Superior Court of Duplin County, made in that certain special proceedings entitled "Ken Ball. Executor, vs. Reba Whalay Ball, at all" and signed bv the Honorable John A. Johnson, Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County. The undersigned Commissioner, will on the 30th day of April, 1983 at 12:00 noon, on the premises, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, but subject to confirmation bv the Court, that certain tract of land lying and being in Limestone Township, Duplin County. North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: That certain lot. tract or parcel of land lying in Limestone Township. Duplin County. North Carolina, bounded on the North bv N C. Hwv #24, on the West bv Jerrv Jarman and on the South bv Arthur Langlev and on the East by a field road. BEGINNING at a stake on the South side of N.C. Hwv #24, said ' stake stands South 73 112. West 47 feet from power pole #38 said stake also being 60 feet from the center line of said N.C. Hwv #24,; thence, with the side of said N.C. Hwv #24. South 85. West 105 feet to a stake, said stake being 60 feet from the center line of said N.C. Hwv #24; thence. South 25. East 221 feet to a stake; thence. North 85 East 105 feet to a stake on the side of a field road: thence, with the side of the field road North 25, West 221 feet to the beginning containing (1/21 of (11 One acre, more or less And being part of the Deed recorded in Book 412, page 147 of the Duplin County Register of Deeds office. And also being the same land described in that certain deed dated November 8, 1960, from Arthur Langlev and wife, Thelma Langlev to Linwood Ralph Ken nedy and wife. Eva Elizabeth Kennedy, as recorded in Book 540, page 416 of the Duplin County Registry to which reference is had This sale will be subject to prior liens and encumbrances, if any. A ten percent (10%) deposit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale and all bids will remain open for ten (10) days for upset bids. This the 28th dav of March. 1983 FredricC. Hall, Commissioner 4-28-41-L&H-89 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtu# of an Order of the Duplin County Cierk for tha General Court of Juatice, Superior Court Division, made in Special Proceeding File No 83 SP-22. entitled "Raymond Cavenaugh, Executor under the Laat Will ana Testament of Hilburo Moore, De ceaseo, et al vs Aaron Moore and wife. Nellie Moore, et al." the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 29th day of April 1983, at 12 noon, at the Duplin County Court* house door in Kenansville. North Carolina, offer for sale to tha highest bidder for cash all those certain tracts of land lying and being in Island Creek Township, Duplir County, North Csrolina. and more particularly described as follows FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a 3/4 inch iron pipe in tha center of the pavement of S R. No 1148, the Northeast corner of William T. Smith's Jot (Book 805. page 751), said iron pipe being located North 72 degrees 50 minutes 25 seconds West 685 91 feet, North 80 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds West 1715.07 feet, and North 81 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds West 627.17 feet from a nail and cap in the centerline intersection of S R. No 1148 and the N.C. Hwy. No. 11, and runs thence 1 With the center of S.R. No. 1148 North 81 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West 110.00 feet to a railroad spike, the Northwest corner of William T. Smith's lot: thence 2. With the center of S.R. No. 1148 North 82 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds West 10.02 feet to a 1 /2 inch i/on rod; thence 3. With Mattie Dail's line North 08 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds West 232.27 feet to a walnut tree; thence 4 With Mattie Dail's line South 79 deorees 32 minutes 40 seconds West 106.37 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe in the line of Allen Teachev and V.H. Rouse's land; thence 5 With the Teachev and Rouse line as follows. North 09 degrees 49 minutes 15 seconds West 21.74 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe. North 27 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 40.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe, North 10 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds East 57.00 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe, and North 09 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds West 452.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod at the head of a ditch, the Northeast corner of Allen Teachev and V.H. Rouse's land; thence 6. With the ditch and the line of Teachev and Rouse North 77 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds West 209.08 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod. the Southeast corner of W.B. Hawes land; thence 7. With the Hawes'line, and to and with a ditch North 09 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East 579.18 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe al the intersection of two ditches, the Southwest corner of T.T. Harrell's land (Book 602, page 191); thence 8 With the Harrell line and a ditch South 81 degrees 23 minutes 05 seconds East 266.11 feet to a 1-1/4 inch iron pipe at the inter section of two ditches, the South east corner of T.T Harrell's land; thence 9. With the Harrell line and a ditch North 06 degrees 22 minutes 45 seconds East 136.55 feet to a 1-1/4 inch iron pipe at the inter section of two ditches, the South west corner of Joe McMillan's land (Book 440, page 195); thence 10 With the McMillan line and a ditch South 60 degrees 24 minutes 15 seconds East 150.66 feet to a 1-1/4 inch iron pipe at the intersection of two ditches, the Northwest corner of Allen Teechev end V.H Rouse's lend (Book 558, pege 51); thence 11 With the Teechev end Rouse line end with s ditch South 07 oegrees 42 minutes 10 seconds West 687.38 feet to e 3/4 inch iron pipe ete turn in the ditch; thence 12 With the Teechev end Rouse line and with a ditch and bevond. South 10 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East 753.51 feet to the point of beginning, CONTAINING 9.08 acres, more or less, shown as Tract 1 on a map entitled "Survev for Hilburn Moore Estate," dated Nov. 29, 1982, as recorded in Map Book 11, page 107. of the Duplin Countv Registry, and being that land de scribed in a Deed to Hilburn Moofa and Rena H Moore, his wife, as recorded in Book 411, page 492, and being part of that land de scribed in a Deed to Hilburn Moore and his wife, Wilma Cavenaugh Moore, as recorded in Book 487, page 303, of the Duplin Countv Registry SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a railroad spike in the center of S.R No. 1148, the Northwest corner of William T. Smith's lot (Book 805, page 751). said raiJroad spike being located North 72 degrees 50 minutes 25 seconds West 685.91 feet, North 80 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds West 1715.07 feet, and North 81 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds West 627.17 feet, and North 81 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West 110.00 feet from a nail and cap in the centerline intersection of S R. No 1148 and N.C. Hwy. No. 11, and runs thence 1. With the Snvth line South 10 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East 418.00 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe in a ditch and in the line of Marion Sasser's land (Book 839, page 645); thence 2. With the ditch and the Sasser line North 81 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West 122.56 feet to a 1-1/4 inch iron pipe in the intersection of two ditches and in the line of Allen Teachev and V.H. Rouse's land (Book 599, page 395); thence 3. With the Teachev and Rouse I line, and with a ditch and bayond North 09 dagrees 26 minutes 06 aaconda Waat 413.17 feat to a 1/2 inch iron pipe in the center of S R. No. 1146; thence 4 With the center of S.R No. 1148 South 82 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds East 116 39 feet to the point of beginning. CONTAINING 1 09 acres, more or less, shown as Tract 2 on a map entitled "Survey for Hilburn Moore Estate, dated Nov. 29. 1982. as recorded in Map Book 11, page 107, of the Duplin County Registry, and being part of that land described in a Deed to Hilburn Moore and Ins wife. Wilma Cavenaugh Moore, as re corded in Book 487. page 303. of the Duplin County Registry. The foregoing Tract 2 is subject, however, to the rights and privi leges in WiJIiam T. Smith, his heus and assigns in and lo thai nnrtinn of a aaptic tank lina that ia within the metaa and bounds of Tract 2 haraof The highest bidder at said sale ,win ba required to make a cash deposit of tan percent 110%) of his bid as evidence of good faith This the 28th day of March. 1983 H E Phillips. Commissioner 4 28 4t P&P W9 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION In the Qaneral Court of Justice Oiatrict Court Oivison NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY THOMAS LEE SMITH. Plaintiff vs. CELESTINE B SMITH. ??5S ? * TO: CELE8TINE B. SMITH Take notice tnat ? pleading seeking relief againet vou has been filed in tne above entitled civil action The nature of the relief being sought is a* follows: The Plaintiff seeks to obtain an abso lute divorce on the grounds of one year's separation. You are required to make de tense to such pleading no later than May 10. 1983, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 25th day of March, 1983 ROBERT I. WEST At,tornev for Plaintiff 202 N Pme Street Warsaw, N C 28398 (919)293 4919 4 28 4t RLW 33 Vr* V?__ [western auto] ^ BEULAVILLE J Authorized service dealer ,**R0 n0 a ^^ for Briggs & Stratton, Sw^. a Sfe ? f BRIGGS & STRATTON ] * 3SK m Tecumseh and Kohler engines v Spring Tune-Up Time ? Lawn Mowers ? Tillers ? Other Small Engine Repair (r* g^sSk Donald Hawkins, lip HOy formerly with ij Pink Hill Supply Co., Ir is now associated with IV ^^^^Plnk Hill Western Auto. ||| For all your small engine repairs^! call Donald at 568-3101 || George Williams In Beulavtlle Call 298-4246 ' [western autoJ 1 PINK HILL M George R. Kornegay, Jr., P.A. (A Professional Corporation) is pleased to announce the association of Janice s. Head George R. Kornegay, Jr. April 1,1983 Janice S. Head George R. Kornegay, Jr., P.A. 232 Smith Chapel Road Mount Olive, North Carolina 28365 Telephone: [919] 658-9436 (o#rn^M l?w Jofcr. * UM. DnmfciMd b, i .na?t#kn > 0 ??. ??? ?Kfl.p?.n H T <0*40 ih.-s^b H*.b..?o? Ill 10 V.lo?* >1 (ona>?* U *1010 EATING CUSTOMS THE ISRAELITES USUALLY ATE IN THE MORNING AND IN THE EVENING. (EXODUS 1fcM2,1 KINGS 17:6) WOWEVER, THIS CUSTOM DID NOT FORBID EATING AT OTHER HOURS. LABORERS ALSO PARTOOK OF A MEAL AT NOON. (RUTH 2:14) THE ESSENES WERE STRICTER AND DID WITH ONLY TWO MEALS, THE FIRST BEING ABOUT ELEVEN O'CLOCK, AFTER THE MORNING PRAYERS FOR THE CW* AND THE OTHER IN THE EVENING. LATER, ABOUT THE TIME OF JESUS, STRICTER JEWS BROKE THE FAST OF THE NIGHT BY A MEAL AFTER THE NINE A.M. PRAYERS, AND ON THE SABBATH FOOD WAS NOT SERVED BEFORE TWELVE NOON AFTER THE SYNAGOGUE SERVICE. BUT THE CHIEF MEAL OF THE DAY ALWAYS TOOK PLACE IN THE EVENING HOURS. LIKE THE MODERN ARABS, THE ISRAEL ITES WASHED THEIR HANDS BEFORE EATING SINCE GENERALLY THERE WAS A COMMON DISH INTO WHICH EVERYONE'S HAND DIPPED. A PIECE OF BREAD SERVED AS A SPOON AND WAS DIPPED INTO THE BOWL OF MEAT OR THICK SOUP OR POTTAGE AND WAS LADLED OUT WITH THE HOLLOW OF THE HAND INTO A DISH. MMUMffliimSF mmMilium,T,ni:Auii?i:ii;jiii?J* ? SAVE TMlS FOB VOUB SUNDAY SCHOOL SCBAPBOOk SPONSORS OF THIS PAGE URGE YOU TO ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY HOLMES'JEWELERS Front Street. Kenansville All Occasion Plaques, Jewelry and Repair Needs Ph: 296-1443 CAROLINA MOBILE HOMES Ph: 298-4447 Beulaville. N.C. WHALEY'S AUTO & WRECKER SERVICE Beulaville Phone - 298-3844 JACKSON'S IGA STORES Beulaville- Kenansville - Pink Htu Jimmy Jackson and Employees KENANSVILLE DRUG STORE & FAISON PHARMACY I Doc Brinson, Earl Hatcher, Julie Lane QUICK SALES Pink Hill Ph: 568-4450 BEULAVILLE GARMENT COMPANY, INC. i WHALEY SUPER MARKET Beuiaville Monk Whaley NEW W. H. JONES CO., INC. Pink Hill Ph: 568-3171 WEST AUTO PARTS CO. Warsaw- Kenansville - Beuiaville EAST COAST OPTICAL CO. Worthington Bldg., N. Main St., Kenansville Complete Eye Glass Service Ph: 296-1782 BEULAVILLE ANTIQUE & FURNITURE CO. Orzo Thigpen Hwy 24 E., Beuiaville Ph: 298-3476 JONES FOOD STORE, INC. Kenneth Jones Beuiaville MILLER HARDWARE Main Street, Beuiaville Sampson Paints Available! Ph: 298-3337 A

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