Invited Into Honor Society Randy Craae Randy Cruse of Route 1. Albertson. a senior at N.C. State University, was ini tiated into the national honor society. Phi Kappa Phi on March 31. Election to this society is the highest aca demic recognition offered at NCSU. Cruse was recently informed that his name had been recommended for per manent documentation in the Young Personalities of America (third edition). Cruse is double majoring in agriculture education and agriculture engineering. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cruse of Route 1, Albertson. Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Town of Magnolia will hold a public hearing on the requirements of the Community Development Block Grant Small Cities program as administered by the State of North Carolina on the following date and at the following location: Date: April 26, 1983 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Magnolia Town Hall Railroad Street. Magnolia. N.C. PROCEDURES OF THE HEARING The hearing will provide expla nation to the public of the proposed application described jn the sub section below and provide the public with the opportunity to express their comments orally as well as the opportunity to submit written comments to the hearing officer. Citizens are encouraged to offer suggestions concerning the proposed application. PROPOSED APPLICATION DESCRIPTION The Town of Magnolia proposes to undertake a project in a target area in the vicinity of East Sandy Street on the southeastern side of the Town of Magnolia. Activities to be undertaken will include im provements to the central water and sewer systems as well as sti eet and drainage improvements. Im provements to the substandard houses in the area are also pro poeed at wan ea demolition la tha dilapidated urtiu of tha area Tha Town alio propoaea to undertake a local ootion activitlaa which include watar and aawar improvamanta in aavaral araaa of Town outside tba Eaat Sandv Straat tar pat araa Tha total amount of tha application will ba approximately *750.000.00. BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THf COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A major objective of. tha program la tha davalopmant of viabla Cbm munitias by providing dacant houaing. aconomic opportunitiaa. and a auitabla living, anvironmant principally for paraona of low and modarata incomes In ordar to achiava thia objactiva tha North Carolina* Dapartmant of Natural Raaourcaa and Community Daval opmant makaa available 100 par cant granta to amall communitiaa on a competitive basis PROCEDURES BEING FOLLOWED IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE APPLICATION A firat public hearing to diacuaa tha contenta of tha application was held on March 8. 1983 The application will ba aub mitted to tha North Carolina Da partmant of Natural Raaourcaa and Community Davalopmant on or before May 2. 1983. Additional program information is available from Mayor H. Melvin Pope. Town of Magnolia. Magnolia Town Hall. Magnolia. North Caro lina. All interaated paraona are en couraged and invited to attend thia public hearing. H. Melvin Pope, Mayor 4-21 2t-T0M non-leg 85 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the County of Duplin will hold a public hearing on the requirements of th? Community Development Block Grant Small Cities program at administered by the State of North Carolina on the following date and at the following location: Date May 2, 1983 Time: 10:45 a.m. Place: Commissioners Meeting Room First Floor Duplin County Courthouse Duplin Street Kenansville, N.C. PROCEDURES OF THE HEARING The hearing will provide expla nation to the public of the proposed application described in the sub section below and provide the public with the opportunity to express their comments orally as well as the opportunity to submit written comments to the hearing officer. Citizens are encouraged to offer suggestions concerning the proposed application PROPOSED APPLICATION DESCRIPTION The County of Duplin proposes to undertake a project in a target area known as the Burning Bush, or Juniper, Community which is. lo cated about one mile west of the Town of Faison along N.C. High way 403 and N.C. Secondary Road 1327 and adjacent areas Activities to be undertaken will include the construction of a centralized water system to serve the area as well as housing rehabilitation and demoli tion and related services. The County also proposes to undertake a local option activity which will be the construction of a community center and recreation park for the Rockfish Community about three miles west of the Town of Teachey. The proposed facilities will be constructed on a site near the Swift and Company Processing Plant on N.C. Secondary Road 1170. The total amount of the application will be 1750.000.00 BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A inaior objective of the program ia the development of munitiet bv providing decent housing, economic opportunities, snd a suitable living environment pally for persons of low end ...operate incomes. In order to achieve this objective the North Caroline Department of Netural Resources snd Community De velopment makes available 100 percent grants to small communi ties on a competitive basis. PROCEDURES OEINO FOLLOWED IN THE DEVELOP MENT OF THE APPLICATION A first public hearing to discuss tha contents of the application was held on March 21. 1983 The application will be sub mitted to the North Carolina De partment of Natural Resources and Community Development on May 2. 1983 ? Additional program information is available from Ralph M. Cottle. Ouplin County Manager, Duplin County Courthouse, Kenansville. North Carolina All interested persons are en couraged and invited to attend this public hearing William Costin. Chairman Duplin County Board of Commis sioners 4-21-2t-RT-non-leg-94 Legal Notice NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having gualifisd . as Adminis tratrix off the estate of Richard Aldron Smith, deceased, late of Duplin Cpunty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before October 28. 1983. or this notice will bo pleaded in bv of thoir recovery. All poroono indebted to (old estate ploaoo make immediate payment Thia thai 18th day of April, 1983 Qartia G. Smith. Administratrix of the aatata of Richard Aldron Smith, dpcoaaad Route 1 Albertaon. N.C 28808 Phillips A.Phillips, , Attorney* at Law Box 727 Kenanaville, NC 28349 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF KENAN8VILLE PROPOSED USE. GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS The public will take notice that the Board of Commiaaionera of Kenanavilla will at 7:30 p.m. on May 2, 1983. conduct a public haarinp on the propoaed uae* of ita General Revenue Sharing Funda for the fiscal year 1983-84. The location of the hearing will be the Kenanaville Board Meeting Room located in the Kenanaville Fire Oepartment. At the hearing, oral and written commenta will be received from any interested citi zen. Donald E. Suttles. Mayor 4-28-2t-TOK 19 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust recorded in Book 836 at Page 285 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina, dated March 24, 1978, and exe cuted by Charles Allen Sumner and wife. Brenda D. Sumner, to G.W. Marschell end Cicero P. Yow (either or both with power to act). Trustees for the Administrator of the Small Business Administra tion, an agency of the Government of the United States of America, who maintains an office end place . of business at 230 South Tryon Street. Charlotte. North Carolina, 28202. and by virtue of an order of the Clark of Superior Court of Duplin County, North Caroffna. pursuant to Chapter 46 of the General Statutaa of North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Dead of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the Trustee will offer for sale the lands conveyed In said Dead of Trust to the highest bidder for cash at the. Courthouse Door in Kenanavllle. North Carolina, on May 17, 1983. at 12:00 o'clock noon, said laods lying and being in Duplin County. North Carolina, and mora parti cularly described ss follows: Lot 46 BEGINNING at a stake on the Hallaville and Muddy Creek Road and the corner of Lot flA and runs S 34 3/4 degrees West 1.792 feet to a stake the old corner; thence as the old line North 43 degrees 45 minutes west 943.8 feet to a ditch the corner of Lot #7; thence as the ditch North 84 east 310 feet to a stake on the North bank of said ditch; thence North 29 degrees east 1303 feet to a stake on the Hallaville and Muddy Creek Road; thence with said road South 68 aast 680 feet to the beginning, con taining 21 65 acres, more or less. Dated and posted this 14th day of April. 1983. Cicero P. Yow 102 North Fifth Ave., P O Box 479 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Telephone: 19191 762 2421 TERMS: Sale subject to all taxes or special assessments that may be due or past due and any liens of record. A deposit of 10% of the first $1,000.00 plus 5% of the amount of bid in excess of $1,000.00 will be required at the sale; balance upon delivery of the deed. 5 12 4t-CPY-70 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of e estate of Amos Jones, de cwMd, lata of Duplin Cpuntv, North Carolina, thia ia to notify ail paraoha having cjalma againat th? 5 aetata of aaid deceaeed to praaant tham to tha underaigned on or bafora Octobar 14, 1983, or thia notice will ba ploaded in bar of thair recovery. All peraona in-1 deb ted to aaid aetata plaaaa make immediate payment Thia the 8th day of April, 1983. Clifford M. Jonee Rout* 2, Box 272 Pink Hid TIC 5872 -S-4t c CMJ VORTH CAROLINA 3UPLIN COUNTY Having Qua I. Had M Exacutrlx of h* Eatat* of Jlmml* D*vi*. of >uplin Cpuntv, North Carolina. ? rhi* it tp notify all paraon* having :iaima againat (ha Estata of aaid linimi* Davia to praaant tham to the undersigned within *!?, months from data of tha publication of thia notica oc seme arid bo pleaded In bar of thair recovery. All paraaoa indabtad to said aftits plsasa make immediate ipymant Thla tha 6th day of April, 1963. KiL'ean H. Davis ? Routs t, Box TtT Albartson, N.C. 28608 *-6-4t-khd-pd AUCTION SALE ESTATE OF SYBIL THIGPEN Saturday, April 30, 1983 12:00 Noon On Premises Located on N.C. Hwy. #24 between Beulaville and Richlands across from New Hope Baptist Church. Home Residence and one-half acre of land. All household furnishings and personal property. 1967 Chevrolet car. Terms of sale on personal property will be cash upon receipt of goods. A ten (10%) percent good faith deposit will be required of high bidder on real property The Estate reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Lanier & Hall Attorneys at Law Kenansville, N.C. 296-1444 FEEDS AND FEEDING PROGRAMS - EQUIPMENT - ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS - MANAGEMENT SERVICES GRANT LIVESTOCK: SUPPLY HWY. 11 NORTH PINK HILL. N.C. 28572 OPEN MON.-SAT. 8:00-6:00 4 BEDDING PLANTS *1.80 DOZ. 50 LB. CHATHAM CHUNX *7.10 25 LB. HUNTERS' SPECIAL-DOG FOOD *3.00 OPTIMIX 50 HOG PREMIX *13.75 LINCOMIX 100 INJECTABLE *9.75 50 ML WORM DOZE HOG WORMER 1 ?1.05 100 GRAM PACK AGRIMYCIN 50 *6.95 500 ML DENO'S COUPON DENO'S b ALL WEEKEND | * g (THURS., APRIL 21-SUN., APRIL 24) 0 E D E E <WI? ^v^jrKEE COUPON) z ONE ITEM ON ANY g * 2 SEAFOOD COMBINATION C 0 OR ? CDCE (WITH COUPON) ONE EXTRA TOPPING ^ ON ANY SIZE PIZZA Q 1 DENO'S RESTAURANT ? * in . Q EmI Main SlrMt, Bauiavllla ? Phona 2M-4333 ^^^DENO'^DENO'^DENO'^DENO/^^^^ 5552E5HSE55HSEBBpSEEMH% We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities \klNCs/A 6LADLT yi / / II f WJ ACCEPT V\ ? / / II 'A'Jfllg J fooo Vy // Y^UAiX^gd stamps U THE FOOD PEOPLE / "c V\ FROM KIRSTOM // ^WMSjy ,Ncins V'u j <> o j u j 7/i, ^ ^ a j q-tK/ STORE NO. 3 ? PINK HILL HIGHWAY ? Open 8:00 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily CAMPBELLS PORK AND BEANS 16 OZ. 3/*1 R&W MAYONNAISE LIMIT 1 WITH *7.50 FOOD ORDER qt! 69* JIF PEANUT BUTTER CREAMY OR CRUNCHY 18 OZ. *1.59 WESSON OIL 48 OZ. *1.99 APRIL SHOWERS PEAS 303 SIZE 3/$1 SNICKERS CANDY BARS SIX PACK *1,39 R&W MARGARINE 1-LB. 3/*1 WHITE CLOUD BATHROOM TISSUE 6 ROLL PACK *1.59 FRESH GREEN CABBAGE LB. 12* 3-LB. ONIONS * 59* NO. 3 STORE ONLY Mpfei SIRLOIN B fp ROAST \ ^*1A9J W MR,B EYES1 (W ? SLICED FREE | I li. $2.99 J RIB EYE STEAKS M N^^LIP-?N LB^pp^ M ? 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