/ Legal Notice NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtu# ot the pow#r of sal# contained in a D##d of Trust recorded in Book 858 at Page 320 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County. North Carolina, dated August 21. 1979, and exe cuted by JOHN L. MclVER. INDI VIDUALLY and d/b/a MclVER AND SON GROCERY end CARO LINE MclVER. to G. W. MAR SCHALL and CICERO P. YOW, either or both with power to ect. Trustees for the Administrator of the Small Business Administra tion, an agency of the Government of the United States of America, who maintains an office aod place of business, at 230 South Tryon Street. Charlotte. North Carolina, 2S202. and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County. North Carolina, pursuant to Chapter 45 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, default having been made in the oayment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the Trustee will offer for sale the lands conveyed in said Deed of Trust to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door in Kenansville. North Carolina, on May 17. 1983 at 12:00 o'clock noon, said lands lying and being in Duplin County, North Carolina, and more parti cularly described as follows BEGINNING at an old iron stake in the west line of Cross Street corner A shown on the attached map and runs thence South 79 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds West 165 00 feet to an old iron pipe in a small ditch, thence with the St. Stephens A M E. Zion Church line North 10 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds West (passing an iron rod in the new right of way line at 0 * 57 42 feet) 66 00 feet to an iron rod with the old line of College Street North 79 degrees 16 minutes f>n Qumnrfs Fast 1fi5 00 feat to a stake, thence with the west line of Cross Street South 10 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East 65 00 feet to the point of beginning con taining 10,725 square feet more or less, 1.507 square feet of which is covered bv an easement to the North Carolina Board of Transpor tation (see Book 795 Page 138 of the Duplin County Registry), and being that land described in a deed to John L. Mclver. Jr. and John L Mclver. Sr as recorded in Book 593 Page 303 of the Duplin County Registry Dated and posted this 14th day of April. 1983 Cicero P. Yow 102 North Fifth Avenue P.O. Box 479 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: (9191 762-2421 TERMS: Sale subject to all taxes or special assessments that may be due or past due and any liens of record A deposit of 1Q% of the first $1.000.00 plus 5% of the amount of bid in excess of $1,000.00 will be required at the sale: balance upon delivery of the deed 5 12 4t CPY 86 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY FILE NO 83 SP 61 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE s SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE CLOSURE OF DEED OF TRUST OF DONNELL EDWIN KORNEGAY and wife. EDITH BYRD KOR NEGAY. Grantors, to STEWART B WARREN. Trustee As recorded in Book 837, page 695, of the Duplin County Registry See Appointment of Substitute Trustee recorded in Book 909. page 551, of the Duplin County Registry. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust sxscutsd and dslivsrsd by Oonnsli Edwin Kor nagay and wifa. Edith Byrd Kor negay. dated April 28. 1978. and recorded in Book 837, page 895. of the Duplin County Registry, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and failure to carry out or perform the stipulations and agree ments therein contained, and pur suant to the demand of the owne: and holder of the indebtedness thereby secured, and pursuant to the Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County entered in this fo4 6cloaure proceeding, the undersigned Miles B Fowler, Substitute Trustee, will expose for sale at public auction on the 19th day of May. 1983, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, on the steps of the Duplin County Courthouse in Kenansville. N C . the following described real property (including any. house or any other improvements thereon):* All that certain tract or parcel of land, containing 98 acres, more or less, in Glisson Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, approxi mately 9 miles Southeast from the Town of Mount Olive, on State Road No. 1521; bounded now or formerly as follows: North by lands of Alice Outlaw and Guv and Essie Hinson. East by Beaver Dam Branch; South by lands of Edd and Gladys Kornegay; and West by Rural Paved Road No. 1521, and more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a pine located on the wet and dry line of Beaver Dam Swamp, which pine is the South east corner of the Alice Outlaw lands, and which pine is the Southeast corner of Lot No 2 of the Frederick Outlaw Estate Division as recorded in Book 88, page 42, of the Duplin County Registry, and the Northeastern corner of Lot No 3 of the said revision, and runs thence from said beginning point so located as the line of Alice Outlaw and continued as the line of Guy and Essie Hinson. (it being the division line between Lots No 2 and 3 of the Frederick Outlaw Estate Divison), North 65 degrees West 146 poles to a stake on the Eastern edge of Rural Paved Road No 1521, leading from Scotts Store to Outlaw s Bridge and said stake being a common corner of Lots No. 2 and 3 of the Frederick Outlaw Estate Divison. thence at the Eastern edge of Rural Paved Road No 1521. South 32 degrees West 46 poles to a stake, corner of Lot No. 4 of the aforesaid division, thence continued as said public road the same course South 32 degrees West 48 poles to a stake on the Eastern edge of said road. Edd and Gladys Kornegey's North c n corner; thence as the lines atJEdd and Gladys Kornegay South 58 degrees East 84 poles to a stake and South 65 degrees East 60 poles to the run of Beaver Dam Branch; thence down the various courses of the run of Beave. Dam Branch. 8 straight line being approximately North 35 degrees East 58 poles, to a gum. the common corner of Lots 3 and 4 of the aforesaid division on said- branch; thence continued as the various courses of the run of Beaver Dam Branch, a straight line being approximately North 35 de grees East 29 poles to three bays; thence West approximately 4 poles to the wet and dry land of Beaver Dam Branch; thence as the mean ders of the wet and dry line of Beaver Dam Branch a straight line being approximately North 32 de grees East 20 poles to the point of beginning, containing 98 acres, more or less. The above lands are the same as set forth in a deed dated September 25, 1956, from W Coy Hill and wife, Estelle Hill, to H E Phillips and wife, Violette K Phillips, recorded in Book 504. at page 324, of the Duplin County Registry, and are a combination of the two tracts of land set forth and described in a deed to W Coy Hill as recorded in Book 414, page 455, of the Duplin County Registry, and further being all of Lot No. 3 and a portion of Lot No 4 as set forth and described in the Frederick Outlaw Estate Division as recorded in Book 88, page 42, of the Duplin County Registry. The record owner of the above described real property as re flected on the records of Duplin County not more than ten days prior to posting of this Notice is Donnell Edwin Ko/negay and wife, Edith Byrd Kornegay. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 45 21.10(b), and the terms of the deed of trust, any successful bidder may be required to deposit with the Substitute Trustee immediately upon the conclusion of tho hi* a deposit of ten per cant (10%) of tho bid up to and Including 11.000 00 plus fiva oar cant (8%) of any excess ovar ?1,000.00 Any successful bidder shall bo rsouirad to tender the full balance purchase price so bid in cash or certified chock at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts :o t ind jr such deed, and should ? sa*# ? ??*??,4Ct3 i V | ^1 ?m w-, V I . <,x.-, - '-y *?+*"*>? ?<+>*>**# ? Tfc*.. ? 1 ??-?'* , *L ?;?:* 1 <>X* :? a ^g- A M | <(*f iV 5' *UO. -w <#i?rt>??f H *vy> * '*>* *' '/*?< *B? fWO??? -+#1II3IIC fcH? ft* v> Mt % ! ? <*???? *?.??? MMttm.r M ?? ? uiwtwt i?k| ? ?? ? fl|^ a"'m"n ?'*" -*?*? ???> y-'-*.4* ! I IM *T*-? | H '?? i, \* .)UM I ??; **, ? 0WK5* *???????. V S^^3^r5Ess.,?i.?' ~,r~T~.; ? Will Hf.ililM n?Vvv^< uT-T^i "I .'II Vl"? *"" TZ2. yZ'..-.-*m I SU ?* jS.T"' S?j? S^. ,?.**?"? ;%?>.?? 5^ss?WBa?? I Enide 50w I DiFHeNA^ID Can be applied preplant Can be applied over-the*top at transplant Can be applied at layby Gives broad spectrum weed control Gives long-lasting weed control Guarantee"? performance Suppresses ragweed Good small grains tolerance Can be applied preplant Can be applied over-the-top at transplant Can be applied at layby Gives broad spectrum weed control Gives long-lasting weed control f Guarantees performance Suppresses ragweed Good small grains tolerance 'Rcff. Till of Upjohn Company DevrinoL costsupto 50?/o less. Follow label directions. Stauffer Chemical Company, 1 Agricultural Chemical Division, Westport, CT 06881 \ '1.19 LI BONELESS LB. JOHN MORRELL FRONTIER STEW BEEF '1.89 BACON 12 oz. 69' JOHN MORRELL PKG EATWELL 15 OZ. FRANKS 99' MACKERAL 69' ? TASTERS CHOICE DECAFFEINATED COFFEE 8 ?* *4.29 BIG TIME 3 CANS DOG FOOD *1.00 24 BOTTLE CRATE 6VaorlOOZ. COCA-COLA *3.49 PEPSI-COLA OR PLUS DEPOSIT DR. PEPPER *3.79 24 BOTTLE CRATE PLUS DEPOSIT r^BRV| GOLD MEDAL rTOrj I MACRONI OR IRP SPAGHETTI ||||p) 7 OZ. BOXES W U 3/$l SHAWNEE 5 LB.I FLOUR 89J iALL 2 LITER . PEPSI, COKE \ AND DR. PEPPER 1 89* DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES I box 9^ I DRY GOODS NEW SHIPMENT^ * SHORTS ? KNEE PANTS ^ ? DRESSES ? SHIRTS ?TOPS AT LOW PRICES 4 ]WE ALSO HAVE A I LAY-AWAY PLAN. SEE US FOR ALL YOUR I HARDWARE & FARM SUPPLY NEEDS I ? SHELF HARDWARE ? SMALL APPLIANCES ? SAMPSON PAINT ? ROLL ROOFING | ? 5 V TIN ? FARM CHEMICALS-ALL KINDS ? GARDEN CHEMICALS-ALL KINDSQ GARDEN SEED-ALL KINDS I ? SAMPSON PAINT STILL 20% OFF I ? ALLADIN HEATERS STILL 10% OFF ? CONOCO ANTIFREEZE >2.99 GAL. - >