Stevens Gift Honors Wells James Sprunt Technical College of Kenans,ville received a $5,000 donation from J.P. Stevens Co.. which operates two textile plants in Wallace. The donation was made in memory of the late Winnie ? Wells, a Wallace lawyer who served on the boards of directors of the college and the company. APPRECIATION DINNER - PLANNED FOR HELTON There will be a Bill Helton r appreciation dinner held on Z, Friday night. May 20th at ?? James Kenan High School. ? The dinner format committee j?will meet next week, ac " cording to Joe Lee Costin. BAKE SALE ? The Christian Chapel Ex ; tension Homemakers are - sponsoring a bake sale to be I held May 7 in front of Avery * Furniture Company in Pink ?; Hiii. & i Legal Notice 1 STATE OF NORT h CAROLINA COUNTY OF DUPLIN IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 79 CVD 369 CAROLYN WILKINS BURTON. Plaintiff ROY K. HEATH. Original Dafandant and Third Party Plaintiff VS. 2 J ED STRICKLAND. Third Party Dafandant and Fourth Party Plaintiff vs. DAVID ALLEN SANDLIN AND DORIS SANDLIN. Fourth Party Dafendants and Fifth Party Plaintiffs va. HAROLD JONES AND ANNIE ; JONES. Fifth Party Dafendants NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO HAROLD JONES AND ANNIE JONES Z TAKE NOTICE that a pleading - seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. * The nature of the relief being ^sought is as follows: BREACH OF WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN A DEED EXECUTED BY HAROLD AND ANNIE JONES You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later * than the 7th day of June, 1983, said date being 40 days from the first publication of this notice, or from the date complaint is required to be filed, whichever rs later; and upon your failure to do n tlx party waking aarvica against you will apply to tha court for the relief sought This the 29th day of March. 1983. FradricC. Hall Lanier (t Hall Attorneys for David Allan Sandlin PO Box f Ksnansville. N C 28349 6-12-3t-L*H -66 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE BUDGET HEARING Tha budget healing will be held on Monday, May 16. 1983 at 9:18 a.m. for all intaraatad citizens of Duplin County. Tha following bud gat is proposed for fiscal year 1983 1984 Category Total General Fund 11.968.801 Water Fund 7.700 Airport Fund 147,776 Property Revaluation 40.000 Operation, Equipment 6 ? Maintenance of Hoapital Fund 1.000.000 Oakwolfe Fire District 8,404 Revenue Sharing (Proposed for the General Fund) 219,000 Capital Reserve 100.000 Subtotal 13.481.681 Less Transfers 1,170.503 Total 12,311,178 The meeting will be held in tha Commissioners Room, Court house. Ksnansville. North Caro lina. for tha purpose of discussion of tha proposed budget. The proposed budget may be examined on weekdays at tha County Manager's Office. Courthouse. Ksnansville. North Carolina, be tween the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All interested citizens will have the opportunity to give written and oral comments. Senior citizens are en couraged to attend and comment. Handicapped parsons needing assistance or aid should contact the County Manager's Office before xne meeting . Duplin Countv Board of Commissioners Ralph Cottle, Clerk 4 28-1t RT 46 DUPLIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Invitation for Bids No. MCW-23 PO Box 277 Kenansville. NC 21349 April 16. 1913 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS CHANNEL RESTORATION Sealed bids, in single copy, will be received at the Duplin Soil and Water Conservation District Office located on Main Street, Kenans ville, North Carolina until 10:00 A.M., local time, at the place of bid opening. May 17, 1983 and then be publicly opened and read for channel restoration work identified as Phase I of the Muddy Creek Watershed. This work is located approximately 1/2 mile northwest of Chinquapin, North Carolina off N C. Highway 41 The major items of work are: 21.000 lin. ft. channel restoration 3 each sediment basins The estimated price range for the work is $25,000 to $100,000. All bids in excess of $10,000 must be accompanied by a bid bond, certified check, cashier's check, money order, or cash in an. amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount bid. The successful bidder will be required to execute a formal con tract and if the bid is in excess of $10,000 furnish performance and payment bonds, each in tbe amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount of the contract. A contract will not ba awarded to a firm in which any official of tha sponsoring local organisation, tha contracting local organization, or any mam bar o* such official'a immediate family has direct or indirect intaraat in tha pecuniary s or contracts of such firm. Corporations executing tha bonds as sureties must ba among those appearing on tha U.S. Tree sury Department's list of approved sureties. All work shall ba completed within 107 calendar days after tha data of receipt of tha notice to proceed Prospective bidders may assemble at tha Duplin Soil and Water Conservation District Office. Main Street. Kenansville. North Carolina on Tuesday, April 26 and Tuesday. May 3, 19S3 for a group showing of tha work site. The group will assemble at 10:00 AM. on aach of the above dates. If you are unable to attend tha group showings, arrangements to inspect the site may be made with Mr. Calvin R Mercer, contracting officer for tha Duplin County Board of Commissioners. Main Street. Kenansv'"e. North Carolina 28349 - Telephone: 919-296-1546 or 919 296 1958. Complete assembly of tha invi tation for bids may be obtained from the contracting officer. Note: Bidders are hereby noti fied that they must have proper license under the state laws governing their trade General contractors are notified that Chapter 87. Article i. General Statutes of North Carolina, will be observed in receiving and award ing this contract 4 28 It RT 89 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having Qualified as Adminia tutrix ofT the Httti of Richard Aidron Smith, decaeaad. lata of Duplin Cpuntv. North Carolina, thia ia to notify all paraona having ciaima againat tha aetata of aaid dacaaaod to praaant them to tha undaraigned on or before October 28. 1983. or thia notice will be' pleaded in bar of their recovery All paraona indebted to aaid aetata piaaaa make immediate payment Thia tha 18th day of April, 1983. Gertie G. Smith, Adminiatratrix of tha aetata of Richard Aidron Smith, dacaaaad Route 1 Albartaon, N.C 28508 Phillipa A.Phillips Attorneva at Law Box 727 Kananavilla, NC 28349 5 12 4t-PBP PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF KENANSVILLE PROPOSED USE. GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Tha public will take notice that tha Board of Commiaaionera of Kenanaville will at 7:30 p.m. on May 2. 1983. conduct a public hearing on the propoeed uaea of ita General Revenua Sharing Funds for tha fiacal year 1983 84. The location of the heering will be the Keneneville Board Meeting Room located in the Kenanaville Fire Department. At the hearing, oral and written commenta will be received from eny intereatad citi zen. Doneld E. Suttlea, Mayor 4-28 2t TOK 19 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under end by virtue of the power of aale contained in a Deed of Trust recorded in Book 836 at Page 285 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County. North Carolina, dated March 24, 1978. and exe cuted by Charles Allen Sumner and wife. Brenda D. Sumner, to G.W. Marschall and Cicero. P. Yow (either or both with power to act), Truataaa for tha Administrator of the Small Bueineas Administra tion, an agoncv of tha Govarnmant of tha Unitad States of Amarica. who maintains an offica and place of business at 230 South Trvon Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202, and by virtue of an order of the Clark of Superior Court of Ouplin County, North Carolina, pursuant to Chapter 45 of the' General Statutes of North Carolina, default having been made in tha payment of tha indebtadnass thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the Trustee will offer for sale the lands conveyed in said Deed of Trust to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door in Kenansville, North Carolina, on May 17, 1983, at 12:00 o'clock noon, said lands lying and being in Duplin County, North Carolina, and more parti cularly described as follows: Lot #6 BEGINNING at a stake on the Hallsville and Muddy Creek Road and the corner of Lot #7 A and runs S 34 3/4 degrees West 1,792 feet to a stake the old corner: thence as the old line North 43 degrees 45 minutes west 943.8 feet to a ditch the corner of Lot #7; thence as the ditch North 84 east 310 feet to a stake on the North bank of said ditch: thence North 29 degrees east 1303 feet to a stake on the Hallsville and Muddy Creek Road: thence with said road South 66 east 680 feet to the beginning, con taining 21.65 acres, more or less. Dated and posted this 14th day of April, 1983. Cicero P. Yow 102 North Fifth Ave., P.O. Box 479 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Telephone: (919) 762 2421 TERMS: Sale subject to all taxes or special assessments that may be due or past due and any liens of record. A deposit of 10% of the first *1.000.00 plus 6% of Ihs amount of bid in excess 0* *1.000 00 will be rsauirod at tha sal*, balanc* upon delivery of th* dead 6 12 41-CPV 70 EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified at Executor of tf>* aatata of Amos Jonas, da caaaad, lata of Ouplln County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against th* estats of said deceased to present them to th* undersigned on or before October 14. 1963. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in- ? dabted to said aetata pleas* ma lea immediate payment This tha Sth day of April. 1983. Clifford M. Jones Route 2. Box 272 Pink Hill. NC 28672 5 5-41-c-CMJ NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY Having qualified a* Executrix pf the Estate of Jimmie Davie. Of Duplin Countv. North Carolina. Thi* la to notify all pe 'jumbo rolls / \ SOFT PLY PAPER / \ TOWELS / 29?J 1 WITH ONE FILLED BONUS I I COUPON FOLPEN I I I SPECIAL 2/