'plants Need Care At V acation Time You've made arrange ments to have the dog fed and the grass cut, but have you planned for your house plants while you are away aft vacation The amount of attention your houseplants will need depends on the length of time you are to be away and the type of plants you have, gay extension horticultural specialists at North Carolina State University. ? For weekend trips or trips of three or four days, your plants may not need any feudal attention or extra care. In fact, some cacti and succulents can go for weeks without watering. Other plants such as ferns, crotons, caladiums and sultanas (impatjens) are more drought sensitive. While there is no foolproof w^y to provide for your plants while you are away, best solution is to have a friend who knows about plants to tend to them. Per sonal attention of this type is the only method to care for your plants if you are going to be away for any great length of time. Make the job easier for your plant-sitter by gather ing the plants from all over the house together in one place. If you fear your house will become too hot and stuffy with the air con ditioning off and the doors and windows closed, you may want to move your plants to a shaded area such as under a tree or on the carport. The location should be close to a spigot or ac cessible with the hose. One thing to remember is, strong winds that often accompany stimmer" thunderclouds can turn pots over and whip large plants. Demonstrate for you friend how you water. Show him the plants that need misting. Bromeliads need water poured into the center of their "vase" of leaves, but cold water on the leaves of African violets and episicias will cause unslightly spots. If you know the watering needs of your plants well enough, leave a schedule for your plant-sitter. You could arrange the plants in groups r according to when they should be watered such as those that need to be watered every day, every other day or every five days, for example. This will sim plify the job and take out some of the guesswork for the plant-sitter. Making provisions for your houseplants will give you one less thing to worry about while you are on va cation and help insure that, when you return, your plants will be as lush and healthy as when you left. i : a .s ? ? -t Meters To Be Read Monthly All water meters in Mag nolia will be read once a month and water-sewer bills will be mailed monthly, the Town Board decided last week. The board issued its order Ik the water and sewer "partment after learning as many as 40 water meters have not been read regularly. The town charges a mini mum of $6 a month for up to 3.000 gallons of water and $ I per 1,000 gallons above that figure. The sewage rate is based on the amount of water metered and is charged at the same rate ? $6 on the first 3,000 gallons of water ||d SI for each additional WKX) gallons. The residential trash pick-up rate is $5 per month. The minimum bill for all three utility services is $17 a month. Meters will be read on the 20th of each month and bills mailed on the 25th. Bills will become overdue on the fifth of the following month when k$2 late penalty will be irged. If a meter is turned off. a $5 reconnection fee will be charged. The town re quires a $50 deposit on water connections. Garbage is collected on Tuesdays and Fridays. Busi nesses pay $6.50 a month for trash pick-up. Residents can arrange with the town to have private lots mowed for $10 an hour. ?e town will haul extra sh for a fee of $10 per truckload. The board reported the town has $125,145.83 of general fund money and J34.n98.47 of water and sewer fund money drawing interest in certificates of deposit. The town also has $7,000 in its general fund checking amount and $15,842.56 in a Wter and sewer department savings account. Work on the 1982-83 fiscal year audit was to be started this week by Doug Clark, a Kenansville accountant. jjji ?*,?* > ^ 1 Americans buy about ten nillion diamonds a year. FOR SALE Used ' Furniture. Refrigerators, Elec. Stoves, Turntable and Other Antiques. Pink HIII eulaville Hwy. 9 (Rd. 1700) 2 Mi. North Beulavllle YARD SALE SAT., JULY 30 Jonas Earl ^Tayjo^^ a Fresh peas should squeak when the pods are rubbed to gether. Store them unshelled in your refrigerator. Legal Notice NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY File No 82 Sp 113 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY WILLIAM EDWARD GRAHAM Plaintiff VS ELLIOTT CRUMPLER. individual ly. and ELLIOTT CRUMPLER. ADMINISTRATOR, of the Estate of DOROTHY C GRAHAM Defendant Under and by virtue of a Consent Order, duly signed and filed on March 17, 1983, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, made in a Special Pro ceedings entitled, "William Ed ward Graham -vs Elliott Grump ier, individually, and Elliott Crumpler, Administrator of the Estate of Dorothy C. Graham," the undersigned Commissioners will expose for sale at public auction on the 5th day of August, 1983, at 12 Noon, at the door of the Duplin County Courthouse, located in Kenansville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash all those two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Rose Hill Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at an iron etake/the Southwest corner of the Woodrow Graham and wife, Dorothy Graham, lot as described in Dead Book 649, page 191, of the Duplin County Registry, and running thence South 18 degrees 55 minutes East to a ditch in the Charlie McCoy line; thence a9 the McCoy line North 76 degrees 30 minutes East approximately 90 feet to an iron stake in the McCoy line; thence North 18 degrees 15 min utes West to the Southeast corner of said Woodrow Graham and wife, lot; thonce South 76 degrees 30 minutes West about 90 feet to the beginning. And being the same land as described in a deed dated July 2. 1970, from Murray & Jerome, Inc., a corporation now inactive, to Woodrow Graham and Dorothy Graham, as recorded in Book 677, page 06, of the Duplin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: Being tha\ tract of land as shown upon a map made by Carl H. Walker, Regis tered Engineer, dated January 9. 1965, and entitled "Property of Woodrow Graham, Rose Hill, N.C.," which tract of land is located in or adjacent to the city limits of Rose Hill, Duplin County, North Carolina, and more particu larly described as follows: BEGIN NING at an iron stake in the Southern margin of The School Road and directly across the road from the Rose Hill Elementary School, which stake is a common corner with Charlie McKoy, and runs thence South 18 degrees 55 minutes East 242 feet to an iron stake, a common corner with Charlie McKov and E.G. Murray & The Estate of J.M. Jerome; thence North 76 degrees 30 minutes East with a line of E.G. Murray and the Estate of J.M. Jerome, 90 feet to an iron stake, another corner with E.G. Murray and the Estate of J.M Jerome; thence with another line of E.G. Murray and the Estate of J.M. Jerome, North 18 degrees 6b minutes West 242 teet to an iron stake in the Southern margin of the ounuui nuau, ai?u a buiniiiuii turner with E.G. Murray and the Estate of J M. Jerome; thence along the Southern margin of the School Road, South 76 degrees 30 minutes West 90 feet to the beginning corner and being one lot of lar.d 30 feet by 242 feet. Being the identical land conveyed by deed dated November 15, 1965, from Murray & Jerome, Inc. et als to C.J. Hanna & Son, Inc., recorded in Book 615, page 277, Duplin County Registry, and the identical land conveyed by deed dated Ajgust 6, 1968, from C.J. Hanna & son, Inc., to Hurley C. Jones, recorded in Book 647, page 553, Duplin County Reigstry. And being the same land described in a deed, dated Sep tember 5, 1968, from Hurley C. Jones and wife, Joyce J. Jones, to Woodrow Graham and wife, Dorothy Graham, recorded in Book 649, page 191, of the Duplin County Registry. This sale will be made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes (Town and County), restrictions, ease ments of record, and assessments, if any. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 1-339.1 et seq (Article 29A-Judicial Sales), and the terms of the said Consent Order, any successful bidder, will be required to make a deposit with the undersigned Commissioners, immediately upon the conclusion of said saJe, a cash deposit of ten percent (10%) as evidence of good faith. Any successful bidder shall be required .to tender the full balance purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Commissioners tenders to him a Deed for the property or attempts to tender such Deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes 1 339.69(c). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law. This the 30th day of June, 1983. David T. Phillips, Commissioner H E. Phillips, Commissioner Earl Whitted, Jr., Commissioner Bertha L. Fields, Commissioner 8 4-4t P&P 158 ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DUPLIN FILE NO 83 Sp 72 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE CLOSURE OF THE DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY J.D TAYLOR TO DAVID T. PHILLIPS. TRUSTEE. AS RECORDED IN BOOK 894. PAGE 384. OF THE nilPI IN COUNTY RFGISTRY NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by J.D Tavlor. dated February 12. 1982, filed for record on February 12. 1982, and re corded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina, in Book 894, page 384, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out or perform the stipu lations and agreements contained and pursuant to the demand of the owner and holder of the indebted ness secured by said Deed of Trust, and pursuant to an Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, entered on June 2, 1983, in this foreclosure proceeding, the under signed, David T.. Phillips, Trustee will expose for sale at public auction on the 29th day of July. 1983, at 12 noon, at the Door of the Duplin County Courthouse, located in Kenansville. North Carolina, the following described real property: BEGINNING at a stake, the Southwest corner of G.A. West on the edge of the State Hwy. #40 and runs thence about East with G.A. West's line 210 feet to a stake; thence about South 105 feet to a stake; thence about West to the edge of the dirt highway leading from State Hwy. #40 running by the Warsaw High School and be yond; thence with the edge of said dirt road to the beginning. Thie also being the same land conveyed in that Deed dated January 4, 1939, from W W. Wilson and wife to R.J Lewis, and duly recorded in Book 409, page 189, Duplin County Registry THERE IS EXCEPTED FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY .13 of an acre de scribed in a Deed dated March 28, 1939, from R.J. Lewis and wife, Mary E. Lewis, to G A. West, said Deed being recorded in Book 406, page 458, Dup!in County Registry.. And being the same lands con veyed by a Deed dated August 23, 1977, from R.J. Lewis, Sr., a Widower, to Barbara L. Drew, and recorded in Book 826, page 518, of the Duplin County Registry. The sale will be made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes (Town and County), restrictions, ease rnents of record, and assessments, if any . The record owner of the above described real property as re flected on the records of the Duplin County Register of Deeds not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this Notice is JJ). Taylor. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 45-21.10(b), and the terms of the Deed of Trust, any successful bidder will be required to deposit with the Trustee, im mediately. upon conclusion of the sale, a cash deposit of ten percent (10%) as evidence of good faith. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Trustee tenders to him a Deed for the property or attempts to tender such Deed, and should said suc cessful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes 45 21.30 (d) (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as tequired by law. This tha21st day of June, 1983 David T Phillips T rustee P.O. Box 727 Kenansville, NC 28349 1-919 296 0215 7-28-4t-P&P-119 I V^PWF On Silver Lake $ Bluff Shoal Motel ra ^ Open Alj^ Year fill TV - AIR CONDITIONING - CENTRAL HEAT I YOUR HOSTS - MIKE & KAY RIDDICK phone 913-928-4301 P.O. Box 217 Ocracoke, N.C. 27960 PUBLIC AUCTION I Buildings and Land Located Just Inside Warsaw City Limits (North Side) On Highway 117 I TO BE SOLD JULY 29 I I AT 12 NOON I Courthouse In Kenansville For Details Contact I David T. Phillips, Trustee I ^^^^^^ 296021^Kenansvlll^^^^^^l 4 ' ! pHJOFra \m| HMIIIII . ? D.Y MOM | WMK HILL, M.C. , I NOW TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE I YOU BETTER new location-315 soutH heritage st. kinston. n.c. PHONE 527-4206 (FORMERLY DUKE FARM SUPPLY) fertilizer [^bulk lime jnitrogen chemicals FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL HOUSTON HOWARD 368-3171 BONELESS CHUCK ROAST LB. *1.49 BONELESS STEW BEEF LB. *1.89 HAMBURGER *1.19 CLARKS FRESH SAUSAGE LB. *1.69 COZART SMOKE SAUSAGE lb. '1.29 COMET RICE 28 OZ. BOX 69*1 24 BOTTLE CRATE NESTEA INSTANT PEPSI, COCA-COLA TEA 3 oz. *2.19 & DR. PEPPER DUNCAN HINES CAKE PLUS DEPOSIT MIXES BOX *9* *4.39 _ 1 ? KELLOGG'S SUGAR POPS 15 OZ. BOX 9 1.69 EATWELL 15 OZ. CANS MACKEREL 59* HUNT'S KETCHUP 32 oz. 99< WHITE CLOUD TISSUE 4 ROLL *1.09 JIF PEANUT BUTTER " oz. *2.19| BIG TIME DOG 15 OZ. CANS FOOD 3/*1.00 ^ BOUNTY TOWELS Si roll >?/ 79* DRY GOODS MENS SHIRTS 25% OFF LADIES SLEEPWEAR. j DRESSES, SKIRTS, TOPS & SHORTS & 25% OFF \ SPECIAL GROUPS OF SUMMER WEAR ^ (TOPS. JEANS. DRESS PANTS. SHIRTS. ETC.) ?1.00-'5.00 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR HARDWARE & FARM SUPPLY NEEDS ? shelf hardware [ small appliances g sampson paint ? roll roofing g 5 v tin ? farm chemicals-all kinds ? garden Chemicals-all kindsG garden seed-all kinds ? SAMPSON PAINT STILL 20% OFF '? ALLADIN HEATERS STILL 10% OFF [ ] CONOCO ANTIFREEZE *2.99 GAL. 1 ?

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