? I ^ V ^ v ^H W ^m ^k V li/#i 1 ^ I kM ?2ITi^V ? WHIM TOW FOOP ITAMP8 OO FURTHER, ;?'l| I DOUBLE SAVINGS COUPONS WIDNISDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1983 I We will redeem netlonel manufacturers' cents-olf coupons up to 50 cents lor double their value. Oiler good on national manulacturers' cents-oil coupons only. [Food retailer coupons not accepted.) Cus tomer must purchase coupon product In specified size. Expired coupons will not be honored. On* coupon por customer per nam. no coupons accepted for free merchandise. Offer does not apply to Teachey's or other store coupons whether " manufacturer Is mentioned or not. When the value of the coupon exceeds 50 cents or the retail of the Item, this offer Is limited to the retail price. ? u i RICIPI ? or TNI H g|f WIIK ;S-f STUFFED ROUND STEAK 1 mad. onion choppad 1 [9 oz.] can si lead mushrooms dralnad V* t. thyme WgBM V4 saga 1 Vi Lb. Round Steak Salt and Pepper to taste All-purpose flour salad oil '/? c. water Saute onion & mushrooms In butter, add bread crumbs, thyme and sage, stirring well. Season steak with salt & papper. Spread with I hSw breadcrumb mixture. Roll up steak ^^^1 H and tie. Roll In flour. Brown In hot oil. Add water. Cover and bake at 325* .for 45 mln. or until meat Is I f-|| tender. Yield: 6 servings. 303 CAN i TOMATOES 3/M! SWEET 303 CAN POTATOES 3/*l FLEX NORMAL-DRY 16 OZ. SHAMPOO *1.79 SUTTBR-MB- NOT 0 OZ. BISCUITS 3/$l KRAFT 16 OZ. Martkmallows 50' 10XX DIXIE CRYSTAL SUGAR 55e l-LR. SHAWNEE S-LD. FLOUR 8l(i IF COM IT 28 OZ. ? RICE 65* MRS. SMITHS APHI 26 OZ. ? PIE $1.3S MUSTARD 49 CV HUNTS 31 OZ. J\ CATSUI^^^g* ' ROUND ST1AK3 p| 59^| f STKVINS IMOKID | SAUSAGE LB. 99' M RIBS w. ^ julf[ CUB! If STIAK LB. >1.79 I I BLANCH ARBS BLAB i | BACON LB. 85" I I CHICKIN |\ \ HAL VIS IS" [\\\\ CHICKIN IrU LIVIRS 58" HINS LB. 65c LUNDY SAUSAOI IB. 79 CHIC KIN SIZZARDS LB. 59 CHICKM NICKS LB. 29 " ' ' I ... f : ; iXfWISH HAMBURGER I PEPSI-COLAS ' a LITB If"""" "? 'IIII ICABBAOr ? " " ??\ ~T I SPECIAL mndaT^v s/r//// x^V\\ WHOLE LIMIT 2 WITH *10.00 OP MORI POOD ORDIR \ III II I -r,."ml ?golden crust bread ? \wv\ /*"" I LIMIT 1 WITH *10.00 POOD O TOWN TALK ICB % OAL. I CREAM $1.19| BEANS 3?3 CAN 3/Mfl PRIDE OF FARM SWEET 303 CAN 1 PEAS 3/$l| JUICE 89c I SHORTENING $1.39| PALMOLIVI DISH ** OX. ? DETERGENT $1.09| FRESH NEW CROP ORANGES $129 fM TRIND WASHING GT. SIZI I I POWDER 99*1 I 4 BAR DIAL GOLD (ONI BAR PRII) J I SOAP BATH SIZI *1.391 OINIRIC LGI. ROLLS I TOWELS 39<| I BANNER BREAKFAST 10% CAN 1 ^SAUSAGE^^55j i