LEGAL NOTICES l ? ?TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DUPLIN File No 83 So 1B7 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF RESALE MAX B. FOUNTAIN. Exe cutor of the Eotato of EMORY D. FOUNTAIN. Goo. Potitlonor vo. MARC E. FOUNTAIN. JON D FOUNTAIN, and DAVID L. FOUNTAIN. Raapoodantx NOTICE OF RESALE Undar and by virtua of an Ordar of tho Suoarior Court of Duplin County, made in that special proceedings en titled "Max B Fountain. Executor v. Marc C Foun tain, at als", signed by the Honorable John A. Johnson. Clark of Superior Court, and approved by his Honor Henry L. Steven. Ill, Senior Resi dent Superior Court Judge of the Fourth Judicial District, the undersigned Commis sioner will on the 20th day of April. 1984, at 11:00 at the Courthouse door in Kensns vtlle, N.C., offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land, mora particularly described AC follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the Southern right of way line of Secondary Road No. 1715; said beginning point being the Northwest corner of the W.C. Wain Wright property; thence from said beginning point South 56? 46' West 159.0 feet to the canter of a canal; thence with -miM nensl Cnnfh 01? "JO' Pact 1532 86 feet to the Clifton Fountain line, thence with the Clifton Fountain line North 83? 03' East 110.0 feet to the Norwood Fountain line, a fence; thence with said fence North 14? 05' West 541.87 feet; thence North 4? 54' West 832.83 feet to an iron stake, the southeast corner of the V.G. Bryan property; thence with the Southern property line of V.G. Bryan and W.C. Wain wright South 76? 12' West 284.45 feet to an iron stake, the southwest corner of the W.C. Wainwright property; thence with the W.C. Wain wright western property line North 15? 54' West 223.04 feet to the point of beginning, containing 8.046 acres, more or less. The property will be sold upon an opening bid of $2,780.00 A ten percent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Sale will be subject to prior liens or encumbrances, if any. Advertised this 5th day of April. 1984 Russell J. Lanier, Jr. Commissioner 4-19-2t L&H-92 TOWN OF KENANSVILLE DUPLIN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ADVERTISEMENT FOR SEALED BIDS OF SURPLUS PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Kenansville, North Carolina, declaring the property here inafter described as surplus and nrdarinn if anld nntir.A ia hereby given that the fol lowing described property wi.'l be offered for sale upon sealed bids at the Town Hall in Kenansville, North Carolina, which bids will be opened publicly at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on the 25th day of April. 1984, said property being described as follows: One (1) 1976 Plymouth 4 Door automobile Serial #PH41U6D 169856 The personal property de scribed above may be in spected or bid instructions may be obtained by contact ing Tyson Bostic or Mary Anne Jenkins, at tne Town Hall in Kenansville, North Carolina. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to award the contract to the bidder which in the opinion of said Board is the highest responsible bidder, and whose bid is most beneficial to the interest of the Town of Kenansville. This 4th day of April, 1984 Mary Anne Jenkins Town Clerk William E. Craft Town Attorney 4-19-2t TOK -49 NORTH CAROLINA OUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS RESALE OF STANDING TIMBER UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Order of Resale of Standing Timber of the Clerk of Superior Court for Duplin County, made in Special Pro eroding No 84-Sp-37 en titled. "Arthenie Graham Hall and huaband. Ralph Hall -vs- Mrtnur uwen nan ana othart," tha undaralgnad Commissioners will on tha } 7th day of May. 1984, at 12 00 o'clock, noon, at tha Eaat antranca of tha Ouolin County Courthouaa. offar for raaala to tha hiohatt biddar. for cash, upon an ooaning bid of 1179.800.00 in tha nam# of Wayarhaausar Company, but subject to tha confirmation of tha Court, ai* merchantable timber measuring tan (101 Inches across the stump where cut, except for certain "seed trees'' in tha haro wood areas '(which are marked with blue paint), with the right to cut and remove tha same within a period of two years from tha data of said Commissioners Timber Dead; said merchantable timber located on that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on tha West side of S R. 1301 in Kenansville Township. Duplin County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING st tha bridge on Kenansvnie Road and runs thence down the run of Rocky Branch to Grova Swamp; thence up the run of Grova Swamp about 2.930 feet to the mouth of a branch; thence up tha run of said branch to the Kenansville Road; thence down the canter of said road South 21 1/2 East 3.388 feet to the begin ning. CONTAINING 194 acres, more or less And being the same land de scribed in that Deed to Arinur uranam uaieu rviarcn 11, 1947, and duly recorded in Book 440, page 626, Duplin County Registry. THE SALE WILL BE MADE SUBJECT TO ALL 1984 AD VALOREM COUNTY TAXES. RESTRIC TIONS. EASEMENTS OF RECORD, AND ASSESS MENTS. IF ANY. The highest bidder at the sale shall be required to make a cash deposit of ten percent (10%) of the first One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and five percent (5%) of all over One Thou sand Dollars ($1,000.00) of his bid as evidence of good faith. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 1-339.30(e), "A defaulting bidder at any sale or resale is liable on his bid. and in case a resale is had because of such default, he shall remain liable to the extent that the final sale price is less than his bid plus all costs of such resale or resales. " This the 5th day of April, 1984 H.E. Phillips, Commissioner David T. Phillips, Commissioner FOR FURTHER INFOR MATION, CONTACT PHILLIPS & PHILLIPS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. POST OFFICE BOX 727. KENANSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA 28349, TELE PHONE NO 919-296-0215 5 ^-a* P&P-107 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the order entered by the Superior Court of Duplin County of February 24, 1984 in case number 84 SP 28 entitled "In RE: The Matter of Myrtle Jones Williamson" wherein the Court approved the sale of her property by her Trustee, W. Dortch Lang ston, Jr. and appointed the undersigned commissioner for the purpose of conducting said sale, the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on the premises in Duplin County, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon on Friday, April 20, 1984 the tract of land of Myrtle Jones Williamson situated in Wolfescrape Township, Duplin County, North Carolina and more particu larly described as follows: * COMMENCING at an ex isting nail in the intersection of N.C.S.R. 1559 and N.C.S.R. 1372; thence with I the center line of N.C.S.R. 1372 S. 10? 45' 50" E. 719 62 | feet to a nail set, the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence leaving said road and with i the center line of a ditch S. 79? 36 30" E. 103.43 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence S. 72? 11' 05" ?. 248 96 feet to an iron pipe set; thence S. 67? 29 45" E. 45.63 feet to an iron pipe set; thence S. 78? 01' 20" E 585.64 feet to an iron pipe set in the inter section of two ditches; thence S 08? 16' 10" E. 353 56 feet to an existing iron axle; thence N. 84? 35' 20" E. 684.26 feet to an iron pipe set; thence leaving said ditch S 10? 53' 53" W. 1130.97 feet to an existing angle iron; thence N 73? 46' 50" W. 654.01 feet to an existing iron axle thence N 13? 38 00" E. 637 00 fMt to an iron pipa tot; thanca S. 88? 00' 20" W. 912.78 feet to a nail aat in tha cantar lina o? N.C.S.R. 1372; thanca with said cantar lina N. 10? 45' 60" W. 1242.39 last to tha POINT OF BE GINNING, containing 19.20 acras including tha right of way of said road, and being Tract Thraa of a survav antitlad "Myrtle J. William son" as survavad by W. Hillman Ray, Jr. Ragistared Surveyor. November 8. 1982 Tha proparty has a tobacco poundage sllotmant for 1983 of 2887 pounds. All crop land and tobacco poundage has boon leased for tha crop year 1984 and tha sale will be subject to saic leasing. Tha highest bidder at the sale will be required to post a cash deposit of 10 percent of said bid Tha highest bid is subject to an upset bid for a period of tan days. Final sale is subject to Court approval. DATE: March 14. 1984 LANGSTON. LANGSTON & DUNCAN By: FarrisA. Duncan, commissioner Post Office Box 1104 Goldsboro. North Carolina 27530 Telephone: 19191 735-9427 4-19 4t LL4D 99 ADVERTISEMENT OF TAX LIENS ON REAL PROPERTY AND NON PAYMENT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY | TAXES Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by I section 105-369 of the North Caroline General Statutes and pursuant to an order of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Beulaville dated April 2, 1984, I am hereby advertising tax liens for the year 1983 upon the real estate and personal property described below. The amount advertised will be increased by interest and cost, and the omission of interest and costs from the amount advertised will not constitute a waiver of the taxing unit's claim for those items. The real estate that is subject to the lien, the name of the person to whom the property is listed for taxes, and the principal amount of the taxes are set out below. If the taxes remain unpaid, the lien will be foreclosed by the taxing unit's claim for taxes. This 3rd day of April, 1984 Carol W. Miller Tax Collector Late Texes for Town of Beulaville 1983 Aiken, Samuel $13.13 Allen, Beatrice Lewis $11.70 Avon Oil Co. $20,10 8. 11.88 Basden, Charles $6.00 Bans, William Jearl, Hrs. $195.27 Beddard, Phyllis M. $30.12 Billie Ann's $3.00 Bodnar, Martin G. *20.10 Bostic, Walter D. $14.58 Brinson. Billie Sue Thomas $19.35 Brinson, Jim Kennedy $58.15 Brinson, Roger Stuart $26.55 Brinson, Wilma M. $47.28 Brock, James & Wife $149.80 Brown, Rabon Earl & Wife Martha $145.11 Campbell, James E. $120.60 Carter Oil Co. $11.58 Chasten, Dorothy Mae $25.00 Chasten, T.I. $114.73 Chasten. Victor $74.26 Collins. Mable $21.96 Collins, Robert $11.25 Cottle, Johnny Glenn and Harriett Blizzard Cottle $197.67 Cottle, Kenneth Earl $124.82 Craft, Carlton Hrs. $45.06 Craft, Ozelle Mitchell $79.86 Davenport, Edward $3.63 Dew. Alfred B.C. Jr. $162.51 Dew, Michael E. $45.45 Duff's Restaurant $114.00 Edwards, Cecil R. $192.14 Edwards, Marion $274.96 Evans, Dale $20.25 Evans, R.L. Hrs. $101.82 Evans, Ruby $31.03 Evans. Russell, Hrs. $2.28 Exum, Lizzie Mae $3 03 Financial Man. Consultants $101.57 Futrell. Alton Ray $105.12 Futrell, E.G. $237.72 Futrell, Frances $15.88 Gigher. Lois $31.90 Gigher, Nathaniel S. & Lula $.60 Gradv. Ethel Mae $16.80 Graham, Lloyd $1128 Grenn, Mildred, Rannie Chasten & JoSie Mae $52.86 Greene. Quincy $99.27 Hall, Constance $6.00 Hall. George Vernon $16.56 Harrell. Brenda Bostic $26.70 Heath, Perry $25.74 Highsmith, Odessa $67.97 Humphrey. Ruth $7.50 Hunter. Bruce $6.67 Hunter, Raywood $125.62 James, Hubert Franklin $13.65 Jarman, Ronnie Warren and Gloria Sue Jarman $289.25 Jarman, Samuel Leo $70.45 Jones. Adolph Hrs. $17.28 Judge. Jean M. $20.31 Kennedy, Arnold Gordon | ?78.77 Kennedy. Jama* Rayburn ?74.88 King. Hilda Grac# 49.00 Laniar. Alvin York 4502.54 Laniar. Gaorga C. $99 Laniar. Judith Taylor 4106.87 Laniar, Richard L*vaarn$6 00 Laniar. Riu Juna 437 32 Laa. At wood Mr* 441.84 Laa. Bobby Haya* A Lydia Baatrica Laa 43.88 Mack Oil Co. 449 02 Maddox. Gordon E. 41.20 Maddox. Tommia Hra. 421.86 Maraady. Anglaa Faye$30 00 Maraadv. Bonnia Rabon A wife I inria R Maraady 4540.41 Maraady. bldridga H. (k wita Batty Lou Maraadv 497 25 McGaa. Tommy A wife Tammy McGee 418.00 Millar. Willia Gordon A wifa Carolyn ? ? 4771.09 Mills. Minnie Whaley 446.38 Moblev. Percy A wifa Eula Moblev 4104 85 Morriaay. Sandrea $55.20 Morton. Paul Allan A wifa and Ernaat R. Cartar A wifa Paula 495.04 Muldrow. Zova J. 476.67 Murphy, Aubrav Gana A wifa Shirley T. Murphy 4114 62 iNicholson, Lula Daughtrv 4113.33 Nicholaon, Wendy Baat 44 80 Outlaw. Irana 449.61 Padrick, Timothy $39.39 Parker, Bobby Gene $11.70 Parker, Hattie Lou $10.05 Parker, Jerlene Collins$87.85 Parker, Matho $41.29 Pickett, Eula Mae $23.94 Pigford, Glenn, & wife Janice $230.92 Pittman, Bille E. Sr. & wife Mollie G. Pittman$10 50 Pittman. Lori Vann $11.58 Poinsett. Sharon $2.40 Ramsey, William $128.43 Raynor, Connie McNeil $1.80 Rhodes, Bonnie S $6.78 RoseayShop $149.99 Sandlin, & Williams Inc. $426.08 Sandlin, David Allen $121.74 Sharpe, Avon & wife Hazel C. Sharpe $60.00 Sharpe, Benny S. $323.46 Simmons, Jerry Dean $127.83 Smith, Lisa $9.15 Smith Ray Carroll $855.94 Southerland, Peter $2.28 Stanley, Jean $9.15 Starks. Clara Mae $99.54 Strickland. Billy Lee $70.81 Strickland, Billy M. $8.55 Strickland, Dennis $5.70 Strickland, Tony A. $38.10 Suggs, Walter Murell and Roberta Suggs $13.68 Taylor, Randolph Jr. It wife Dixie Jackaon Taylor >18 Iff Thomaa. Banny Ray >54.96 Thomaa. Samuel >14 86 1 Thorn peon, Joaeph Garry >46.71 Vega. Frank J. >42.30 W ha lav. Colon L >98 67 Whalay. Joyce W >45.00 Whelev. Sllaa >115.39 Wheeler. Sylvia >1.80 White, Cecil Frank >27.75 Wilkina, Flora > 63 William., Eaka >3.30 Williama. Juliua L. Jr. A wifa Margie K, Williama >124.99 William, Sharon S. & Hue oana Lamuiei Hay Williama >117.87 Williford. Jarry Dean >3.34 It >21 29 Matta, Roae Maria >2.31 Ruaao. David Michael >3 96 Hill. Michael Joe >31.65 Kennedy. Laura Whalay >3 96 5-3-4t-TOB-220 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE OF SURPLUS ITEMS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Authority of an Ordar of the Board of Education of Duplin County, and acting under authority of Section 115-126. Subsection B there of, of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the under signed will offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, at public auction on Saturday, April 28, 1984, at the times and places hereinafter set out, the following described personal property: THE FOl LOWING ITEMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT 9:00 A.M. ON THE PREMISES OF DUPLIN COUNTY SCHOOL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ON HIGH WAY NO. 11 ABOUT 1 MILE SOUTH OF KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA: Qty Description 1 Dodge Van, serial no. B31BE2V607838 1 Chev. Van, serial no. OGY353U141852 1 Fork lift, serial no. 46415 Scrap metal Scrap lumber 1 Advance Scrubber Con vex ..matic, battery powered 1 Tractor safety cab The above items may be viewed at the Duplin County School Maintenance Depart I mem. noonday through Fri day. from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY WILL BE SOLO AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE PREMISES OF THE "OLD KENANS VILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" ADJOINING KENAN MEMORIAL AUDI TORIUM IN KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA: Qty. Daacrlptlon 1 Manual Royal typewriter, sarial no. MCE 16-824724 1 Manual Royal tvDawritar. aarlal no. 440-188402921 I Manual Royal typawritar, aarial no. MCE-118254140 1 Monroa Classmate calcu lator (full-key Rotary), sarial no. B3S4326 1 Monroa Rotary Calcula tor, sarial no. J814431 1 Edison Voicawritar tran scriber. sarial no. Y-480826 1 Edison Voicawritar tran scriber. serial no. Y-480610 2 Edison "Voicawritar tran scribers, serial no. Y-472233; Y4722S9 2 Burroughs Tan-Kay Adding Machine, Modal 1526. sarial no. 330113J; 330162J 1 Monroa Rotary Calculator Model CSS. aerial no. B867294 1 Monroe Classmate Semi automatic Calculator Modal 011 kl 14, serial no. B508063 1 Hein-Werner, 1 H ton hy draulic jack "55-R" Series 1, serial no 0167268 1 Sander, serial no. B-0320 1 Auto scroller saw, serial no. Col 17 1 Full-key adding machine, serial no. B78S016 1 Electric typewriter, serial no. 1549017 1 550 Electric Typewriter IRoyal), serial no. 901615 1 %" Black & Decker Drill, serial no. 79-6 Refrigerator, Co. No. 523 1 Pad Sander, serial no. C6290 1 Electric portable hand sender, dual-motion, serial no. D-201765 1 Rockwell band saw, no serial no. 1 Commercial toaster 1 Potato peeler 1 Mixer, Hobart A200 (bowl and attachments), serial no. 1239508 1 Range, Hot Point, serial no. E 04919 1 Refrigerator, Jordan, SJ40Z, serial no. 103449-66 1 Convection Oven, South bend, serial no. | F-26-70X112Q 1 Convection Ovon, Blod ge" loot), aerial no. 1267FA I 1 VOOOMOIO Keeler, Toiooo. i aerial no. TP-20 1 Mixer, Hobort A200F, aerial no 1833484 1 Slicor. Hobort. aerial no. 1811860 I 2 Cook'e table, wood too | 1 Huehpuppy Machine 1 Refrigerator, Jordan, aerial no. 103660-66 ' 1 Refrigerator, Glenco, I aerial no. G104932 j 1 Ice cream freezer. Uni 1 verbal I 1 Siiverwere ttend | 1 Food transport chett, S/S ? 5' ahalf w/ anaaze guard 1 Potato paalar 10 Diahwaaher recka 18 do*. Compartment plataa Mia. Pota and pana 1 Portabla atage 6 Sawing machinaa 2 Wood fila eabinata 1 Wood countar 1 Advanca Carpat Machine Modal FC460, aarial no. 462373 Exceaa Furnitura 1 Pullman Shampoomatic 680 1 aat acalaa 1 Vacuum claanar (atrippad) The ebove itema may be viewed at the "Old Kenana villa Elementary School," Monday through Friday, from 8:00a.m tn 12 noon. ? 1 You may contact i.l. Rhodea at 296-0747 in ref arenca to aaaing tha above itema. Purchaaara will ba re auirad to ramova all iteme on tha day of tha aale. All Itama will ba aold "aa la." without any rapraaantationa of war ranty. aithar axpreaaed or Implied. Tha Board of Education reearvea tha right to raj act any and all bida. Advartiaad thia tha 29th ^^ day of March. 1984. (f DUPLIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION BY: R.t. WiiKina. Chairman BY: L.S. Guy Jr., Secretary 4-26-2t P4P BOE 180 TO SERVE YOU BETTER ^ WALLACE & BURGAW Bring Your Tax Refund To Be Used Toward A Down Payment i._ novo a large selection ot single wiaes & douDle wides to choose from. We can finance land, well & ^HIH ?fe , septic tank. We have VA, FHA & Conventional W* Financing. ROSABOSTK. V I BLAMTON WALLACF 3^" i V BUHttAW - CHAMPION By ^Macnampi6n1 MfSj HOME BUILDERS CO I Country Fair Mobile Homes ? Monday * ""Y- 259-2270 satuS^ ^Friday 9-5 Hwy. 117 North, Wallace, 285-7186 Sunday, 1-5^ \ _ yfr FPU ImT I -^AII Types Of ?TREES i ?BEDDING PLANTS f ?TOMATO PLANTS I ?CLEMATIS VINES Faust Nursery -i I Hwy. 24 East Warsaw i GREEN ACRES APARTMENIS I Peterson & Pickett Streets Maonolif 10 Units 2 Bedroom Apts. Available Now Energy Efficient Apartments Overhead & Wall Insulation, Re frigerator, Range. G.E. Heat Pump, Thermopane Windows, Washer/Dryer I Connections. Fully Carpeted. Utility/ ? Storage Rooms, Privet} Parking Call 19191 739-7630 8-5 Week Days Collect for appoint ments or 74""-5204 6-9 p.m. and I weekends Apartments Shown by K Appointment Only BEAVWNBUWIffi UUSaiMm Spring Is Coming So are the annoying pests that come with It. Save big money with this early spring special? ? Household Pests: Roaches, ants, etc. Only *35.00 Initial ? Termites & Moisture - 25% Discount We also offer monthly and quarterly pest control service. ' BfifT Pest Control Call anytime ,, .. Open on Sat. 296-1560 Uce8w?w FOR SALE I The Farm Credit Service of Kenansville has the following items for I sale: 4 Olivetti Electric Typewriters 1 Brown Arm Chair 2 Yellow Side Chairs 1 Royal Manual Typewriter 3 Four Drawer File Cabinets 1 Woodgrain Table I 1 Executive Desk with glass top cover H 1 Mlta Copier 1 Postage Scale 1 Merchant Calculator These Items will be sold at Auction on Monday, April 30, 1984, at 10 I a.m. in the basement of the Farm Credit Service office in B? I Kenansville. Items mav be seen Mondav throuah Fridav. 8 a.m. to 5 I ? 4 I'Ml S H P-m- until sale date. The association reserves the right to reject any I H and all bids. ___? GET RCAJIT5 i ^???! pYou'll jump For Joy ^Tati/gsVno^l Used Cars! IF 1981 CHEVROLET CITATION 4-door, beige, A/C, power eteering, Auto.trane., tow mileage, local one owner 1979 FORD FAIRMONT GHIA 4-door, white, 4-cyl., duiv., A/C, power steer., local one owner. 1981 BONNEVILLE 4-door, white w/blue vinyl top, matching blue vinyl inter., V-6, auto., A/C, stereo. Very Sharpl 1981 TOYOTA COROLLA lift back, white, sun roof, auto , power steering, stereo 1980 BUICK CENTURY 11 4-door. blue. V-6, auto., power steering, low mileage. Very Sharp! 1982 CHEVROLET S-10 Jl* white, 4-speed, 4 cyl. II 293-31 26 I WILKINS of WARSAW J| * ' """ ^ <l> Sign of a quality home. rVntiw rn stan Drau9?>??n VA1 llu,/rtl I H Steve Drauflbon ZL MAL,OB" Phone 293-4673 t DRAUGHON AGENCY Edith Kornegay 107 n. Front st. One of over 6,000 independently owned and operated offices Warsaw, N.C. ? ?a-^ I EXECUTIVE HOME J NEWLY LISTED ? Beautiful 4 BR, 2 Baths, located on 1 acre Golf Course lot at DCC. Huge family room with fire place. Assumable loan at 9%%. Plus many extrssi COUNTRY LIVING ONE MILE SOUTH WARSAW - 3 large bedrooms. 2V4 baths, family room with firaplaca, 2-car oarage on 2.85 acres of land. Assumable FLB loan. ?-hi?n i i PERFECT FIRST HOME | NEWLY LISTED - 2 BR. 1 Bath. Fireplace with wood stove. Outside I StOraae bldn Pnllm-k c. uu - . *'W* Wisteria St.. WerMw - This, one has over 1,700 sauaio feet with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen and more. Beautiful lot. I" P?III ?? -?W?r - FOR THE GOLFER! Duplin Country Club. Over looking No. 11 Groan. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, garage, deck and many extras. You must look at this one to sppreciate ROUTLEDOE STREET. KENANSVILLE - Colonial 2 story house, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Call today on this one. RESIDENTIAL HWY. 24 EAST. Beautiful lot, 3 bad rooms, living room, dining room, 2 ceramic baths, garaoe. Many extras. FmHA FINANCING I Outlaw's Cross roads. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. You can have payments below 4200 with some down payments. Call todavl RESTORABLE Older houae, 5 acres of land. Located 1 mile north of Magnolia. OWN CHEAPER THAN RENTI Rail road St., Warsaw. Completely recondi tioned. Excellent rental property or for first-time buyer. REOU. r. <5,000 Wei' Hill St., Warsaw. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, living room, dining room, lerge kitchen ASSUMABLE FINANCING AT B% % 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, corner lot on Chelly and Center St., Warsaw MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED FOR LESS THAN YOU OREAMEOI Corner Lot on Ward Bridge Road. Warsaw. This one has 4 badrooms, 2 baths, dan, dinina room and spacious kitchen. AN AFFORDABLE HOME I Intersection of Memorial Dr. Ii College St., Warsaw. Den, living room, 3 bedrooms. 1M baths. SUPER LuCATluNl Ward Bridge Road, Warsaw 3 badrooms. 2 baths, graat room with firaplaca, living room, dining room, carport with storage. LOTS LOT - HIGHWAY 24 EAST 95 acrat 140-foot road frontage EAST POLLOCK ST. - WARSAW ? Building lot. 44,500. WARSAW - corner of Chally and Gum. 3 building lota. ACREAGES HWY. 1619 NEAR WHITE FLASH - road frontaga on both aidee. 19.14 acrat HWY. 11 NEAR B.F. GRAOY SCHOOL -10.7 acrat. 48.000. HWY. 1601 NEAR QARNERS CHAPEL ' - CHURCH. 326 acres. 52 acrat cleared ; 3,990 lbs. tobacco. Owner financing for 10 years at 10% interest. M ACRES WEST OF WARSAW Good : ? growing timber. Roed and rail frontage WEST OF CLINTON 175 acres, 100 ? acres cleared. t ? KENANSVILLE - 6.0 acres. Joining back of Pinecrest Acres. 23 ACRES - WARSAW TOWNSHIP - Subdivided into lots. Excellent invest- ; ment property. MAGNOLIA - JU8T OFF RPR I1S07 10 ecrea good growing timber. I ?1984 Century 21 Real Estate Corporation as trustee for the NAF. <i and ? -trademarks of Century 21 Real Estate Corporation Equal Housing Opportunity <?> EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED. f Put Number 1 to work for you." It I i

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